Side effects of influenza vaccination
The Scare in children
In April 2010, 23 children were vaccinated in hospital within 24 hours with fever and convulsions dangerous. Since November 2010, at least 100 reported similar hunting and at least 1,000 children had side effects. Australian Public Health Association argues that these adverse consequences is Fluvax Fluvax and Junior have been linked. But despite these facts, the TGA says that children stillbetter vaccine, because children may have landed in particular of the virus taken to the hospital in any case, if they caught the flu and could have been worse.
You need to be vaccinated?
Most Australian residents are eligible if they have to influence egg allergies. However, some groups of people are at greater risk for serious flu symptoms, if they carry the virus. Children aged between 6 months and 3 years,Pregnant women, medical personnel, the elderly and patients with congenital heart disease, asthma, chronic liver disease or a weakened immune system should receive the vaccination. In addition, those who live or work in a densely populated as nursing homes, retirement homes, schools, jails and prisons and to be immunized.
What are the side effects?
Almost everyone will experience a kind of side effect such as smallPain at the injection site or mild fever. This is normal and let you now that your body is its mission through the creation of an antibody. However, there are those who also experience pain and fatigue as well.
If you end up with a sore throat, nasal discharge, and the rest of the symptoms, this does not mean that your flu shot, you were the flu. In reality, this is not even possible. What does it mean that you have already raised before the virusShot, but did not exhibit the symptoms again.
It is estimated that 1 in 100,000 people causing Guillain-Barre syndrome, paralysis of experience nerve damage. This state also has muscle weakness and high fever. Also, if you experience side effects such as flu, hives, tachycardia, shortness of breath, wheezing, or paleness, go immediately to an emergency treatment, because it could be an allergic reactionReaction.
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