Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?

Fleas not only bite and live off your pets, they bite people too. The typical human reaction to a flea bite is the formation of a small, hard, red, slightly raised, itching spot with no swelling. Some bleeding can occur, particularly if the bitten area is scratched. A single puncture point caused by the flea is generally apparent in the center of each spot.

Flea bites normally occur on the legs and ankles. Different people have different reaction to fleabites. Some people are totally unattractive to fleas and are not affected by the presence of fleas while others may be "appealing" and sensitive to fleas resulting in severe allergic reaction to their bites.

See some pictures of flea bites on humans

Well, how to treat flea bites on human? Before you run off to your family doctor to seek medical treatment, here are some home remedies for the treatment of flea bites on human.

1. Firstly, it's important to keep the affected area clean. Wash the bites with some antiseptic lotion or soap. Use cold water but avoid the use of warm or hot water as this may tend to stimulate itch

2. Secondly, apply a cold pack over the bites to reduce swelling.

3. Do not scratch the inflamed area as this may lead to open wounds and secondary infections.

4. If the affected area is read and swollen, you may apply a mild steroid cream like 1% hydrocortisone cream. This should be easily available from any pharmacy without the need of a prescription. Hydrocortisone helps in reducing inflammation rapidly. Alternatively, if you have a bottle of calamine lotion at home, this may help too.

5. Very often, the itch caused by the fleabites can be very intense. An oral dose of anti-histamine like Dimetapp, Chlortrimeton is very effective in relieving itch. Once the itch stops, you will stop scratching as well and the healing will take place faster.

Treatment of flea bites using these home remedies should improves within a few days, However, if the condition worsen whereby, they remained red and swollen with discharges, then a trip to your family doctor may be necessary. Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics for you and a jab of steroid may be needed to stop the inflammation.

However, success in treating flea bites is by no means a solution to your problem. To avoid further bites from these little pesky creatures, the only solution is to get rid of them totally. Killing fleas in house, getting rid of fleas on pets is what you need to do as part of your flea extermination plan

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Exercise with Flu or a Cold, or Stay in Bed?

Most doctors allow their patients to exercise when they have a cold, as long as they don't have a fever and their muscles don't hurt when they exercise. However, it's probably better to stop exercising altogether when you have an infection. You risk injury if you exercise when your muscles hurt at rest or when you start to exercise. When muscles are damaged, they release enzymes from their cells into the bloodstream and they fill with blood from broken blood vessels. One study reported markedly increased muscle damage during relatively minor exercise during an infection, with blood tests demonstrating increases in muscle enzymes and ultrasound tests demonstrating hemorrhage into the muscles.

You also should not exercise when you have a high fever. When you exercise, your heart has to pump blood to your muscles to supply them with oxygen. It also has to pump blood from your muscles to your skin where the heat is dissipated. When you have a fever, your heart has to work extra hard to get rid of extra heat. Furthermore, some viruses that infect your nose and throat can also infect your heart muscle. The combination of the extra work and an infected heart muscle could cause irregular heart beats. You won't lose much conditioning unless you take off for more than a week.

Do you think you will get better faster by staying in bed for a day or two or by going about your normal daily activities? A huge review of the medical literature from 1966 to 1999, published in the British medical journal Lancet, shows that there is no evidence that bed rest helps you to heal faster from any medical condition. They found only 39 studies testing whether bed rest benefitted any medical condition. Twenty-four studies showed that bed rest was of little or no benefit in preventing side effects of medical procedures such as spinal anaesthesia, spinal fluid withdrawal, and multiple x ray procedures. Fifteen studies showed no benefit in treating medical conditions such as low back pain, spontaneous labor, high blood pressure during pregnancy, uncomplicated heart attacks, rheumatoid arthritis or infectious hepatitis.

During World War II, American soldiers were drafted and sent to do their basic training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center before they were sent to fight in Europe. A major epidemic of flu occurred affecting almost all the troops. Half of the soldiers were kept in bed, while the other half stayed in the vigorous exercise of basic training. Both groups required the same amount of time to recover, although those forced to undergo the rigorous demands of preparing for war complained more.

The next time you feel sick, stay in bed if you like, but it probably won't help you heal faster.

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Is It Really Liver Pain?

Liver pain is on the right side, mostly right under the rib cage, and up. There can be free fluid around the liver in the abdominal cavity which will produce pain in the right shoulder. It probably hurts to breathe in, or cough. Sometimes people describe the feeling as a swollen full feeling or cramping under the rib cage.

Liver pain symptoms are often dismissed because it is a general belief that organs don't hurt. If you are experiencing any of these sensations, don't give up, and don't think you are making it up. Liver Pain can be real. Rheumatologists, nephrologists, family practitioners, all have been known to dismiss liver pain as patient complainings.

Sometimes it feels like your liver just doesn't fit under your rib cage. One person described it as feeling like a brick was tucked under their right rib. Sometimes the feeling is connected to a pain in the back as well.

Pain caused from a swollen liver is not necessarily sharp. Most of the time 'liver pain' is just a dull ache. Sometimes the sensation is wrongly attributed to fibromyaliga.

The cause of Liver Pain may be more easily identified by identifying other symptoms, such as fatigue, itching, swollen testes, difficulties breathing, eating problems, or even shoulder pain.

There can be many reasons for liver pain. Blood and urine tests help to identify problems in the liver, but don't rule out the effects of barrage of pollutants and toxic substances in today's environment. While the liver was designed to detoxify and rid the body of foreign chemicals, it may not be equipped to handle the barrage of pollutants and toxic substances in today's environment. So, while you are checking for possible causes of the pain associated with the liver, it would be a good idea to check your body for chemical overload as well.

Individual reaction to toxic overload can vary greatly. The most common symptom associated with toxic overload is fatigue. Other symptoms include headache, muscle and joint pain, irritability, depression, mental confusion, gastrointestinal and/or cardiovascular irregularities, flu-like symptoms or allergic reactions including hives, stuffy or runny nose, sneezing and coughing which is not usually associated with liver pain, but can actually be the cause.

Like all other pain symptoms in the body, liver pain should be taken seriously.

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Causes of High White Blood Cell Count

There are several possible causes for a high white blood cell count. This count is high when there are more disease-fighting cells in your body. The technical term for this condition is leukocytosis.

Different medical practices may have different limits by which they define high white blood cell count. A count of 10,500 leukocytes in one microliter of blood is widely accepted as a high count. The threshold may vary between sex and age.

White blood cells are categorized by five subtypes, and each type has a different activity in fighting disease. When you get the results of your white blood cell count, they will usually specify what the levels are of all the different types. Usually, a high count is only caused by an increase in one type of white blood cells.

A high white blood cell count is indicative of an immune system problem that increases their production; a disease in your bone marrow that causes high blood cell production; a reaction to some drug that is used to enhance cell production; or the increase expected when your body is fighting off an infection.

There are some more specific reasons why your white blood cell count may be high:

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) is a cancer that lives in the bone marrow and blood. This disease is a rapidly progressive one. Children are more affected by this than any other type of cancer, although adults can develop the disease as well.

Drugs like epinephrine and corticosteroids can affect your white cell count.

Measles is an infection that affects mainly the respiratory tract. It is very contagious. The signs include skin rash, fever, sore throat, inflamed eyes, runny nose and cough. The measles vaccine is an excellent way to protect children against this disease, but outside of the civilized countries, many children are not vaccinated. This disease will spread rapidly among people who have not had the vaccination.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious type of arthritis from which you will experience joint damage and pain. It attacks your joints' lining and this causes swelling. In turn, that leads to throbbing, aching pain and possibly eventual deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis, also called RA, can make even the easiest of normal activities hard to accomplish.

Some of the other causes of high white blood cell count include:

Stress, be it emotional or physical
Tissue damage, like one receives with burns
Acute or chronic myelogenous leukemia
Chronic or acute lymphocytic leukemia
Whooping cough
Severe allergic reactions
Polycythemia vera
Other viral infections
Other bacterial infections

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How To Recognise Asthma Cough Symptoms

A persistent, chronic cough should not be ignored, particularly in children and could be a common symptom of asthma. Asthma cough is different than a conventional cough and it's important to differentiate between the two.

One of the most difficult things for parents is determining what is asthma cough and what is conventional coughing. There is a distinct difference. In fact, don't guess. The best course of action is to make an appointment to see your doctor. The truth is doctors even have difficulty in establishing the difference between the two.

Identifying Asthma Cough

Let's look at what asthma cough is. Essentially, asthma cough is non productive. By non productive, mucus isn't brought up. In fact, it's unique and has a sound all to it's own. It's very much a dry, wheezing sound and can persist until a child or adult gets to the stage where they are gasping for air. So no mucus and the chances are it's an asthma cough: if their is mucus, then it may be the signs of an impending cold.

The Cause Of Asthma Cough?

The most likely cause are allergens or irritants. The home is a common trigger factor and harbors a number of these symptom producing culprits. When a person reacts to these allergens or irritants the result will be a swelling in the airways causing muscle spasms in and around the bronchial passages. Because it's an irritant and not mucus productive, the obvious reaction is to cough and the reason why it's dry. Trying to force the irritating factor through the bronchial passages means the coughing will usually be prolonged and eventually lead to shortness of breath and dry reaching.

Asthma Cough Treatment

One of the best responsive treatments is the use of bronchodilators. They are effective in loosening the muscles around the bronchial tubes, soothing the cough and providing much needed respite to the sufferer. Lack of air movement when the muscles become tight around the bronchial tubes is akin to a "bear hug" being applied the use of broncodilators eases this restrictive effect, forcing the air back through the passages.

Effective treatment also includes the use of inhaled corticosteroids. This anti-inflammatory treatment has the effect of easing the swelling, usually chronic, around the bronchial area thus making their job of forcing out any irritants a lot easier.

Other Treatment Methods

Herbal specialists have been sought in recent times and recommendations such as tea, black or green, are said to provide some relief against asthma cough symptoms. Honey can also provide relief particularly before going to bed at night. How effective these treatments are compared to more traditional medical treatments shouldn't really be an issue as they are intended more to compliment those treatments.

Eliminating most of the allergens and irritants from the home may not be possible, in fact, it's nigh on impossible however, with good management practice techniques, asthma cough incidence can be kept to a minimum.

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Hand Tremor - Causes and Symptoms of Hand Tremor

A tremor is an involuntary movement or shaking of any body part (even your head or voice may be involved). It is often most noticeable in your hands. Essential tremor is common in older people. Essential tremor is rarely present when the hands are not being used. It becomes most apparent when the affected person is trying to do something, like reaching for an object or writing. It is not caused by an underlying disease.

Tremors can happen at any age but tend to be more common in older people.You can develop a tremor from fatigue, stress, anxiety, or even rage. However, an ongoing tremor that is not associated with a change in your emotional state may be a sign of an underlying medical condition and should be evaluated. You may learn, as many do, that your tremors are perfectly normal, but eliminating medical reasons for the shaking is important.

Difficulty in making precise finger movements will necessitate enlarged keypads with rests, key-guards or delayed activation. Selection of key operating pressure may be critical to the avoidance of muscular spasm. Both audible and displayed key feedback will be necessary to confirm correct actuation and avoidance of unwanted repeats. Speech-input keying may be desirable, but some conditions giving rise to hand tremor also cause hesitancy in speech.

Causes of Hand tremor

Environmental factors: People with unusual exposure to herbicides and pesticides are more likely to develop Parkinson's disease than are people who don't have this exposure. Researchers haven't yet been able to connect a specific herbicide or pesticide to the disease.

Hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis occurs when the thyroid releases too many of its hormones over a short (acute) or long (chronic) period of time.

Tremors caused by stress, try relaxation techniques like meditation, deep relaxation, or breathing exercises. For tremors of any cause, avoid caffeine and get enough sleep.

Half of the cases are due to gene mutation and transmitted dominantly. There are two main loci: ETM1 and ETM2. The rest are idiopathic. No identifiable and consistent structural abnormality has yet been demonstrated to exist in the nervous system of every person with ET.

Essential tremor is the most common form of abnormal tremor. Although the cause is unknown, new research shows that the part of the brain called the cerebellum does not appear to work correctly in patients with essential tremor. The cerebellum is the part of the brain that coordinates muscle movements.

Symptoms of Hand tremor

Rigid muscles: Muscle stiffness (rigidity) often occurs in your limbs and neck. Sometimes the stiffness can be so severe that it limits the size of your movements and causes pain.

The signs and symptoms of withdrawal appear between six to 48 hours after the patient "stops" drinking alcohol. Some of the most common symptoms include tremors, mild headaches, cold sweat, vomiting, loss of appetite, insomnia, restlessness, rapid pulse, anxiety and auditory hallucinations.

However, some testing may be done to rule out other causes of tremors, such as excessive caffeine or tobacco use, alcohol withdrawal, use of certain medications (for example, asthma drugs, lithium, certain antidepressants and anti-seizure drugs)

Physiological Tremor: This is a very-low-amplitude fine tremor (between 6 Hz and 12 Hz) that is barely visible to the naked eye. It is present in every normal individual during maintaining a posture or movement. Neurologic examination results of patients with physiologic tremor are usually normal.

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Dog Worms: Understand Dog Worms Symptoms and Infestation

Until a very recent period, dog worms were thought to be of a spontaneous origin, brought about by the influence of heat upon decaying vegetable matter, and it was and still is freely asserted that puppies are born with dog worms inherited from the mother in some mysterious manner while still in uterus. This has been conclusively proven an error and in the minds of all scientists there is no question about dog worms springing from individual eggs and having a complete life history of their own.

The principal worm species with which dog owners have to contend are round worms and tape worms. The first named commonly infest puppies and consequently are most dreaded by breeders. In shape and size these worms resemble common angle worms, but in color are lighter, being almost white or only a pale pink.

In adult dogs these worms, when full grown, are from three to seven inches long. In puppies they are about half that length, and as thick as common white string. Round worms live in the small intestines, sometimes coiled in such masses as to obstruct the passage, and occasionally they wander into the stomach or are passed by the bowels.

It is easy to understand that when one dog in a kennel is infected with worms, millions of eggs will be passed with the feces. These are scattered all over the floors, bedding, feeding and drinking pans. They get on the dog's coat, are licked off and swallowed and in numbers of ways gain entrance to the digestive tracts of other dogs, where they soon hatch out and in ten days are fully developed.

This rapid development account for the popular belief that puppies are born with worms, for breeders who have held post-mortems on puppies scarcely ten days old and have found in their stomachs fully developed round worms could account for their presence in no other way. They overlooked the fact that the prospective mother, confined in a kennel infested with worms, would get these eggs attached to her coat, belly and breasts, and the young, as soon as born, would take these eggs into their stomachs with the first mouthfuls of milk.

Symptoms Of Dog Worms Attack

Dog worms are responsible for so much sickness and so many symptoms that it is practically impossible to mention all of them, but their presence can safely be suspected in all dogs which have not been recently treated for them, as well as in cases where the patient is run down, unthrifty and out of sorts.

Other symptoms are a hot, dry nose, weak, watery eyes, pale lips and gums, foul breath, mean hacking cough and a red, scurfy, pimply or irritated condition of the skin and harsh, dry, staring coat that is constantly being shed.

Wormy dogs sometimes have a depraved appetite and will eat dirt and rubbish. Some days they are ravenously hungry, the next day they will not eat at all; their sleep is disturbed by dreams and intestinal rumbling, the urine is high colored and frequently passed, bowels irregular, stomach easily unsettled, watery mucus is frequently vomited and the mouth is hot, sticky and full of ropy saliva.

Puppies which are full of worms bloat easily and are pot-bellied. After feeding their stomachs distend disproportionately to the amount of food consumed. Their bodies are also subject to scaly eruptions and their bowels to colicky pains; they do not grow as rapidly as healthy puppies should and instead of playing with each other they curl up and sleep hour after hour; they get thinner, weaker and more lifeless from day to day and if they do not waste away or die in fits and convulsions with frothing at the mouth and champing of the jaws, grow up coarse-jointed, rickety and misshapen. Puppies with worms are also liable to paralysis of their rear limbs and on removal of the worms the puppies regain control of the affected parts.

A wormy dog is usually an unhealthy and unhappy dog who leads a miserable life. It could even be deadly, especially so for young puppies. Bring your dog to a veterinarian if you are unsure. Your dog will certainly thank you for that.

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Common Side Effects Of Antihistamines

As we're in the middle of the spring season and hay fever is running rampant, many allergy sufferers are running to their allergists and filling prescriptions for the most powerful antihistamines they can find. Well, it might surprise you to know that not only do these antihistamines have side effects but they also come with another fact of life that very few people are aware of; something that the drug companies don't want us to know. Well, this article is going to give you the straight facts on antihistamine side effects and that small little detail that your allergist failed to tell you about your favorite hay fever remedy.

For those who aren't quite sure how antihistamines work, it's actually a very simple process. Basically, when your body is affected by an outside substance, like pollen, it reacts to this substance by producing histamines. These histamines are the body's defense against these outside invaders. Unfortunately, in creating this defense, it also creates the symptoms that go with them, such as the watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and in extreme cases, shortness of breath and even asthma. What antihistamines do is reduce the effects of our body's defense mechanism.

Unfortunately, these antihistamines come with a price tag that goes way beyond the cost of the pills themselves. Common side effects of antihistamines are drowsiness, which is why you should never drive or operate heavy machinery when taking them, dizziness, restlessness, nervousness and upset stomach. Other side effects, which aren't as common are dry mouth, dry nose, irritability, difficulty urinating and blurred vision. In most cases, the side effects from antihistamines are barely noticeable. However, the real problem with taking these drugs is not so much from what they do to you, but from what they don't do.

Over time, as you continue to take a particular antihistamine, you may notice that the drug doesn't seem to be working as well as it used to. The reason is simple. Your body's immune system begins to build up tolerance to these drugs. Usually, within a period of about three months, the drug stops working completely. At the very least, its effectiveness is greatly reduced. That is why a knowledgeable allergist, who doesn't have his pockets filled by the drug companies, will tell you to rotate your antihistamines every three months. So for example, he might have you take Claritin, which contains loratadine, for three months and then have you switch to Benadryl, which contains diphenhydramine hydrochloride, for the next three months. Otherwise, you will find your allergy symptoms getting worse and worse.

This never ending battle against allergies, which is really a no win war with drugs, keeps the drug companies in business and makes them richer and richer. There are cures for allergies and they don't involve taking drugs. You can check out the details in my signature.

You don't have to put up with antihistamine side effects and ultimately lose the war against allergies.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

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Nose Care

Nose is one of the body parts which are easily affected by the environment. Its function and shape may be changed if its complex network of bone and cartilage has been damaged by any type of infection. In addition to controlling humidity of the air you take in, it also filters out unnecessary substances. Humidity is controlled by a damp tissue known as mucosal tissue within your nasal cavities. This is the same kind of tissue which lays the inside of your mouth. The nose is good at providing additional moisture to dry air than it is at reducing the moisture in air that is too moist. So we should take care of nose to get an attractive look.

So it's very important to look after your nose. For curing nose from different diseases we need to collect some important information. As bath the nose with cold water and clean it regularly. Leave the bad habits such as nose-picking, massage with hard hand (rubbing); sniffing, blowing the noses hard or stuffing things such as round rings, paper and handkerchiefs up to the nostril can do a lot of harm to your nose. External part of our nose is covered by a layer of skin.

Cold is a common problem that affects everybody at any time .It is mainly caused by infection and viral. The infection causes are dust, pollutions. The main symptoms are runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing. The seriousness of cold diseases depends on how strong our immune system. There is no cure for that diseases commonly but there are some tips to get better from this problem the infected persons need to keep rest, take a lot of water and some medically treatments. We will take more supplements included vitamins C, Zinc.

Allergies and infection problems are also common problems with nose. Symptoms of the same are becoming red of nose tip and continuous sneezing. The common reasons behind it are dust, pollution in environment and flower smale. Some of the peoples can't take air in the environment of smoke and the animal's area where the animal dandruff exist and it will be the reason of allergy for them.

If you have any of these problems then you should save yourself to go these areas in which dust, smoke and animal dandruff exist. If you suffered by these disease then you should take advise and treatment as soon as possible otherwise it may be a big problem.

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7 Foods To Avoid With Diverticulitis

The moment you get a diverticulitis attack you should become extremely careful about what goes inside your body. The main reason for diverticulitis is bad eating habits. You can get well only after you stop taking the foods which are hard on your digestive system and prevent its proper functioning. There is a good list of foods to avoid with diverticulitis. If you want your health to improve then you will take the steps to avoid these harmful foods.

Generally the suggested diverticulitis diet is low fiber and liquid diet. This will ensure that your colon and digestive system get the adequate rest which helps you to heal. You can expect improvements in a few days once you start taking the correct diet. Many people become stressed in this condition and it may include you also. This won't help you my friend, it will only make your condition worse because stress directly affects the digestive system. You need to be calm, be patient with the pain and do something which will make you happy. Doing these will have a positive affect on your health and you may improve quickly.

Anyway here is a list of foods to avoid with diverticulitis in general.

1) All the junk food such as burgers, pizzas, fried food and spicy food should be avoided.

2) Refined foods like white flour, white rice etc.

3) All the processed foods.

4) Corn and corn products.

5) Nuts

6) Sesame seeds

7) Pumpkin

You should avoid these foods because they will be hard on the digestive system. Once you are healed you may revert back to the previous food habits. You are just inviting another diverticulitis attack. In order to remain healthy you should change your eating habits.

Many people who got a diverticulitis attack changed their diet to a whole food diet to remain healthy and not to experience the painful situation again. Use the above list of foods to avoid with diverticulitis till you become healthy again. After that you can include a high fiber diet which will prevent the diverticula from getting infected.

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How to Cure or Alleviate Edema, Including Lymphedema

By edema excessive fluid gather in body parts or greater areas of the body, making the areas swollen. Edema is most often a problem in the legs, but can occur anywhere in the body.

There are several types of edema, and many cases are also a mixture of more than one type. By lymphedema the drainage from the tissues through the lymph vessels are impaired or excessive fluid goes through the blood capillary walls into the spaces between the cells in a tissue. Edema can also occur because of poor drainage of blood through the veins towards the heart. Edema can further be caused by general accumulation of excessive fluid in the body.

The causes of edema are many. Edema is a symptom by most inflammations. Insufficient heart action by congestive heart failure can cause edema. A too high intake of salt can cause general water retention in the body. Sitting and standing long in the same position can cause edema in the lower limbs. A still sitting life without exercise can cause or aggravate edema.

Insufficiencies of the liver or kidneys can cause fluid retention and thereby edema. Edema can be a side effect of antihypertensive drugs, steroids surgery and radiation therapy. Further causes of different types of edema are varicose veins, cancer, hypothyroidism, blood clots, constipation and physical injuries.

To treat edema, it is important to treat the underlying disease or injury. However, medical treatment does not always cure the underlying condition or the cause is wholly or partially lifestyle aspects. Therefore various measures targeted directly against the edema are useful. These are presented here:

Pharmacological treatments: The physician will sometimes prescribe diuretics to reduce fluid retention in the body and thereby reduce edema. This treatment should however be used for serious edema or edema persistent when other measures do not work.

Salt intake restriction: Restriction of salt intake is an important measure by edema. People suffering from edema should avoid adding great amount of salt into their food or consume preprocessed food with a salty taste.

Diet: A good general diet that alleviates chronic inflammation is useful. The diet should especially contain enough sources of omega-3-fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids, like: Fat fish, seafood, flax oil, olive oil, almonds, rape oil and canola oil. Also vegetables and fruit in a natural shape are useful.

Avoiding constipation: Constipation should be treated, since a stomach engorged by excessive content can cause impairment of fluid circulation.

Variation of corporeal position: You should avoid sitting or standing still a long time during the day. When sitting during work or rest, you should change position with regular intervals.

Exercise: Every day you should have some exercise adjusted to your health condition. This could be walking, cycling, swimming, running or any other sport activity where you use greater parts of your body. Doing regular stretching exercises or yoga is useful. By severe edema special therapeutic exercises should be prescribed by a professional.

High position of limb: When you are sleeping or resting the swollen body parts can be placed in an elevated position by means of pillows, pads or by resting in an adjustable bed or chair.

Massage: By minor edema yourself, your spouse or a friend can massage the affected body part to alleviate the edema. The massage should be done in the direction of natural flow of blood and lymph that is towards the heart. You should however avoid massaging distinctly injured or distinctly inflamed body parts. By severe edema a professional massager should be engaged to perform the massage type called "manual lymphatic drainage".

Elastic bandaging: You can use elastic gloves, stockings, tapes or bandages around the swollen body parts during the day or during physical activities after instruction from a professional person.

Inflatable garments: There are inflatable garments to be found that can be used around the engorged body parts some times of the day. Also these should be used after professional instruction.

Sequential gradient pump therapy: One can get special electric pumps connected to inflatable garments. The pump inflates and deflates the garments repeatedly. Each garment has several rooms that are inflated sequentially in the direction of the natural fluid stream towards the heart. In this way the fluid is dynamically pumped the right way out of the engorged body part. This type of therapy is used in professional settings or at home after instruction from a professional.

Skin care: The skin on a body part affected by severe edema should attain special care to avoid and treat sores. Proper cleaning, daily use of moisturizing creams, proper rinsing of skin injuries, antiseptic creams by injuries.

Complete decongestive therapy: This is a complete set of edema treatment techniques done by a professional person combined with self-care instructed by the professional. The techniques used are: Manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging, therapeutic exercise and skin care.

Herbal and natural products: Many herbs and products composed of a blending of these herbs are used against edema. Such herbs are: Dandelion, Gingko biloba, horse chestnut, buchu, goldenrod, corn silk, horsetail, juniper, butchers broom, cleaver and ginger. Some people have experienced a good effect from using apple cider vinegar.

The flavonide rich product pycnognenol extracted from the bark of the French maritime pine has shown promising effects against edema according to scientific studies. The flavonides hydroxyethylrutosides also seem to have good effect against edema. Other natural substances that may help to treat edema are the flavonids diosmin and hesperidin and vitamin C.

OIL PULLING: The procedure called "oil pulling" may help for edema. It consists of rinsing the mouth with one tablespoon of natural oil for 15-20 minutes and then spitting the oil out. It is done in the morning before eating. Sesame or sunflower oils are usually recommended for this use.

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Black Mold - How To Tell The Symptoms Of Toxicity

Mold is common in all our homes and doesn't usually cause any severe health problems. It stuffs you up, makes your eyes red, gives you a cough or a headache; it's a pain and should be got rid of, but it's not lethal.

However, there are some varieties of black mold that have toxicity. Prolonged exposure to toxic mold can lead to serious, life-threatening problems. This is why you need to be aware of the symptoms of black mold toxicity.

- Sinus trouble. The most common symptom of exposure to black mold is sinus trouble. This includes nasal congestion, runny nose and sinus headaches. These sinus symptoms are caused by both non-toxic and toxic mold, so with this symptom alone it may be difficult to tell for sure.

- Skin rashes and hives. Your skin doesn't like toxic mold and will do anything it can to resist it. This is why some people experience rashes and other skin problems when they are exposed to toxic mold. It is a natural reaction to the black mold's toxicity, and you should see a doctor immediately.

- Cough and sore throat - If you have a cough or sore throat that just won't go away, you may be suffering from black mold exposure. Regular mold is hazardous to health and can cause some coughing and throat irritation, but if it is ongoing, that is a sign that the black mold contains some toxicity.

- Asthma. The exact causes of asthma are unknown, but studies have shown that exposure to toxic mold, especially in youth, can lead to the development of asthma. If you find yourself developing asthma-like symptoms, it may be an indication that there is toxic black mold present.

- Dizziness or light-headedness. This often goes with the sinus symptoms, and is an indication that the mold in your home contains some toxicity. It means that the mold spores that have entered your body have released toxins that are disturbing your whole system.

- Nausea - Regular mold produces cold or sinus symptoms, but toxic mold may affect your stomach and digestive system. This is because the toxicity can affect any part of your body. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you have been poisoned by toxic black mold and should seek medical help.

- Fatigue - Toxic black mold can make you feel tired and lethargic all the time, even when you've had a good night's sleep. Black mold's toxicity has an effect on your immune system, breaking down your body's natural defenses, and this can lead to excessive fatigue.

- Memory loss or trouble hearing. If spores enter your respiratory system, the toxicity of the mold can work on your brain. Once the toxins are in the bloodstream, they can go to any part of your body. This is why some people who have been poisoned by black mold lose their memory or hearing.

- Bleeding Lungs - In severe cases of toxic black mold poisoning, you may suffer bleeding in the lungs. This is very severe and will require hospitalization. At this point, the toxicity is well inside your system.

If you suffer any of these symptoms, or suspect that you may have toxic black mold, you should hire an inspector to test your home. They can take samples from the mold itself, or test the air for spores. They will send these samples to a lab for analysis and tell you what they find. If you find any mold at all in your house, you should remove it as quickly as possible and remove the conditions that allow it to grow.

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Why Do I Feel Tired All the Time? - The Number 1 Cause of Feeling Tired Revealed!

Are you often asking the question "why do I feel tired all the time"? If so then today I will reveal to you the #1 cause of feeling tired & fatigued. As well I'll present 2 great tips on how to immediately start reducing fatigue and boost your energy levels up. Best of all if you follow all my recommendations you'll also improve your health in multiple ways in which you couldn't have imagined.
Two Tips to Help Increase Energy
Stop Eating Late: Do you eat within 3 hours of going to bed? If so you're doing more harm than good. Were you aware that many police and firemen are questioned when they apply about their eating habits before bed, those who say they eat before bed are often not accepted as it indicates that they're likely to be less rested and as a result less alert than those who don't eat before bed.
Stop Going to Bed Late: 10-2 is the ideal sleeping time. If you go to bed after 2pm constantly then you're always going to be playing catch-up with your energy levels. So do yourself a favour and get to bed by 10pm!
What Really Makes you Feel Tired All the Time!
It's known as a candida overgrowth. Candida is a yeast which grows inside over 90% of the population and because of the culture we live in now of using drugs for everything and eating dead processed foods, this yeast has now become a threat to our health. All of these modern day factors encourage the yeast to overgrow which causes various problems, the most common of which are brain fog which is like a continual lack of focus or concentration as well as chronic fatigue/exhaustion regardless of what you do.
If these symptoms describe your everyday life then you need to immediately begin eliminating candida from your body and re-balance your health to get your energy back once again!

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The Color of Mucus - Deciphering the Hues

Whether created to lighten the weight of the head, serve as a "crumple zone," give better resonance to the voice, just simply to produce mucus, or for a combination of all those reasons, the sinus cavities play a vital role in our breathing mechanism and in keeping us healthy. Without the yucky stuff they produce our lives would be miserable.

It is interesting that we do not notice the sinuses' constant production of mucus until it becomes thick or excessive-although normally we produce up to a quart a day--or it creates sinus pressure. Besides giving moisture to the air when needed, mucus acts as gatekeeper warding off viruses, bacteria, foreign particles, pollutants, that otherwise would compromise our breathing mechanism and cause infection and other problems. It does not catch only those elements, but it also washes them away.

What about the colors of mucus? According to some authorities here are the meanings:

Clear and watery- this is the normal, healthy kind; it is constantly being produced and is needed for the protection of our breathing apparatus, digestive organs, etc., by guarding them against contamination and disease. It contains antiseptic enzymes, salts and water, of course. Mucus also serves as a lubricant. Clear, again, is the natural healthy color of mucus.

Yellow- produced when the air is too dry, can also be an indication of a sinus infection, bronchitis--when accompanied by coughing, wheezing, fatigue, chest discomfort, shortness of breath after a mild exertion; not all these signs or symptoms need to be present when having bronchitis.

Green- can be a sign of a sinus infection or bronchitis-see additional signs and symptoms for bronchitis under yellow, above. If there is a green nasal discharge accompanied by a sinus pain or fever and this has been going on for several days it can be a sign or symptom of a bacterial infection and a doctor should be seen.

Brown- if you smoke or have spent some time in a place filled with tobacco smoke chances are that this is the cause of that mucus color. Smoking exacerbates any respiratory health issue and makes much worse any mucus problem in the upper respiratory organs and passages. It pays to quit smoking.

White- this is not a common hue of mucus and it can be caused by the use of dairy products, especially when one is having congestion and pressure in the sinuses and a dairy product, especially milk, is used. It can also be an indication of bronchitis-see additional signs and symptoms for bronchitis under yellow, above.

Blood- whenever blood accompanies any of the above mucus colors or appears by itself it should be taken seriously and a physician should be consulted soon.

Mucus not only helps us detect what is wrong with us, but it aids our body by protecting it, as we have seen, against unwanted elements in our environment. Mucus is a friend.

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Gout Recipes

A person's diet changes dramatically when he is diagnosed with gout. Red meat, organ meat, shellfish, beans, and legumes are not allowed. The use of salt and oil should be limited. Alcohol intake is discouraged. So what else is there to eat and drink, you may ask. The answer is a lot. It is all just a matter of preparing the food you are allowed to eat into a fantastic and filling meal. Let this article guide you to the food that you can eat and the delicious ways to prepare them.

Gout-friendly ingredients

There are still many foods that a person who has gout can enjoy. Fruits like watermelons, oranges, and grapefruit and foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates like brown rice and whole wheat bread should make up 40 percent of a gout sufferer's diet. Cherries in particular have been said to be very beneficial in lowering uric acid levels in the blood. Aside from red meat, fish, lean meat such as chicken breast, and soy products are also great sources of protein. Vegetable oil instead of animal fat should be used.

Since salt should be used sparingly, other food flavorings should be used. Replace salt with herbs and spices like basil, marjoram, and oregano. Use garlic in particular because it is also known to lower uric acid levels in the blood.

Food preparation

Instead of frying, bake or grill fish and lean meat. Marinate marlin or swordfish with crushed garlic, pepper, and other spices, and grill it over fire. Serve this with brown rice and grilled vegetables like zucchini, bell peppers, corn and squash on the side.

For drinks, water is best but it will not hurt to try something different once in a while. For a refreshing drink, make a smoothie out of bananas, apples, watermelon, and silken tofu. Silken tofu is a great additive to smoothies. To sweeten, add a little honey or maple syrup. These are invert sugars and not simple sugars so they are just fine.

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