Colon Cancer Prognosis 101

Colon cancer prognosis is the expected result of the disease in the individual. This varies from patient to patient and depends on the nature, timing and location of the cancer in the body. Other factors that can change the prognosis of colorectal cancer include the patient's age, general health and response to treatment. This brief article provides more useful information to prove, should be helpful.

Doctor's determination of a patient> Colon cancer prognosis is usually a look at all factors that could influence the outcome of the disease in order to make a thorough decision. Are often used In the study of statistics, five-year survival rates, and doctors sometimes base their forecast on being treated on a unique basis. But it is important for patients to understand that these are estimates, and not necessarily final rules to disappear.

The tricky part about the prognosis of the stage is that the patient and hisFamily face "unknown". The doctor can not always be an exact answer to the question of what will happen, and it is for the patient, how much information he or she wishes to receive. It is important for patients to remember that the prognosis is a prediction, and is not necessarily 100 percent accurate.

Physicians should be kept informed of the symptoms from the outset, even if the cancer at an early stage or when the patient feels he or she might have cancer. Recognize it earlyis a good way to save a life, and screening test subjects if they do not even symptoms, just to be on the safe side.

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