Colon Cancer From Cheese?

My neighbor was called "Cheese Man" as he used to give us beautiful cheese cheese specialties from his private house. At 2 years after the launch of the company, he disappeared and no one knew where he had gone. We began to worry. Later, after he returned home, we were told that he was hospitalized because he had developed cancer. How? - We asked ourselves, as he ate the right kinds of food. He used to eat fiber-rich foods for breakfast, yogurt,Juice, tons of fruit and cheese. He was one of the healthiest people we had ever known.

There was no reason for him to develop colon cancer, but it has happened. The reason? Constant cold cheese in its custody. He used to be 8 hours in a giant refrigerator to spend. A large part of his colon had to be removed, and he lived with a bag hanging from his side. He was in great pain and could only eat liquid almost six months. I've seen his pain and struggle, asthen I have been very conscious of my circumstances and the exposure to which my body is object.

Cancer does not differentiate. It can come to everyone. Yet not many of us are aware of the risks that lead to developing this disease. Our digestive system is at times not given due importance or attention. People are not clear about the difference between their appendix, small intestine, and colon.

What causes colon cancer? Colon cancer can develop from growing of polyps in the colon. These growths that have a mushroom-like shape, are not deadly, but some may develop into cancer with time. The cancer is diagnosed through colonoscopy, a rather painful examination. Treatment is via surgical intervention which in certain cases has to be followed by chemotherapy.

The patient in many cases do not experiences any symptoms, i.e., asymptomatic. Therefore, fecal occult blood testing is recommended to be be conducted at regular intervals. Symptoms are stronger and the lesion is closer to the anus. Such symptoms change in bowel habits. For example, changing the frequency, quality and consistency of stool, bloody stools, stools with mucus, stool with melena (black color due to oxidation of iron in hemoglobin, as it passes through the intestines.) Anemia with dizziness, anorexia, asthenia and symptoms are weakness.

Most of the people older than 60 are at riskDevelopment of colon cancer. Removal of polyps in time reduce the possible risk of cancer. Persons with a previous colorectal cancer are likely to develop again in the future. This disease can be developed on a hereditary basis. Needless to say, smoking is a high risk for this type of cancer.

Inadequate intake of fresh vegetables and fish, and before the consumption of red meat can cause this disease. Of course, if youphysically active, your digestive system works better and faster, so you will be less risk. Human papilloma virus is the cause of this cancer, so you must check the type of virus with your doctor if to catch you. An early diagnosis can save your life.

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