Different foods to prevent colon cancer
What is Colon Cancer?
Cancer, including colorectal cancer includes cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix. With 655,000 deaths worldwide per year, it is the third most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the Western world. Many colon cancer are thought to arise from adenomatus polyps in the colon. These mushroom-like growths are usually benign, but some may develop into cancerover time. The majority of the time, the diagnosis of localized colon cancer by colonoscopy. Treatment is usually through surgery, which in many cases, followed by chemotherapy.
Two ways to reduce the risk of colon cancer
1. Meal times - before eating will reduce the burden, thou hast processed foods and colon are your chances of undigested foods ferment in your colon area decrease. Food is the later you eat, the better the chances younot digest properly, it means the chance of more toxins in your colon are regulated. Over time, you can see how this habit can damage your bowels.
2. Eat Meal frequency - less at each meal, but eat more meals. In this way, take the weight off your digestive system, the load easier on your colon. Especially in times that you threw food and stress can disrupt your digestion.
How to Eat to Prevent ColonCancer?
1. Shop the periphery of your supermarket. Here are the healthiest foods are located, especially for produce.
2. Eat vegetables to produce from the course as a normal part of daily diet. These vegetables are green leafy vegetables, roots and tubers, legumes such as beans and peas, and stems and flowers such as broccoli, artichokes and celery.
3. Consume blueberries every day. Some studies show that blueberries can reduce your riskCancer. Blueberries are so powerful, because it contains the super antioxidant Pterostilbene.
4. Include other fruits in your diet, such as a wide range of berries, tropical fruits, citrus fruits, melons and fruits such as cherries and seeded grapes.
5. Increase your consumption of whole grains, especially whole grain products. At least you should eat whole grain bread instead of white bread and brown rice instead of white.
6. CabinetsTheir consumption of animal fats and cholesterol, as they have been linked an increased risk for colon cancer.
The article above is to say fast, how to eat to prevent colon cancer. Just follow this simple guide and live a life without cancer.
Recommend : healty food
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