Home remedies for flu symptoms - These remedies can help relieve pain during the influenza season

It 'good to put some home remedies for flu symptoms, every year around the beginning of flu season. Influenza viruses are starting to appear like clockwork every year around the beginning of October and usually lasts until April.

Some recommend the flu vaccine every year to fight infection, especially when they are elderly. I avoided the flu shot for many years and have decided my chances with anatural approach to nutrition. I can not say that this line works best for everyone, but it worked for me.

If you do catch the flu this year, here are some home remedies that can alleviate their pain.

Dietary Home Remedies

Honey. If you have a continuous coughing, hacking, test a little 'honey. The Chines have used it for thousands of years Honey.as a cough medicine. Simply mix a tablespoon of honey with a cup of hotWater and a splash of lemon juice. The honey acts as an expectorant, which helps the flow of mucus.

Bouillon. Beef or chicken broth helps keep you hydrated and nutrients you need. It will also help to liquefy mucus secretions.

The acidic properties of Lemon lemon aid. To eliminate bacteria and mucous membranes. Lemon oil is antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil acts as an expectorant as well. The best waysolve the problem is to put a cut lemon with the skin in a cup of boiling hot water. While steep for a few minutes, you can breathe the steam.

Home Herbal Remedies

Mustard. The ancient Romans used mustard as a remedy for colds, flu and chest. Mustard contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Take 1 tablespoon of mustard powder and mix to do with 3-4 tablespoons of flour, 1 egg and cold water to a paste. Take on the cleanTissues and smear the mustard on it. Apply to the breast every few minutes.

Peppermint. If you are running a high fever, mint tea can help to cool your help. Peppermint contains menthol, a decongestant, which helps to remove clogged sinuses.

Timo. Your upper respiratory mucous membranes of dissolution and prevention of bacteria settling on Just make a cup of thyme tea, adding a teaspoon to a cup of thymeboiling water. Let steep for a few minutes and add some delicious honey.

These are some home remedies for flu symptoms, you can use to help you season to get back on track during the winter flu.

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