Common Duck Diseases - Symptoms and How To Possibly Avoid Them From Affecting Your Ducks

Just like any other living creature, ducks are not immune to sickness and injury. There are ways to minimize and hopefully prevent the attacks. Here are a few of the most common duck diseases, their symptoms, and how to possibly avoid them from affecting your ducks:

1) Duck virus hepa - very young ducklings are the ones most susceptible to this disease. Thankfully they become resistant to the virus as they mature. It is highly fatal and contagious, wherein the ducklings undergo spasmodic contractions in the legs. The liver becomes bigger than usual and will register hemorrhagic spots. Death can occur in an hour, with the ducks ending up in an arched position. A good way to avoid this is by gathering ducklings of similar age groups together. It is also a must to vaccinate them with a live virus duck hepa vaccine of reduced strength.

2) Duck Plague also known as Duck Virus Enteritis - this acute, highly contagious and fatal disease that affects waterfowl is brought about by the feared herpes virus. Although it often strikes older and more mature ducks, it is also sometimes seen in younger ducks. Symptoms include rumpled feathers, listlessness, and greenish-yellow liquid feces that could be blood-stained. Hemorrhaging of tissues is also found all over the body. There are also wounds and bruises of the intestine and also the esophagus' mucous lining. To avoid this, as with other duck diseases, breeder ducks should be immunized regularly, in this case with a reduced strength live duck virus enteritis vaccine.

3) Aspergillosis - this happens when ducks inhale spores from the mold that grows on the ducks' straw or feed that has become damp. These inhaled spores can cause numerous swellings or plaques in the lungs. Symptoms include gasping for breath, listlessness, and dehydration. To prevent this, always use fresh straw to avoid molds, and make sure it does not get wet. Also keep the duck feeds dry.

4) Avian cholera or fowl cholera - this disease is associated with unhygienic living conditions. It is brought about by the bacterium Pasteurella multocida. Symptoms include diarrhea, mouth discharge, and appetite deficiency. Lesions show hemorrhaging in the heart muscles. The liver is also enlarged, turns a reddish-brown color, becomes crumbly in texture, and develops whitish spots. To prevent this, good sanitation practice is key. Keep the duck pens clean and dry, and throw away any standing water. Of all the duck diseases, this one is the most easily avoidable.

The best way to prevent any of these duck diseases from striking your fine-feathered friends is by making sure they have regular immunizations and practicing good hygiene. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

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MRSA Symptoms and Facts

The super-bug, MRSA, was first discovered in Britain in 1961, and spread quickly throughout the world. This bacterium, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a member of the staph family, is resistant to antibiotics, and is therefore dangerous to those with cystic fibrosis, deep wounds, extra-somatic equipment, or those with damaged immune systems.

Contraction of the skin disease usually occurs in hospitals and its symptoms most resemble those of staph. People with deep cuts or wounds experience topical pain. Redness and swelling usually accompany pain at the site if the cut or scrape. The wound appears to get worse instead of better. Healing does not progress as it should. Rashes are another symptom of MRSA. White headed pimples, called carbuncles often form around the hair follicles of patients with MSRA. Cysts, Boils or furuncles are also common to people with MRSA. Often, the rash begins by appearing like a spider bite, quickly spreading all over the body. Doctors often suggest draining the rash bumps, and keeping them clean.

Sometimes, patients with MRSA experience blistering. Young children and infants, especially, tend to show symptoms of skin blisters and peeling. Swollen nodes are another common symptom of MRSA. Lymph nodes in the groin, neck, and armpits swell as the nodes try to absorb the bacterium from the lymph. Redness, tenderness and soreness are associated with these collected colonies.

There are other very common symptoms of MRSA as well. Nausea, fever, and fatigue are widespread to those infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Headaches and loss of appetite are also frequent. The main difference between these and common cold symptoms are that those stricken with MRSA don't ever seem to be getting any better.

If it's possible that you or a member of your family have MRSA, you should consult a doctor. The cold like symptoms coupled with the skin rashes and swollen nodes should alert you to the possibility. The infection and accompanying symptoms will not go away on their own. You cannot cure yourself with over the counter medications. MRSA is caused by a bacterium that is bacterium resistant, and only your doctor can put you back on the road to good health. As always, it is important to act quickly ad consult a doctor. MRSA is a very dangerous problem and treatment needs to be started as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to seek medical care even if that means going to an emergency room.

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Safe Naturopathy Treatment For Flu and Common Cold

It is a fact that a huge battalion of viruses are responsible for cold and flu. Flu, also known as influenza is a contagious infection of the nose, throat and lungs caused by influenza virus. Flu is generally accompanied by common cold, the causes for which can be environmental changes or allergies. Flu and common cold drain out energy from the patient's body and makes the person vulnerable. Flu starts with an abrupt outburst of fever and other symptoms including dizziness, vomiting, headache, nausea, body chills and body aches. Appropriate medication and rest can cure the symptoms of flu and cold.

Flu and common cold can attack persons of any age group. Allopathic treatment of flu and cold involves use of drugs, often with strong dosage which could harm young children ad even teens. People older than 50 also find it difficult to manage the side effects produced by allopathic drugs since they generally lead to lethargy and drowsiness. Safer options of treatment such as naturopathy are now gaining popularity for the treatment of cold and flu.

Naturopathy trusts the healing power of nature. Naturopathy believes that the body can heal itself and rid itself of any diseases when supported by certain dietary and lifestyle changes. Naturopathy identifies the root cause of the disease and treats it instead of merely treating the symptoms of a particular disease. Since naturopathy treatment is a natural way of dealing with the disease, there are no side effects involved in the treatment. Also, naturopathy helps in prevention of the disease in future.

Naturopathy is effective in the treatment of flu and cold. The healing plan is personalized for the patient and all the complex factors affecting the patient' health is treated. Naturopathy thus results in the holistic healing of the body. Instead of draining away energy like allopathic drugs do, naturopathic treatment helps the patient acquire energy. This hastens the recovery process and also prevents the influenza virus from further affecting the patient.

The ultimate goal of naturopathy is building health and not fighting illness. Naturopathy treatment is thus a safe and effective treatment technique for ailments which can excuse surgical intervention. Naturopathy teaches the body to fight and keeps the person away from further disease attacks.

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Naiouli Oil - Strong Antiseptic, Anti-bacterial, Relieves Cold & Flu Symptoms & Skin Infections

Naiouli ( Melaleuca quinquenervia )

Aromas: Fresh, camphoraceous, penetrating, warm, sweet

Keywords: Strongly Antiseptic, Anti-bacterial

The aroma of Naiouli oil is fresh, warm, penetrating, and slightly sweet, similar to eucalyptus oil. In the regions where Naiouli is grown and distilled the natives use Naiouli oil for a variety of medicinal purposes.

Generally regarded as a type of "Tea Tree" Malaleuca quinquenervia is a strong antiseptic, antibacterial oil.

A powerful respiratory aid oil Naiouli also has strong decongestant properties, which make it extremely useful for treating head and chest colds. These same properties make it useful for clearing the head mentally, and give it a stimulating and uplifting effect on the senses.

Naiouli oil is excellent for treating bronchial congestion use in a blend with Rosemary oil, or Eucalyptus, as an inhalant, or diffuse into the air. May also use Naiouli in a blend with Eucalyptus in a dilution of light coconut oil or jojoba and apply liberally to the chest and upper back areas to soothe and aid respiratory condtions.

For an energizing and uplifting respiratory blend add Naiouli with peppermint, spearmint and eucalyptus. This blend is known to be effective for relieving cold and flu symptoms.

Naiouli's antiseptic properties make it useful in a skin blend with other anti-infectious oils like Rosemary, Tea Tree, and Lavender for treating skin conditions like acne, boils, and cold sores.

Naiouli oil may also be useful in a blend for relieving bladder, and urinary tract infections.

PLEASE NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic essential oils, or oils that have been tested and are pesticide free.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementary health care system used for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions to enhance your health. Properly administered essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and may produce satisfying results where other methods have failed. Please consult with your physician regarding serious health concerns and do not attempt to self diagnose.

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Candida Die-Off With Flu Like Symptoms

This morning, my friend sent me a letter regarding candida die-off. After a couple of days on the oil of oregano, caprylic acid, psyllium, and acidophilus, later in the evening she began feeling dizzy with headache and just plain "weird." She wonders if that was the die-off. Her joints were even aching a bit. All she has had yesterday so far was headaches, but no dizziness this time. She is not really sure if that is a die-off reaction. She also wants to know if drinking red grapefruit juice would work.

As far as the die-off, you could have a fast reaction in the beginning and of course, your flu like symptoms could be die-off. That is if you don't feel like you really have the flu. Drink tons of water! My naturopath said, "Drink until you float," during this time.

Also, here is a trick that might work for you. Get some Aloe Vera gel from the health food store, and right before bed, use it like a lotion all over your body. When you wake up, you should feel a little better. It worked for me! Make sure you are not allergic so test a spot before going crazy with it. I suppose after 4-8 days of using your caprylic acid, and oil of oregano, you may want to rotate to something else.

Regarding the red grapefruit juice, it could work too well. I tried some of the juice watered down of course for my hypoglycemia, and I had a die off reaction almost instantly and pretty badly! It is extremely potent. But, if you are on Atkins and can't have fruit for a long while, you can go to find some olive leaf extract and ordered some SF-722 that Karen Tripp recommends (which prescribed to her by her doctor for candida). This way you will be able to switch off.

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Equine Flu - Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention

Introduction: Equine influenza ('flu') is probably the main respiratory infection affecting horses. It has a worldwide distribution, and can cause a severe illness in some cases. Fortunately, prevention is possible with current vaccinations. This is a very current topic, with a recent outbreak in Australia in August to October 2007. This continent had previously been unaffected by equine flu, and the outbreak appears to have spread from imported Japanese stallions.

What is Equine Influenza? This is a severe respiratory viral infection, with a short incubation period of 3-4 days, and a rapid worsening of symptoms. It is particularly likely to spread rapidly in overstocked situations.

The virus is spread by inhalation of water droplets via the nose, and then causes damage to tissues lining the respiratory tract. It can cause death of large areas of the lining tissue or mucosa.

Symptoms: These include high temperature, clear nasal discharge, dry cough, and swollen submental lymph nodes (under the jaw). In addition, you may notice that your horse has depression & lethargy, a clear eye discharge, a poor appetite, and a reluctance to drink There may even be a degree of swelling of the limbs, with a resultant reluctance to move. Occasionally secondary pneumonia can occur, especially in the very old and the very young; this can lead to death.

Causative Agent: The Equine-1 (H7N7) and equine-2 (H3N8); influenza A is a subtype of the latter. Unlike the human influenza virus, which changes every year, equine flu virus has more stable subtypes. Horse flu viruses were only isolated in 1956.

Occasionally carrier status occurs in equines, when an incomplete immune response to infection has occurred and the virus has not been eliminated. Such horses are shedding virus and infectious despite appearing well.

Current Western Treatments: Affected horses need complete rest for at least 6 weeks. It takes 1 week to recover at best, but 6 weeks for any mucosal damage to be reversed, hence the need for a longer period of rest. During recovery, it is important that any stable used must have good ventilation, with minimal dust levels. Mucolytic agents & antibiotics may be necessary if secondary infection occurs.

Complementary Therapies: Supportive care can help, such as reiki, spiritual healing, crystal healing, acupressure, shiatsu, and aromatics. These can help the horse's immune system and ability to heal itself. The aromatics (animal aromatherapy, whereby the animal chooses remedies on the basis of scent and taste from a selection offered) may have specific effects on resistance to infection and the release of supportive hormones.

Prevention: Influenza vaccines have been available for many years, and initially only provided protection for a few months. Current improved vaccines protect for 10-15 months. Vaccination is given as a primary course of 2 doses, 3-6 weeks apart, followed by boosters at 6-12 month intervals. Side effects are rare, and may be due to inflammation at the injection site, occasional allergy, or general poor well - being.

Certification of flu vaccination may be needed for horses that travel or compete

Homeopathic nosodes may be helpful in preventing influenza. Nosodes are created from the equine virus by diluting many times in water. The water then holds the memory of the molecule, which may be enough to stimulate an immune response. There tends to be a lower side effect rate with nosodes, but there is limited evidence of their efficacy.

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The Power of Elderberry Lozenges - Learn How it Can Cure Flu Symptoms

Cold and flu season comes every year and every year and hundreds of thousands of people die from influenza around the world. With the rise in H1N1 illnesses, there's worldwide concern that it could become the next pandemic. While healthy individuals rarely die from the agonizing flu symptoms of headache, muscle ache, respiratory problems and fever, work and school are missed, family and friends must be avoided, and the week spent in bed is miserable. New research demonstrates that flu viruses can be blocked and the duration and intensity of flu symptoms can be cut from six days down to only two with the use of elderberry lozenges.

Once infected, the intensity and duration of flu symptoms can be greatly reduced by staying hydrated, warm and rested, and using elderberry lozenges to boost the immune system and to reduce pain and fever. Scientific research demonstrated that recipients of elderberry lozenges were often headache and fever free within 24 hours, whereas the placebo recipients felt worse than before.

The Proof About Elderberry Lozenges Is In

The current flu virus pandemic has individuals and national leaders looking for H1N1 remedies. While there is no known cure for the common cold, elderberry extract has been proven to be one of the most effective H1N1 remedies. Elderberry lozenges prevent influenza by attaching, or binding, to the influenza virus, rending it incapable of attaching to a host cell, thereby preventing infection. Elderberry lozenges also contain flavonoids, which are antioxidants that stimulate the immune system, as well as anti-inflammatory agents that reduce pain and fever.

The Online Journal of Pharmacology and PharmacoKinetics (Volume 5: 32-43, 2009), recently published scientific findings that show elderberry lozenges are able to block the influenza virus and cause significant reductions in flu symptoms when compared to a control group given placebos. The double-blind research study demonstrated the effectiveness of elderberry lozenges when two populations experiencing flu-like symptoms were compared. Both groups started the study with similar flu-like symptoms at the beginning of the study but, within 24 hours, there was a noticeable improvement in the elderberry extract group, whereas the placebo group's symptoms became worse.

Getting Sick Is Not Inevitable

While it is true that children need to be exposed to a variety of germs to stimulate their immune system defenses, it is not necessary that you become infected with the influenza virus after being exposed. There are many preventative measures you can take to minimize your risk of infection. First and foremost is frequent hand washing with soap and water. Hand sanitizers are also effective.

Stay away from people with flu-like symptoms and disinfect your home, car and workplace. Use alcohol wipes on your ears to kill any viruses that you may have contracted through the air or by touching yourself with contaminated fingers. It is always a good idea to keep your hands off of your face altogether during cold and flu season, unless you have just washed them. In the same way, avoid eating raw foods that you have not washed with soap and water. Since viruses can stay alive for hours on a surface, it is imperative that you be aware of what you are touching. Elderberry lozenges can be used to boost your immune system and build a stronger defense against illness, in the same way that elderberry extracts have been used historically to treat and prevent illness.

The History Of Elderberry

Elderberry is a fruit-bearing shrub found in temperate zones around the world and it has been used for food, drink and medicine for countless centuries. In the early 1900's elderberry elixirs were given to school aged children to prevent illness. The polyphenolic and phenolic compounds now known to be found in elderberry fruit are the antioxidants that help to boost the immune system.

Today's scientific technology and research facilities have only proven what has been known for centuries in traditional cultures: elderberry extract is an effective preventative measure against influenza and is one of the safest and most effective H1N1 remedies to reduce flu symptoms and duration.

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Natural Treatment For Swine Flu

With the approach of the flu season, and the anticipation of the swine flu pandemic, many people are starting to consider a natural treatment for swine flu as an alternative to conventional medication and over the counter remedies. For years, people have turned to natural remedies for the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, and there is every indication that a natural treatment for swine flu can be just as effective in fighting the symptoms and promoting fast healing as many of the pharmaceutical remedies currently on the market.

One such preventative treatment is Echinacea.  Echinacea has consistently been shown to be an effective herbal remedy against viruses. By helping to destroy the virus and strengthen the body's immune system, it allows your body to more effectively eliminate the virus in a shorter time span. As a result, the symptoms are less severe. Echinacea works best as a preventative measure and with the possibility of a swine flu pandemic, this herbal wonder should find its way into everyone's medicine cabinet.

Black elderberry extract, another herbal remedy used over the years to treat colds and flu has shown good results in treating a variety of flu viruses. Black elderberry extract, available at health food stores, helps to speed recovery and lessen the severity of flu symptoms.  In traditional folk medicine, flowers from the black elderberry bush were often employed to reduce the symptoms associated with colds, flu and sinus problems. While Echinacea has been shown to aid in preventing the flu, Elderberry is more effective in actually treating the flu symptoms.

With the promise of a troublesome flu season looming just over the horizon, it is not too soon to consider a natural treatment for swine flu and to be prepared to combat this serious illness.

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Influenza - How to Treat Flu Symptoms at Home

Influenza is the most common disease in the U.S. that can be prevented by vaccination. Yet, 5-20% of the population (about 15-60 million people) come down with this potentially life threatening respiratory illness. Annually, there are approximately 36,00 deaths related to influenza.

Serious complication due to the flu can occur at any age. However, children, people over 65 years of age, and those with chronic medical conditions are at the highest risk. The symptoms of the flu include: fever, headache, fatigue, dry cough, sore throat, runny and stuffy nose, and body aches. These symptoms usually occur suddenly, and those affected report feeling as if they were "hit by a truck." Although symptoms of a regular cold are similar, they develop gradually over a few days and are not as intense as the symptoms of the flu.

The influenza virus multiplies in the lungs and it spreads from one person to another via droplets from coughing and sneezing. That's why it is very important to cover your mouth (preferably with your sleeve, not the hand) when coughing or sneezing. Washing your hands is also crucial to prevent the spread of the virus.

What to do when the virus strikes?

Two of the most important things that you can do for yourself or your family members when they get the flu is to rest and drink plenty of clear fluids. Warm tea with honey and lemon for older children and adults, as well as chicken soup (homemade is the best, but canned counts too) will help to thin out secretions. Scientists confirmed what moms and grandmas knew all along: chicken soup helps in upper respiratory illnesses by loosening up mucus. Therefore, a daily dose of chicken soup daily during the illness will help you feel better and may speed up the recovery. If you are a vegetarian, vegetable broth or warm tea with honey will do.

Do not be afraid of the fever. Fever simply means that the body is trying to fight off the infection. Since it stimulates the immune system, reducing the fever may not be necessarily beneficial. I use general rules of thumb when counseling patients about the fever treatment:

If the fever is less than 102 and the patient is comfortable, I suggest fluids and cool compresses to the neck, armpits, and the groin area. The skin in those areas is thinner than anywhere else and blood vessels are closer to the surface. Cool compresses will help to cool the blood, thus reducing the fever. But do not let the feverish person shiver as shivering, which is caused by contracting muscles, increases the body's temperature.

If the fever gets to 102 or above, or for any fever that causes discomfort, I suggest acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol), or ibuprofen (i.e. Motrin, or Advil) in addition to fluids, rest, and compresses.

Viral illnesses, such as the influenza, may produce fever lasting for 3-4 days. At any time the fever persists beyond 3 days, or it cannot be controlled with fever reducing medicines like Tylenol or Motrin, you should seek evaluation of your health care provider.

Most people recover from the influenza in about 1-2 weeks. However, a significant number of people infected with the flu will develop complications, such as an ear or sinus infection, pneumonia, or encephalitis. In addition, the flu may exacerbate chronic illnesses, such as asthma, heart diseases, or COPD. Furthermore, a significant fatigue that accompanies the influenza may persist for 3-4 weeks.

One of the most effective ways to prevent getting sick with the flu is through vaccination. Young children 6 months of age or older, adults over 65 years of age, people with chronic illnesses, especially those affecting the respiratory and cardiac system, should get vaccinated against the influenza annually

When the flu strikes, the following will help you get better:

Warm clear fluids (no milk as it thickens mucus and worsens symptoms)
Chicken soup (loosens up mucus)
Expectorant (i.e. Robitussin, Mucinex)*
Fever reducing agents (i.e. Tylenol, Motrin, or Advil)*
Saline nasal drops (relieve congestion)
Antiviral medications prescribed by your health care provider
Possibly antibiotics

*Contact your health care provider to get safe dosing instructions for children

Why do I need to get the flu shot every year?

The influenza virus is very adaptable and is constantly changing. Different strains of the virus may exchange their genes or simply mutate leading to the birth of new influenza strains. The influenza vaccine available to us every fall is a result of scientific predications as to which influenza strain will predominate in the up-coming season. Since no prediction is ever exact, the available vaccine may not necessarily be 100% effective if the prediction for the season turns out inaccurate. In addition, since the virus has the ability to change rapidly from season to season, the flu vaccine that will be available to us this year probably would not be effective in the next flu season. Thus we should get vaccinated against the influenza every fall.

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Benefits of Coconut Water for Flu Treatment: Cure Dehydration, Upset Stomach and Nausea

Flu season is here, so it's time to discuss the benefits coconut water can have for treating dehydration, nausea, and upset stomachs. Flu, is short for influenza and is a virus that causes dehydration, stomach pain, nausea and aching all over the body. Having the flu is an awful experience, especially for young children. This article showcases how coconut water alleviates the symptoms mentioned above and also has flu treatment recipes to get you on your way to a speedy recovery.

For your body's immune system to work at it's most efficient, your body has to stay properly hydrated. Coconut water has all five electrolytes your body needs to do this. Potassium is the main electrolyte needed, because one, 8.5 oz serving has 15 times more potassium than other sports drinks, like Gatorade or VitaWater.

Because you'll be more hydrated, you'll be feeling better and, it'll also get you cured, faster, because your immune system will be operating more efficiently.

It also has lauric acid, a mineral that benefits you while you have the flu because it helps alleviate the stomach irritation that accompanies the virus. Nausea is another symptom of the flu, because the stomach irritation limits your stomach's ability to hold down food.

An old school flu remedy my mom used to help me re-hydrate when I had the flu, was to give me ice chips.

With what we know about the benefits of coconut water, today, why not take this flu remedy one step further and make ice chips using the water from coconuts? It'll rehydrate you faster than water and calm your stomach. There's also several flavors, with natural fruit extracts, that you could make popsicles with.

Even though I didn't have the flu, I did get food poisoning about 3 weeks ago, that was accompanied with violent stomach pains and frequent trips to the restroom (sorry for being too descriptive). There was one box of coco water left in the house with about 6 ounces in it and I prayed it would help ease my pain.

For the 2 years I've been drinking water from coconuts, it was the first time I'd used it to alleviate some type of medical symptom, besides a hangover. It always helped my hangovers, but I'm pleasantly suprised at how much better it made my stomach feel when I had the food poisoning.

Within 15 minutes, the pain was tolerable and continued fading until I fell asleep.

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What Is Sarcoidosis? A Simple Guide To Sarcoidosis Symptoms

Before looking at sarcoidosis symptoms in detail, it may be as well to understand and get a feel for the disease. So. What is sarcoidosis?

Sarcoidosis is a disease that causes small groups of inflammatory cells to form throughout various organs of the body. These tiny groups of cells are called granulomas, and are particularly prevalent in the lungs, eyes, liver and skin, although as yet, the cause has not been identified. In most cases, very little damage occurs, but there are cases in which the granulomas can produce large areas of scarring and inflammation, and seriously affect the function of the particular organ. Most sufferers will recover, but in a few cases the illness can become chronic.

As mentioned, although the causes are unknown, there is a great deal of evidence supporting the theory that it involves an abnormal immune reaction, with triggers believed to range from infections, allergens or as some medical practicioners believe, genetic factors.

Sarcoidosis symptoms can vary a great deal due to the fact that many different body organs can be affected. In some instances, sarcoidosis symptoms are not evident, whilst others display non-specific symptoms such as fever, night sweats or joint pain. However, of those people who suffer more specific symptoms, the great majority have problems with the lungs, with initial signs of a dry cough and shortness of breath.

To summarise, depending on which organs are affected, sarcoidosis symptoms may include:

Lung Symptoms- dry cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain

Skin Symptoms- Erythema Nodosum, tender red bumps. Lupus Pernio, purple discolouration around nose and cheeks.

Eye Symptoms- red eye, eye pain, light sensitivity.

Heart Symptoms- irregular heartbeat, heart failure.

Other Symptoms- seizures,bone pain, swollen salivary glands.

As the causes of sarcoidosis are unknown, prevention is not possible, but, as mentioned, in the majority of cases the illness is not chronic, and death is extremely rare.

Treatment may not be necessary if the symptoms remain insignificant, with only regular monitoring required. Initially, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed, but if a more severe condition is evident, then corticosteroids may be the choice. Unfortunately, there is a danger from the side effects of prolonged use of these steroidal drugs.

Another option could be to turn to a more natural form of sarcoidosis alternative treatment, thereby avoiding the dangers of continued drug use. A recent example of a natural approach to treatment is the Aden Protocol, which has shown impressive worldwide results in relieving and eradicating sarcoidosis symptoms, achieving high remission rates in the process.

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How to Make Peppermint Herbal Honey For Cold and Flu Symptoms

Peppermint is a cooling herb to cool down a fever or sore throat and aids in healing you from other symptoms of the cold and flu. Peppermint herbal honey is a tasty and delicious way to add this herb to your cold and flu herbal remedy arsenal.

Peppermint honey has been used by traditions around the world for thousands of years to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu like sore throat, congestion, headaches, coughs and pneumonia. Peppermint is well known for settling stomach nausea and spasms also.

Menthol is one of peppermints volatile oils and is antibacterial. It fights infections, kills germs and relieves infections in the nose, sinus and chest. It loosens up the congestion and gets the mucous flowing, taking the virus out of your body with it.

Peppermint is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, riboflavin, calcium, iron, niacin, potassium and vitamins A and C. All of these minerals and vitamins aid your immune system to fight the infections.

To make peppermint herbal honey, just fill a small canning jar with the leaves torn into bits. Pour raw honey over the leaves and stir gently to soak them. Fill the jar with raw honey, cap it tightly and set it on your counter to infuse for 2-6 weeks. Stir or turn the jar over every day. You can start using it within a day or two, but as it infuses over time it will become more medicinal. To use it, just put 1 tablespoon of the honey in a cup and pour boiling water over to make a delicious tea.

©2009 Shanna Ohmes

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Fatty Liver - Symptoms and Treatment

Fatty liver is a very insidious disease. A third of all Americans suffer from this disease (known among the medical community as steatosis) and don't even know about it. In fact, liver symptoms are very broad and are often attributed to bad genetics or bad luck, but once you know them it is easy to recognize liver disease.

Fatty liver symptoms

Mild liver damage doesn't show on liver tests. However, even in its mild form it can wreak havoc in your metabolism and drug clearing systems, both dependant on the liver.

The most important manifestation of liver disease are diseases resulting from it: obesity (especially the one hard to get rid of due to low metabolism), diabetes, high cholesterol, immune system deregulations, such as frequent cold, rashes, or allergies.

However, more subtle symptoms may be the only indication of fatty liver: bad breath, coated tongue, dizziness, tiredness, circles under the eyes, headaches, and feeling bloated all the time are common liver damage symptoms that are often ignored.

Fatty liver treatment

Once you know you have fatty liver, the next logical step is wanting to treat it. Treatment can be done in four simple steps and an optional step:

The first step is removing the causes of liver damage. This can be any form of drugs, including alcohol, caffeine, doctor prescribed drugs (talk with your doctor before removing them), homeopathic remedies, and recreational drugs. You can find out more causes of liver damage below.
The second step is adjusting your diet. A diet rich in vegetables and fruit and poor in animal products reverses liver damage all by itself and all the other methods only serve to accelerate the process or for advanced cases.
The third step is exercising. This will signal your liver it is time to start burning fat and the first fat it burns is the fat inside its cells.
The fourth step is taking certain herbal supplements that cause liver regeneration. These are turmeric, milk thistle, artichoke, and ginger, among others. You can also learn more about this below.
The fifth and optional step is to go on a liver detox for a week once a year. This will not do much on its own, but it can really kick-start a liver healing program.

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Cardiac Arrhythmias - Definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Cardiac arrhythmia is a group of conditions in which the electrical activity of the heart is irregular or is faster or slower than normal. Cardiac arrhythmias comprise any abnormality or pertubation in the normal activation sequence of the myocardium. Arrhythmias stem from several causes. The heart's natural timekeeper--a small mass of special cells called the sinus node--can malfunction and develop an abnormal electrical impulse rate. CPR can prolong the survival of the brain in the lack of a normal pulse, but defibrillation is the intervention which is most likely to restore a more healthy heart rhythm. A slow rhythm, known as bradycardia (less than 60 beats/min), is usually not life threatening, but may cause symptoms. When it causes symptoms implantation of a permanent pacemaker may be needed. Either dysrhythmia requires medical attention to evaluate the risks associated with the arrhythmia. The signs and symptoms of cardiac arrhythmias can range from completely asymptomatic to loss of consciousness or sudden cardiac death.

Complaints such as lightheadedness, dizziness, quivering, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, heart fluttering or pounding, and forceful or painful extra beats are commonly reported with a variety of arrhythmias. Beats are generated by electrical impulses in the atria (top chambers of the heart) and are then conducted to the ventricles, where they produce the powerful muscle contraction that pumps blood. People may have allergies or idiosyncratic reactions to many other foods and beverages that cause transitory arrhythmias. Long-term nicotine exposure and any cocaine exposure can cause much more serious arrhythmias. Oxidative stress is a common feature of ischemic-reperfusion injuries, which occur when the heart is temporarily deprived of oxygenated blood (a state known as ischemia), followed by the reintroduction of oxygenated blood (reperfusion). The development of arrhythmias include congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure (hypertension).

Advances in medicine and technology have created new treatment options for cardiac arrhythmia (commonly known as heart rhythm disturbances). Cardioversion is the application of electrical current across the chest wall to the heart and it is used for treatment of supraventricular or pulsed ventricular tachycardia. Defibrillation differs in that it is used for ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia, and more electricity is delivered with defibrillation than with cardioversion. Arrhythmias may involve medications (anti-arrhythmic therapy), catheter ablations, and implantation of pacemakers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD). Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) or CRT-D (CRT with defibrillator therapy) is an innovative therapeutic option for patients with refractory HF. Defibrillation differs in that it is used for ventricular fibrillation and more electricity is delivered with defibrillation than with cardioversion. Antiarrhythmic medications help to change the electrical signals within the heart to suppress or prevent the arrhythmia.

Treatment for Cardiac Arrhythmias Tips

1. Using a small, battery-powered generator to deliver timed, electrical impulses to the heart muscle through tiny wire leads.

2. The treatment for some patients is a technique called cardiac ablation.

3. Magnetic Guidance in the Heart While transcatheter ablation is very effective, it can be difficult.

4. Stereotaxis Niobe Magnetic Navigation System uses two superconductive magnets, a magnetic-tipped guide wire and advanced computer imaging techniques.

5. Atrial fibrillation can also be treated through a procedure, e.g. pulmonary vein isolation.

6. Fibrillation differs in that it is used for ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia.

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Tamiflu - How Does Tamiflu Compare To Other Anti Flu Medications?

There are hardly any medicines that are available for treating flu. Among these Tamiflu is the only medication that is good in treating flu. Here I will be covering some of the symptoms of the flu. So this will tell you when you should take Tamiflu and what other medications are available for the flu.

Flu Symptoms

The symptoms for the flu are a sore throat. This is the beginning of the chapter called the flu. This may be either the common flu or the on set of the bird flu. But the sore throat will worsen to a condition where by you will know this is not just a sore throat but something worse than that. It is cobbled in the second chapter by high fever ranging to temperatures above a hundred degree Fahrenheit. And along with this as a sub section to the second chapter of the flu you will be having muscular pains, weakness, loss of appetite and a pain in the chest.

Introduction of Flu shot

This was how it was when the Spanish Influenza struck in the 1918's. It took with it a number of people. The estimated loss of life was about 20 million all over the world. The flu shot was introduced. This is a vaccine against the common flu. People lost their lives not just due to the flu. The flu developed in to the pneumonia and this became a bacterial infection. It caused havoc and the result was that what we faced in the 1918's. But a vaccine when the flu is on you will not be much of an effect. It had to be taken well before you are affected by the flu. The tablets available around that time were Amantadine and Rimantdine. Both these drugs had to be consumed as tablets. These drugs acted like this. They could stop the flu virus from duplicating itself after it had been inside the human cells. They could not mutate and form a group with which they could attack the body. But there were limitations for the drugs Amantadine and Rimantdine. They were effective against only Type 'A' influenza causing viruses. They were ineffective against the type "B" influenza virus. For this an alternative medicine was to be conjured.

New drugs: Tamiflu and Relenza

It was at the turn of this century that new drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza were formulated. They were effective against both the type "A" and the type "B" influenza causing viruses. They belonged to a separate class of medicines called the neuraminidase inhibitors. Tamiflu contained the drug Oseltamivir and Relenza was made of Zanamivir. Both these drugs worked in a similar way. They too could stop the particles of the virus from being released in to the human cells. This limited the spread of the infection.

The medicine Tamiflu is taken as a pill. It comes in the form of a capsule, a yellow grey capsule with seventy five milligram of the drug encompassed in it. There is another form also in which Tamiflu s supplied, it is the suspension form. This suspension form is for children. They are given the medication as per their weight. For a child weighing less than 33 pounds he / she are given thirty milligrams of the medication. All weight categories the medication is given in proper proportions.

Relenza is a drug that required an inhaler to take the drug. This drug is directly inhaled into the lungs. This drug was approved by the FDA at around the same time Tamiflu was approved. However, people who suffered from asthma and other respiratory related diseases faced fatalities after inhaling this drug. Experts in the field have weighed the options against the risk involved when taking this inhalation prescription drug. They have justified the risk involved against the risk of infection.

Tamiflu has been considered too expensive against the older drugs.

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Tick-Bite Symptoms

Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and reptiles. Tick bites occur when a tick attaches itself to a host and feeds on it. Not all tick bites cause diseases. In fact, a majority of tick bites are harmless. However, if a tick is found attached to the skin, it must be removed immediately.

Tick bite symptoms include rash, muscle pain, headache, and swelling. These symptoms can emerge anytime between one day and several weeks following the tick bite, depending upon the infection passed on by the tick.

Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-borne diseases in the United States, and its symptoms emerge within two to thirty days after a tick bite. Warning signs of the disease include a circular red rash on the bite area, headache, slight fever, muscle or joint pain, and weakness. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is another tick-borne disease. Its symptoms include rash and fever that emerge within three to twelve days after a tick bite. Relapsing fever, as the name suggests, involves intermittent spells of fever. The symptoms of this disease emerge within three to ten days after a tick bite. This disease is characterized by high fever, headache, and joint pain. This lasts for two to three days, followed by days with no fever or related problems. After a few days, however, the fever and other flu-like symptoms reappear. Symptoms of the Colorado Tick Fever appear within three to fourteen days and include flu and rash. Tick paralysis is a severe, although rare, disease caused by tick bite. It generally occurs within a week of the bite due to weakening of muscles.

In animals, tick bites lead to various diseases that are characterized by weakness, swelling, vomiting, fever, and even paralysis.

Tick bites may cause serious diseases in humans and animals. Therefore, people in tick-prone areas must take adequate precautions to protect themselves and their pets from tick bites.

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H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine - What Are the Pros and Cons and What Are Your Options?

As of now, there are limited quantities of H1N1 vaccines available, but are increasing on a daily basis.  Both the Nasal Spray and injections are available.

What is interesting, and a little disconcerting, is that members of the medical community have opposing views as to whether or not you should rush to get vaccinated.

This is to say that there is only one H1N1 vaccine but it has 2 opposite views.

Some doctors are recommending that we get vaccinated against Swine Flu at the first opportunity while other doctors are currently against it.


Not enough information from the FDA.  To early to start using it. Some doctors are even going as far as to tell their pharmacies not to recommend it yet. The reason behind most of those opposed?

Production of the vaccine was started before the FDA had concluded their testing.  all of this was done to be certain that the vaccine would be available on time to distribute to the public.

There is even a FDA statement associated with the vaccine that states that "Clinical Studies are Ongoing"  according to some doctors this can only  mean that all of the evidence is not yet in.

Skeptics are telling us that this untested vaccine is potentially dangerous and unnecessary.


Immunize before it causes a major pandemic across the country.  They want to vaccinate as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

This was the only way they had to get the vaccine to the public in time for the flu season.

Some say that there "were no shortcuts" by the FDA inspectors.

Some doctors also tell us that even though the vaccine production was speeded up, the quality of the inspections were just as thorough.

The production of the normal seasonal flu vaccine and the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine differ very slightly.

It should be given to the public ASAP because children especially are at a higher risk for the H1N1 Swine Flu virus.

Priority for the H1N1 Swine flu vaccine are being given to health care workers, children and young adults ages 6 months to 24 years, adults who care for infants under 6 months, pregnant women and adults with conditions such as asthma or a compromised immune system that predispose them to complications from flu.

The CDC and H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccinations

When questioned about the safety and side effects of the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu vaccination, this was response of the CDC:

Will the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine be safe?

"We expect the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine to have a similar safety profile as seasonal flu vaccines, which have a very good safety track record. Over the years, hundreds of millions of Americans have received seasonal flu vaccines. The most common side effects following flu vaccinations are mild, such as soreness, redness, tenderness or swelling where the shot was given. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be closely monitoring for any signs that the vaccine is causing unexpected adverse events and we will work with state and local health officials to investigate any unusual events."

Are there any side effects to taking the 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine?

"CDC expects that any side effects following vaccination with the 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine would be rare. If side effects occur, they will likely be similar to those experienced following seasonal influenza vaccine. Mild problems that may be experienced include soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given, fainting (mainly adolescents), headache, muscle aches, fever, and nausea. If these problems occur, they usually begin soon after the shot and last 1-2 days. Life-threatening allergic reactions to vaccines are very rare. If they do occur, it is usually within a few minutes to a few hours after the shot is given.

After vaccination you should look for any unusual condition, such as a high fever or behavior changes. Signs of a serious allergic reaction can include difficulty breathing, hoarseness or wheezing, swelling around the eyes or lips, hives, paleness, weakness, a fast heart beat or dizziness. If any unusual condition occurs following vaccination, seek medical attention right away. Tell your doctor what happened, the date and time it happened, and when the vaccination was given. Ask your doctor, nurse, or health department to report the reaction by filing a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) form." 

No matter what facts you are presented with, either for or against, one must also be aware of possible misinformation by well meaning people.  And, this goes for those both for or against the H1N1 Swine Flu vaccine.

You can speak to doctors on both sides of this issue but ultimately, it is only you and your family that can make this important decision.  

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Can Garlic Kill the Stomach Flu?

The term stomach flu is actually a misnomer.  The condition is actually gastroenteritis and can have many causes.  One of the causes could be viral, but it is not a type of influenza.

What happens in cases of stomach flu include irritation and inflammation of various parts of your gastrointestinal tract.  This can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms.  If you aren't able to take in enough fluids, it can also lead to dehydration.  This is particularly true of young children.

Because so many things can cause it, you should contact your doctor.  You will be given instructions about what to look for, what to do and when to come in for a check up.  The elderly and young children may need to be seen right away to avoid secondary problems such as dehydration.

Now, as to how to get over it.  In most cases, time is the only answer.  You may need supportive care, but most things you have to swallow will probably not stay in long enough to do any good.  This is especially true if nausea and vomiting are part of the equation.

You should ask your doctor in advance what to have on hand in case you or someone in your family develop this condition.  Most pediatricians recommend that parents keep oral rehydration fluids available at all times.  These are readily available without a prescription.

In the title of this article, the question was asked "can garlic kill the stomach flu."  In a word, no.  It would also be unwise to take garlic if you have any sort of gastrointestinal inflammation or inflammation, as it could make the situation worse.  Garlic may have some antiviral functions, but the irritation it causes after ingestion will be a hundred times worse.

There are a few things I keep around in case one of us develops this problem.  Oatmeal is one.  If there is no nausea or vomiting, try eating a bowl of plain oatmeal without milk or cream.  Do so slowly, as your body isn't going to want a lot of stuff hitting the stomach quickly.

Licorice is another possibility, but care has to be taken with it.  If you are diabetic, use DGL tablets, as there is a large quantity of sugar in this root.  Also, if you have high blood pressure, don't use it at all.  This remedy should not be given to young children.

Sports' drinks could be vital to preventing dehydration.  These were designed to give athletes an edge during sporting events and could help you keep your electrolytes balanced.  They usually contain a lot of sugar, so ask the doctor before beginning to use them.

It is a good idea to talk to your doctor or your child's pediatrician at the first sign of this condition.  Make sure the doctor knows of any pre-existing medical conditions as well as any medications/supplements you are on.  This can help you avoid any side effects or drug/herb interactions.

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What to Eat for Gastric Stomach Flu

'What to eat for gastric stomach flu?' is a common question that many of us have. This write up helps you to get the answer to this question in depth. Get to know and then plan well to get out of the flu as quickly as possible

Gastric flu is also sometimes referred to as the viral gastroenteritis or stomach flu. The major problem associated with this condition is the vomiting and diarrhea associated with it. Severe water loss from the body can result in unprecedented consequences. Acute gastric flu might also result in treatment with IV fluids. As such, keeping the body hydrated is important when one gets affected with gastric flu.

Gastric flu is often contracted due to poor hygiene. Keeping away from washing hands frequently and being in close contact with infected patients have proven to be the major causes of gastric flu.

What to Eat For Gastric Stomach Flu

When you are infected with gastric flu, and if you continue to throw up, you can try eating popsicles. Even ice chips made up of fruit juice can sooth the situation. While providing small amounts of water content, this can also help in keeping your body hydrated. Chicken broths can also supply water content in such circumstances. Any vegetable broth can help too. Broths provide electrolytes and can help in hydrating the body. Liquid diet would be the best till you stop vomiting during the gastric flu.

Once you stop throwing up, if you have the question 'what to eat for gastric stomach flu?', you can try taking bland diet. This can include bananas, crackers, toast and plain noodles. Avoid solid food when you continue to throw up. If you have high spicy and high fat foods, they might worsen the symptoms since they have the tendency to irritate your stomach and the digestive tract.

Rather than exploring on 'what to eat for stomach flu?', take water as frequently as possible. Drinking too much water when you have gastric flu is quite challenging. However, aim at drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. This is the best possible defense that can help with keeping your body well hydrated. If you are not able to have much water at one shot, try sipping it as often as you can.

Avoid taking diuretics since they might pull off water from your body. Caffeinated beverages are to be avoided since they act as diuretics. Other products that need to be completely avoided include alcohol, diary products including milk.

If in case you are unable to keep down the liquids that you take in, it is better to contact your doctor and get treated. Imbalances in water content can result in electrolyte imbalances.

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The Three Types of Flu

Commonly referred to as the flu, influenza is an infectious disease that is one of the most common illnesses suffered by human beings. During the course of their lifetime, most people experience this illness in one form or another multiple times. Nowadays, many people have access to flu vaccinations which can help prevent the illness from occurring. However, understanding more about the three different types of this illness is important to knowing how it happens.

Flu Virus A (Influenza virus A) -

The type A form of influenza is the most virulent and has the most unpleasant symptoms of the three possible types. It is the most common form, and is also the form responsible for the largest outbreaks throughout history. More people die from type A flu than from any other type.

The type A influenza consists of several different subsets types. The most severe subset is known as the highly pathogenic variety; the low pathogenic type is the least severe subset of this type of flu. Just about any time you hear about major outbreaks in the news, or when a certain strain is described as being particularly devastating to humans, it is almost certainly type A. Additionally, severe strains are almost always of the highly pathogenic variety.

Type A is definitely the most concerning type of flu to contract of all 3 types. History has shown that very young children and elderly for the most susceptible when it comes to this type. However, many flu vaccinations are available to help prevent contracting this type. This is fortunate, since the risks associated with type A are the most serious.

Flu Virus B (Influenza virus B) -

The type B flu is not responsible for any type of pandemics, and is rarely mentioned in the news as highly dangerous or potentially terminal. Most people acquire some type of immunity to type B at a relatively early age. However, the pathogens behind type B also mutate frequently, so any immunity will not last forever.

The common occurrence of flu that happens during the winter months is usually of the type B variety. All of the coughing, hacking and other outward symptoms can almost always be attributed to the type B form. However, flu vaccinations do not offer an effective cure or countermeasure to this strain, and researchers continue to work to find ways to combat it.

Flu Virus C (Influenza virus C) -

The type C form of influenza is the rarest one. If someone contracts influenza, it is almost always the type A or type B variety. In the very rare instance when Type C occurs there are severe symptoms to follow. This form of the flu is also far likelier to be contracted by children than by any other segment of the population.

Flu Vaccinations -

Regardless of what type of influenza you may be concerned about, it is always wise to get a yearly vaccination. It can help you avoid a lot of the downtime often associated with these outbreaks. You can minimize the potential for work or school interruptions by protecting yourself with a flu vaccination. The elderly are especially encouraged to receive these vaccinations, as they are the likeliest to suffer the worst symptoms.

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Signs and Symptoms of Inflammation

What are the signs and symptoms of inflammation? This article will discuss the most important things you need to know.

What is inflammation?

What is inflammation anyway? Inflammation is a natural response by our body to any injury. It is the process wherein the white blood cells and the protective chemicals in the body are at play to fight off foreign substances such as viruses and bacteria, and infection.

How inflammation happens

When injury happens to any part of the body, the minute blood vessels that surround the affected tissue widen and dilate to increase blood flow in the area. The pore size or permeability of the tissues also increases allowing blood cells, blood protein, chemical mediators and fluids to rush towards the area.

This accumulation of fluids cause swelling and usually results to nerve compression that brings about pain.

As the blood cells and chemical mediators rush to the area, they bring about various components that function to protect the tissue. This is where white blood cells consume invading bacteria, or where the protein called fibrin starts the clotting process if there is bleeding.

The entire process of inflammation, specifically the increase in blood supply in the injured area causes the production of heat.

In some diseases called autoimmune diseases, the immune system inappropriate triggers an inflammatory response even if there are no foreign substances to ward off. When this happens, your immune system causes damage to your own cells and tissues.

Diseases associated with inflammation

There are many conditions that can be linked to inflammation. For instance, many types of arthritis are caused by inflammation that is misdirected.

Arthritis is a term that is generally used to describe joint inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gouty arthritis and polymyglia rheumatica are some type of arthritis associated with inflammation.

Symptoms of inflammation

Inflammation is characterized by four cardinal signs:

1. Pain
2. Redness
3. Warmth or heat in the affected area
4. Swelling

Some inflammations are accompanied by loss of function and joint stiffness. Oftentimes, only a few of the these symptoms are present when an injury occurs.

Inflammation may also be associated with chills, fever, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite and other "flu-like" symptoms.

Treatment for inflammation

There are many known medications today for treating inflammation and relieving pain. They include:

- NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen
- Corticosteroids such as prednisone (steroid-based drugs)
- Anti-malarial drugs such as hydroxychloroquine
- Antihistamines

Although they work in relieving pain and discomfort caused by inflammation, most anti-inflammatory drugs are so strong that they might potentially cause unwanted side effects in certain individuals. These side effects may include nausea, headaches, diarrhea, as well as cardiovascular problems especially with long term use.

Fish oil supplement for inflammation

If you want relief you might want to ask your doctor about trying to get it the natural way through fish oil supplements. Omega 3 in fish oil has been found to have potent potential anti-inflammatory properties. Taking fish oil supplement daily might provide long-term relief from inflammation without the unwanted side effects for some individuals.

These statements are not medical advice and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

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Sinus Infection Symptoms You Should Know

Many people are not familiar with the condition known as "sinus infection". This is because a mild sinus infection will usually go away on its own if one's immune system is not compromised. However, some people may predisposed to this condition due to certain factors. Some of these factors include:

1. Genetic factors. Our genetic makeup has a great influence on what kinds of food and environmental factors that will trigger an allergic reaction within the body.

2. Anatomy of our nose. People with a deviated septum has a greater chance of suffering from sinus infection as well as those with enlarged turbinates.

3. Accidents which resulted in changes to the structure of the nose.

What are the common causes of sinus infection?

Most people who suffer from their very first sinus infection usually get it from an episode of the common cold or viral influenza. Nasal congestion is very much the culprit because it prevents proper ventilation and air-exchange within the clogged up sinuses and nasal passages.

This provides an ideal breeding ground for bacteria to proliferate leading to a sinus infection. Increased abnormal production of mucus is caused by inflammation of the mucosal lining brought upon by the above-mentioned illnesses.

The common cold causes congestion in the nasal passages and this inhibits the drainage of the sinuses. When we have the flu, our nasal passages are filled with mucus caused by the accumulation of white blood cells in the lining of the nose. Generally, a common flu stays for a maximum period of one week. After that we usually recover, but it leaves our sinuses inflamed.

So how do we tell the difference between a common cold, viral influenza and sinus infection since nasal congestion is a common symptom?

In order to gauge if you have a possible sinus infection, you need to be aware of the following:

Top 10 symptoms of sinus infection

1. Puffy eyes and a persistent low-grade headache in the forehead especially in the morning.

2. Pain or discomfort in the areas between and around the eyes which is especially worse in the morning.

3. Facial pain. Soreness usually felt in the areas of the bone structure below the eye sockets.

4. A chronic sore throat which often recurs.

5. Tooth ache in the upper jaw area, usually affecting the molars.

6. Persistent nasal congestion.

7. Eyes are sensitive to bright lights, especially in the morning.

8. Thick, opaque or yellowish/greenish nasal discharge, sometimes foul smelling.

9. Otitis Media(infection of the inner ear).This is caused by eustachian tube dysfunction when sticky mucus finds their way into the tubes.

10. A persistent cough. This is caused by thick, nasal mucus continuously flowing down the back of the nasopharynx.

These are the top 10 most common sinus infection symptoms. It must be emphasized that early treatment for sinus infection is necessary if not imperative. This is so because if the mucosal lining within the sinuses is allowed to be continually inflamed, chronic sinus infection will take place and treatment at this stage may prove to be difficult even with today's modern drugs.

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Swine Flu, SARS, and Kimchi

A couple of thousand years ago, makers of Kimchi (a Korean pickled cabbage side dish), long before the appearance of SARS and the Swine Flu, would never have imagined their diet staple might prevent and possibly cure these viral infections.

In April '09, The World Health Organization (WHO) raised the influenza pandemic status to phase four warning.    

What's the difference between the yearly flu season and being infected by the A (H1N1) flu?  According to the World Health Organization: 

"Influenza A (H1N1) is a new virus and one to which most people have no or little immunity and, therefore, this virus could cause more infections than are seen with seasonal flu. The new influenza A (H1N1) appears to be as contagious as seasonal influenza, and is spreading fast particularly among young people (from ages 10 to 45). The severity of the disease ranges from very mild symptoms to severe illnesses that can result in death. The majorities of people who contract the virus experience the milder disease and recover without antiviral treatment or medical care. Of the more serious cases, more than half of hospitalized people had underlying health conditions or weak immune systems". [1] 

"If there is anywhere in the world that took a beating by SARS, it was Hong Kong," says Peter Cordingley, spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO) in Manila. "The lesson was learned." Drawing on the past, Hong Kong has already issued travel advisories and stepped up controls at airports, including the use of infrared temperature scans and the detainment of travelers arriving with flu-like symptoms. [2] 

The countries and overseas territories/communities that reported their first pandemic (H1N1) 2009 confirmed case(s) since the last web update (6 July 2009) as of 22 July 2009:  

Afghanistan, Andorra, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana, La Réunion (French Overseas Community), Haiti, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, Namibia, Sint Eustatius (Netherlands Antilles), Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, the Sudan, Tonga, Turks and Caicos Islands (UK Overseas Territory), the United Republic of Tanzania, American Samoa (US), Guam (US)  

As of July 22, 2009, the Grand Total of deaths attributed to swine flu is 1,154.  For updated information of reported cases visit the  WHO Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 site listed at the bottom of this article.   The below listed link to a Google Map depicts areas of the swine flu outbreak providing an accurate geographical image of infection outbreaks.  

How is it treated?  

For suspected cases of the virus, a five-day treatment of zanamivir alone or combination of oseltamivir and either amantadine or rimantadine is initiated. For confirmed cases of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection, either oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) may be administered. [3]

Will a facemask protect me from being infected? 

We have very limited information of the effectiveness of facemasks and respirators in combating and control of influenza. If used correctly, facemasks and respirators may help reduce the risk of getting influenza, but they should be used along with other preventive measures, such as avoiding close contact and maintaining good hand hygiene. 

"Unless otherwise specified, "respirator" refers to an N95 or higher filtering face piece respirator certified by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).  Three feet has often been used by infection control professionals to define close contact and is based on studies of respiratory infections; however, for practical purposes, this distance may range up to 6 feet. The World Health Organization uses "approximately 1 meter"; the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration uses "within 6 feet." [3]

  Any prognosis for the future?  

Approximately 90-95% of infected people recover despite harsh symptoms to include 100+ degree temp. headaches, extreme fatigue, chills, diarrhea, sore throat, aching muscles, basically all the common flu symptoms.  

To date, caution must be taken as swine flu (H1N1) is still spreading and may become a pandemic affecting entire regions or countries.  Annual Flu outbreaks are expected and predictable. However this outbreak has not followed usual flu patterns.  The future speculated prognosis is split among those who believe swine flu (H1N1) will diminish and die out this summer '09 and those who believe it will return to claim more cases similar to the influenza pandemic of 1918. 

So, what's this potential wonder drug at the Korean dinner table? 

Since 2003 when SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) rolled across Asia, Koreans remained unaffected for the most part.  Being the daily and national side dish that it is, Kimchi was promoted to status of natural preventative and cure for SARS with virtually no scientific evidence to support the claim. Believe me, as someone who eats kimchi daily and loves it so much I operate a site dedicated to kimchi and Korean cuisine, I welcome and listen to the suggestions, and hope for further scientific investigation validating such claims.  Imagine being obsessed with a food that is suddenly found to save lives in the face of a new and deadly health threat.  

Scientists at Seoul National University fed a kimchi extract to thirteen chickens infected with avian flu.  A week later, eleven of the thirteen chickens apparently recovered.  To date, such studies remain unpublished and certainly not recognized by any medical or scientific community.  Professor Kang of the Seoul National University who observed the thirteen chickens stated Leuconostoc (lactic acid bacteria) found in Kimchi had a positive effect on the bird flu

Hong Jong Hoon, a technical consultant with the Korea Agriculture Development Institute, suggested another possible and connecting factor is the ways Koreans eat most of their garlic!  

 Hong began his researching studies at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website where he found a connection between SARS and the corona virus. He then made his way to Stanford University's site, which lists - along with reducing stress, getting more sleep and frequently washing your hands - putting drops of garlic juice on the nostrils as a way to fight infection.  Put it all together, he says, and you see why South Korea has had only a handful of suspected cases of SARS and no fatalities, despite its close proximity to China, where the virus originated, and to hard-hit Hong Kong and Taiwan.  Hong concedes that many other countries make ample use of garlic in their diets, including Italy and China.  But they cook their garlic; Koreans eat theirs raw in kimchi. His theory may be tough to prove, but that doesn't mean it isn't true, he says. [4]

 Park Yong Woo, a doctor of family medicine at Seoul's Samsung Hospital, welcoming needed clinical testing, says, he's convinced of its healing properties.   

"I'd like to compare it with an orchestra," Park says. "It's made of cabbage. But within that are a lot of healthy constituents, including garlic, ginger and chile peppers. It's very harmonious food." 

Kim Man Jo, a food industry consultant and author of several books, including Kimchi, Kimchi, believes Kimchi's curing or managing properties against some infectious disease is created and found in the fermentation process - "They haven't done experiments yet, but harmful diseases can be dominated by the lactobacilli." she says. 

Depending on the variety, I know the most common nappa cabbage kimchi variety has a strong combination of cabbage, red chili pepper powder, fish sauce, lots of garlic, salt, green onions, daikon radish, sugar, and yes, even more garlic - all fermented to perfection to deliver the heavenly flavor and strongest anti-microbial punch.  Withstanding the lack of research in swine flu and kimchi as a preventative or cure, research has found that these friendly bacteria to boost the immune system.  Further research has shown live indigenous bacteria and chemicals they produce can penetrate the intestinal wall and stimulate growth and maintenance of immune cells.  Strains of Lactobacillus can also stimulate defense cells and increase anti-viral chemicals like interferon.

 To date we do have specified medical treatment and course of action despite no vaccine. While it excites me to find kimchi may possess combative properties against certain viral strains, until the claims are subjected to the  "scientific method", it shall remain a folkloric home remedy alongside chicken soup.  Despite the lack of evidence, If a pandemic condition swept the area I live in, I would certainly heed Western medical approaches and most importantly, double up on my kimchi consumption.  Shall we say to each his own?  

With the unfortunate number of those who've died from SARS or Swine Flu (Swine flu killing over 1100 victims worldwide as of July '09 and over 700 claimed by SARS) perhaps it will take a pandemic and desperate condition to even consider researching these currently unfounded beliefs and claims.  Today, at least 168 countries and territories have reported confirmed swine flu cases. 

Since I first ate kimchi in 1990, it remains a favorite daily side dish that I always look forward to.  Whether it cures anything or not, it certainly makes my taste buds and overall system feel great.  I just can't sit to dine at home or a Korean restaurant without it.   

While these flu strains come and go or stay, those who enjoy eating kimchi (touted as one of the five healthiest foods in the world by Health Magazine) continue to get more than their share of nature's probiotic which some day may add new flu strains to it's long list of combated enemies. 

In the meantime, for various flu strains we have existing vaccines and for those we don't or other still standing bugs such as the common cold, we have Gatorade, chicken soup, and old-fashioned but very effective rest. 

[1] TIME - The Lessons from SARS - By Kayla Webley/Hong Kong - Monday, Apr. 27, 2009

[2] What is the new influenza A(H1N1)? From the World Health Organization

[3] Swine Flu -

[4] The Daily - Hoping for a cure in kimchi - By Mark Magnier   *Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 *Google Map depicting outbreaks of the swine flu outbreak      

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H1N1 Swine Flu Prevention Strategies

One of the biggest concerns among medical professionals with the latest strain of the swine flu or H1N1 is the rate at which this virus spreads among individuals due to the fact that most people are not immune or resistant to this virus. The H1N1 flu is primarily contracted and spread from one person to another through coughing, sneezing, or talking, however, it is also possible to become infected when an individual touches a hard surface that has the virus on it and then touches their mouth or nose. In this medical guide on the H1N1 flu, you will learn the precautions that you can take which will greatly decrease your risk of contracting the virus that causes H1N1.

Steps you can take to prevent the H1N1 Flu

The number one recommendation by the "CDC" or "center for disease control" for the prevention of the H1N1 virus is to obtain an H1N1 flu vaccine. While receiving the H1N1 vaccination is voluntary, this recommendation is emphasized for those individuals who are at a higher risk for contracting the virus including adults over the age of sixty five, children under the age of five, pregnant women, and those who have certain medical conditions such as chronic illnesses. Unfortunately, at this time there are only limited supplies available of the H1N1 vaccine and they are first given on a priority basis to those individuals who are at a high risk from having serious complications from the flu, however, it is possible to obtain one of these vaccines by frequently checking with your state and local health departments for the locations and dates of the vaccination clinics.

Whether or not you obtain the H1N1 vaccination there are everyday things that you can do to protect yourself as much as possible from getting this illness that include when you cough or sneeze use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth and ensure that you dispose of it in trash container. Frequent hand washing is essential in protecting from germs and viruses and you should use plenty of soap and warm water. If soap and water is not available you can use anti-bacterial wipes or hand rubs that are alcohol-based. Germs are primarily spread through contact of the mouth, nose, and eyes, therefore it is essential that you avoid touching these areas as much as possible.

Other Precautions to take Against HiN1 Infection

Keep up to date with local public health officials' recommendations regarding the H1N1 flu status in your area including any school closures that may affect your area and avoid public or crowded areas if at all possible during an outbreak. If you have travel plans, check the H1N1 status in the area you plan to be in and take any precautionary measures that may be necessary. The H1N1 flu is contagious from one day prior to experiencing the symptoms to as many as seven days after having the illness, therefore, it is essential in order to stop any further spreading of this virus that if you do become sick that you remain at home and away from others for a period of at least twenty four hours after you no longer have a fever.

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About Common Cold and Influenza - What is the Difference

Both common cold and flu give symptoms from the ear, nose and throat, fever and symptoms from the rest of the body, and the symptoms of both diseases can vary between mild and very bad. By common cold, the symptoms from the windpipe come first and remain as the main symptoms.

By flu fever, pain in the rest of the body, nausea, feeling of weakness and other general symptoms are predominant. Symptoms from the windpipe are usually milder, but can gradually get somewhat worse. The symptoms from the windpipe may sometimes nearly lack.


The common cold is caused by a large variety of viruses, which mutate quite frequently during reproduction, resulting in constantly changing virus strains.

Common cold is generally transmitted when drops coming out when a person sneezes or coughs get airborne and then are inhaled by another person. Transmission by direct contact with a sick person is also frequent. Between one-third and one-half of all people exposed to cold viruses become infected and develop symptoms after 1-2 days.

The symptoms from the windpipe are the strongest by common cold:

- The throat feels sore, and a sore throat is often the starting symptom.

- There will then be increased secretions of mucus form the nose, resulting in running nose and dryer secretions building up in the nose.

- The throat will also secrete more mucus, resulting in a wheezing sound, and possibly building up of dryer secretions also here.

- There will be swelling in the nose and throat.

- Cough and sneezing are important symptoms of common cold. These reactions are stimulated by the building up of secretions and of the swelling in the windpipe.

There may also be mild symptoms from the rest of the body.

- Mild to severe headache is common.

- A mild fever may occur.

- Some persons experience a little neck stiffness and pain in the neck when trying to flex it, but this symptom must not be great. If this symptom is great, it can be a sign of meningitis, a very serious disease.


Staying away from people being sick and strict washing habits can prevent the transmission of common cold, but it is difficult to carry through a strict enough regime of this sort in a populated society.

Because of the frequent variations of viruses causing common cold, successful immunization has not been developed.

The immune system of the body usually manages to beat down the infection within some days. By common cold one shall hold an activity level that is felt comfortable. It is not necessary to strictly restrict the daily activities level.

High doses of vitamin C have been proven to help prevent cold and get rid of the cold faster, but the doses that must be used are impractically high if vitamin C is used alone. However, a combination of lower doses of vitamin C with other natural substances may be useful.

Common treatments of cold have the aim of relieving symptoms and of strengthening the immune system so that it can beat the infection better. Pain killers such as aspirin and paracetamol relieve the pain by common cold effectively, and are the most common treatment for this disease. However, both drugs can give adverse reactions if they are used in greater amounts than recommended and even recommended doses can sometimes give dangerous effects.

Aspirin can cause internal bleeding and both aspirin and paracetamol can cause liver damage. For children and teens it is advised to use paracetamol, because the liver damage caused when young people take aspirin can be very severe. The drugs should therefore be used with caution and not in a too long period.

Drugs to loosen mucus, to decrease swelling, to decrease mucus production or to suppress the cough reflex can be effective to relieve symptoms. These drugs are often made to mainly loose mucus or mainly suppress exaggerated cough, but these two effects can be blended in the same drug. These drugs may be liquid, be prepared as nasal spray or as tablets to suck on. To choose the right drug for your child or yourself, you must examine to find out what are the main symptoms: Mucus production, whether the mucus is loose or hard, swelling or exaggerated cough.

Steam inhaling is a traditional treatment long used in many countries. The treatment can help loose the mucus so that the windpipe more easily is cleared by cough. The treatment may also to some extend destroy the virus.

The drug Pleconaril is ment to attack the viruses causing the majority of common colds, picornaviruses. The drug has been developed by ViroPharma Incorporated and Schering. The drug is available in oral form and inter-nasal formulations are being developed, but the efficacy of the drug is not clearly established and the drug is not yet approved for general use.

Interferons are used nasally in Eastern Europe to treat common cold. Interfeons are natural proteins than regulate the function of the immune system.

There exist herbal and mineral supplements on the marked that may strengthen the immune system and thus prevent cold from occurring, ameliorate the cold if it still occurs, and help the body to fight down the disease faster. These supplements often contain extracts of Echinacea Angustifolia. Treatment with this herb should not exceed two weeks.


Like cold, influenza is caused by virus strains that mutate frequently, but there tend to be one main virus strain each year that spread throughout the globe.

The transmission of the disease occurs by secretions from sick persons. These secretions can be carried as drops through the air, contaminate surfaces people touch, or get into the food. Symptoms start one to four days after the virus has entered the body.

Flu often begins as a diffuse lack of wellness that persists for some hours, and sometimes for a couple of days. Sometimes the flu does not progress past this stage. However, after some time the symptoms often suddenly get worse with a great degree of general discomfort. By flu the symptoms from the windpipe are the same as by common cold, but they are weaker:

- The throat or nose feels sore, but usually mildly.

- There can be some increased secretions from the nose and throat.

- There will be swelling in the nose and throat.

- Cough and sneezing are symptoms.

Symptoms from the rest of the body are the strongest by flu. The symptoms can be distributed throughout the whole body:

- Flu often gives high fever. High fever is the most important symptom to separate influenza from common cold.

- In spite of the fever, there is often a feeling of coldness in some parts of the body or of general coldness.

- There will be nausea, often severe, and often vomiting. Severe nausea and vomiting are also good indications of influenza, especially by children and teens.

- There is often a marked feeling of tiredness and general weakness.

- Mild to severe headache is common.

- Stomach ache and digestive disturbances often occur by flu.

- Aching around in the body, for example in muscles and around joints is common.

- Some persons experience a little neck stiffness and pain in the neck when trying to flex it, but this symptom must not be great. If these symptoms are distinct, the disease can be meningitis.

- The eyes can be read and irritated.

- Also skin redness can occur.

Having flu decreases the resistance against other viral and bacterial diseases substantially, especially if one does not get enough rest and comfort when having flu. Lung infection and throat infection by bacteria are common complications by flu.


As with common cold staying away from people being sick and a strict washing regime may also prevent the transmission of the influenza virus, but such a regime is difficult to carry through.

It is often possible to prevent flu with vaccination. However there are many strains of the flu viruses, and therefore the vaccination must be given exactly against that strain being epidemic at any given time.

By flu it is important to reduce the activity level and keep oneself warm and comfortable until all the symptoms have resided. By severe symptoms, rest in bed is recommended. Straining and stressing during a flu episode easily result in an aggravated disease and additional bacterial or viral infections.

It is advised to stay away from tobacco when having flu.

Aspirin or paracetamol can be used to relieve the pain and bring down the fever. As by cold, paracetamol is commonly recommended, especially for children and teens. The drugs should not be taken in higher doses than recommended and even recommended does shall be used with caution, and not too long.

There exist modern drugs that help against the proliferation of some strains of influenza virus in the body, and thereby alleviate the disease and shorten the time it takes to get rid of the disease. The two classes of anti-virals are neuraminidase inhibitors and M2 inhibitors (adamantane derivatives). Neuraminidase inhibitors are most often preferred, for example the drug Tamiflu. These inhibit the action of the enzyme neuramidase that the virus uses. There is a reluctance to use these drugs because strains of virus not susceptible to the drug can develop, and the stores of the drug can easily get short with extensive use.

Drugs to decrease swelling, inhibit mucus production, loosen mucus and suppress cough can also be used by influenza as by common cold.

The same natural supplements used to improve the immune system against colds may also be of help to prevent flu and to help the body to overcome the disease faster, like supplements with Echinacea and vitamin c. Some herbs in the genus Scutellaria (skullcaps) contain a natural neuramidase inhibitor and may also help against flu. Scullcap is often prepared as tea.


Meningitis is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. Meningitis may begin with the same symptoms as cold and flu. There are however two symptoms that strongly suggest meningitis:

By meningitis there is often severe neck stiffness. If bending down the neck is very difficult and causes severe pain, the condition may be meningitis.

The other symptom is red spots in the skin that do not get pale when pressing at them. These spots can occur anywhere on the body.


When some person, and especially a child, gets sick with cold or flu-like symptoms it is necessary to measure the temperature, check for neck stiffness and to look at the whole body to detect any red spots. These checks should be done several times each 24 hours. In this way one more easily distinguishes between common cold and flu, and meningitis is more easily discovered in time.

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