Colon cancer symptoms are mild in the early stages of the disease Miss

Colon cancer symptoms are not always clear, and are often so subtle that they are serious diseases confused for less money. Colorectal cancer symptoms are often silent and undetected them. Because symptoms often confused with less fatal conditions allows the cancer to progress further before the diagnosis and treatment. These symptoms are very serious and lead to cancer of the colon, which is in the top three of theMost life-threatening forms of cancer in men.

Symptoms do not often give early warning signs of cancer, but by history, examination and professional examination, a diagnosis or symptoms, determination of the presence of cancer can be determined. Not often lead directly to the underlying diagnosis and many symptoms can be misleading symptoms. Symptoms can thus long rest, as long as five years, by the timecurable stage of the cancer have moved long past.

Understanding cancer symptoms is important as you can use this knowledge, the health of working with your doctor to discover the cause and take care of your long-term. Some of the most common symptoms are local changes in your bowel habits, such as bowel movements that are either more or less frequently than normal, constipation (difficulty with bowel movements orEffort to move bowel), diarrhea (loose or watery stools), intermittent (alternating constipation and diarrhea and bright red or dark red blood in the stool or dark black, colored,) "a pause" chairs.

Stools, thinner than normal ("pencil-chair") or the feeling that you are not completely empty your bowels, abdominal discomfort, bloating, frequent bloating or cramps. If you experience any of these for two weeks or more, call your doctor immediately about yourConcerns and provide tests, symptoms to get the order to the bottom of your browser.

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