How To Treat Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

There are many people who are consuming vitamin B12 supplements do not know that vitamin B12 and folate are B complex vitamins that are necessary for normal red blood cell. Vitamin B12 is rarely found in vegetables, which is why vegetarians and especially vegans who don't eat dairy products or meat, are especially at risk. This vitamin b12 along with folic acid are necessary to keep homocysteine in the blood down to healthy levels. Therefore any deficiency will lead to some health complications.

What are the deficiency symptoms?

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are manifest not because people are taking less vitamin B12 than recommended. Deficiency of vitamin B12 affects every cell in the body, but is most severely felt in the tissues where the cells normally divide rapidly, as in the blood-forming -tissues of the bone marrow and in the gastro-intestinal tract. The deficiency can also lead to neurological changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. It also include mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, night terror etc. It can also include fatigue, weakness, nausea, constipation, flatulence (gas), loss of appetite and weight. Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms, like those of many other treatable health conditions, can be virtually identical to age dementia symptoms, senile dementia symptoms and Alzheimers symptoms.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency include insufficient equilibrium, forgetfulness, and cognitive decline and, according to a study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), may be linked to osteoporosis. Symptoms of severe vitamin B12 deficiency (regardless of the cause) may include burning of the tongue, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, intermittent constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, menstrual symptoms, psychological symptoms, and nervous system problems, such as numbness and tingling in the feet and hands. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, including sensory neuropathy, myelopathy, and encephalopathy, can occur within days or weeks of exposure to nitrous oxide anesthesia in people with sub-clinical vitamin B12 deficiency.

Anemia is the first sign that the body is not getting an adequate supply of Vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia is the name given more than a century ago to describe the then-fatal vitamin B12 deficiency anemia that results from severe gastric atrophy, a condition that prevents gastric cells from secreting intrinsic factor.

How to treat vitamin B12 deficiency?

Folic acid can correct the anemia that is caused by a B-12 deficit. Folic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and vitamin B12 supplementation can reduce total homocysteine levels, however, this reduction does not seem to help with secondary prevention of death or cardiovascular events such as stroke or myocardial infarction in people with prior stroke. Folic acid intake from food and supplements should not exceed 1,000 μg daily in healthy individuals because large amounts of folic acid can trigger the damaging effects of vitamin B12 deficiency. Pernicious anemia usually develops over the age of 50. It is usually caused by an inability to absorb vitamin B12 (cobalamin) that is naturally found in certain foods.

Can Diet Help The Deficiency?

Dietary changes that may be helpful, vitamin B12 is found in significant amounts only in animal protein foods - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Foods high in vitamin b12 can only be obtained from animal sources, so vegetarians and vegans should ensure B12 is included in their daily vitamin supplements.


Deficiency of vitamin B12 is rarely a result of the vitamin's. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can affect both men and women in equal numbers. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in fatigue and apathy, back pain, weight loss, bone loss, problems with balance andreflexes, abnormal gait, tingling fingers, tinnitus, eye disorders, hallucinations and migraine headaches.

Therefore, Eddy Kong has started a useful vitamin supplement information guide that help you to choose the vitamin you are looking for or simply providing the right information to vitamin supplements.

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Quitting Alcohol - Side Effects And Treatment

Let's begin with information about what to anticipate in general whenever you quit drinking and how your body readjusts with the changes. When under-going alcohol withdrawal signs or symptoms, anybody is certain to become unsettled, won't be able to concentrate on issues to hand, shaking, insomnia, tiredness, depression symptoms, becoming easily annoyed, DTs and so on.

More serious withdrawal signs can include blackouts, convulsions, the condition of delirium, turmoil, increased temperatures and so forth. Modest withdrawal signs and symptoms comprise of sweating, head aches, an increased heart rhythm, looking pale, sticky skin, irregular eye lid squints, hand tremors, and so on. On the whole the average person just cannot concentrate on anything.

Every one of these signs and symptoms call for alcohol withdrawal therapy along with prompt attention, but even so many people can come off drinking quite safely at home without any help. Even so, if you're ever concerned with what's going to happen to you or you have already experienced an undesirable ordeal in the past, you ought to contact your doctor or even your local community alcoholics group. There's just no point in punishing yourself with lousy withdrawals.

To make sure you know what is normal to expect, the first three days of withdrawal will likely be the worst, and the signs and symptoms you are likely to feel can include anxiousness, becoming easily irritated, uneasiness and potentially flu-like signs. It is important to drink juice throughout the first couple of days because alcohol possesses a substantial sugar content and it is important to substitute this.

Natural rest behaviour is disrupted through the abuse of alcohol, and if you find you can't sleep at night after a couple of hours, you should not worry - this is quit normal in most people and will correct itself after a few weeks. A good word of advice though might be to learn some good relaxation workouts.

While the time passes by you'll discover you are fascinated in things you'd given up when you began to drink, so allow yourself the time to take pleasure in them again, like for example, watching the TV as much as you want, but more importantly make an effort to carry out some physical exercise. Try to make some modest targets that you know you are able reach, so don't attempt to do too much. If you need to quit smoking, well take the necessary action at a later time, and aim to just put yourself through the one thing at a time.

You might want to reveal to people you love just what you really are experiencing. Don't be disappointed if they seem to have no faith in you, as they will also need time to adjust just like you will.

Quitting drinking alcohol won't solve all of the problems which triggered you to start drinking in the first place. Don't get lured into attempting to handle them straight away, as you'll be in a better position to cross that bridge at a later moment in time, and you may then want to speak to somebody such as a therapist.

You should beware of putting yourself into the position of drinking alcohol again, so avoid the particular locations and people who have always lead you to drink alcohol. It is also vital that you have prepared in your mind what you should say if someone else offers you a drink.

It is not easy quitting alcohol, but can be achieved through doing things gradually - one day at a time as Alcoholics Anonymous puts it, and also by staying realistic, you will triumph over alcohol.

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Home Remedy For Sinus Infection

Sinus infections are one of the most common infections across the world. Sinus attacks are caused by an infection in the sinuses or cavities that are present in the bones near the nose. When there is any swelling in these sinuses because of some infection, breathing becomes difficult, resulting in fever, headaches, and other discomforts. This is known as sinusitis.

Each sinus or cavity in the skull has an opening that allows free exchange of mucus and air. Each sinus is joined to the other by a mucous membrane lining. When there is an infection like hay fever or a disease like asthma, these sinuses and the lining become inflamed, causing air and mucus to be blocked inside or a vacuum to be created. This can cause pressure on the sinus walls, causing severe pain. Millions of dollars are spent for sinus medications and sinus research.

Sinus infections can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Sometimes, the infection may also lead to some brain infections or other chronic problems. Though there is no effective remedy for sinus infections, a lot of comfort can be gained by treating the sinus symptoms like headaches, nasal discharge, nasal blocking, runny nose, ear/neck/cheek/jaw pain, swelling of eyelids, etc. However, acute or chronic sinus infections require prolonged treatments, comprised of antibiotics or therapies like saline nasal rinses, topical/oral decongestants, antihistamines, mucolytic agents, and intranasal corticosteroids.

Sinus infections can also be treated by some home remedies. A lot of relief can be obtained by inhaling steam from a vaporizer or a bowl of hot water. Applying a hot or a cold compress over the inflamed area would also provide relief. A decoction of mustard seed powder and water, instilled in the nostrils; eating jalapeno peppers; drinking juice of ripe grapes; applying a paste of cinnamon and water on the forehead; applying paste of ginger and water/milk on the forehead; applying paste of basil leaves, cloves, and dried ginger on the forehead; inhaling steam of eucalyptus oil; and drinking warm tea are all found to be effective in providing some relief. Drinking a lot of water and other fluids would also help. A great deal of rest is also required. However, it is better to consult a specialist if the infection persists.

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Severe GERD Symptoms - Identify Extreme Heartburn Symptoms

Up to 40% of Americans suffer from GERD. GERD, short for gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition of serious and prolonged heartburn. In the worst cases, severe GERD symptoms will result.

What are severe GERD symptoms? These can be classified as the worst and most painful of acid reflux symptoms. Here, I will outline what these are so you can identify them. Anyone with severe GERD symptoms should see a doctor soon, or even seek a second opinion if they are not responding to the current regime of medication.

Severe Heartburn -- this is the most obvious of severe GERD symptoms and unique to GERD (although, as the name implies, it can sometimes be confused with symptoms of a heart attack which are actually very different). Severe heartburn is felt as an intense burning sensation that travels from the stomach to the throat where it usually diminishes after a few seconds.

Regurgitation -- many GERD sufferers never experience regurgitation which is seen in more severe cases. We know that GERD results because the lower sphincter allows the escape of acid. When the upper sphincter also fails in its function, severe GERD symptoms such as this can result. As well as bringing up foul tasting acid, food and liquid are also often brought up. If this occurs on a regular basis, acid erosion of the teeth can also occur.

Nausea -- most GERD sufferers do not experience this feeling of being sick but in some rare cases, those with this condition have prolonged feelings of nausea, often resulting in vomiting. In the absence of anything other obvious cause (such as pregnancy or illness), GERD is often suspected as a cause of nausea.

Hoarse Voice and Sore Throat -- these severe GERD symptoms occur when the LES fails and the throat becomes inflamed. Acid in the region of the vocal chords can cause the voice to deteriorate over time and cause the voice to become more hoarse. This latter symptom, in particular, is rarely seen.

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Symptoms of Kidney Stones - Know the Symptoms and Know If You Have Kidney Trouble

We all have what it takes to have kidney stones. As we continuously pump our body with foods that are rich in oxalates or insoluble salts, coupled with foods that have insoluble calcium and proteins, there is a greater risk of having kidney stone formation. Often we are not aware that these stones have already formed in our system. We will only realize this, once we experience the symptoms of kidney stones.

Symptoms of Kidney Stone:

1. There is severe pain or a nagging pain in the lower back area ; usually on one side or both sides.

2. Unexpected spasms or twinges, starting from the back below the rib area and spreads out around the abdomen reaching even the groins and the genital area.

3. Murky or sometimes blood smeared and foul smelling urine.

4. Feelings of being sick and feverish and having chills;

5. Frequency of urges to relieve one's self of urine and at times a smarting pain during urination;

The following are the tests the doctor will likely put you through as a confirmation that the discomforts you are feeling are symptoms of kidney stone.

Tests for Diagnosing Kidney Stones

1. Take a blood test where information about the excess chemicals and substances present in your body can be determined.

2. Have a urine analysis test where the doctor will have available information about your urine composition as well determine if you have an infection.

3. Get an x-ray image where the stones will become visible as white spots, they are usually stones that contain calcium.

4. Undergo an Intravenous Urogram (IVU), a special dye will be injected and you whole urinary system will be projected in an x-ray machine, to show more stones that are hard to see in an ordinary x-ray.

5. Undergo an ultrasound scan- this tests make use of high frequency sound waves that has the ability to produce an image of an internal organ, in this case, the kidney.

6 Take a Non-contrast Helical Computerized Tomography - this method also projects images from a series of X-ray images shown in varied angles to detect and diagnose kidney stones. Most medical practitioners consider this as the most accurate diagnostic examination.

If the doctor has enough information on his hand to judge that your discomforts are symptoms of kidney stones, he will recommend the following treatments:

Treatments for Kidney Stones:

1. Drink the almost proverbial 8 -10 glasses of water a day.

2. Have a regular exercise to be physically active, since this will move the stones out while they are still small. Besides, it will prod you into drinking more water.

3. A medical prescription for paracetamol or codeine to help alleviate the pain of naturally passing stones out with water.

4. Since kidney stones are liable to form again and bother you, the doctor will ask you to strain your urine in order to get hold of some stone samples. The doctor will determine the composition of these stones to let you know what types of food you should avoid.

5. However, if despite these simple treatments your kidney stone symptoms still persist, the doctor will have no other recourse but to recommend different surgical procedures to remove the stones that may be blocking your urine passage or urether.

6. Additional prescriptions for anti-biotic may also arise to prevent any infection from spreading out in other parts of the body.

The symptoms of kidney stones are known to recur for as long as your renal system is pumped with oxalates and other insoluble substances in the form of protein and calcium.Hence, mind your food intakes. Eliminating the stones will eliminate the symptoms of kidney stone.

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Treatment of Blood Under a Fingernail

Everyone at some point in their life pinches or smashes their fingertip under or between something. It's just a part of life (ouch)!! If it were not for the fingernail, the injuries would probably heal within a few days like a common bruise and have no lasting effect or pain. However, because the fingertips are highly vascular, minor trauma, such as a crushing injury or a blow to the fingertip will cause them to easily bleed underneath the fingernail. Your skin, and the anatomy of the fingernail, naturally seals that area below the nail and does not allow the blood to drain. The blood therefore pools in the nail bed, causing an increase in pressure and intense throbbing pain. This is how the fingernail becomes darkened, and you can often literally feel throbbing pain to your injury, with each heartbeat.

Treatment and Expectations: Immediate treatment includes ice and elevation of the limb to minimize the swelling of the injury. Sounds easy you say? Well read on! The next part is not for the faint at heart.

If the pool of blood under the nail is painful and you can feel a throbbing sensation (your pulse), then relief can only be achieved by actually releasing the pressure. This can be done by creating a hole in the top of the fingernail itself, and allowing the blood to drain. Now this may sound like the last thing you want to do to an already painful finger, but if you get in the car and drive to an Urgent Care center, this is exactly what they would do. The following section describes two basic ways to painlessly achieve this, one by drilling a hole, and one by burning a hole. Neither way is any more painful than the other, and both are very easy to do.

One way to do it: The hole can be made with a jeweler's drill (a really small drill bit that you can twist by hand), or an 18 gauge syringe type needle. Clean the top of the nail off with alcohol and begin drilling the hole directly over the largest and darkest part of the blood pool. Use a quick twisting motion of the needle or drill with very little pressure. You won't feel any additional pain because the nail has no nerves in it. When you get through the nail, blood will spurt out of the hole, often with surprising force, and relief will be instantaneous. You can also try to gently squeeze out any remaining blood from the hole.

The fastest and best way to do it: The other method involves melting a hole right through the nail. Although it sounds horrifying, in my experience, it is easier, faster, less traumatic and more sterile since it cauterizes and kills bacteria with the heat. To begin, first straighten a small paperclip. Then holding it with a pair of glove or pliers, heat the paperclip in a flame until it gets red hot, and then poke a hole in the nail. You really should not have to push the paperclip, as it will melt through by itself. Apply just a little pressure, right over the darkest spot, and continue until you feel a little pop, or blood is released. You want to do this procedure quickly enough so that you won't have to reheat the paperclip again to finish the job. When you get through the nail, blood will spurt out of the hole, often with surprising force, and relief will be instantaneous. You can also try to gently squeeze out any remaining blood from the hole.

Whichever method you choose, you don't want to go deeper than about 1/16 in. (2mm) below the nail. (Don't stress about this, just estimate it with your good judgment and get it over with!) After your done, soak in some Hydrogen Peroxide solution, repeat the soaks three times a day. This is to prevent a clot from forming and causing pressure to build up again. You might have to squeeze once or twice again, but usually, the first time does it.

When to seek professional medical attention:

-Signs and symptoms of infection. -You lose any movement or range of motion in the body part as a result of the trauma. -The injury appears to be worse than a simple bloody fingernail. -When in doubt.

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Buzzing in Ears Treatment

Buzzing in ears treatment that's natural can be easy to find once you know where to look! If not, finding natural treatment for buzzing in the ears can be like looking for a needle in a haystack at times!

Buzzing in the ears, otherwise known as tinnitus, is a medical condition that's often chronic where there is a problem in the inner ear that stops it's correct linking to the brain. Ringing in the ears is a symptom of this malfunction and in the blood flow affecting the inner ear, there's a ringing, a buzzing or whooshing sound in one ear or in both ears.

As many people know, buzzing in the ears can be triggered by:
*exposure to loud noises or rock music
*the effects of old age
*colds or flu
*high blood pressure
*an accumulation of ear wax
*circulation problems

Fortunately, natural solutions exist very often in the form of vitamin and herbal supplements and remedies.

Studies have shown that vitamin deficiencies have been found to cause ringing in the ears. Buzzing in ears treatment that focuses on healing these very often heals the tinnitus.

Circulation in the ears can be improved with a good multi vitamin pill which include vitamins A, C & E.

Also the 'wonder' supplement magnesium may be in short supply (we excrete more magnesium through our kidneys when we're stressed!) in our bodies. Few of us eat magnesium rich foods in sufficient quantities anymore to make up for the amount we excrete!

Magnesium is essential for the nervous system and nerves to function well. If you're feeling nervous and agitated magnesium (make sure it's highly absorbable and top grade) may be your answer!

So too potassium and zinc deficiencies have been found in tinnitus sufferers particularly in those with advancing years! It's amazing what a good, healthy diet can prevent or heal.

As for buzzing in ears treatment that are herbal remedies, these abound both offline and online.

One of the best herbal treatments is Ginkgo biloba. This helps to improve the blood flow to the ears and reduces the noise and loudness of the ringing in the ears, tests have shown.

So too Co Enzyme Q10-300mg as well as improving circulation also fights fatigue in the body and increases energy levels.

Eating certain foods has also been known to help tinnitus for example pineapple and the enzymes contained in this can ease buzzing in the ears, so too garlic and seaweed can assist the circulatory system and blood flow. Odourless garlic is best of course!

Things to avoid that exacerbate buzzing include: tea, coffee, too much salt and alcohol. These often dilate and enlarge the blood vessels which can make the blood flow excessive to the inner ear increasing discomfort.

A further buzzing in ears treatment is the rather unknown 'cure' method advocated by Dr John Sarno from the 1970's onwards. He discovered that repressed emotions can come out in physiological illnesses. This doesn't mean the illness isn't real or psychosomatic, an imagined or unreal discomfort. No, it means that the tinnitus is real but the cause of it is buried in repressed emotions that need to be dealt with. If they're not dealt with the body Dr Sarno says can develop painful or chronic conditions to 'distract' sufferer from their real problem of emotional, undealt with pain.

His theory states that these emotions can cause vertigo and ringing in the ears symptoms. Dr Sarno's Tension Myositis Syndrome theory and the simple cure is well worth a look especially for those in great discomfort who've tried everything else and nothing has worked!

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Tonsil Rocks Treatment - How to Get Rid of Tonsil Rocks

There are several home treatments for tonsil rocks, here are the most common types of treatments for tonsil rocks.

The use of a medicine dropper is recommended when it is possible to see the rocks somewhat clearly. With this approach, the tip of the medicine dropper is positioned over the stone, and the depressed bulb on the dropper is opened. The suction may help to dislodge the stone from the infected tonsil and also allow for removal from the body altogether.

This approach usually requires assistance of a trusted friend or relative, as it is virtually impossible to use mirrors to achieve a good view of the tonsils and still manipulate the medicine dropper at the same time.

For persons who seem to have excellent control over the gag reflex, there is also the option of calling the toothbrush into active duty. With this approach, the toothbrush is coated with some agent to help cling to and remove the tonsil rocks while the tonsils are gently brushed.

It may be necessary to brush for a few strokes, then remove the toothbrush while the urge to gag subsides, then continue the process. Keep in mind this home treatment is not for the squeamish.

Along with the toothbrush, it may also work to use a cotton swab or even a finger to press lightly on the infected tonsil. The idea behind this approach is that the slight pressure will alter the surface of the tonsil momentarily and thus dislodge the tonsil rock from its secure nesting spot.

Most often, tonsil rocks are effectively treated at home using natural home remedies. This is the most efficient way and easiest way to permanently eliminate tonsil stones.

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Thoracic Spinal Stenosis Symptoms and Treatments

Thoracic spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal cord or spinal nerves are compressed by narrowing of the spinal canal or the openings between vertebrae. The thoracic spine has some unique characteristics that make thoracic spinal stenosis a little different than stenosis in other areas. Thoracic spinal stenosis rarely occurs in isolation, but is almost always accompanied by stenosis in the lumbar area, and sometimes also the cervical spine.

There are 12 thoracic vertebra and they articulate with the 12 sets of ribs that protect our major organs. The thoracic spine curves outward, and the curve is gentler than the cervical or lumbar curves. Because of the ribs, the thoracic spine is more fixed than the cervical or lumbar areas, too. Most of the motion of the thoracic spine is rotation, with little flexion or extension.

The spinal canal is naturally narrower in the thoracic area, even though the size of the spinal cord remains the same. That means there is less extra space, so it takes less obstruction to cause problems.


Like cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis, thoracic spinal stenosis can be congenital or acquired. There is a great deal of difference, however, in how it is manifested.

Most thoracic spinal stenosis is due to degenerative changes--arthritis in the joints, bone spurs, disc degeneration and other changes due to aging. As the degeneration progresses, you may experience pain in your back and legs, either aching in your legs when you walk that gets better when you rest, or pain that radiates down your back or legs. You may develop problems with walking or loss of bowel or bladder function.

Because the thoracic spinal canal is already naturally narrow, people with congenital spinal stenosis cannot tolerate any extra pressure on the spinal cord. They tend to develop symptoms of cord compression (loss of sensation or movement below the injury) rapidly after minor injury.


Degenerative thoracic spinal stenosis may get better with conservative treatment, which includes anti-inflammatory medications, pain management and physical therapy. Steroid injections or nerve blocks may help manage the pain.

If the pain is uncontrolled or if there are signs of cord compression, however, surgery is necessary to relieve pressure on the cord or spinal nerves. Traditional surgical options are laminectomy or corpectomy to provide more room in the spinal canal and spinal fusion to stabilize the spine and prevent damage to the cord.

Minimally invasive surgery may be an option for some cases of thoracic stenosis. Surgery is done through an endoscope using a microscope to directly visualize the spine. Microsurgical techniques allow the surgeon to perform precise, delicate maneuvers to remove the nerve pressure and repair structures.

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Treatment of Scurvy

Scurvy (N.Lat scorbutus) is a deficiency disease, caused by lack of vitamin C, which is required for collagen (an element of normal tissues) synthesis in humans. The chemical name of vitamin C is ascorbic acid, which is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, scorbutus. Vitamin C is found mainly in fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly citrus fruits such as oranges, olives, lemon, sweet lemon. Reduction in intake of Vitamin C rich food products, leads to scurvy.

History of the disease:

Scurvy historically affected mostly those nations, which were dependent more on military power. During military campaigns and long ocean voyages, food consumed by the ship crewmembers largely lacked in fresh fruits and vegetables, thus causing inadequacy of Vitamin C and leading to outbreak of scurvy epidemics.

The first clue to the treatment of scurvy occurred during Jacques Cartier's arrival in Newfoundland in 1536, when he was advised by the native Indians to give his crewmembers, who were dying from this epidemic, a potion made from spruce tree needles. The foliage, rich in vitamin C, cured most members of Cartier's crew.

What are the symptoms of scurvy?

Symptoms of Scurvy include one or any of the following -

o Swollen, blackened and bleeding gums with loosened teeth.

o Soreness and stiffness of the joints and lower extremities

o Bleeding under the skin and in deep tissues

o Anaemia

o Wounds that don't heal, and scar tissue from old wounds dissolve causing reopening of wounds

o Tiredness and weakness, along with muscle cramps

o Appearance of tiny red blood-blisters to large purplish blemishes on the skin of the legs.

Who are more at risk of contracting Scurvy?

Scurvy is common in persons who follow a very restricted diet especially lacking in ascorbic acid, or who are under extreme physiological stress or are chronic alcoholics. Infants can also develop scurvy if they are devoid of mother's milk, and switched to top-up milk, without providing sufficient Vitamin C supplements. Babies of mothers who take extremely high doses of vitamin C during pregnancy may also develop infantile scurvy.

Treatment for Scurvy:

Increase in intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits are necessary to treat scurvy. Additionally, adults need to consume around 300-1,000 mg of ascorbic acid per day and 50mg/day in case of infants to effectively treat the disease.

Since the body does not produce vitamin C, it must be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Some excellent sources of vitamin C are oranges, olives, guava, green peppers, watermelon, papaya, strawberry, kiwi fruit, mango, honey, mango powder, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, and citrus juices or juices fortified with Vitamin C.

Amla or the Indian gooseberry is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, whether fresh or the dried, powdered form.

Raw and cooked leafy greens (turnip, spinach), red and green peppers, fresh tomatoes, potatoes, pineapple are also rich sources of Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is sensitive to light, air, and heat, so it is best to eat fruits and vegetables raw, or minimally cooked in order to retain their full vitamin C content.

Treatment of Scurvy with vitamin C is usually successful, if the deficiency is recognized early enough. If left untreated, the condition can even cause death.

Preventive diet for Scurvy:

For Infants -

The most important factor in the prevention and treatment of scurvy is proper feeding of mother's milk, atleast for the initial six months. After birth, all children should preferable be breast-fed because it is pure and fresh and contains most of the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby. If, for any reason, it is not possible to breast-feed the baby, then cow's milk or commercially available milk should be supplemented with vitamin C.

For Adults

A well balanced diet plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of scurvy in adults. The patient should take a well-balanced diet consisting of grains, seeds, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruit. This diet should always be supplemented with milk, eggs, fruits and honey.

Recommended Vitamin C intake:

Scurvy is rare in countries where intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is more. The Vitamin C present in them acts as important antioxidant, thus enhancing the development of connective tissues, lipid and vitamin metabolism, immune function and wound healing.

Currently, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is

o For adults: 50-60 mg/day;

o For infants: 35 mg/day;

o For pregnant women: 100 mg/day

o Lactating mothers: 150 mg/day

However, requirement for vitamin C increases when a person is under stress, smoking, or under some medication.

Although rare, but scurvy remains a malaise condition that is still prevalent in the pediatric population, especially among certain groups with unusual eating habits. A heightened awareness towards intake of Vitamin C rich foods is required to prevent a potentially fatal, but easily curable disease.
Thus, take the suggestion - "An orange a day keeps scurvy away."

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Causes And Symptoms Of Streptococcus Infections

Infections caused by the bacteria streptococcus are represented especially by irritation and inflammation of the back throat and tonsils. The symptoms occur sudden and are represented by fever and severe throat pains. Sore throats can be triggered by group C and G streptococci but most commonly the infection is due to the presence of group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus.

The main symptoms of the streptococcus infection causing a sore throat are fever usually more than 38.5, difficulties and pain during swallowing, inflamed lymph nodes and inflamed and irritated tonsils with presence of white or yellow points on their surface. Less common, the streptococcus infections can produce headaches and abdominal pain as well as rare cases of skin rash, vomiting and lack of appetite. Most of the streptococcus conditions are accompanied by a general feeling of illness and discomfort.

The time period between contacting the bacteria and developing the symptoms is usually of 2-5 days and is called incubation period. Patients that have been exposed to streptococcus are considered contagious and can spread the infection to others if they show specific symptoms or have not started an antibiotic therapy yet. Also some of the persons without clinical manifestations can spread the bacteria. In 24 to 48 hours after you have started the medication with antibiotics, you are no longer considered contagious; contacts that do not seek medical help remain contagious for about 2-3 weeks even if the symptoms disappear.

In spite of the cases when the rapid streptococcus test is positive, the most common cause of sore throats is viral infections especially with Influenza. Strep infections do not trigger symptoms like coughs, sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, signs usually connected to different types of colds. If the mentioned symptoms are present, it is more likely for you to suffer from an Influenza infection than from a streptococcus triggered sore throat.

There are several practical methods to detect streptococcus and be able to prescribe the appropriate antibiotic therapy. Most useful identification methods are the rapid test, the physical examination and the medical history of the patient. The presence of streptococcus detected through the rapid test can be confirmed by the most accurate but longer lasting bacterial culture.

Sore throats caused by streptococcus usually go away in 3-7 days with or without medical care and ant biotherapy. Antibiotics do not influence the curing period very much but are administered to kill the bacteria and prevent contagiousness and further complications. For benefic effects, antibiotics must be administered within the first 2-3 days after the symptoms have occurred.

Symptomatic treatments for fever, pains and discomfort, are also non-pharmaceutical products, especially homeopathic ones.

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Signs of Cocaine Use - What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Use?

Cocaine (aka coke, crack, snow, blow) is an addiction that can occur very quickly and be a very difficult habit to break. There have been animal studies, which have shown that animals will work very hard, such as pressing a bar over 10,000 times, after a single injection of cocaine. They were also choosing cocaine over food and water and chose cocaine even when their behavior was punished. It was proven that animals must have their access to cocaine limited in order not to take lethal doses. Studies have shown that people addicted to cocaine also behaved very similar. One of the signs of Cocaine use is that Cocaine addicts will go to great lengths to get cocaine and continue to take it even when it hurts their school or job performance and their relationships begin to suffer.

Some of the major routes of administration of cocaine are sniffing or snorting, injecting, and smoking, including free-basing and crack cocaine. Snorting is the process of inhaling cocaine powder through the nose where it is absorbed into the bloodstream through the nasal tissues. Injecting is the act of using a needle to release the drug directly into the bloodstream. Smoking involves inhaling cocaine vapor or smoke into the lungs where absorption into the bloodstream is as rapid as by injection.

"Crack" or "crack cocaine" is the street name given to cocaine that has been processed from cocaine hydrochloride to a free base for smoking.

Rather than requiring the more volatile method of processing cocaine-using ether, crack cocaine is processed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water and heated to remove the hydrochloride, thus producing a form of cocaine that can be smoked. The term "crack" refers to the crackling sound heard when the mixture is smoked (heated), presumably from the sodium bicarbonate.

Cocaine is a strong central nervous system stimulant that interferes with the reabsorption process of dopamine, a chemical messenger associated with pleasure and movement. Dopamine is released as part of the brain's reward system and is involved in the high that characterizes cocaine consumption.

Signs of Cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased temperature, heart rate and blood pressure, hyper-alertness, lack of fatigue/sleeplessness, panic, extremely talkative; fast speech, runny nose or bloody nose, seizures from high doses or bad reaction, white powder seen on face or clothes, small spoon-like items used for snorting, mirrors and razor blades used for making lines, rolled money bills used for snorting, small bottles with screw on lids for storing and possession of small plastic packets with white residue.

The duration of cocaine's immediate euphoric effects, which include hyper-stimulation, reduced fatigue, and mental clarity, depends on the route of administration. The faster the absorption, the more intense the high. On the other hand, the faster the absorption, the shorter the duration of action. The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes, while that from smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes. Increased use can reduce the period of stimulation.

Some other signs of Cocaine use are feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. An appreciable tolerance to the high may be developed, and many addicts report that they seek but fail to achieve as much pleasure as they did from their first exposure. Scientific evidence suggests that the powerful neuropsychological reinforcing property of cocaine is responsible for an individual's continued use, despite harmful physical and social consequences. In rare instances, sudden death can occur on the first use of cocaine or unexpectedly thereafter. However, there is no way to determine who is prone to sudden death.

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Upper Abdominal Bloating Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Considered to be the most common symptom in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, upper abdominal bloating can be quite painful and could be very uncomfortable. It is a health condition wherein the person feels tight and full in the stomach area. The bloating can be attributed to excess intestinal gas. If you're experiencing this frequently, it would be wise to see a physician.

Possible Causes

There are a lot of causes, the most common is the accumulation of intestinal gas and liquids.

Other causes include:

Food Allergy
Aerophagia or Air Swallowing
Lactose Intolerance
Partial Bowel Obstruction
Menstruation Visceral Fat
Gastric Dumping Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you think that your condition is associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it is important that your doctor diagnose it correctly and eliminate the other causes in order to provide effective treatment.

Common Symptoms

Some of the most common signs are:

Excessive Belching
Abdominal Pain Especially After Eating


If it is associated with IBS, your doctor will usually recommend the following treatment:

Fiber Supplements - such as psyllium and flax seed
Antacids - to minimize gas build up due to acid
Diet Modification - avoid fatty foods and foods that produces gas
IBS Medication

It is also recommended that you:

Eat slowly
Walk after each meal
Engage in regular physical activity
Remove stress by relaxation techniques

With proper diagnosis, treatment and management, bloating can be minimized if not avoided. The important thing is to have your doctor perform a complete physical exam, medical family history and medical testing in order to confirm the cause of this condition.

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Cold and Flu Treatment - 7 Secrets to Speed Up Recovery

Just about anyone who has undergone cold and flu treatment will tell you how annoying and irritating both these conditions can be, and the toll it takes on your daily routine and more importantly, your health.

From my earliest recollection of having the cold or the flu, it involved a lot of coughing and sneezing and just snapping at almost everyone who dared to come near the sniffling, sneezing monster.

And it wasn't funny at all with numerous visits to the bathroom or not finding a tissue when you need one and most of all, the quarantine period.

Both these illnesses are due to viruses, with the common cold and the flu spread through one's saliva or nasal secretions. Of course, when you take the necessary precautions, you wouldn't need to worry, but in the case that you do contract either of these irritants, you'll be happy to know that we will explore how the common cold and the flu are best treated.

Now, both share many of the same symptoms: chest discomfort, cough, stuffy nose, sneezing and a sore throat. But before you think that both these ailments are one and the same, think again. If we draw a comparison, the flu is the nastier of the two by a long shot.

So, here are some additional symptoms more associated with the flu: High fever, chills, headache, intense muscle pains, exhaustion, and a loss of appetite which could last for almost a week, and if not treated could lead to pneumonia. The common cold, however, is not that debilitating, yet is annoying in is own way with the symptoms lasting for three to fours days at the most.

Now if you have caught a cold, you'd use antibiotics... right? Wrong. Yes, you heard me. Antibiotics are not effective with viral attacks, and the common cold is the work of a virus, nor is there any recommended antiviral drug for colds. So, what then?

Colds are not necessarily treated with a course of medicine as they hardly last that long but only in the case of patients or old people who have a long history of medication are serious countermeasures taken. However, in order to combat the symptoms of the common cold, the use of decongestants and anti-histamines can be helpful.

Decongestants help you breathe easy whereas antihistamines are very effective when it comes to dealing with a running nose and bouts of sneezing. Now in the case of cough-related illnesses, anti-tussives and expectorants are used widely to suppress the urge to cough and of course, ease the patient's respiratory tract by dissolving the mucus that has thickened.

Another recent development is the use of Zinc supplements to shorten the duration of the common cold.

In the case of the flu, the most common method of treatment is through the use of antiviral drugs that are commonly prescribed by your physician. They target and eliminate the viruses responsible for the attack on your body's system. Amantadine, rimantadine, zanamivir and oseltamivir are antiviral-drugs that are used in this form of treatment.

Another method involves providing relief from the symptoms of the flu, while allowing the body's immune system to destroy the viral infection itself.

I forget the exact quote or author, but it's a great one: "Modern medicine is used to distract the patient, while the body heals itself."

Cold and Flu Treatment - 7 Secrets to Speed Up Recovery

Stay at home
Get plenty of rest
Drink a lot of liquids
Avoid alcohol use and tobacco smoke
Consider over-the-counter medications to relieve flu symptoms
Consult a doctor early on for best possible treatment
Remain alert for emergency warning signs

Obvious? Maybe. Regularly practiced? Definitely not.

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Cold Sore Treatment - Are Over-The-Counter Medications Any Good?

When you are struggling with the pain and itch from your cold sores, any kind of cold sore treatment that can offer relief to you would be a blessing to you.

The cold sore medications available over the counter (OTC) are broadly categorized into 3 main groups, each for one function. One group provides pain and itch relief, and are best applied during the tingling stage of cold sores. The other groups either slows down/prevent the cold sore lesion from aggravating, or directly stop the herpes simplex 1 virus at its track and therefore promotes healing. Some of the OTC medications contain treatment agents that have one or more of the properties mentioned. When applying all these medications, you need to remember that the results will vary from individual to individual depending on the severity of your cold sores.

Here are a few more common medications for cold sores:

1) Anbesol Cold Sore Therapy Ointment with Vitamin E & Aloe

Provides pain relief.

2) Abreva

This cold sore medicine is approved by the FDA. It is reported to aid in healing.

3) Cold Sore Rescue

Natural gel that contains agents which possess anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. Promotes faster healing.

4) Zilactin Cold Sore Gel

Pain relief medicine. Provides a protective layer on sore area and reduce irritation caused by eating.

5) LipClear Lysine Cold Stick

Moisturizing properties help to heal skin cracking commonly associated with cold sores. Protection from sun which is a common trigger for cold sore outbreaks.

While these medications do offer some kind of reprieve for your cold sore pains and itches, they are not instant cures or magical healing portions. Though they have been reported to aid in healing, the effect it has in speeding up the recovery of the cold sores can be dismal. However, they can make the 7 - 10 days of suffering a lot easier.

I would like to offer a piece of good old advice if you intend to use these medications. Cold sores are contagious, so make sure that you wash your hands thoroughly after application least you spread it to other parts of your body, or to others. You may think this is a no-brainer but did you know that there are repeated cases of cold sores just because of this little habit everyone forgets?

Finally, to answer my question, OTC medications can be good for pain relief, but for a complete cold sore treatment solution, the way to go is using natural remedies. Find out more at my blog.

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