Tips to prevent the spread of swine

Swine Flu is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus. It is believed that the influenza virus in pigs is endemic. Disease symptoms are similar to flu, with chills, fever, sore throat, headache, cough and weakness that the similarities. Swine H2N3 influenza is usually caused by influenza A subtype H1N1, H1N2, H1N3 e. In addition to continuing in pigs, this was widespread in humans and is currently a reviewinfluence worldwide.

Other research has shown that the present epidemic the result of a new strain, which is already found in pigs. The epidemic of swine flu in May 2009, believed to have ties to Mexican pigs on a farm in Alberta, Canada, in collaboration with the pigs were pandemic. The first reports to identify the new strain of swine influenza, but its origin is unknown. Several countries have been taking precautionary measures to reduce the chancesglobal pandemic of the disease.

People who are in contact with poultry and pigs / pork active and are at increased risk, such as influenza virus is endemic in these animals. Vaccination of workers and keep a watchful eye on the new strain may play an active measure to block the public health of its distribution. Other veterinary professionals are at risk and meat processing workers. However, the element of risk less for professionals such as agricultural workers.

The pigs are infected with thisfever flu strain shows, lethargy, and seem to have difficulty breathing. Direct transfer of classical swine influenza viruses from pigs to humans is possible, but only occasionally. The swine flu epidemic in 2009 showed an acute febrile respiratory illness. The most common cause of death of swine flu is respiratory failure. Other causes associated with the illness and subsequent death is pneumonia, high fever, vomiting and dehydration resulting from excessive electrolyteImbalance. The elderly and children are more susceptible to swine influenza deaths.

For the diagnosis of swine influenza various medical equipment, such as swab samples for viral culture and indirect evidence by detection of antibodies. Preventing disease with centers focused on blocking the strain of influenza in pigs has been classified, distributed to prevent transmission to humans and to prevent infections among people far away.

Methods for the prevention of disease in pigs areFacility management, vaccination and herd management. Standard commercial vaccines effectively control the infection if the strains match. facility management revolves around use of disinfectants and temperature control to eliminate the virus in the environment. Herd management includes isolation of infected animals from those that are not infected by the virus.

With masks and a vaccine can prevent infection in humans, while the use of gloves will also help to some extent. Influence spreads from person to person by coughing, sneezing or touching infected areas. In humans, swine influenza is highly contagious during the first five days of illness, while children remain vulnerable to infectious ten days.

Standard infection control measures such as frequent hand washing, disinfection of household surfaces with bleach, avoid touching eyes, mouth and hands to prevent infection with influenza virus. It 's recommended by doctors that someone is sufferingFlu-like symptoms> should avoid public transportation, stay away from public places and social gatherings, while the recruitment of vaccines is very useful.

The treatment of people infected with swine influenza is antiviral drugs, which makes the disease worse. Other measures to treat the disease are home-based care and support hospitals, which focuses on relieving pain and maintain fluid balance.

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