What are colon polyps?

Colonic polyps are linings of mucosa which reach a mushroom shape. A colonic polyp that has a handle, is known as "pendulated", and in those without handle as "sedentary."

Colonic polyps, as their name implies, are found in the colon. Usually these are the polyps are benign but have the potential to become malignant if not more seriously and fought against. As always, it is important to consult your doctor regularly, so that the problems of all kinds are caught in the early stages.

There areFour different types of polyps: metaplastic, hamartomatous, inflammatory, and neoplastic.

* Metaplastic polyps occur - if a change of the cells of the epithelium. These are a tissue overgrowth of normal mucosa and are the most common type of colon polyps. The large number of metaplastic usually do no t grow larger than 5mm, and are not malicious in nature.

* Hamartomatous polyps - greenhouses by faulty development which are found in the organs. These are as a ruleMixture of tissues.

* Inflammatory polyps - In connection with inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitiis.

* Neoplastic polyps - A tissue with cells that have lost their normal differentiation. These can be both benign and malignant neoplasms. When these occur in the intestine, they are called adenomas, or tumors of glandular tissue, or columnar cells. You can also down even further ingo villous, tube or tubularvillous be broken.

In order to diagnosePatients with polyps, a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy is needed, and they can at the same time, these procedures are to be completed removed. The regular monitoring by colonoscopy procedure is necessary to track progress. In severe cases can be treated with the colon resection.

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