The duration of symptoms of influenza should not be measured in days

The duration of symptoms of influenza should not days are measured. This is a false way of looking at all areas of health problems. Instead, they should be, how healthy your immune system is measured. Only from this yard-stick you can really appreciate the duration of flu symptoms.

Let us know what it means in reality.

If you have an immune system in top performance, you probably do not have the flu, or if you will, is a veryshort duration, perhaps hours. The symptoms can be severe, but it will pass quickly. Only someone with a strong immunity can have severe symptoms.

The opposite is also true. Someone with a low immunity will never be able to severe the symptoms. I just do not have the energy. Thus, symptoms may smolder for a while '.

There are many areas of your life, lower your immune system - in nutrition, lack of sleep, lack of sunshine, the lackTime to relax, drugs, vaccines, lack of harmony in the home or workplace. The list is endless. Even if your body could use some of these combinations to survive, more pile, the worse it gets.

Although the management of these areas are all important if you have the flu, you really want something, now that the performance of the system to stimulate the immune system. This is the only way to overcome it quickly.

Homeopathy is perhaps the only health care system that canto achieve this goal. The effect can often be felt within minutes. And the overall reduction of influence can be dramatic.

Homeopathic treatment is one of the most powerful he is, but also one of the most sensitive. Therefore, the rapid onset of action. All the symptoms of influenza may feel as if they simply vanish. In fact, many people are unaware of the disappearance of symptoms. They are simply more time to live. It 's just realized a posteriori thattheir influence settled time was fast and furious.


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