What are the symptoms of breast cancer

In today's world breast cancer is the most common diseases and causes of death, particularly among women. Breast cancer occur in men, if it is less common since the breast is made of identical tissues in both men and women.

In early stage breast cancer may be times that pain will be presented in the breasts in the form of painful nodules and on. It may come as inflammation, where it is associated with the skin. In this case, the breast tumor isitself causes inflammatory reaction of the skin and causes a lot of pain, swelling, redness of the breast and also the heat across the chest.

In addition to this, changes in the shape and appearance of the breast is also suspected of developing breast cancer. Before the arrival of X-ray of the breast (mammography), breast cancer is usually not show is the onset of the disease before symptom of reality, which means that the X-ray helps a lot to discoverdetect this deadly disease earlier.

Although not all breast symptoms turns out to be breast cancer, lesions of the nipples is one of the late onset of cancer. At any age, should be the appearance of the chest every symptom seriously, both the patient and the doctor are taken now, there is the possibility of can breast cancer in each breast symptom.

In addition, breast orgasm that spreads through original organ bloodSurface, and this causes the symptoms depend on the location of the institution. These joint bodies include the brain, liver, lungs, bones etc if the symptoms on these organs as rusult of illnesses or diseases.

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What to expect if you require surgery for colorectal cancer

If you have been recently with colon cancer or otherwise known as âcolorectal you cancerâ diagnosed, are probably possible treatments in the search and exploration. If your condition is advanced you more than likely require Colon Cancer Surgery to remove the tumor or growth.

How does colon cancer develop?

Cancer typically develops from polyps found in the colon and rectum.These tumors can be detected un-turn spread out in very advanced cancers, and may be less severe.

What does the operation involve?

There are several types of cancer surgery to remove the cancerous tumor. In most cases, curative surgical methods are used, which makes the removal of polyps from the intestine with it. If your tumor is in an advanced stage, it is necessary that the section is removed with the cancer and the remainingPart of the large intestine are fused.

Before the operation begins, the colon is completely cleaned to reduce the risk of infection. The cleaning is done through strong laxatives and enemas or by drinking a gallon of cleaning fluid on the night before surgery.

The operation is always performed under general anesthesia while the patient is sleeping. With new technologies such as pharmaceuticals laparoscopy, the incision is hardly noticeable once it heals. AfterAbdomen is the infected part of the colon is removed by surgery and the remaining parts of the colon are linked, or fused together to necropsy.

If the cancer occurs in the lower rectum or anus, the doctor may make another incision in the rectum or in the vicinity. Since the cancer occurs at the end of the rectum, it can leave no colon after the surgery to attach the remaining colon. If such an incident occurred, thenthe remaining colon is diverted outside the abdominal cavity. This is known as a colostomy. This usually happens when the doctor says that the seam will not be successful, or if the colon is not clean enough.

What can I expect after surgery?

Depending on the severity of your case, you will need to continue chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer growth. If you have the cancer detected early enough, the simple removal of polyps enoughand you do not need chemotherapy.

Your doctor and surgeon, you will want to follow up with more tests to determine the success of your surgical intervention.

Your post-operative follow-ups are critical to the healing process. It is during this time that you perform a test of significance of all cancer is removed and not to other parts of the body metastases.

The key is early detection.

What can I eat after my operation?

It is not advisableFood is directly after the operation. More than likely you fed with a feeding tube in order to be properly heal your GI and small bowel in the first days after your surgery.

Proper nutrition is critical to your healing process. A good diet will help strengthen your immune system and help reduce the risk of infections that occur after your surgery, you can.
Your doctor will help lay a solid diet with a nutritionist. Be sure to follow their advice.You will notice that your appetite is by the day after the operation are different, but you do eat the best thing to eat normally and do not force yourself, if your body tells you. Smaller meals could be better than three large meals during the cure.
Try your best to avoid fatty foods. This is your stomach after surgery. In addition, fluids are of great importance. Make sure that you at least eight (8) glasses of water per day and plenty of fluids while you arerecovered.

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Detecting colon cancer at an early stage Can Save Your Life

Symptoms of colorectal cancer does not appear in all patients when the disease is at an early stage, but only after it advanced in gravity. For this reason, physicians should ask for a certain age, people recommend for regular screenings.

Cancer can be a lot of symptoms, but they meet all other diseases, such as: inflammatory bowel disease, diverticulosis and irritable bowel syndrome. All these diseases can be treated, butthey must first be diagnosed in order to apply a proper treatment.

Patients who come to the clinic because they are constipated or diarrhea for more than a week. Sometimes people are to observe that their stool is much thinner than before and that it comes with blood. You could feel abdominal pain, cramps and bloating. Most patients lose a lot of weight in a short time and they feel that they are not adequately performed necessities.

Cancer cells destinedDivide in an uncontrollable manner. In general, the body's cells divide only when needed, as when they are old and other cells must be produced to replace them or if they are in a small volume and the body needs more of them. Since the cells are produced in a larger number, a mass of unknown form of tissue, such as a tumor are known (this tumor is benign or malignant). Doctors believe that this type of cancer developing from polyps in the colon.These polyps are considered benign, but left untreated year, they can turn into malignant tumors.

There are different types of polyps: adenomas, the cancer can be, but simply removed during a colonoscopy, inflammatory polyps, ulcerative colitis, according to a display and can also cause cancer and hyperplastic polyps, which often turn into cancer cells.

If the cancer goes to a next stage, it can affect the local lymph nodes and then into theEnter the bloodstream and affect other organs metastases.

The cancer can affect old people, young people and recorded, but most cases are among the over 50-year-olds. There are several factors that the risk of developing colorectal cancer: increased risk for those who have a family history of colon cancer or other type of cancer, too, those who drink alcohol, and you can follow the wrong diet this disease to develop. Even people who suffer from Crohn's disease Disease, are exposed to ulcerative colitis, diabetes, and familial adenomatous polyposis is a greater risk than others. It is a kind of nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome, which also comes in the same family, but now people are at risk are identified by genetic screening.

Those who have adopted Western diet, are overweight, smoking and a diet low in proteins and fats and rich in fiber is in danger of developing colorectalCancer.

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Maintain your quality of lifestyle and diet changes, such as avoiding excessive cigarette smoke, and consumes large amounts of caffeine or alcohol break. Avoid solve facilitate your Dry Eye discomfort, while improving your productivity.

According to Robert Latkany, MD: "There is a direct correlation between the increase of omega-3 fatty acid consumption and a lower incidence of dry eye the latest research is hard to ignore."

Omega-3 fatty acids are essentialFatty Acids. "Essential" means that because the body can not produce their inclusion in the diet for good health is of crucial importance. The two best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are dark, oily, cold-water fish and flaxseed. They provide a variety of health benefits, but, as a population, Americans are omega-3 deficiency. An estimated 83% of Americans do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. North Americans have among the lowest intake of omega-3 fatty acids in the world.

BenefitsOmega-3 fatty acids include management of the following diseases:

Dry eye
Allergies and asthma
Multiple Sclerosis
Cancer (breast, colorectal and prostate cancer)
Tumor Growth Inhibition
Crohn's disease and inflammatory bowel disease
Diet, Weight Control, and Obesity
Adults and children with Attention Deficit Disorder
Lower cholesterol
Bipolar Disorder
Atherosclerotic disease

Dry-Vites contain Salmon Oil and Flaxseed Oil; these oilsDecrease inflammation, stimulate tear production and a higher quality of tear film by improving the oil layer of the tear film. Dry-Vites provide dry eye relief you're looking for. After the dry-Vites for 4 to 8 weeks you will notice less morning eye discomfort and relief that lasts all day long.

A study by the Women's Health Study at Harvard, received more than 30,000 women who showed a high intake of omega-3 fatty acids, decreased the risk for dry eyes.

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Colonoscopy Information 101

What exactly is a colonoscopy? It was built as a thorough examination which takes a deep look inside or endoscopic test is defined in the large intestine and part of the small bowel using a camera that is passed through the anus. Colonoscopies are advantageous because they are in the detection of ulcers and polyps may help that can be performed for the diagnosis and treatment. Medical imaging technology has contributed greatly to this form of the procedure.

Colonoscopies are generally neededif a person gastrointestinal problems, as have bleeding, changes in bowel habit, or they suspect they might malignancies. The method can detect colon cancer is present in the body.

There are certain conditions that exist must be done for colonoscopy. For example, the colon must be free of feces. That means no toxic deposits on the walls of the colon. The person in treatment is based on a one share, consisting of three day diet, consisting of low fiberand / or clear liquids, including water, apple juice, broth, and sports drinks. In addition, aspirin should not, or drink beverages with color.

Recovery time is often necessary after a colonoscopy, usually so that the sedative wear off. Colonoscopies range between 20 minutes and half an hour on average. Common side effects include bloating and wind, according to the procedure pain that is caused by the air that goes into the colon during the procedure. Colonoscopies can be seen asbetter than X-rays, because therapeutic interventions can be made during the procedure.

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Prostate Cancer Symptoms and Treatment

This type of cancer is as dangerous in the early stages is difficult to detect. Although recommended for screening before the age of 50 years, but for the cases of prostate cancer is usually in men aged 40 and over performed. Since that time, the body process the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Made for men, prostate disorders triggered by the hormone testosterone male testes. The more advanced age a man, then the hormone is converted into dihydrotestosterone, which then impact on the development of prostate cells that cause the prostate to be larger. So if you meet the age of 40 years is a good idea, health checks to ensure whether you are suffering from this disease. It took the form of a physical examination, ultrasound of the prostate and the investigation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in blood. If the rapid screening could hope for recovery reached 70 percent.

Prostate Cancer is divided into:

Level A: node / tumor not palpable at physical examination is usually discovered by accident after prostate surgery for other diseases.
Level B: Tumor is confined to the prostate and is usually on physical examination or PSA test noted.
Disseminate Stage C: tumor outside the prostate capsule, but does not spread to the lymph nodes.
Level D: The cancer has) (metastatic) spread to regional lymph nodes or other body parts (eg bones and lungs.

> Symptoms

In the early stages, prostate cancer usually do not cause symptoms. But there are some signs or symptoms that need to be considered, namely:

Frequent urination, especially at night.
Did you push the urine.
Difficult to hold urine.
Can not urinate at all.
Urination, painful or hot.
There is blood in the urine and semen.
Pain during ejaculation.
Experience pain or stiffness in the buttocks, pelvis and groin.

Although> Symptoms appeared still light, but must be addressed. For in addition to the risk of prostate cancer, the patient is likely to urinary tract infection, and even kidney failure. Sprinkle in some cases newly diagnosed prostate cancer to the bones, according to (especially the pelvic bones, ribs and spine), or causes the kidneys (renal failure).
Cancer of the bone, the pain and the bones become brittle lead) so easy to break (fracture. If cancerspreads, the patient is usually anemic. Prostate cancer may also relate to the brain and cause seizures and neurological symptoms of mental or other.

Other symptoms include: Immediately after urination, the urine is usually still dripping

Pain when urinating.
Pain when ejaculating.
Lower back pain.
Pain during defecation.
Nocturia (urination at night).
Incontinence-uri (always wanted to pee).
Bone pain or bone pain when pressed.
Hematuria (bloodin urine).
Abdominal pain.
Weight loss.


In the early phase of the doctors will perform a series of health checks of the prostate using an ultrasound device that is inserted into the rectum. Can also by measuring the emission rate of urine (urine) from the penis. Blood tests for measuring the value of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), the increase is usually carried out in prostate cancer patients, but can also increase (not too high) in BPHPatients.

Do various other types of tests used to:

Urine analysis.
Urine or prostatic fluid cytology.
Prostate biopsy.


Swelling of the prostate in men can not be avoided. So far have not found a method used for the prevention of prostate disease and prostate cancer. Treatment options, depending on the level of the stadium: In the early stages can be prostatectomy (removal of the prostate) and radiotherapy. If the cancer has spread,hormonal manipulation can be done to reduce (the testosterone level by medication or removal of the testes), or chemotherapy.

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Colorectal Cancer Symptoms - How to Identify Colorectal Cancer Symptoms

If you know a thing or two about ill cancer or colon cancer, in short, the cancer early symptoms are often no longer in a state. Often happened or later show that it is complicated to treat. Most people do not feel much pain in the earliest stages, and often ignore the common signs that may signal something more serious. It pays to know more about the common symptoms of cancer, so youbetter protect your health and your family well-being.

Colorectal Cancer Symptoms

1. Pain or discomfort in the stomach

2. Blood in the stool or discolored / black stool

3. Change in bowel habits and frequency. You can go to the toilet more often and the feeling that your bowel is not completely empty.

4. Tiredness or fatigue

5. Acute or significantly Weight Loss

Colorectal cancer symptoms often show in theand later stages, the victim can influence in different ways. It really depends on where the cancer appears and how big it is.

If it on the cecum and ascending colon, which appears the first and second part of the colon on the right side of the abdomen, then common symptoms of colorectal cancer in this area, bleeding, blood in the stool, anemia, could include fatigue, etc., there is danger of cancer here that the amount of blood is solittle that your stool may look normal. If the transverse colon on the third part, colon, it could cause abdominal cramps or stomach cramps what we in terms laymen.

The fourth part-or S-shaped colon and the fifth part of the form of the descending part of the colon. Cancer here may cause the chairs to ensure that smaller and thinner. The appearance of blood is more prominent and obvious.

This means that these symptoms are nota sure thing that you are suffering from cancer. There are many reasons why such a look-alike symptoms of cancer appear. It could mean only that you are suffering again from irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, cause infection, inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids and rectal bleeding ulcers.

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What are Liver Cancer Symptoms?

The liver is situated below the right lung and diaphragm. It is available in right and left lobes. The liver heptic blood from the artery and the portal vein. The hepatic artery supplies oxygenated blood, while the portal vein nutrient-rich blood from the intestine.

To help the liver bile into the intestine, the absorption of nutrients. The liver also helps in removing toxic wastes from our body.

Several types of tumors, cancer and malicious behavior can take the formthe liver. The liver is seen in some parts of Asia and Africa and is rare in the United States. It occurs more often in men than in women.

There are no early warning signs or symptoms of liver cancer. Some of the most common symptoms of liver cancer

Pain in the right upper abdomen, bloating and flatulence.
Weight Loss.

Swelling of the breasts in men.

Loss of appetite.

Intestinal bleeding and

CoagulationProblems, bruises on the skin.


It should be noted that these symptoms may be from other causes.

Copyright 2005, P. Mehta

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Colorectal Cancer Part 4: A story of how a patient is misled by his oncologist

My experience with cancer patients do not support the impression that guarantees survival of cancer chemotherapy - that is, without dying patients. I've seen too many cases of chemotherapeutic failure to believe.

I must add, but I'm not per se against chemotherapy. CA Care When I started, I insisted that the patients go for chemotherapy, when asked by his doctor. But unfortunately over time I collected more wisdom. I now ignore them,participating in chemo patients' decision to say. I must, however, that I have not pleasant for the "indiscriminate" use of chemotherapy. All the more so if the cards were not clearly defined on the table. Unfortunately, in some cases the Patients misled. A clear example is the story below.

Jack (was) not real name a 32-year-old man in April 2002 he suffered abdominal pain. A CT scan on 26 April 2002, indicated cancer of the sigma with numerous metastasesin the liver. He was asked to undergo an operation and chemotherapy. He has learned from his doctor that his chances of 40:60 (ie what were they?)

Jack tried not to chemotherapy, as suggested by the doctor in Penang. So he went to Singapore in search of a "better healing." There is in Singapore, an oncologist said to him: "You do not want the chemo to do that is fine. I'd just washed some chemicals with your liver." Jack agreed. So in July 2002 in SingaporeOncologists began this "washing his liver procedure" for him. The "procedure" was repeated five times. On 1 October 2002 it was the end of the "washing". While at home, Jack felt dizzy and was able to eat. He slipped into a coma and had to be rushed to a private hospital in Penang. Emergency procedures have been made and he survived and was hospitalized for about a week. His condition was not good. He could not sit, the veins in his back were blue-black color, hurt his back and he wasput morphine. His stomach was bloated and swollen, both legs. He could only breathe through the mouth. He died soon afterwards.

How could the oncologists say that this young man that he just "washing his liver," despite the fact that he made it clear that he does not agree to undergo chemotherapy. He died before his treatment was completed. Gavin Phillips (http://www.cancerinform.org/docs.html) wrote: "Some people believe that high ethical and moral standardsautomatically in people with advanced degrees, as given eg an MD and PhD candidates and I wish it was true, but it is not. The doctors are just as good at lying and cheating for personal gain like everyone else is. It does not matter how many Harvard degrees, a person if they are willing to sacrifice their morals and ethics for money or career progress "

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Cancer word is taken from the Latin word "carb", which means malignancy. Cancer disease may be regarded as an abnormal growth of cells, the metastatic multiply defined maintain themselves in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases. "Cancer also known as malignant, a malignant tumor, and tumor. There are more than a hundred diseases, all types of cancer have their different names, causes and treatment options.

Cancer is a disease of cells thatmake all the organs and tissues of the body. These cells normally repair and reproduce themselves in an orderly manner. If for some reason this process gets out of control, forming a growth or tumor.

Some typical types of cancer are given below:

Bladder Cancer: Bladder cancer is a disease in which malignant growth of abnormal cells in the bladder. Bladder, a part of the urinary tract is sacred, muscle or balloon-shaped organ located in the pelvisThis is usually the urine until it is released. The most common symptoms of bladder cancer is blood in the urine or pain when urinating. Smoking is a risk factor, the causes of bladder cancer.

Breast cancer: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and the second leading cause of cancer death. The most common signs of breast cancer is a lump or thickening in the breast. A lump is an armpitis not gone, and therefore may be a symptom of cancer. Other possible symptoms include breast discharge, nipple inversion, or changes in the skin over the breast. The treatment options will be used for the treatment of breast cancer surgery, radiotherapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy.

Lung cancer: Lung cancer is the malignant transformation and growth of lung issue. The lung, a portion of the airways, are a couple like a sponge,cone-shaped organs in the human body.

There are two types of lung cancer - primary lung cancer and mesothelioma. Each type of lung cancer has many causes and occur are treated differently. Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer occur. Common treatment options that are used to treat lung cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Leukemia: Leukemia is a cancer of blood-forming tissues such as bone marrow.These disturbed, immature cells accumulate in the blood and the organs of the body. You are not able to perform the normal functions of blood cells. The major forms of leukemia are divided into four categories: acute myelogenous leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Depending on the abnormal cells, the most common symptoms of leukemia include fever, weakness, Blooding gums, frequent infections, weight loss, etc.There are two types of leukemia treatment - induction therapy, and the continuation of therapy. In the induction therapy is the primary treatment to reduce the number of leukemia cells and the main process is to induce remission. Remission is a period when the cancer responds to treatment or under control. Continuation of treatment occurs after a patient goes through the adoption process. The main objective of this phase is to kill everyone left out cancer cells.

ColonCancer: colon cancer, also known as colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells malignant growth in the colon or rectum and appendix. It begins in the digestive system, known as gastro-intestinal system. It is the third most common form of cancer. The most common symptoms of colorectal cancer is diarrhea, blood in stool, weight loss, abdominal pain and tenderness, etc. The availableTreatment options for colon cancer treatment are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Other common types of cancers are kidney cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, vaginal cancer, melanoma, skin cancer, oral cancer, anal cancer, brain cancer, penile cancer, etc.

Cancer Treatment Options: There are various treatment options used to treat any cancer, butMost used for cancer treatment are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy, gene therapy, hormone therapy, and etc.

Radiation therapy: Radiation therapy is a special kind of therapy that use radiation to destroy fast growing cancer cells. There are two types of radiation therapy, external radiation and internal radiation therapy. External radiation therapy is also known as x-ray therapy, cobalt therapy and proton therapy.In this therapy, a beam directed from outside the body. Internal radiation therapy is also known as brachy-therapy or implant therapy, where a source of radioactivity is surgically known in the body near the tumor placed.

Chemotherapy: This treatment is used to describe drugs that kill cancer cells. This treatment is to have people with advanced cancer spread to other parts of the body, possibly marked outside the colon.

Surgery --The operation is an operation to remove part of the colon cancer concerns. It serves as a primary treatment for cancer.

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Dealing with the symptoms of ulcerative

Ulcerative colitis is a serious disease, many today. It is not going to happen just a painful and often embarrassing health problem, but it can also be life threatening if allowed to reach a cancer condition. Individuals are always encouraged to nip this disease in the bud before they reached that stage. Talk to your doctor about methods of early detection so that treatment may be in full swing, before it is even worse. These treatments are medication and changes in the diet. Inthe most serious cases, these treatments are done with the surgical removal of the affected part of the colon along.

In particular, colitis is an inflammatory disease of the colon or large intestine. Reasons for this event are a poor blood supply - to help inevitably lead to diarrhea, dehydration, shock, anemia and infections and auto-immunity of the body. Colitis usually causes diarrhea, dehydration, malnutrition, and a bleeding ulcer produce mucus and pusat regular intervals. Diarrhea causes your body to lose much more fluid than usual. Diarrhea is usually the symptom that is known to look into any type of colitis in humans. And sporadic abdominal cramps are a common feature of this condition. Other symptoms include fever and chills, the constant urge to the bathroom, and the presence of blood in the stool.

Well, as already mentioned, this event quite embarrassing for the victims and often has a support system, such asclose relatives and friends. This will be a major concern, which must in almost all cases of colitis, daily activities will be amended to require the requirements of this terrible disease. A good way to help where someone dealing with the symptoms of colitis can be given is by them during the tests and trials of this disease. These tests include the examination of the blood on the factors that could cause this condition, check to scrutinize the conduct of a colonoscopyThe walls of the colon, and finally by a CT scan that visualizes the colon and stomach.

Many people suffer from colitis to the point that they have difficulty getting out of the house. You never know when they need to find a bathroom. This can lead to work and travel very difficult. Treat find help for a friend or family member colitis, that is the problem and that there are ways, then, can help them restart their lives back. It is helpful to research andDiscussion on the treatment with the methods suffer from colitis, and to implement proactive measures such as encouraging a visit to the doctor for medical devices, the pain (which can be easily mistakes like ordinary abdominal pain and diarrhea) eat and healthy foods that don 't cause colon Not!

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Skin Cancer Photos serve as an early detection tool

Detection of skin cancer in its early stages, not only the patients significantly increases the chance for a full recovery, it can also save the patient from the detour to go through aggressive treatments that can have serious side effects. The key to early detection is in finding skin irregularities and to recognize possible skin tumors, and with them immediately by a doctor. Some background information can be combined with skin cancer photos to identifywhat symptoms to look.

Skin cancer has become much more recognized in their earliest stages of development, when the patient has taken an active role in this process. You need to regularly perform skin self-examinations, searching every part of your body and for irregularities with a basic idea of what you need to search. If you find any suspicious growths, you can see a doctor for professional evaluation.

The symptoms vary, you should seekin cases of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer. you should pay particular attention to the possibility of developing melanoma if you have certain risk factors, such as an above average number of nevi, or moles, or a high number of dysplastic nevi.

Dysplastic nevi are moles with an unusual appearance. They can be asymmetrical or particularly great. If you have one of these risk factors, you should be seeing a doctor for help, ask for an increase in the number of molesThey have, or changes in their condition. After an initial assessment can, you should check regularly with a physician. Even if you do not have an unusually high number of moles or dysplastic nevi, you should still watch out for new moles or changes in existing moles, your skin when you sit an exam.

New dysplastic nevi should be examined by a doctor. If an existing mole changes in size, shape or color, or if irritation or color in the surrounding skin, you should use aPhysician.

Moles are usually benign growths, and most people have between 10 and 40 of them. They are formed of the same melanocyte cells that can turn into skin cancer, moles that have to do in order to be carefully monitored for any changes.

Nonmelanoma skin cancer generally affects the basal or squamous cells that make up the epidermis. These types of skin cancer are less striking in appearance, as melanoma, and are less severe, but early detection is still extremelyimportant. While nonmelanoma skin cancer is most common on the face and other parts of the body that are exposed to sunlight, the entire body should be checked for symptoms.

The symptoms may be small lumps that are red or flesh-toned, or as sores or rashes that do not heal on their own. All wounds or rashes found during an examination of the skin should be carefully monitored to determine whether they are the cure, and if not, it means a doctor shouldconsulted.

Skin cancer photos can be a useful tool in helping you determine what would justify a visit to skin imperfections with a doctor, but not as an exclusive guide to set up self-diagnosis. Do regular self-examinations, use the information in addition to photographs made available, and call a physician for any irregularities that you can not identify, because even if it is not skin cancer, requiring them to seek medical attention.

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IBS Drugs - Ways to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS medications are symptom-specific which means that they want to reduce symptoms such as constipation, cause painful abdominal cramps and diarrhea. If the first drug that IBS you do not help reduce the symptoms, then go to another option to try.

Research in functional disorders, which is the small intestine and large intestine (eg IBS) lead to more difficult and there is less agreement among the studies. This is probably a reflection of the complexity of theActivities of the small intestine and large intestine, and the difficulty in investigating these activities. Researchers are discovering that patients taking at least one first-degree relative with colon cancer by 25% less susceptible to the disease during 5.6 years follow-up than those who die do not close relatives with colon cancer. The risk of dying, even lower (51%) for those with two or more relatives with colon cancer.

Treatment with these drugs does not address the cause Your IBS, and if you stop using the medication, the symptoms will return. The use of these drugs often cause serious side effects and / or long-term negative consequences. Treatment with lubiprostone showed significantly higher rates of gastrointestinal side effects, especially diarrhea and nausea. These results warrant further study of lubiprostone for the treatment of IBS-C patients. Therapy for treatment of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is usually long-term management of your> Symptoms. It is important that you have a good relationship with your health professional to monitor your symptoms and alleviate changes in your diet and lifestyle, to identify the symptoms.

Keep trying ibs medications until you find one that works for you.

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Colon-Liver Cancer - chemotherapy, and they turned to herbs

My first encounter with cancer, the spread of the liver was with Tony in 1996. His doctor had told him that chemotherapy or radiotherapy would be no use for him. Tony had a miraculous recovery after the ingestion of herbs. Unfortunately, Tony died one and a half years later, after returning to his "poor nutrition". A video about Tony cacarevideo blogspot can be seen below. Another case that came to mind is that. He had a recurrent colon cancer after surgery and chemotherapy. He wasasked to undergo chemotherapy again after this renewed. He refused and came to us for help in January 1998. It has been nine years now and that is doing very well and is a normal and happy life.

Herbs, lifestyle changes and diet had helped many patients live a normal, happy life after their cancer without the need for chemotherapy. If the medical profession interested to know more? To this brush off as a mere charlatanism or empty statement is a big mistake.The strength of our work is that we are able to predict the possible outcome of our herbal therapy and repeat those results. If this is not scientific enough?

I have seen numerous cases of healing, patients after chemotherapy had led to nothing. In the following two cases will prove to be my call.

Case 1: Han (not diagnosed last name), 62-year-old man with colon cancer was that his liver had metastases in October 2004. He underwent an operation to remove, to the sickColon. When I heard that, I called him into his house and asked if I could still help you to. In fact, by my own ethics I had violated the Code. I do not usually do such a thing, so I do not try to be accused of promoting my herbs. But Han was my classmate way back in the 1960s. I gave him everything he wanted to know about his illness, and started him on herbs. Recommended after his surgery, chemotherapy, his doctor, which he readily. I respected hisDecision.

Han went over twelve cycles of chemotherapy, in contrast to most patients who do only six cycles. But the tumor in his liver remained unaffected. Chemotherapy was abandoned and he was asked to try RFA) (radiofrequency ablation. He underwent this operation twice, and twice failed. Then the doctor recommended surgery to remove the tumor from the liver. This time was Han! He had learned his lesson. But all along the Han took herbs for both of his colon and liver cancer. As theToday, three and half years since his diagnosis, cope, Han is still good. In a recent four-hour video interview with him, Han told us that he play golf better than his healthy friends could. He can drive, eat and sleep well. None of his friends always have to suspect or believe that he has cancer! When asked what him what he is today, he answered: Your herbs, changes in diet and faith in God.

Case 2: June (not her real name), 57-year-old patient diagnosed with colon cancerThat her liver had metastatised in January 2005. She underwent surgical resection of their colon followed by six cycles of chemotherapy. She did not suffer any side effects, because they at the same time on our herbs. June told us that they took when their platelets decreased the juice of papaya leaves, after reading our newsletter (Letter 41: The low juices of papaya and Pegaga leaves? Did they beat scientific medicine?) After three times, the platelet countincreased.

June and her husband, Paul (not real name) came to us from Jakarta on 11 To see May 2006. This was the part about her experiences with her oncologist said.

June: My oncologist said I'm a very stubborn woman, because I no longer wanted to chemotherapy. I leaned my surgery for liver metastases. I would not go for the RFA (radiofrequency ablation). I was prescribed Xeloda, but I do not have them. Now my oncologist wants to see me. Once in a while, Ireceived text message from her sister asked me to come to Singapore for a control.

Paul: I asked the oncologist, "This is more chemotherapy, it's about my wife heal." The answer is no. The oncologist was not sure. We have also consulted another doctor who saw my wife and I knew that she is about to herbs. This doctor told us: "Go ahead and take your herbs for as long as it helps you."

Our conversation moved to the diet. I asked June if their oncologist says nothing about nutrition. "My oncologistI can not say anything I like to eat. There is no need to "pantang" (prohibition at all). "

June, the state does not get worse, despite the declining further medical treatment. In fact, her blood was improved works! Your CEA, which was equivalent to 47.4 was published in March 2005 to 3.6 in May 2006. Their liver function tests - AST, ALT and GGT were increased once, but she has fallen and were within normal limits. As I write this (more than two years after diagnosis) June is doing very well. It hassince gained weight and lead a normal life.

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Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Cervical cancer symptoms are heavy with normal female reproductive processes are distinguished. However, the much greater risk of cervical cancer is responsible for the symptoms, they often go unnoticed because they are so many other common conditions such as PMS and ovulation mimic pain. The most common symptoms that most women have one time or another without ever being amortized reported to a doctor. At other times, may have cervical cancer do not> Symptoms. Unfortunately, when the symptoms present themselves, it usually means that advanced the cancer at an advanced stage.

Some of the most common symptoms are abnormal bleeding during the months of unusually heavy or a discharge that is smelly may include watery or mucus. Both may be signs of other conditions, together with the women. Any change in cycles or discharges should be reported to your doctorimmediately.

Some of the other symptoms that can occur are but they are less likely to:

Pelvic pain not with the normal menstrual cycle, from dull to severe pain, severe pain for hours. As with any abnormal pain, this should be immediately reported to your doctor.

Pain when urinating. These include pain in the bladder and kidney areas. Bladder pain was an indication that has the cancer, which can be distributed Bladder.

Bleeding between cycles or after sex. This is caused by irritation of the cervix. This may also be bleeding in flushing with a gynecological examination or when you insert a diaphragm.

Pain during intercourse or pain lasting longer than 30 minutes after orgasm.

Leakage of urine from the bladder neck area. These include increasingly incontinent or escape with pools, if you sneeze or cough.

Since abnormal cervical cell changes rarely cause> Symptoms, it is important that women regular Pap test screening (including women who have completed the normal cycle). No matter how small the problem seems, it is a wise choice for all women, no changes to your doctor. Early detection is the best choice opportunity for a full recovery. It is of utmost importance that women of all ages have regularly scheduled pelvic examinations including a Pap smear.

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Breast cancer symptoms to know - what they wanted

Since most women today are very aware of breast cancer and self tests, there are still many who can only be a general knowledge of the symptoms of breast cancer. Know what to look for if you suspect might look like breast cancer, save your life !

So we start with what most women have become accustomed to do that is to check for lumps in their breasts and armpits. However, note that nodes in the chest does not necessarilyYou have breast cancer. Actually, they are very common, especially during menstruation, does not mean you have breast cancer.

In most cases of breast cancer is first noticed as a painless lump in the breast or armpit. Other signs can be swelling in the armpit, the changes in breast size or shape, dents, or wrinkling of the skin - thickening of the skin and dents sometimes called "orange skin, redness, swelling and increased warmth in the affected breast and a reverseNipple - nipple turns inward, crusting or scaling on the nipple.

Bare in mind that the above symptoms are not always caused by cancer. They can cause other health problems too. Therefore, the next best thing to do tests to make a correct diagnosis. Ironically, women are breast cancer, statistically known that 9 out of 10 women first notice a lump or mass in her breast.

It is usually not painful, but may attract attention in an unusualthe area in which the nodes. When a tumor grows in the milk ducts, bleeding occur from the nipple. The size or shape of the breast may change. How good could move into the nipple, or appear to take part in the formation of the skin that looks like a dimple too. While this might the early signs of breast cancer, they could show other noncancerous disease. In fact, about 8 out of 10 non-cancerous breast growths. A doctor should be consulted to determine the exact cause of theLumps.

Since the most common form is the self-induced recognition test (feeling of lump), you should be aware that statistically that 90% are benign. That is, they are not cancers. The change caused areas of the breast lumpiness that is more obviously just before a period, especially in women over 35 You can) and cysts (sacs of fluid in the tissues. Finally, fibroadenoma, which is a collection of fibrous glandular tissue is more common in youngerWomen.

So if you think you have breast cancer symptoms, take the best course of action if it is a lump or other changes in the breast, even if a recent mammogram was normal, you see your doctor for an evaluation. If you are not yet gone through the menopause, you can cycle through a wait before you see your doctor. If the change is not gone away after a month, have it evaluated immediately.

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The main symptoms of stomach cancer

Stomach cancer shows no symptoms in its early stages. Even if they have no evidence there, the characters are indistinguishable and very general sense, such as vomiting or reduction of weight, loss of appetite, acidity and indigestion. This information may be a sign of cancer, but can also be caused by other minor health issues such as a virus or an ulcer.

The symptoms of stomach cancer in the later stages are:

Blood in the stool - theis an important indication of gastric cancer, although you can not really identify the blood, which could then in your chair. You can diagnose whether you are a victim using the fecal occult blood tests.
Abdominal pain and discomfort - this is usually a sign of universal service and what encourages victims to go to a doctor. The pain can be just a slight pain to intolerable pain. It is usually appears in the upper abdominal region.
Persistent nausea and / or vomiting --constant nausea and vomiting is another important symptom, can a precursor of gastric cancer. If you happen to vomiting of blood, you must immediately get medical attention
Loss of appetite - if you do not feel like eating for more than a few days at a stretch, but it can be serious and you should see your doctor for a check up done.
Weight Loss - a majority of the population would be overjoyed to find it, do it yourself weight loss without even an attempt to do so.But if you find that about five percent of normal body weight in about six months or less, without even a reduced weight loss measures may be a symptom of gastric cancer.
Flatulence - This is another very common symptoms of stomach cancer. If you are experiencing this symptom very quickly after you have just one meal to begin, you must receive immediate medical help.

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An Introduction To Canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Canine inflammatory bowel disease or canine IBD is not a specific disease. The condition occurs when inflammatory cells penetrate the stomach or intestinal wall. IBD usually refers to dogs that are middle aged or old.


Unfortunately, there is no known specific cause for canine inflammatory bowel disease. However, certain factors can lead to an increased risk of developing the disease. These factors include genetics, nutrition and immune systemDeficiencies. Your dog may also develop an allergy to a particular food protein and a case of canine inflammatory bowel disease.


Canine inflammatory bowel disease may be on certain parts of your digestive system dog. If the condition relates to the stomach or upper part of the small intestine, your dog, the most obvious symptom is vomiting. Canine inflammatory bowel disease that affects the bowel is a chronicDiarrhea. Sometimes the mucus or blood in the stools appear your dog.

Both the stomach and intestines can be affected in some cases the dogs IBD. As a result, also cause vomiting and diarrhea. If the condition is too strong can your dog to lose weight, lose their appetite, and develop a fever.


If your dog attacks with chronic vomiting and has diarrhea, your veterinarian suspect canine inflammatory bowel disease. First, it would excludeOther causes of diarrhea and vomiting. A biopsy is the best way to confirm a case of canine IBD.


Canine inflammatory bowel disease is usually best treated with corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are drugs that help the elimination of inflammatory cells in the gastrointestinal system. You will probably also need to change your dog's food to a hypoallergenic diet. When dogs with inflammatory bowel disease is primarily to the large intestine,then your dog would probably benefit from foods high in fiber.

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Enlarged Prostate - What is cause and what are the symptoms?

Most people tend to enlarged prostate prostate cancer as an error. It is not so.

Enlarged prostate is an uncomfortable condition. You would have faced a lot of stress because of this problem. Enlarged prostate is also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. It is a condition that usually develops in people when he is finished at the age of forty. This may be a common problem after the age of sixty years.

The main reason for the enlarged prostate is still a mystery. However,Medicine has concluded, explaining that come see something reasonable.

A normal and healthy prostate is enlarged by the size of walnuts, if it grows, it tends to press the urethra, and then will close. The bladder then feels compelled, in the urine via the narrowed urethra pursue vigorously. Thereafter, this results in view of the individual to more trips to the toilet to make.

If the problem is serious, tend to irritate the bladder and usually not in a positionto be completely empty. As soon as the problem grows, patients find it is very difficult to control and get caught with acute urinary retention problem.

This is a stage, down to the absolute urination. The condition is very serious, and should be followed by a visit to the nearest health center.

1) Here are some of the symptoms of enlarged prostate:

a) the expiry of the urine

b) The inability to completely empty the bladder.

c) frequent trips to theBad

d) More than the usual trips to the bathroom before bed

e) Difficulty in starting urination

You must keep your eyes on all the symptoms of an enlarged prostate mentioned above in order for frequent travel, you go to your doctor for regular check-ups to. Remember that early diagnosis is necessary for an effective treatment for enlarged prostate.

2) Here are some of the major causes of enlarged prostate:

a) Hormonal changes

Male hormones, also known as androgensplay an important role in the growth of the prostate. Testosterone is the most important androgen. It is produced throughout the life of a man. The prostate is working to transform this powerful androgen testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, or DHT as known.

DHT tends to cell growth within the tissue, the lining provides stimulating the prostate. This leads to enlargement of the prostate. If enlarged prostate is detected in late adulthood, it is mainly due to DHT.

b) A defective cellDeath

This is a theory in which cells themselves through a natural process and leads to an increase in destroying the cells.

c) Late activation of cell growth

In a certain part of the gland cells are active, and to sit them sensitive to hormones that stimulates growth.

d) blood vessel injury

Blood vessels tend to deteriorate with age in men. This leads to abnormal flow of blood and loss of oxygen. This also leads to an enlarged prostate.

All of the above conditionsabove are the main causes for enlarged prostate. Therefore, you must be vigilant for symptoms and then visit a health professional working immediately for early diagnosis.

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Colon Surgery

Colon Surgery: The goal of the intestine is the colon cancer surgery by removing a portion of the colon, is infected too. This procedure is also called a colon resection.

Preparation for colon surgery

The night before a colon resection is a lively and important time. The colon is cleaned with a powerful laxative and antibiotics to flush all food particles to reduce the risk of infectionduring and after surgery. In addition, only clear liquids should be consumed the night before, and you should not consume anything after midnight, it keeps the intestines free of stool.

Before colon surgery

Prior bowel surgery, you will find will go through a series of routine tests, like blood work and EKG and / or radiographs of the thorax. You will be completely asleep (general anesthesia) for intestinal surgery.

The procedure

DependingThe amount of colon must be removed, the level of previous scarring, and the technique used, the procedure takes 2 to 4 hours.

After an incision in the abdomen, usually in the middle is the operator of the affected part of the colon from the surrounding organs to isolate and remove it. Once the infected section is removed, the surgeon again the colon with sutures or a stapling device. This process is calledOr resection and anastomosis is a major method for colon cancer removed.

If necessary, a colostomy may be constructed to allow for the elimination of waste throughout the colon is healing. A colostomy is an incision (cut) into the colon (large intestine) to create an artificial opening or "stoma" to the exterior of the abdomen to. This opening serves as a substitute anus. Stool fall into a collection bag. Our nurses will StomaThey teach skin care and how to change the bag.

After colon surgery

You will have a thin plastic tube into the nose down to your stomach. The aim is to air or fluid, get sick or unwell, would remove too. It is removed when your bowels start working, usually 4-5 days after surgery. Their cut is usually have metal clips or staples on the skin and stomach may be swollen and slightly bruised.

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Breast cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers for women. In the U.S., they develop approximately 180,000 women per year. The disease can occur in men, although male breast cancer makes the less than 1 in 100 cases. Is the risk increases with age, doubling every 10 years.

The disease is usually diagnosed in women over 50 years. Very few women under 30 years to develop it. Despite the rise in incidence, it has a small decrease in the number of deathsdeadly in recent years and only about one fifth of the cases. This decline is attributable to improvements in treatment and the increased use of mammography for early detection, which means that tumors can be detected early, when they often respond well to treatment.

Screening can reduce the number of deaths among women over 50 years by up to 4 to 10 In the U.S., many doctors recommend that women over 40 years, a mammogram every 1-2 years, and every year over 50 years. A cancer may firstDevelopment in the breast lobules (the structures in the breast that produce milk). A tumor that arises in the milk ducts may cause Paget's disease of the breast. Tumors can spread to other organs like the lungs or the liver before being discovered.

It is a cancer that originate in the breast tissue of women and men. It can affect the lymph nodes under the arm before the diagnosis. In advanced disease may see metastases in many organs of the body, including bone, brain, lung,Liver and skin.


The underlying cause of most is unclear. However, some risk factors have been identified, many of which suggest that the female hormone estrogen is an important factor for the development and progress of the disease. It is known that women who have their first menstrual period before age of 11, or late menopause, seem at increased risk of developing this cancer are probably because of high levels of estrogen for longer suspended. TheNumber of menstrual cycles before a first pregnancy is also important. And a woman who had their first child before 20 Age has a chance. Breast feeding is thought to have an additional protective effect.

Risk factors for the development are

. Early onset of menses or late menopause

. First pregnancy after 30 Age

. Family history of disease

. Exposure

Possible risk factors are

. High-fat diet

. Too much alcoholAdmission

. Estrogen replacement therapy

. Use of oral contraceptives


It is usually manifest itself as a painless lump somewhere in the chest or under the arm. Occasionally, the symptoms can be subtle, such as:

. A Nipple

. Bloody discharge from the nipple

. Make changes in the skin over the breast it resembles the skin of an orange.


Any chest pain or lumps felt on physical examination bya woman or her doctor and any lumps found on mammography) (x-ray should be considered for a biopsy. Lump seen on mammography, but is not readily available in the investigation can not be located by ultrasound or mammogram to biopsy. If a diagnosis is established, the trial operation tests:

. Liver

. Alkaline Phosphates check test for bone disease

. Chest X-ray (radiography)

. Bone Scan (Nuclear Medicine)


Complications of itwith areas of metastases in context:

. Metastases to the bones it can cause pain, broken bones or elevated calcium levels in the blood.

. Metastases in the brain or spinal cord can cause spasms, headache, weakness, numbness or confusion.

. Metastases in the lungs can cause shortness of breath, chest pain, or swelling of the face and neck.

Catering: Self treatment:

. A balanced diet should be maintained. Once the diagnosis of it is done all estrogen drugsshould be discontinued, including the birth control pill.

Medical treatment:

Many women will require additional drug therapy after surgery to prevent the return. Either) tamoxifen (a hormonal pill) or chemotherapy (intravenous medications are recommended, depending on the type of tumor. Advanced case is treated with chemotherapy or hormone therapy.

Surgical treatment:

Two alternative initial treatments for them are:

. Lumpectomy with lymph node dissectionfollowed by radiation therapy to the chest.

. Mastectomy (mastectomy, or partial mastectomy, modified radical)


Early detection of animal it is through regular self-examination and regular mammography (X-ray) screening important. A low - fat diet and moderate alcohol consumption can be important. Some researchers suggest that exercise may be helpful for pre-adolescent girls, as the age of onset of menstruation delays.

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What You Need To Know About Prostate Cancer

As the name suggests, prostate cancer is cancer that develops in your prostate can. The cancer cells from the prostate to other parts of the body, like your bones and lymph. Today she is one of the most common cancers. Therefore, if you're a man, it is very important that you keep a regular check-ups to keep a watchful eye on your prostate condition. In this case, if you really suffer from prostate cancer, it canbe noticed early and treated before it develops a dangerous condition.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

There are many symptoms occur, which, if you suffer from prostate cancer. You can also extreme in the name of gravity will vary according to individual and condition. Learn about the symptoms is a wise move, because if you can recognize it early, then you can immediately see a doctor to get properExamination and diagnosis before it grows into something serious.

Many experts consider prostate cancer as a silent killer because early symptoms of the surface to be done before it has spread. In the early stages, most cancers, a slow-growing tumor, and thus some people experience no symptoms. Due to this property, it is important to have regular check-up, to really be sure that the cancer does not exist or it may need to be recognized as follows soon as possible.

Someaggressive tumors give symptoms of prostate cancer, such as back pain and pelvic or hip pain, which usually have cancer cells that spread to the bone causes. If the tumor continues to grow, expand them and affects other organs. During this phase, you start to show different symptoms that are usually associated with urination problems. Several common symptoms are dribbling pain during ejaculation, difficulty urinating, experienceafter urinating, blood in urine, weight loss, frequent urination during sleep, and a weak flow of urine.

Treatments and preventive measures are available

Another thing that needs to be carefully considered is that even if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, there are many treatments, there are available. You should not feel overwhelmed and feel there is nothing you can do to survive that situation. Unless you have a qualified and experienced doctorthe support of friends and other family members, you have a good chance to get rid of it.

In addition, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a healthy diet and enough exercise or physical activity. With better overall health, you will help your body against diseases and illnesses that are fighting to attack your body. There is no surefire way to prevent prostate cancer, but you can use every possible way that you fight can imagine, too.The understanding of the symptoms, regular check-up, and lead a healthy lifestyle are the things that you should sit on the top of the list.


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What are colon polyps?

Colonic polyps are linings of mucosa which reach a mushroom shape. A colonic polyp that has a handle, is known as "pendulated", and in those without handle as "sedentary."

Colonic polyps, as their name implies, are found in the colon. Usually these are the polyps are benign but have the potential to become malignant if not more seriously and fought against. As always, it is important to consult your doctor regularly, so that the problems of all kinds are caught in the early stages.

There areFour different types of polyps: metaplastic, hamartomatous, inflammatory, and neoplastic.

* Metaplastic polyps occur - if a change of the cells of the epithelium. These are a tissue overgrowth of normal mucosa and are the most common type of colon polyps. The large number of metaplastic usually do no t grow larger than 5mm, and are not malicious in nature.

* Hamartomatous polyps - greenhouses by faulty development which are found in the organs. These are as a ruleMixture of tissues.

* Inflammatory polyps - In connection with inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitiis.

* Neoplastic polyps - A tissue with cells that have lost their normal differentiation. These can be both benign and malignant neoplasms. When these occur in the intestine, they are called adenomas, or tumors of glandular tissue, or columnar cells. You can also down even further ingo villous, tube or tubularvillous be broken.

In order to diagnosePatients with polyps, a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy is needed, and they can at the same time, these procedures are to be completed removed. The regular monitoring by colonoscopy procedure is necessary to track progress. In severe cases can be treated with the colon resection.

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Warning Signs of Cancer

One third of all cancers are curable. This means you can beat the disease with early detection and treatment. To do this, you should be aware of the early signs and symptoms of cancer. These are the following:

A change in bowel or bladder habits.

Sore throat that will not heal.

Unusual bleeding or discharge.

Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere.

Indigestion or difficulty swallowing.

A significant change in a wart or Mole.

A persistent cough and hoarseness.

Unexplained anemia.

If you have any of these symptoms, you have no fear. See a doctor or cancer specialist immediately. Early detection and rapid response by a doctor can help you beat cancer. A delay your visit to the doctor because of your fear of getting cancer will only make it worse. As the American Cancer Society:

"The fear of cancer you can prevent realizeCancer at an early stage. A time when it is highly curable. Everyone is afraid of cancer, but do not let it scare to death. "

Cancer can strike anyone. It can occur anywhere. But the most common types are cancer of the lung, breast, cervical and bowel.

The National Cancer Institute estimates that 215,020 men and women (114,690 men and 100,330 women are diagnosed) with and 161,840 men and women will die of lung cancer, theseYear.

"Lung cancer accounts for more than 120,000 deaths annually and is the most common cause of death among malignancies in both sexes. The cure rate is low even under the best circumstances, and the height of the disease is high," said Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of the New York Hospital - Memorial Bloan-Kettering Cancer Center, "the best treatment."

Lung cancer is the 45-70-year-olds and is often distributed in urban areas. Cigarette smoking isresponsible for approximately 90 percent of cancers in men and 79 percent for females.

A person who smokes more than a pack of cigarettes a day, has a 20-fold increased risk of lung cancer as a Non smoking. If you smoke two or more packs a day for 20 years, the chances of acquiring lung cancer increased from 60 to 70 percent. (Next: How cigarettes cause cancer.)

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Uterine cancer and early detection

About 15% of cancers in women is cervical cancer. More or less, 80,000 women had been in 2005 with cancer (pelvic gynecological malignancy), and many of these cases diagnosed by uterine cancer. Of uterine endometrial cancer by 95%. Uterine cancer usually occurs in women after menopause and is basically abnormal cell growth in the uterus (neoplasm).

Uterine endometrial cancers, are curable in many cases and very treatable - treatmentMethods are drugs, surgical options, chemotherapy and radiation, according to the relevant protocols.

Once a problem is diagnosed, appropriate treatment can be started. The most common symptom of uterine cancer is postmenopausal bleeding, and the majority of women this as a warning sign that they may have a problem, and demand to identify medical help. Fortunately, only 10% to 20% of women with postmenopausal symptoms, bleeding, in fact, malignant neoplasms - abnormal Bleeding must be medically soon as this often leads to a diagnosis of the disease in its first phase will be assessed if it is potentially treatable and can be treated well.

Some endometrial cancer risk factors (infertility or without dependent children), unanimously estrogen, late menopause, obesity, diabetes, diet high in animal fat, hypertension, and radiation therapy.

The opportunities that a post-menopausal bleeding problem is in fact a malignant disease in women increases with age. Uterus Cancer symptoms that are common pelvic pain, pain during intercourse and pain when urinating.

Other symptoms may include vaginal discharge, or contains a drainage system, that include purulent (pus), opaque and thick drainage of necrotic tissue and cells and typically has an infection. Some other symptoms of advanced disease include weight loss, pain and changes in bowel and bladder habits.

Less than 5% of the endometriumCancer cases are before any symptoms are present - usually during the annual physical check-ups discovered diagnosed. Cervical cancer can, however, already by the Pap smear and a woman after the menopause, that shows atypical cells in a Pap smear, identifies be, should be examined, and any malicious characters in the womb. Any woman who did not have a hysterectomy or uterus can be removed to identify ovarian cancer symptoms. Early detection is a critical phase Ior 2 of this cancer can be cured in many cases and is treated very well.

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Stage 4 ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is a gynecologic sarcoma, is the second most commonly diagnosed. In the United States, women have a 1.4% to 2.5% risk of developing ovarian cancer. The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), has standardized the staging of gynecological cancers. It is the most widely used forecasting tool. Both surgical and pathological findings are taken into account. The cancer is depending on whether it is still in the sceneOvary or spread beyond.

Staging is usually performed at the time of surgery. Are samples of tissue from different parts of the pelvis and abdomen, and under intense scrutiny investigated. Staging is very important because the prognosis varies, or further action will be taken in the different phases in the case of cancer. It is important that the event is accurate. It is possible to miss the spread of ovarian cancer outside the ovary, if it is not stagedright.

Stage IV is the last category of the stages of ovarian cancer. Patients in this phase usually exhibit parenchymal liver metastases and extra-abdominal metastases. Thirteen percent of patients live in Stage IV, the most common areas where the cancer spreads, as a rule, the liver and lungs. A third of all ovarian cancer patients have pleural effusions, and most of them contain malignant cells. The spleen will also be affected by requiring splenectomy.Only 0.1% of patients, metastases in the brain.

If the tumor is widespread, the treatment begins with surgery, which may include a total hysterectomy followed by chemotherapy. If some residual tumor after chemotherapy, other forms of chemotherapy may be necessary to left. It is important to find out for a patient, the procedure and the staging of the stage. In this way the patient will be helped and can take part in important decisions about appropriate treatment.

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The first danger of skin cancer - there are no symptoms

As will be many other types of cancer, it is likely that these diseases show no visible signs of skin cancer, they point to say: "This is skin cancer, and I should see a doctor to get it taken care of." Development of IT, as opposed to coming down with a cold of catching the stomach flu, do not come with the hand of symptoms that scream, "this skin cancers," Apart from a simple mole or a piece of mottled skin, it is ratherSymptom-less.

Since there is no final, a set of symptoms of the disease is a skin cancer, which is extremely hard to diagnose yourself. For this reason you should never try - always consult a doctor. The signs of this cancer are so very different - comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors - that it is nearly impossible. Plus factor is that what may appear as the inert form of skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma) appear toactually the most dangerous (malignant melanoma) are and vice versa. This means that you should never take upon himself to try and Self-diagnose skin cancer. If you see something that looks to be a symptom, always make sure you see a doctor.

While you can not even diagnose skin cancer, there are a few telltale skin changes that you should always be on guard. And although this is not always necessarily harbingers of skin cancer, it shouldbe taken seriously as a possible warning signs. In addition, new moles, or old mole, among which changed in color or size. Another set of possible symptoms include blotchy or discolored skin areas and areas in which it develops pussy discharges or unusual bleeding. If you notice any of these changes, you should make an appointment with your doctor and ask him or her to take a look.

The most important thing to think about skin cancer, that while it may beWarning signs, ultimately, it is completely symptom-less. Many who suffer from skin cancer, no matter what form, do not notice until the cancer starts to spread. Over time they develop more serious symptoms like dramatic weight loss and constant fatigue may have affected the cancer spread to other organs and will be more serious than it would if detected and treated early.

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To identify breast cancer symptoms in men

Breast cancer symptoms in men

It is a common misconception that men can not have breast cancer. Men often ignore the symptoms of cancer or keep it for other diseases. Given factors such as social stigma and embarrassment to the growing resentment among people the opportunity to the development of male breast cancer (breast) contribute to, is largely similar to counter what the women. Men atat age sixty to seventy are more prone to the occurrence of this type of cancer than any other age group.

Cancer Statistics

The latest American Cancer Society estimates for male breast cancer shows that in 2009 over 1910 cases diagnosed with about 440 deaths are. Around one percent of all cancers, breast cancer cases affecting men. The lifetime risk for developing this type of cancer is on about one in a thousand. Recent studies also show that the prognosis for this type of cancer in men and women the same, and the outlook was articulated remains are still diagnosed at what stage of cancer.

As in any other cancer, early detection and treatment is crucial for the survival of an individual. Thus, people are encouraged to be more aware of the cancer's signs and symptoms. Educating men in the fight against the social stigma caused byTo support Cancer in the support of men against this type of cancer.

Detection of breast cancer in men

Knowledge and awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer are very valuable in providing the earliest possible detection and treatment of men with this cancer of the breast. Here are some of the symptoms associated with breast cancer.

Development of painless lump or thickening of the breast
Scaling andReddening of the nipple and surrounding area
Indentation or confiscation in the area of the nipple
Bloody or clear secretions

Risk Factors

There are several factors that determine the risk of men always raise breast cancer. Some of which, such as genetics and age are uncontrollable. However, some risk factors such as poor diet, alcohol consumption and smoking can be controlled, so it is best to learn what we need to avoid. Below is a list of Breast Cancer RiskFactors in men.

The average age of male breast cancer diagnosis is sixty-seven and breast cancer often occurs in men between the ages of Sixties and Seventies.
One in five men with breast cancer had a female relative who had breast cancer too.
Those who have undergone prior radiation therapy to chest a higher probability of breast cancer.
Be inherited over five to ten percent of male breast cancer. Genetic defects in theCHEK-2, increases tumor suppressor p53, BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes a person's risk of cancer to help. These genes normally prevent cancer by cells from growing abnormally.
Those who a history of Klinefelter's syndrome, a congenital abnormality, while men had an extra X chromosome based on a lower level of male hormones and increased female hormones.
Those who had taken estrogen related to drugs have a higher risk for breast cancer. Are breast cancer cellsknown to have estrogen receptors, improving the cancer's ability to progress.
Those who have liver disease are also at risk, such as estrogen increases the activity of the body, while reducing the androgen activity, occurs when a person has liver disease such as liver cirrhosis.
Those who are obese may be at risk for breast cancer in men due to the increased number of fat cells. Fat cells produce estrogen from androgen, thus increasing the estrogen concentration in theBody.
Excessive alcohol consumption also promotes breast cancer in men, mainly due to the fact that alcohol consumption increases fat accumulation and liver diseases.

Treatment options for breast cancer in men

There are a number of treatments for people with cancer of the breast. These methods are not enough of them for women. Distinguish cancer staging is done to determine the best option of treatment for breast cancer patientsNeeds. Here are some of the treatment options are available.

Surgery - There are removing a variety of surgical options to treat breast cancer in men, including a simple mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy. Simple mastectomy is the removal of all tissues, including breast lobules, ducts, fatty tissue and skin including the nipple and areola.

In a modified radical mastectomy, the surgeon removes the entire breast and some of thethe axillary lymph nodes. The surgeon may also remove the chest wall muscles when the cancer has spread to that area. The lymph nodes are examined, whether the cancer has spread, and an additional treatment is required.

Sentinel node biopsy is a procedure designed to find the sentinel lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage from a breast tumor. Sentinel node biopsy is taken to check for the development of cancer to other lymph nodes. This procedurereduces the risk of complications such as the removal of a node is required for the test.

Radiation - High energy x-rays are used to kill cancer cells during radiotherapy. Is administered by a radiation oncologist, is the therapy usually takes place before the surgery, the tumor or after surgery to eliminate remaining cancer cells to shrink. Radiation therapy is often painless, but may in fatigue in men who undergo the therapy and sensitivity of the results wereBreast.

Hormone Therapy
Biological therapy

Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells in other parts of the body have spread after breast cancer surgery. The treatment usually takes place every two to three weeks after the operation planned for about three to six months.

Chemotherapy can be administered intravenously or in the form of tablets. Most patients choose oral chemotherapy, as this will need to visit the reducedClinic and can be performed at home.

Some chemotherapies objective of reducing the cancer itself damage to healthy cells. However, side affects, such as hair loss, fatigue, vomiting and loss of cognitive abilities can occur.

Estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer rely on estrogen to induce the development of breast cancer cells. Hormone therapy is administered to estrogen by binding to sites in the body where cancer cells can spread to prevent. The maleAndrogen hormone also helps in the growth of cancer cells. Thus, both the estrogen and androgen levels of limitation in reducing the spread of cancer cells are essential.

In the biological therapy is a biological response modifier used to stimulate the body's own immune system to fight against cancer. This helps in increasing the body's defense against certain diseases such as cancer. However, the biological therapy is still in the clinic trials.

You do not want any kind ofTo reach these stages of cancer. For this reason, Thit extremely important that you go and a doctor as soon as possible as soon as they manifest any of these possible cancer symptoms above are given. Listen to your body "talk" and follow the signs.

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Adenocarcinoma of Colon Cancer

A form of cancer is adenocarcinoma. This is usually from the epithelium of the colon. Aka The function of the large intestine is the colon, water from the stool and patients of adenocarcinoma colon cancer usually report excessively hard stool absorb.

Although adenocarcinoma colon cancer is not uncommon, it is only rarely found in young adults. The greater your age the higher the chances of your sufferingAdenocarcinoma cancer and especially women over 50-year-olds will be hardest hit by adenocarcinoma. Although adenocarcinoma of the colon is found all over the world, it is found mainly in places with low-fiber diet, the Americas, Europe and Australia soft targets.

Adenocarcinoma colon cancer is usually in people who have some adenomatous polyposis or hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer have found especiallyif the family history of first-degree relatives. Hereditary factors may to an extent that people can be found in the colon adenocarcinoma, as young teenagers. Certain types of polyps have a potential for malignancy. People with a high fat or low fiber diet especially with a high intake of red meat are the ones who suffer most from an adenocarcinoma. Obesity is a cause of adenocarcinoma of the colon.

Adenocarcinoma colon cancer is knownto spread after the invasion of the wall of the intestine. At the crossing, the muscle layer of the wall of the intestine is the tumor into the lymphatic vessels and thereafter spreads to local and regional lymph nodes. Sometimes the tumor can also arise from the bloodstream into the liver and other organs of the body including the lungs, bones and even the brain. In the case much of the tumor the bowel wall, then they came floating on the abdomen as small amounts of fluid and can seed the intestinescover. Adenocarcinoma of the colon is known to cause irritation to produce small nodules in the stomach tissue to the production of large amounts of ascites. When adenocarcinoma of the colon at a young stage, the prognosis is detected, it can be really good, as in the early stages of treatment through surgery is really easy and predictable. However, if the muscles had been breached by the tumor are able to survive only three-fifths of the total number of patients further five years!

TheTreatment of choice for early adenocarcinoma colon cancer is surgery. For tumors that are still underway to reach the muscles in the bowel wall, this is in more than 90% of the cases to a cure. Colorectal cancer surgery is usually performed to the primary tumor for all cancers, except those in have spread far removed organs.

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Learn more about the risk of uterine cancer

In a previous article we learned what is cervical cancer, but what is our risk of developing this disease? One woman, the risk of developing cervical cancer in their lifetime exposure to the female hormone estrogen are linked. Everything that a woman's exposure to estrogen also increases their risk increased.

Things that contribute to increased estrogen levels:

- A woman begins at an early age (before age 12).
- A late menopause (after theAge of 52).
- Have never children.
- A history of not ovulating.
-) Reduce tamoxifen (a hormonal drug for the treatment and the risk of breast cancer.
- Estrogen replacement therapy (for treatment) for menopausal symptoms
- Race. White women are more likely than African-American women get cervical cancer.
- Colon cancer. Women who had a hereditary form of colon cancer have a higher risk for uterine cancerthan other women.

Besides these, other factors include diabetes, gallbladder disease, hypertension and obesity.

Fortunately, the symptoms of uterine cancer is usually in the early stages of the disease if it very well treated. Cervical cancer has the lowest mortality rate for one of the cancer.

Women with known risk factors that are fully aware of this, and those that should be seriously concerned about uterine cancerask your doctor about symptoms to watch for and how often they have screening. The medical report is based on the woman's age, medical history, and other factors that he or she will wear for concern.

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Chakras - Symptoms of imbalance and Directions Heal - Includes 8th Chakra

What are chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning "spinning wheel of energy" or "Wheel of Light." Your chakras are the energy map or blueprint for the physical BodyMind. These energy centers or chakras come into contact with the circuits or currents of life force energy in the BodyMind. There are thousands of chakras in your body.

Chakra balancing procedures to assist in clearing blockages from deep in the subconscious levels of your energy.A regular practice of chakra attunements is a journey to discover himself. With a little practice you will increase the amplitude for each of your chakras. Increased amplitude is much value to your life force energy and a positive impact on your health and longevity. Primarily through regular initiations, you will begin to realize your highest divine potential.

What is Kundalini? The name was yogis to awaken to your full potential. Kundalini is like a snake, coiled and presentedslumbers your base chakra, the Sushumna Nadi. Nadi is used another word for chakra.

Pranic or Rainbow Light Chakra Breathing

Direct inhalation of aromatic Prana or Rainbow Light Chakra Breathing is one of the most effective ways of aromatherapy benefits for the balance of the chakras.

Sit comfortably with your spine erect, close your eyes and begin to draw your attention to the chakra balancing concentrate. Breathe in your oil or the mixture slowly to fill your lungs withOxygen. Your diaphragm is the organ for the processing of emotions, so that breathing is an important tool for the release of old, stagnant emotions.

Feel and hear the single-breath and out on the back of your throat as you eat distribute visualize prana entering through your crown chakra to her about your * Kundalini channel to your chakra. See your chakra as a beautiful swirling ball of colored light.

Visualize the air we breathe, with prana or Rainbow Light filled, as it fills yourLung and is delivered in your chakra. When you exhale a toxic residue, as brownish-gray smoke, let your chakra. Do not let memories, thoughts or feelings to the surface, and leave. Finally, your chakra will see so clear, vibrantly alive and healthy.


1. Chakra (Muladhara or Base) EARTH ~ ~ ~ DARK RED STABILITY & SECURITY

The first chakra is at your perineum, between the genitals and the anus. The heyday of this chakra is the maturePerson who is constantly on her fate.

Body Parts: central nervous system, adrenal glands, lymph system, male reproductive, prostate, colon, coccyx, sacrum, bone, teeth, nails, legs, arms

AROMA: Sweet, warm, earthy, regulator or restorative aromas like Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), ginger (Zingiber officinale), myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha), frankincense (Boswellia fereana), ylang ylang (Cananga odorata),Patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli).

Physical imbalance: sciatica, constipation, ovarian, uterine, prostate, varicose veins, rectal cancer, immune disorders, hemorrhoids conditions.

Emotional blockage: separation of community, family, or himself feeling of abandonment leads to frustration, blocked passion, emotional lability, self indulgence, insecurity, grief, loss, depression, conflict between attachment and detachment.

Affirmation: "I am one with everything. II'm sure. I am loved. "


2. Chakra (Sexual / Spleen) ~ WATER ~ ~ Pink Orange CREATIVITY

The second chakra is the base of your spine, halfway between the navel and pubic bone. Water power is fluid, tough - the power to act with integrity and obstacles to overcome.

Body Parts: Female sex organs, bladder, colon, pelvis, buttocks, 3 Lumbar-sacral

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, fluid, citrus, aphrodisiac,Supervisory or restorative scents like ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), Rose (Rosa damascena), Geranium (Pelargonium roseum), patchouli (Pogostemon patchouli), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), Bergamot Oil (Citrus bergamia) , Tangerine (Citrus reticulata), sweet orange (Citrus sinensis).

Physical imbalance: lumbar tension, back pain and pelvic pain, sciatica, kidney and bladder infections, immune disorders, chronic fatigue, impotence, frigidity,Irritable bowel syndrome, cancer and diabetes, addiction.

Emotional blockage: anxiety, fear, anxiety, power struggles, financial and labor problems, emotional boundary issues, jealousy, mistrust.

Affirmation: "I love and honor myself and my whole life."

The power of fire

3. Manipura chakra (solar plexus) FIRE ~ ~ ~ Emerald Green DESIRE
Your third chakra is located just above the navel - power of transformation. In balance, trust yourself and fullyResponsibility for your life.

Body Parts: diaphragm, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys, adrenals, stomach, small intestine, chest, lower chest to 2 Loins --

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, earthy, sour, woody, regulator or restorative aromas such as sandalwood (Santalum album), myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica), ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), lemon (Citruslimonum).

Physical imbalance: respiratory diseases, immune system, hormones and digestive system, ulcers, gallstones, heartburn, diabetes, hypoglycemia, tumors, anorexia, bulimia, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, arthritis.

Emotional blockage: victimization, the need for approval, stress, anger, frustration, fear of responsibility, guilt, fear, doubt, question commitment.

Affirmation: "I am the almighty creator of my reality and I love it."


4. Anahata Chakra (heart) ~ Air ~SO GOLD ~ COMPASSION
The fourth chakra is located just behind your heart lies - power of motion. This chakra governs your communications, especially the nervous system.

Body parts: heart, circulatory, lung, rib cage, thoracic spine, thymus, breast, esophagus, shares with the 5th Chakra - arms, shoulders, hands

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, citrus, woodsy, stimulating, antidepressant, regulator or restorative aromas such as rose (Rosa damascena), Frankincense (Boswellia fereana)Sandalwood (Santalum album), spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) Bergamot (Citrus bergamia), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum), Neroli (Citrus aurantium), Geranium (Pelargonium roseum)

Physical imbalance: heart disease, asthma, lung and breast cancers, thoracic spine, pneumonia, hypertension, stroke, angina, arthritis

Emotional blockage: insensitive, emotionally closed, passivity, depression,Lack of forgiveness, loss, grief

Affirmation: "I love unconditionally and accept them."


5. Visuddha chakra (throat) ~ ~ BLUE SAPPHIRE INTENTION TO CREATE
The fifth chakra is located on the back of the throat - power of creativity and self-realization.
Body Parts: mouth, teeth, gums, trachea, larynx, cervical, thyroid, shares shoulders, arms, hands and esophagus 4th Chakra)

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, woody, citrus fruits, regulators,Restorative aromas of frankincense (Boswellia fereana), sandalwood (Santalum album), myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha), spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), sweet orange (Citrus sinensis ), Bergamot Oil (Citrus bergamia), Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum ssp serotinum).

Physical imbalance are: throat, voice, gum, dental problems, TMJ, thyroid conditions, catching the flu or colds, chronicInfections, allergic reactions.

Emotional blockage: stagnation, obsession, lack of expression, depression, indecision, fears and phobias.

Affirmation: "I am the author of my life. The power of choice is mine."


6. Ajna chakra (forehead and 3rd Eye) ~ ~ DEEP BLUE INDIGO INTUITION

The sixth chakra is located on the front of the seat of your divine consciousness.

Body: the brain and nervous system, pituitary and pineal glands, eyes, ears,Nose

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, spicy, citrus, annoying, regulators, restorative aromas like spikenard (Nardostachys Atamans), Petitgrain (Citrus uranium), lavender (Lavandula August folia), Neroli (Citrus uranium), ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), Bergamot Oil (Citrus bergamia), frankincense (Boswellia fereana), sandalwood (Santalum album), myrrh (Commiphora Myrrha), Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens), lemon (Citrus limonum).

Physical imbalance are: headaches, fuzzy thinking, brainTumors, stroke, blindness, deafness, seizures, learning disabilities, spinal problems, panic, depression

Emotional blockage: fears, phobias, lack of focus and discipline, lack verdict, confusion, nightmares, schizophrenia

Affirmation: "It is safe for me to see the truth."


7. Sahasrara Chakra (Crown) ~ ~ White Violet SPIRIT CONNECTION

The seventh chakra is located at the crown of the head - the power of infinity.
Body Parts:Cranium, top of head

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, citrus, control, restoration flavors such as ylang ylang (Cananga odorata), Rose (Rosa damascena), spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi), myrrh (Boswelia fereana), lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), German chamomile (Matricaria recutita ) Neroli (Citrus aurantium), Bergamot Oil (Citrus bergamia), sandalwood (Santalum album), Lemon (Citrus limonum).

Emotional blockage: loss of meaning, or purpose, the loss of connection with the Divine, closedminded, anxiety, depression

Physical imbalance: musculoskeletal system diseases, skin diseases, divine dissatisfaction, depression, chronic fatigue, hypersensitivity to light, sound and environmental stimulus.

Affirmation: "I am one with the present."


8. Universal Heart Chakra ~ ~ AQUA TURQUOISE DIVINE LOVE

The eighth chakra is behind the sternum, located below the jugular - the power of Divine Love.

Body Parts:Heart, thymus, sternum

AROMATHERAPY: sweet, restorative aromas rose (Rosa damascena), Neroli (Citrus aurantium).

Emotional blockage: detachment, numbness

Physical imbalance: Mysterious, is not responding Diseases

Affirmation: "I'm in the Universal Heart."

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