Swine flu - the disturbing facts and symptoms

Have you ever wondered what exactly the symptoms of swine flu and what are the causes?.

Swine flu is essentially a strain of flu virus that is usually pork in endemic. The symptoms found in people in general from:

Neck pain
Limb pain

Here are some disturbing facts:

been reported since August 2009, there were over 209,438 confirmed casesH1N1 strain of swine influenza worldwide, approximately 2,185 deaths.

Most families can lessen the chances of catching influenza vaccination of pigs.

If you are under 40 years, is more than likely that you never had a pandemic, which could explain why a lot of people this last pandemic was serious, experienced until it was too late.

However, flu experts have been waiting for years, it has proven to be the next pandemic"big." Many of these experts will tell you that there is a case of if ... but when it happens.

What's more, they also say that this pandemic is now more than 2 billion people expected around the world. The last time a strain of H1N1 has been verified, this share worldwide in the spring of 1918, then disappeared for a couple of months before returning in the fall, this time it was an aggressive tribe, so that there is a further The death toll of about 100 million to bring.

Certainly food for thought, the big question is, therefore, you and your family to care for swine flu? The answer is simple ... Yes, you should. Who are those most at risk of swine flu?

Older people aged 65 or more.
Children under 5 years.
Pregnant Women
Those who are serious diseases such as cancer, heart or kidney disease.

The H1N1 > Influenza virus spreads in the same way as the common cold and influenza. If a person or sneezes, droplets are released meters from the nose or mouth, can travel up to 3 coughing

Most influenza viruses are about 20 minutes on soft ground, but it can stay alive for areas up to 24 hours on the disc.

A person can catch the virus at any time during the year, but it is particularly rampant during the autumn and winter months, although it is very unlikely, possible that these pigs> Virus could mutate much more common than it was 1918 with the development of more disease and death.

We have already seen that the worlds resources, health care organizations have been more than a short stretch when they try to cope with the swine flu quickly.

So on that note, it might be a good idea to prepare for a possible future pandemic


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