Two months ago I wrote about how to prepare for the winter season approaches viral. You can read my article Immune Enhancement During cold and flu season, about the various techniques to maintain your health, learning throughout the season. Many of my patients remains very healthy in every season of cold and flu from the main strategies I described in my article. But from time to time, some that it is a virus come to ask: "What do you do when youthe flu? "In this article I focus on how I'm going to support my defense, if the viral infection of the respiratory system is
Phagocytes are the first line of defense
Our body is the first line of defense for an infection of the airways in the lungs is the swallows - a cell that eats bacteria, viruses, etc. phagocytes are known to play an important role in early infection. There are two populations of phagocytic cells in the lung: The alveolar macrophages and dendritic cells. AlveolarMacrophages are primarily in healthy lungs to regulate and modulate the immune system of thought and under normal conditions.
During viral infections, macrophages play the second type, such as dendritic cells are known to react an important role in our immune system. Their main function is to act as a control center of our body to start the interaction and stimulation of T cells and B cells and control the immune response against viral pathogens. Dendritic cells are found throughoutSurvey of respiratory pathogens and constantly.
During the infection, there is a significant influx of these cells in the lungs. These cells acquire viral antigen protein, either directly by viral infection or viral infected by eating dead or dying skin cells.
Subsequently, dendritic cells produce inflammatory cytokines and interferons. The interferons have some authority in the controlling effect of viral infections. Interferons stimulateMaturation of macrophages, eventually leading to increased production of antibodies.
Another important step in the production of defense mechanisms against acute viral infection is the migration of mature dendritic cells in lymph nodes. Lymph nodes, dendritic cells stimulate different T cells (CD8, CD4, CD11) for the production of specific anti-viral. The proportions of these cells reach a peak at 18 to 48 hours after the viral load.
"What is the influenceVaccines? "
This is another common question I get asked. Since one of the main challenges is the effective conventional therapy for viral strains to keep pace with ever-changing, I'm careful to change, relying on that type of therapy for me, thanks to the ability of these viruses and the difficulty in separation of the right to influenza strain to infect us in the future.
Most of you have influenza A. It is a strain of virus is thelikely to change and is the most common cause of many pandemics.
Viruses mutate into two mechanisms: "antigenic drift" and "antigenic shift". Antigenic drift is the most common and involves small gradual changes in surface antigens of the virus. Antigenic shift involves additional genetic changes of the virus and the results can pandemics. One of the most important things to remember for influenza viral infection of the airways is that they cause oxidativeStress on the body. Personally I prefer to stay on the support of my immune system and on the "random" strategy to try to predict the viral load for next year, leaving in good health.
Support healthy immune response
One of the most important things to remember for influenza and viral respiratory infection that cause oxidative stress to the body. Of course, patients with pre-existing health conditions that deplete antioxidants (such as heart disease,Diabetes, etc.) are more susceptible to viral infections.
Antioxidants such as glutathione are very favorable for the body's own defenses to increase in acute viral infections because of their ability, macrophages use of viruses, prevent virus replication and protect cells from damage caused by viruses white.
Other ways to support healthy immune response to viral infections are a dietary supplement and herbal that naturally support a healthy response white blood cells - and phagocytosisMigration to the lymph nodes and the production of viral antibodies by the lymphocytes.
From the Oriental medicine perspective, white blood cell response and phagocytosis are usually improved by the power of the healthy lung. I like cordyceps herbs, flowers and Lonicera Andrographis used for years, my support for healthy white blood cells in response to acute infections.
I also enjoy using a herb called astragalus, since it is both a kidney and lung herbal tonic, which I think is useful in supporting lymphoidProduction of antibodies and immunoglobulins. In addition, most of these antioxidant effects of herbal, which as I said earlier, supports the body's defenses.
In addition to these natural substances, as I already have a promising and safe substance that has been developed for more than ten years ago as a hydrosol silver (liquid). It was developed using nanotechnology as silver nanoparticles nutraceutical oligo-dynamic silver hydrosol, or simply made known for the production of silver hydrosol.In addition, most of these antioxidant effects of herbal, of which I spoke is support for the body's own defenses.
Although research has shown that the particles of silver hydrosol acting on the virus surface proteins denature the nucleic acids or virus, and therefore can help to kill the virus, no matter what its protein or mutation genetics.
Other benefits are found in this research with silver hydrosol contain the stimulation of white blood cell production and enhanced phagocytosis(To "eat the infected cells," The ability of white blood cells). Obtained as in many other therapies, the best results with the product in the first 48 hours after infection.
My Health Protocol
These are the steps I took as part of my personal health log when I'm coming down with a cold or flu.
1 On the first "early" signs of respiratory viral infection, try to give maximum support my body. I emphasize "premature" because the sooner I canTo support my body's defenses against a cold or respiratory virus, the better. Even traditional therapies, such as working with antiviral drugs like Tamiflu and amantadine, preferably taken in advance.
In my experience, many people ask for help after the symptoms have been visible for a few days. Unfortunately, since then the body is already in a weakened state. That is why we must act quickly and try to educate my patients choose to do the same.
Note that the immune systemSystem is a viral infection reacts almost immediately with all the resources of its active within 48 hours. This is when you most need to support your immune system.
2 I eat a healthy diet rich in foods containing antioxidants contribute, including fruit and vegetables. I definitely avoid sugar absorbed, as is only in the blood very quickly and must be treated by enzymes in white blood cells. If my immune system takes care of my sugar consumption, has fewer resourcesby a viral infection.
3 Relieving stress is very important. Stress is a major factor for our immune system is mainly low. I get lots of rest and fluids to drink when I'm wrong and try to avoid situations that I know have committed my stress level increases.
4 I wash my hands often. Viruses are spread through the air and through contact with humans. The last thing I want to do is to infect someone I care about. But I do not use antibacterial soaps, since they are not effective,against viruses. Only water and soap does the job.
Note that the immune system is a viral infection reacts almost immediately with their own resources active within 48 hours.
5 I take a good multi-mineral and multivitamin, my white blood cell function support. These usually include vitamin C, D, E, selenium, magnesium citrate, zinc and others.
6 Under precursor of glutathione is a good idea before getting sick. But it did not help in the acute phase of aVirus infection. These precursors are N-acetyl-cysteine, glutathione tablets / capsules, MSM, SAM or whey protein.
Since it can take days to be converted into usable glutathione in the body, and its transformation into glutathione is inhibited by oxidative stress (viral infection), I find that my body works better when I take the form liposomal glutathione. And 'the only oral glutathione, which are designed to get around is to absorb and support the immune system starts within 20 to 30Minutes consumption.
7 With regard to the use of herbs, they start as soon as possible. If I am a sick person, I often take them straight to my body for optimal support to give my immune response.
8 I would also add a teaspoon of silver hydrosol 2:59 a day at my log for my immune system function.
9 As always, if my influence does not have significant symptoms, especially breathing problems and recurrent fevers,They are always by my doctor.
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