A cold, flu or something more serious

Getting a cold or flu is a common problem. We often go to great lengths to ensure that we are not sick, but the inevitable will happen and life will be uncomfortable for a few days. You can not catch a cold or flu virus the same twice, but they are constantly changing, and any new burden to feel something different. If you are sick they will all feel bad, but you can not know if you have a cold, the flu or something sinister at once to have. There are many diseases that may display similarSymptoms, but most are not dangerous if you have a weakened immune system. Some people go to the doctor with the slightest sniffle, and others do not go to the doctor, even on his deathbed.

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Early HIV symptoms

What are the early symptoms of HIV infection?
Despite increased awareness about HIV, AIDS and the risks of unprotected sex, many people do not know what are the early symptoms of HIV. While the chances of contracting the virus is still relatively low, it is important to be aware of possible symptoms, especially if you recently had sex without a condom.
However, part of the problem that about one third of people with the virus shows no early symptoms. InIn fact, many of those living with HIV for years without realizing that they are infected. Of course, the first infection with HIV is diagnosed, the better the treatment options.

What does HIV do to the body?
HIV is a virus that may, in its expanded form lead to the final state of AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Virus). It attacks the body's cells to fight infections - more susceptible to disease. A person infected with HIV do not necessarily developAIDS. In the late stages of HIV symptoms are severe and can have a debilitating effect on sufferers have.
However, at an early stage of HIV infection as the primary HIV infection is unknown. The symptoms usually occur a couple of weeks after exposure and may last only for a short period of time.

The early signs is important for:
Early stage HIV can share with others, many of the same symptoms as the general conditions (such as flu or glandular fever). The key is to find out if you experience any of the followingSymptoms after unprotected sex recently:
- Sore throat and dry
- Headache and fever
- Do you feel tired and without energy
- Pain in the joints, muscles and lower back
- Nausea and poor appetite
- Swelling of the glands (especially in the neck and shoulders)
- Rash on chest and, occasionally, the arms
- Diarrhea
As mentioned previously, although about 60% of people infected with HIV show symptoms, many others will not.

If you suspect you have HIV, do not panic. The chances of infection are low - almost zero if you were using a condom during sex.
However, if you're interested, or if the symptoms point to a few weeks after unprotected sex, then it is important to test for HIV (not the same as a test for AIDS). If the symptoms disappear after a few days this does not mean that you are all clear. Often the first signs of experience and then not another outsideSymptoms until years later. At this point, the infection may have developed in the body and more difficult to treat.
Clinics like the freedom in London offer HIV testing to detect the virus already 10 days after infection. You can also find treatments such as post-exposure prophylaxis. This is a 1-month course of anti-HIV drugs to those who have been recently exposed to the virus believed, will.

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Canine Bone Cancer Symptoms

For me and my family was more important for treatment to combat this form of blood cancer. Canine Bone Cancer Symptoms was not good for about 18 months before diagnosis, I am very tired and I felt helpless.

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Smoking withdrawal symptoms - What is expected to stop when you are

Nicotine addiction is a chemical dependency on nicotine, drugs. This dependence is most common serious known smoking habits. Although perhaps not dangerous or painful like a drug like heroin or cocaine, nicotine addiction or chemical dependency, and smoking will result in deduction the same as any other drug. Withdrawal symptoms during smoking can be very unpleasant and painful, the desire to experience nicotine will help you cope with the discomfortand in the fight against hunger, until you have defeated and your old habit of smoking cigarettes defeated.
You have a headache and cough. The throat is sore and your mouth is dry. Your nose is like a dripping faucet and chest firmly. On top of all this, you can not concentrate and you feel really run down and tired. All this makes you irritable and cranky. You might think to come down with something, but the symptoms are not caused by bacteria or viruses.What you have is a bad case of flu Quitter. Smoking withdrawal symptoms are similar to symptoms of a severe case of flu in time. In addition to the above symptoms, pain can also constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. And to top it all, while you experience all this misery, is that you're smoking an addiction like you've never wanted one.
But do not let this shake smoking withdrawal symptoms resolve. They are the right decision by quitting smoking, andare ways to deal with the withdrawal, so it's bearable. The most common way to treat the flu is nicotine replacement therapy or NRT Quitter. NRT works by releasing a controlled amount of nicotine in the blood, nicotine patch, gum or any other method. The presence of nicotine the body and calm frazzled far enough from the edge of the resignation, in order to resist the urge to smoke. The amount of nicotine is used by a rule, until it has reduced the needMore nicotine to work.
In addition to NRT, you can also try treating the symptoms of influenza Quitter with drugs such as aspirin and other painkillers. You could just treat them as an influence. Remember: You can quit smoking, despite smoking withdrawal symptoms. And the worst withdrawal symptoms of smoking is fading within a month. So remember that there is no end in sight. It offers much for the day, withdrawal, and smoking behind you.

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The flu and its complications

Recent studies have shown that the drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir) significantly reduces the likelihood of complications from influenza disease and so deadly.
Each year the flu hits one out of ten adults and three children. Epidemics of influenza usually occur seasonally - in autumn and winter months (October to April). In addition, every 10-40 years there is a risk of an influenza pandemic, when a new strain of the virus, has no immunity against humanity,that simultaneous outbreaks of flu around the world and cause a number of deaths. According to the World Health Organization, today is the probability of occurrence of an influenza pandemic is very high.
Unlike many other viral respiratory infections, the flu is particularly dangerous because it can cause complications such as bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pneumonia and encephalitis, and heart attack, and can lead to hospitalization and even death.
New research findings on the drug Tamiflu to supplement the existing results of clinical trials where Tamiflu has shown a decrease of 67% of secondary complications and the real benefits of the drug in everyday clinical practice.
A study of large U.S. companies was conducted, the investigation of cases of pneumonia and heart attack (myocardial infarction) within one month after the diagnosis of patients with influenza, of which there were some non-toxic since, and the the rest were rejected Tamiflu.The patients, the drug Tamiflu, which has been observed to reduce the risk of pneumonia and heart attack than patients not taking medications.
Another study showed that treatment with Tamiflu patients hospitalized influence significantly reduces the probability of fatal outcome in patients within three days after the first symptoms of the disease began.
The drug Tamiflu is active against all influenza viruses. It works by blocking the action of the baseNeuraminidase enzyme on the virus surface. When neuraminidase is inhibited, the virus no longer exists in the cells of the vehicle and killed. So the virus is spreading and infecting other cells. Unlike other antiviral neuraminidase inhibitors against both types of influenza are effective - viruses A and B.
Tamiflu has shown clinical efficacy in the treatment of influenza in adults and children over 1 year and for the prophylaxis of influenza in adults and adolescentsover 13 years.
With the use of Tamiflu has been established:
• Relief of symptoms by 38%;
• Reduction of secondary complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis - 67%;
• Reduce the duration of the flu - 37%.
In children, reduced use of the drug Tamiflu, the severity and duration of flu symptoms and 26% compared to standard drugs, the number of cases of otitis media - 44%.
The use of Tamiflu is not limited to the relief of symptomsInfluence. Objective data demonstrate that treatment with Tamiflu less secondary respiratory diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia and hospital admissions. New data show that Tamiflu reduces the risk of complications from influenza and the possibility of death.
During clinical trials the drug Tamiflu, a highly effective, well tolerated by the body and has been shown greater security.
The drug Tamiflu has been tested by the WHO against several strains of influenza, anddemonstrated its effectiveness against strains H7 and H9 avian influenza virus. Recent data have also shown the effectiveness of Tamiflu against the H5N1 avian influenza that is currently distributed in Southeast Asia.
WHO recommendations that the storage of antiviral drugs is currently the only way to ensure the availability of the required quantities of preparations for a pandemic. In recent months, the Roche company with many governments to discuss theirRequirements of Tamiflu in equity and received orders and fulfilled from about 40 countries. The size of orders from country to country. For example, France, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and Great Britain are already doing or planning to do the necessary reserves of Tamiflu, the drug to ensure 20-40% of its population.

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The symptoms of colds and flu

Colds and flu viruses spread through and can not be treated with antibiotics. People of all ages are infected with the cold. On weekends, the immune system is particularly vulnerable. Many different viruses can have a cold. Influenza, also known as influenza are known, can be prevented with antibiotics. Influenza is caused by influenza viruses and there are a lot of physical pain or mental infections of the virus as it changes often. This influence is spread through droplets from the nose and mouth. There are someWays to avoid or minimize the spread of the flu virus to others.

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Fighting colds and flu, with a strong immune system

Colds and flu are a common condition that can be inflicted on anyone with a weak immune system. Weak immune system is probably due to too much stress or other illness or be caused by poor diet. Colds and flu are caused by allergens such as dust and pollutants and viruses. Colds are characterized by sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and headache during the influenza shows additional symptoms of fever rising rapidly, chills, and body and muscle pain.

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Resources to deal with opiate dependence and opioid withdrawal symptoms and Support Home

Valuable resources and information for the victory against the symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Tips for those who purify themselves from dependence on opiates such as Vicodin, heroin, opium, Morhpine, Oxycotton and other opioids.

Breaking a drug addiction is extremely difficult to free. It can be scary and intimidating to those who beat their addictions to opiates. Herion addicts may, in some of the most excrutiating withdrawal symptoms. For some in-patientRehabilitation is not an option or not be accessible and can cost thousands of dollars to go through. Although rehabilitation clinics in the best way for someone who has a drug addiction can be overcome, an at-home solution for both discrete and from the comfort of your home.

Although illicit opiates such as heroin and opium addiction addictions addictions are often the strongest of the withdrawal symptoms that can occur in opiate addiction pharmecuetical almost as difficult.

Undersome tips for those who beat their addiction to opiates home to enjoy a clean lifestyle free from drugs.

1 Take a book or a program to help you understand your addiction and help in your ability to fight the withdrawal symptoms. At lower levels of this Article is a website developed programs to offer the comfort of your own home your help. A second cost much less than to save in a rehabilitation clinic and give you a lot of money. Even a hundred-dollar programProviding cost much much less than a work of hospital stay. This is highly recommended.

2 Too often people rely on to keep their addiction going. This is one of the biggest mistakes you could make. If you are using drugs, it is important to take the necessary steps to get healthy. Eat right, take vitamins, get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated and healthy choices are crucial if you stop and decide whetherin a position where you can not keep the drug. Do not press yourself, just because a product makes you feel that they can. Instead, strive to maintain a healthy body, you will be grateful if you are the symptoms of opioid withdrawal.

3 Take it seriously. 're Not going to be easy on your withdrawal symptoms. Make sure you are completely mentally, physically and socially ready to manage this process. Symptoms of opiate withdrawal does not last very long, but you can be in aLocation where you work, family celebrations and other possible commitments may need to lose. Again, you get a book or a program in advance is a smart way to play it safe and are these resources, at the end of this article.

Mind over matter 4. You might be afraid, it starts when you start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Try to think positive and think of him as your body tries to heal itself and that is long overdue. The symptoms do not last forever and the first two lastDays are always the hardest. Enter your best to ignore the limit settings and keep in mind that every day, every second and every minute that they are getting better and closer to feeling better in themselves.

5 Rest as much as possible. Most opiate addicts are unaware that they are not nearly as much sleep because you do not feel too bad to be used by a lack of sleep. In other words, sleep is healing itself. The more you rest and drink plenty of fluids as the body canto heal itself completely.

6 Treat yourself as if you had the flu. Whether you are an opium addict, heroin addict, or addicted to methadone, withdrawal symptoms, if interested, there is always similar to the flu. So what's the best thing to do? Treat your withdrawal symptoms like the flu. By this I mean, take supplements of vitamin A, vitamin C, lots of fruit juices, sports drinks electrolytes, water, chicken noodle soup and other "brothy" soups, plenty of rest to keep warm, if possible,and a hot bath for a long time (this is to calm the nerves), and sometimes dip a little 'of paracetamol will help the pain of the body.

7 Creating a plan - Having a well thought out plan is the risk of severe withdrawal symptoms to minimize discomfort from a heavy dependence on opiates. For example, if you are addicted to opium, to read online or find out what they can expect to prepare for your opinion on the rather unpleasant experience you are going toMeeting.

No matter where you live, if its in Portland, Oregon, Las Angeles, California, Austin Texas or New York, New York, there are a lot of people go through what you are going perhaps beyond, and thousands have been able to overcome this addiction. If possible, seek professional advice of a physician, consultants, friends and family trust. There are many programs around the world that offer free or low-cost solutions for the rehabilitation of drug addiction. Know yourOptions and keep your beliefs strong, have a positive attitude and you can always check your version, you will be confronted with some success.

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Chicken Pox-Symptoms and Treatment

Varicella zoster is a virus, a part of the herpes family. This virus is responsible for some diseases that primarily known as chickenpox. This condition is more common in children, but adults can develop chicken pox as well. Chickenpox strikes only once in life and it is better that this happens when a child. This condition is very contagious.

The incubation period for chickenpox is about two weeks. During this period the child will not have chickenSmallpox symptoms. After two weeks have passed, the first symptoms of chicken pox characters will actually be very similar to the flu. A mild fever, cough, and some loss of appetite first symptoms of chickenpox. Unfortunately, many of us do not realize that actually tells us that our child has chicken pox. Especially at this time, children are most contagious. After a few days chickenpox rash begins on the child's body to appear. The first areasusually are affected by chicken pox are back and chest. Chickenpox The rash is initially only a few small red itchy spots and bubbles in the rotation period of a few days' s. The bubbles are filled with fluid, and are very quickly impaled on the rest of the body of your child. There are cases of chickenpox in which the child has only a few bubbles that, but usually he / she is at least 300

Chickenpox blisters. Li crust and then scabonly a few days later.

Chickenpox Treatment is primarily aimed at reducing the symptoms that your child is aligned. Itching, chicken pox is one of the brands can be relieved with antihistamines or with baking soda or oatmeal baths. If fever, chicken pox is also a symptom that your child has, then ipubrofen chickenpox should be given to patients. Do not give your child aspirin because it may increase the risk of developing Reye's syndrome. Antiviral drugs can alsoprescribed in cases of chicken pox.

Another nice thing is that now the chicken pox vaccine is available. This vaccine will not prevent your child developing chicken pox, but it is much more mild case of chickenpox and who will also contribute to some of the complications of chickenpox.

For more information about the vaccine against chickenpox, or even to adults, chickenpox, see this page http://www.chicken-pox-center.com/

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Bronchitis | Symptoms, Causes and Home Remedies for Bronchitis

Bronchitis, unfit for military service can advise on basic asthma. Asthmatic bronchitis is a side effect of depression of the respiratory tract. Bronchitis is also a post-effect of deepening the bronchial airways enough. Depression can be acquired by a virus, bacteria or pathogens.
The action takes place all over the field during the flu and colds. When this love is reached with the love of high respiratory infection, bronchitis, may be ahead.
There are also severalBacilli, which may allow the development of this disease. Influenza A and B viruses can cause this condition. Bacilli may also claimed Penumoniae Mycoplasma can be activated to advance this and pneumonia.
If you consistently apparent dust and noxious fumes, you can accept this condition. Smokers are frequently affected by it added.
The affection of this disease are agnates for the affection of colds and infectious Atrium. It can be just as, cough,Fever, throat abscess, skilled pain, nasal congestion, and dyspnea.
Home Remedies for Bronchitis
Analysis bronchitis with turmeric
One of the many available home remedy for bronchitis is the use of turmeric powder. To accept a cut of half a teaspoon of crumbs, taken daily, half bound with a bottle of milk, two or three times a day. It makes a lot, if it is taken with food left.
Analysis bronchitis with ginger
An addedrecognized as a remedy for bronchitis is a mixture of half a teaspoon of the crumb anniversary of ginger, pepper and cloves, three times a day. You may be amazed with honey or mixed with tea. The addition of these three elements was a good sign and is accessible antipyretic connected to agitation bronchitis abbreviation. He even further as the patient's metabolism.
Bronchitis analysis with bulb
Onions accept as narcotics were acclimatedfor bronchitis for centuries. They should acquire expectorant properties. They dissolve and serenity contain their added education. One teaspoon of raw onion juice, Aboriginal history in the morning is really useful in these cases.
Analysis bronchitis with spinach
Fifty grams of leaves appeared earlier and 250 ml to accept baptism, be tied with a little 'of ammonium chloride and one teaspoon of honey. This mixture is an expectorant available for the analysis ofBronchitis.
Bronchitis analysis of sesame
A mixture of one teaspoon of sesame, tied with a teaspoon of flaxseed, a salt acceptable compression and a teaspoon of honey, can already be used at night without barriers structures with bronchitis. She should be ashamed half a teaspoon of dry seeds in the soil will be used with two tablespoons of water, tied two times a day. Be halved instead accept a borscht of a teaspoon of the above required twoTimes a day.
Bronchitis analysis of almond
A chrism of almonds is accessible in bronchial disease, including bronchitis. There is no iota of crucial by many important sites from seven tonsils and retention of fine grain in a cup of orange juice prepared or automatically. This mixture can already be taken every day in the night.
Analysis bronchitis with chicory
Chicory or endive is added to satisfy home remedy for bronchitis. The crumb of these dryaccept, in a dosage of a spoon tied with a half teaspoon of honey used to assemble three times a day. There is an expectorant in bronchitis open real durable.

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Meningitis Symptoms

Meningitis can be very serious when, in fact, some types of bacterial meningitis can be rapidly fatal without early treatment. It is a condition as a medical emergency in the context of infectious diseases.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the spinal fluid of a person and the fluid that surrounds the brain. Meningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Bacterial infection is by far the most difficult. Bacteria can be treatedAntibiotics and preventive vaccination is neither during viral infection.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the brain. While some types of meningitis causes only mild, flu-like symptoms, others are serious enough to cause death within hours. Some children who can not get sick, the virus causes meningitis, a contagious effect on others through secretions. The most common types of viral and bacterial diseases, with different strains of eacharising from different causes. Since each species may start with the same symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible for accurate diagnosis.
The treatment of meningitis Tips
1 Acute bacterial meningitis requires prompt treatment with intravenous antibiotics to ensure recovery and the risk of complications.
2 Pneumovax (also known Prevenar) against Streptococcus pneumoniae for all people is 65 years or older is recommended.
Drugs such as 3Dexamethasone reduces inflammation and occasionally to distribute the opportunity, or to reduce sepsis.
4 Antifungal agents to fight infection is usually administered, as well as for the control of fluids and medications for pain and fever.
If meningitis is suspected, the doctor will arrange a CT scan of the brain or if the patient is stable, committed a lumbar puncture to test. A lumbar puncture test involves taking a sample of fluid from the spine called spinal fluid (CSF). The CSF isSee study by a microbiologist or consultant in infectious diseases, it shows whether the bacteria or virus cells with meningitis. The patient is then placed under intravenous antibiotics, which kill the bacteria started.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the leptomeninges and underlying subarachnoid cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes protecting the central nervous system, known collectively as the meninges. Meningitis is aDisease, inflammation or irritation of the meninges. Most cases of meningitis due to organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites that caused the blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dissemination.
or high fever
Severe headaches or
Stiff neck or
or aversion to bright light
and irritability or confusion
Bacteria and viruses that cause common diseases and meningitis. Sometimes theBacteria and viruses, skin, urinary tract, can infect the gastrointestinal or respiratory spread through the bloodstream in cerebrospinal meningitis, the fluid that circulates in and around the spinal cord.
The single best method of prevention is proper hand hygiene. Wash your hands often. In alcohol-based gels when hands are not visibly soiled. Another method is to prevent proper cleaning of surfaces. At home, you can use a strong bleach solution (1 cup of bleachfor 1 liter of water) to clean hard surfaces (doorknobs, countertops, sink controls). The last method is vaccination.
Classic symptoms include fever, headache, neck stiffness, disorientation and lethargy. Patients may also intolerant to noise and strong light. A generalized rash with small raised red and purple nodes could mean the presence of meningococcal meningitis, the deadly form of the disease. The doctors have been trained in medical school to recognize these characteristic skin rashto consider it a warning that the patient's life is in danger.
Many bacteria and viruses that cause meningitis are fairly common and are usually associated with other routine illnesses. Bacteria and viruses, skin, urinary tract, can infect the gastrointestinal or respiratory tract through the bloodstream to the meninges through cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid that circulates in and spread throughout the spinal cord.

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The Impact of Bird Flu on Human Beings

The Avian flu is caused by the virus group called Influenza, a related virus to the ones that produce the flu in humans. The most contagious and dangerous Influenza is the strain H5N1 that causes almost 100% death in infected birds from all species.

The human catch of the virus occurs by direct or indirect contact with sick birds or with secretions, feces or oral discharges from infected chicken or ducks.

The first occurring symptoms of Influenza in humans are a sore throat, coughing, muscular weakness, fever and conjunctivitis. These symptoms almost always lead to complications and to death causing dysfunctions. On the Influenza field, several viral pneumonias can appear and also the respiratory distress syndrome and finally the multi-organ failure.

Respiratory conditions are very frequent in humans and the Bird flu can be easily mistaken to such diseases. But any patient shoeing the symptoms and that has had a contact with sick animals or their secretions are suspected to have caught the Influenza virus. The confirmation of the illness will be established by laboratory testing and the case will be connected to all other sudden, unusual deaths in the area where the patient lives or works.

The treatment for the avian virus is the same as those for treating regular flues caused by Influenza strains. The treatment can be administered for cure and for prevention and its benefic effects are likely to be obtained in clinical healthy children and adults. The treatment has however its limitations given by the rapid mutations of the virus. Antiviral drugs are usually very expensive and the supplies needed for the entire community are never enough.

In the present, a new vaccine against bird Influenza has been established and its used is highly recommended for poultry handlers, veterinary employees and breeders. The vaccine is called Tamiflu and can also be used as a medication in case of disease confirmation.

The first step in preventing a Bird Flu epidemic is to ban the import of poultry from countries with confirmed cases. The bird caretakers must avoid contact with wild birds, control the human traffic in poultries, practice proper washing and disinfection, and report to the authorities any case of strange illnesses in birds or workers.

The general public must wash their hands properly after handling chicken meat, clean kitchen surfaces well, cook poultry at high temperatures, not sell live chicken on market places, not allow birds to run free in the yard, not place other species in the same place with birds, avoid contact with wild birds and report any case of dead birds in their farm.

People can safely travel to counties with Bird Flu cases as the disease is not transmitted from a person to another. In such cases of travels, tourists must avoid visits to places where birds may occur.

So, if you want to find out more about bird flu info or even about bird flu treatment please click this link http://www.bird-flu-info-center.com/

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The most common symptoms of female herpes

Female herpes symptoms are not always visible on display, it is sometimes difficult to see. In fact, never up to two thirds of women with herpes have no symptoms. Herpes can not be cured, but if people can see the symptoms, when they appear, they are doing to be identified and controlled to prevent its spread.

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Hepatitis -definition, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hepatitis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Hepatitis known as an inflammation of the liver , is a gastroenterological disease. Hepatitis is generally categorized as a viral or non-viral hepatitis. Viral hepatitis can be considered "rapid" a position that comes on frequently with severe symptoms and for a short time or "chronic" a position that comes on slowly, may or may not have symptoms for a long time.

Lot of sickness and conditions that can lead to inflammation of the liver, for example, drugs, alcohol , chemicals, and autoimmune diseases ,which are categorize as a non viral cause & some viruses that cause inflame the liver, for example, the virus of mononucleosis and the cytomegalovirus can be categorize as a viral .However,Most viruses don't impact on liver .But when doctors speak of viral hepatitis, they generally are referring to hepatitis caused by some specific viruses that primarily attack the liver .There are number of viruses that causes hepatitis. They have been called types A, B, C, D, E, F & G. All of these viruses can result an acute disease with appearance number of weeks including yellowing of the skin and eyes called as jaundice, dark urine, high fatigue, nausea, vomiting & abdominal pain. It can take various months to a year to experience fit again. The most common hepatitis viruses are types A, B, and C


Hepatitis is most generally caused by one of three viruses: A,B,C.

Hepatitis A virus : It is the one of the most common form of hepatitis also known as infectious hepatitis .It is a liver disease caused by the (HAV) hepatitis A virus .Hepatitis A can impact on any person. It (HAV) exist in the stools (feces or poop) of infected persons. HAV is spread when individual ingests something that is infected with HAV-contaminated stool ,in water, milk, and foods, especially in shellfish .

Hepatitis B virus : is a severe disease caused by a virus that harms the liver .It is commonly known as hepatitis B virus (HBV).It also called as serum hepatitis.It can cause a wide number of symptoms ranging from general malaise to lifelong infection, cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure, and death. HBV spreads by contaminated body fluids, such as blood, saliva, semen, vaginal fluids, tears, and urine, a infected blood transfusion ,

shared infected needles or syringes for injecting drugs ,sexual activity with an HBV-infected individual,transmission from HBV-infected mothers to their newborn infants.

Hepatitis C virus: is one of the common liver disease caused by a virus known as HCV(hepatitis C virus) .Infection with the hepatitis C virus can cause chronic liver disease and is the leading reason for liver transplant . HCV is spread by direct contact with an infected person's blood, getting a tattoo or body piercing with unsterilized tools, sharing drug needles , sexual contact with infected person.


Hepatitis, in its primary stages, may produces flu-like symptoms, including:


Mild fever

Muscle or joint pains

Appetite loss




Slight abdominal pain



Hepatitis in its secondary stages i.e. if hepatitis progresses, its symptoms rarely serious or fatal embryonic to the liver as the source of sickness and rapidly progressing form leads to death. It symptoms, including:

Jaundice (yellowed skin, mucous membranes and whites of the eyes).

Foul breath .

Dark urine or tea-colored urine.

Light colored stools that may retain pus.


Enlarged spleen.

Hives .


There is no specific remedy for hepatitis A. Most cases of hepatitis A resolve themselves spontaneously.

The doctors prescribed rest is the only treatment for hepatitis B is rest, combined with a high protein, carbohydrate food to repair damaged liver cells and protect the liver.An antiviral agent called interferon is prescribed by the doctors if hepatitis B persists.

An antiviral agent called interferon is prescribed by the doctors if hepatitis B persists.

Hepatitis C is cured with a combination of pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin.

Currently, there is no efficacious treatment for hepatitis D and E.

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Outsmart hibernation fat, cold, dry skin, flu and Carb Cravings!

Prevent hibernation fat sipping it. To counteract a binge, keep your body fat burning furnace running at full blast by drinking green tea.
Why does it: Green tea contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocathechin gallate (EGCG), which has been shown to increase metabolic rate, in fact, in a recent three months of the study participants lost, green tea extract increased by 4, 6% of their body weight without changes. their diet. To qualify, at least drinkthree cups per day.
It recovers faster from a cold soup with 40%. Eat a bowl of chicken soup.
Why it works: Research shows that chickens abundance of cysteine, an amino acid that is similar to acetylcysteine, a chemical that contains cold medicines to fight traffic jams other ingredients such as onions and garlic contain compounds sulfur and viruses that increase the battle .. And immuniy carrots in chicken broth, vitamin C helps toreduced the duration of cold symptoms by 39% (which corresponds to the restoration of the first two days). In addition, inhaling the steam from the soup clears and moisturizes dry nasal passages, dry throat.
Soothe dry skin with this healthy fat. Eat salmon to keep the skin soft.
Why it works: The salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, essential fatty acids that strengthen the membranes of skin cells for better moisture retention, these fats also a barrier against harmful environmental influences.Risks, such as UV radiation and air pollution. To work on omega-3 fatty acids in your diet naturally rich consume dailx sources such as salmon and other cold-water fish (like tuna, herring), flaxseed, and omega-3 enriched eggs walnts.
Source: Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., nutritionist and co-author of The Real Vitamin and Mineral Book.
Beat the influence of this berry. Elderberry extract drink to combat the influence.
Why it works: In a recent study publishedin the Journal of International Medical Research, the sick with the flu who took 60ml of this antioxidant packed fighting viruses every day again four days earlier than those who received a placebo. They reduce significantly able to reduce their dependence OTC agents were influenza.
Carb Cravings nothing to prevent this amino acid. For binge eating of carbohydrates during the winter, take 50 to 200 mg of amino acids 5-HTP. Sunlight signals to the brain to signal the pineal gland, the productionthe feel good chemical serotonin in the brain, so the dreary winter days, when values ​​are lower, the body craving carbohydrates, which includes the release of serotonin. Unfortunately, carbohydrates provide only a transient increase in serotonin, while the extra pounds that accumulate in the process tend to stick around.
Why it works: The body naturally converts 5-HTP into serotonin, so you do not turn to sugary snacks for a quick solution Now Foods 5-HTP 100 mg Vegetarian try.webvitamins.com
Do you feel ready to take on something. Take a mixture of nutrients with 200 mg of Ginseng (Siberian Ginseng).
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- Source: Hyla Cass, MD, assistant professor at the UCLA School of Medicine and coauthor of 8 weeks to vibrant health.
You feel hot by the look of this color. Research shows that colors influence the perception of temperature, with bright colors like orange, yellow and bright red make you feelAs the heat was turned up. In fact, one study found that workers in an office complaining of fresh cold when the room was painted orange stands still, even the same thermostat.
Say so long, it locked-up feeling. Drain According to Feng Shui practitioner, a mental disorder that is who, which inhibits the excitation force of life. But it is literally boxing them psychological stress, restoring the flow of vital energy.
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Vaccine protection against influenza attacks the current strain of influenza virus

Influenza, commonly known as flu, is caused by the influenza virus RNA. The most common symptoms of the disease are sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, fever, headache, cough, fatigue and discomfort. Typically, the symptoms with other flu-like illnesses, such as a cold can be wrong, but the influence is a much more serious disease.

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The treatment of influenza with herbal remedies

Have you ever heard of the saying "down with the flu?" When the cough, colds, muscle and joint pain, abdominal pain and high fever, then "down" is certainly an appropriate way to express how you feel seminars. It feels as if the whole world will be competing down when the weight of the disease destroys it feels. Therefore, medications and herbal remedies also affect recommended in these cases.

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Symptoms of genital herpes in men - Common Signs Male Herpes

Are you the question: "Do I have genital herpes?" You feel a tingling or itching in and around the genitals? Then you should know that these are the first symptoms of genital herpes in men. These characters are actually one of the warning signs of a herpes outbreak. Symptoms in men during an outbreak of herpes is painful lesions on and around the penis. These lesions are weeping blisters that are a trademark of genital herpes. The blisters will turn into openThe wounds will form scabs on how we begin to heal. The entire outburst cycle can take up to a month.

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Arthritis natural treatment and arthritis symptoms

Arthritis pain as quickly as possible by means of current numbing, Amgesic pain and inflammation can be achieved. A pain relievers such as ibuprofen Amgesic works more effectively than current anesthetics. Help reduce the swelling associated with arthritis pain. It 'important to note that there is a connection to long-term side effects of the use of analgesics Amgesic. A local anesthetic has very few side effects whenused as remedies for arthritis herbal.

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What does it mean to accept the division of influence, in front of an egg allergy?

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Signs and symptoms of H1N1 swine influenza virus in humans

The swine flu has brought much fear in the world. 'S "swine flu" word has become one of the most terrible words. The right knowledge can help protect against swine flu. Prevention is always better than cure. Swine influenza is a type of influenza caused by H1N1 virus. H1N1 virus is just another type of flu virus, like other typical symptoms of seasonal influenza.

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Sinusitis causes and symptoms and treatment for sinusitis

Sinuses are air spaces in the human body. When people say: "I have an attack of sinusitis," are usually referring to symptoms in one or more of four pairs of cavities, or sinuses, known as paranasal sinuses. These cavities, located within the skull or bones of the head by the nose, are:
1 Frontal sinuses over the eyes in the brow area
2 Breasts in each cheekbone
3 ethmoid sinuses just behind the bridge of the nose andbetween the eyes

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The threat of avian flu

According to the Times of 8 May 2006 Navhind, unprepared for bird flu pandemic in the United States. A fact that the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt admitted.
Bird flu or avian influenza virus H5N1 has not yet been found in North America, but experts believe that there is only a matter of time before crossing from Asia to Europe and Africa. There can be only a matter of months in advance!
The U.S. already has $ 1000000000 in value of contracts to be awardedfive drug candidates for the development of a vaccine. The White House has an action plan for the pandemic, amid fears that a pandemic is to kill up to two million Americans to address the causes of economic chaos.
The United States and the European Union will have to fight to hold talks in Vienna on 6-7 June to evaluate the action plans for implementation of the avian influenza crisis and will cover progress in the development of vaccines.
Vaccine development and production has been a priority of President George Bush, "National DownStrategy for Pandemic Influenza. "
206 people worldwide have died of the H5N1 virus of which 113 have been infected more than 50 percent, according to World Health Organization. Mr. Leavitt against the H5N1 virus, the 1918-1919 influenza epidemic, which killed 50 million people around the world had.
The Bush administration has released the bird flu response plan as a "pandemic influenza" strategies that the government, businesses and citizens to take shape incasedeadly strain reached the coast of the United States. The military would be asked to contribute.
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said that before the military for transportation of relief goods of military aircraft, medical surveillance, scientific research and testing in foreign countries, the distribution of drugs and provision of emergency medical equipment The communication support for hospitals, pharmacies place, the police and other civic humanitarian agencies. The U.S. military also used to be quarantinedSupport and / or used in an appropriate situation. This would reduce the need for troops overseas.
United States is trying to slow down for the long-term action plans and methods to control the spread of the virus to limit medical care and quite critical, if not stop this chaos inevitable. The government has given with the same gear against the worst-case scenario of nearly 2 million deaths from this deadly virus.
Until now, only oseltamivir, or Tamiflu, the only drug known to reduce the severityand the duration of the disease within 48 hours of symptom onset. This can be done, the chances of survival, but clinical data regarding this, and until further research is all the help we have now limited. So let's see your hands dirty around the world and seek solutions to a situation that seems more powerful to fight us!

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Bird Flu FAQ Today

As more and more cases of bird flu are reported, is the world against an imminent threat of a deadly pandemic. Pandemics (global epidemics) are known, as well as flooding. They start abruptly, spread fast and cause a lot of damage all over the world.
A few facts everyone should know:
What is avian influenza?
As the name suggests, avian influenza refers to infections caused by avian (bird) influenza (flu) viruses. These viruses are usually found in the intestines of wild animalsBirds and the birds, the virus without wearing ill. However, the virus can be pathogenic to domestic birds like chickens, ducks and turkeys. Pets are infected with contaminated by contact with other birds or through surfaces through secretions and feces of infected animals.
These viruses are classified as low pathogenicity and high pathogenicity. Most strains of avian influenza avian influenza (LPAI) Group to come to produce a slightSymptoms in infected birds. The most common symptoms are the ruffled feathers, reduced feed intake of appetite, decreased egg production, sneezing and coughing. Many times LPAI may go undetected.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has more severe symptoms, sudden death, loss of energy and appetite, decreased egg production, respiratory problems, facial edema (swelling), poorly trained include eggs and diarrhea. HPAI reach a mortality rate approaching 100%.
What is the H5N1 strain of bird fluInfluence?
All influenza viruses are classified as type A, B or C depending on their structural arrangement. Type A is responsible for the deadly pandemics and is found in both animals and humans. Type B causes local outbreaks of influenza. Type C is the most stable of the three infected show only mild symptoms of flu. Type B and C are usually found only in humans. Type B and C are more stable than type A and are not divided into subtypes based on their own.
Influenza A viruses are dividedinto subtypes and the designation is made on the basis of two proteins (antigens) found on their surface has - hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). Sixteen types of HA and nine types of NA exist. In order for a total of 144 combinations are possible.
Sun H5N1 is a virus of type A and takes its name from five proteins HA and NA 1 protein on the surface.
How to Type A viruses cause a pandemic?
Type A viruses are further divided into tribes. These strains can continuously develop in differentTribes. Their ability to exchange genetic material with other viruses and new influenza viruses makes it unpredictable and hard to fight. People must again develop immunity (antibodies) to each time new strains.
Viruses can not be repaired DNA damage, small changes as "antigenic drift" constantly called new strains of the virus. However, if the genetic material from Type A viruses of different species - for example a bird and a man comes and goes,a completely new strain is created. This is called "antigenic shift" People have no immunity against this strain and the strain can spread quickly to what is known of a pandemic.
Because the virus is transmitted from birds to humans?
Avian influenza viruses normally infect humans. Migratory birds act as carriers of this virus and not get affected by them. These birds then come in contact with domestic birds such as chickens and turkeys and spread the infection to them. Pet birdsthe virus through contact with contaminated surfaces. Once a virus infects domestic birds, can cause serious outbreak among birds. People come into contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces and the collection of the virus.
In the human body, the bird flu virus then undergoes an antigenic shift combined with the genome of a strain of human influenza virus and creates a completely new strain of virus against which humans have little or no immunity. These geneticreassortment can take place, the body of a third species (susceptible to both human and avian viruses), as the pig, where a virus and human influenza viruses mix their genetic information and a new virus that could be found in able to infect humans.
Because H5N1 is dangerous?
The first cases of H5N1 infection have been detected in geese in southern China in 1997. Altogether 18 people were infected and six of them in order to kill him. The infection spreadsrapidly to poultry in Hong Kong. At that time half a million chickens were slaughtered in Hong Kong to keep the virus under control. The virus disappeared for some years, but once again emerged in 2002 in Hong Kong. Since then it has killed millions of birds in Asia and in many cases of human infections.
The persistence of this H5N1 strain of the virus is a major concern for the people. Although the virus does not transmit easily from birds to humans, the severity of the infectionH5N1 in humans is shocking. The virus has killed every other person infected with it. These cases were perfectly healthy people who had a history of infections reported. You can not change the main concern for the world the possibility that the virus (antigenic shift SUBJECT) and create a form that spreads from person to person. This strain of the virus can cause a pandemic, killing millions of people around the world.
The consumption of poultry meat safe?
Yes, it isto consume in a safe, well-cooked poultry products. The H5N1 virus is sensitive to heat and is destroyed by normal cooking temperatures 7-10 degrees Celsius. If meat from poultry and eggs are cooked properly, the virus is destroyed. So make sure that no part of the meat remains raw or uncooked.
How big is the threat of a pandemic break out?
The world has had to deal with a pandemic of bird flu, three times in the twentieth century. In the years 1918-1919 killed "Spanish flu" somewhere between20000000-50000000 people (exact figures not known), including half a million in the United States alone. 'S "Asian flu" killed 70,000 in 1957/58 and the United States in 1968-1969, the' "Hong Kong flu" killed 34 000 in the United States.
Currently, the risk of H5N1 into a pandemic strain is large. The virus is spreading rapidly into new areas and efforts to reduce them have proved inadequate.
Domestic ducks have become a "reservoir" for the virus. They act as a vectorfor the virus - their bodies carry the virus without signs of infection. Infected ducks then release large amounts of virus pathogenic form in their excretions spreading the virus to other birds or humans. And 'detection of the virus difficult especially in rural areas.
According to health experts, the virus has already met the first two conditions for the inclusion of a pandemic. First, a module for which humans have no immunity built reached, and secondly,Must be due to pathogenic disease severe enough, and death in humans.
The current threat of a pandemic is very high. The only factor that prevented a pandemic so far is that the virus mutates into a form yet, so it would be transmitted efficiently from person to person. Once such a change takes place for the virus, a pandemic is inevitable. The first signs of such a reassortment will be presence of groups of patients with symptoms of influenza, closely related- Both in time and space. This would be a clear sign of the virus with the ability to be transmitted from person to person.
Currently no vaccine developed to combat the H5N1 strain. Simultaneous work is being done in many countries for the development of a vaccine, but no success was achieved. The exact virus causing the pandemic can not be predetermined. Since the mass production of the vaccine before the pandemic, is excluded. The worldwide production capacity is not sufficient toGame of the sudden surge in demand during a pandemic. The best thing you can do the scientists is to undertake a study and determine the smallest amount of antigen per dose to provide adequate protection and therefore to optimize the number of vaccines.
What precautions necessary to prevent a pandemic?
The first logical step is to control the spread of the disease in birds, but this seems a difficult task now. Avian influenza has become an epidemic of avian flu in many parts of Asia andIt spread rapidly.
The next step is to always prevent the disease transmitted to humans. People who are in close contact with birds (like farmers) get to keep a watchful eye on the health of birds of all kinds of disease in birds, which health authorities and avoid direct contact with sick birds in all cases. (Ducks have become a reservoir for the virus and may show signs of illness, even if they are carriers of the virus.)
In the event of pandemic influenzaMost countries of the world will be affected. In such a scenario would be the best prevention for personal hygiene, avoiding crowded places and to stay away from raw meat and eggs.
The flu vaccine does not prevent avian flu, but it can protect a person from other forms of flu and avoid complications. People with more than 65 years, children, health workers, people with chronic respiratory diseases, flu affected countries and travelers against pregnant women seek medical adviceon influenza vaccination.
What are the symptoms and treatments for human avian influenza?
A person infected with bird flu are all normal symptoms of flu such as fever, persistent cough, sore throat and muscle aches. In addition, there is a high risk of complications such as pneumonia, infections, bronchitis, eye and ear and severe respiratory problems.
Currently four drugs to fight the flu.
The most effective drugs against seasonal influenza are known to oseltamivir (trade nameTamiflu) and Zanamavir (trade name Relenza). Both are known to reduce the severity and duration of seasonal flu, but may prove ineffective if the virus can remain in the body for too long. Influenza experts recommend treatment with these drugs should be initiated within 48 hours after the first symptoms APPEARANCE FLU.
Decline Zanamavir oseltamivir and the neuraminidase inhibitors class. The surface protein Neuraminidase breaks bonds between new viruses and infectedCells. By blocking the activity of neuraminidase, preventing them from releasing new viruses of the two drugs.
Another class of drugs - the M2 inhibitors is also available, but viruses develop resistance to these drugs quickly and thus these drugs may be ineffective in controlling pandemics. Amantadine and rimantadine, two drugs in this class. These drugs inhibit the activity of the M2 protein, a channel in the membranes of viruses, mold, preventing the virus from. Replicate
You should have a doctor before taking these drugs because these drugs are known to cause side effects, in some cases to read. For example Zanamavir is not recommended for people with chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma.
(This article was written January 25, 2006, and in fact no developments that took place after that date.)

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Employers complain Swine "Flu consulting Create 'slacker' Charter '

British bosses complain that the measures to reduce the impact of influenza 'Charter' lazy swine influenza in the world of work are in danger of creating a ".
More than a thousand companies around the country means people access to a self-diagnosis website of the NHS in order to prolong their summer holiday.
The national pandemic influenza Service advises that people who have symptoms of swine flu should appear associated to stay home for seven days.
ThoughManchester-based Employment Law Advisory Services (ELAS) said that support with requests from managers, colleagues, without any sign of illness using the website, and causes more problems at work than the flu itself was flooded.
Peter Mooney, head of ELAS consultancy, said that his company began getting calls from angry manager once the site was active at the end of last month.
"You have the feeling that some people just the first pageto assume the transmission of swine flu, a couple of more days off. While the focus was not to judge, the family physician, but with services like these for the infection and the risk to others, are the ones who stay home do not require a medical certificate or they too are calling for people to see how they feel.
"Based on the volume - and nature - the calls that we made, the number of cases of willful false state with a significantImpact on jobs across the country are eager to fight some boss. "
Mr. Mooney has warned that further short-term measures that could benefit from the government to address the impact of swine flu influences that aggravate the problems the UK experienced boss.
The Cabinet Office advice on proposals for a possible extension of six months for the duration of time for which people can self-certify for the country through the worstCrisis.
These plans allow individuals up to 14 days of absence from work without a doctor note.Mr Mooney added: "Employers believe that doubling the limits of self-certification, may be the proliferation of false personal ability to take into around the system.
"The question is when and how people who believe that they are not sick to face. Finally, it is told to return to work until all their symptoms goBut this does not mean that I suspect that they are not really under the weather. "

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Hodgkin's Disease - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Hodgkin's disease is a type of cancer such as lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Hodgkin's has a long and rich history. The disease was Thomas Hodgkin, an English scholar and Quaker physician named Guy's Hospital in England. Hodgkin's disease, is sometimes called Hodgkin's lymphoma, a cancer that starts in lymphoid tissue. It 'is named after the English physician Thomas Hodgkin, who first described the disease in 1832 and noted some features with the nameThey differ from other lymphomas. Hodgkin's lymphoma is characterized clinically by the orderly spread of disease from one group to another node and the development of systemic symptoms with advanced disease by. Pathologically the disease is characterized by the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells. In the United States, approximately 1,700 children and adolescents under the age of 20 years diagnosed with lymphoma each year. Hodgkin's disease enlarges the lymphatic tissue, which can then lead toPressure on important structures. It can spread through the lymphatic vessels to other lymph nodes. In Hodgkin's disease, cells in the lymphatic system become abnormal. They divide too rapidly and grow without order or control. Because lymphatic tissue is present in many parts of the body, Hodgkin's disease can start almost anywhere.

Hodgkin's lymphoma was one of the first cancers to be rendered curable by combination chemotherapy. Lymph nodes are oval, peaOrgans. They are located under the skin along the path of the large blood vessels, and are in areas like the neck, armpits, groin, abdomen (trunk) and pelvis (hips) activities. Hodgkin's disease can occur in a single lymph node, a group of lymph nodes, or sometimes in other parts of the lymphatic system, such as bone marrow and spleen. This cancer tends to spread in a fairly ordered by a group of lymph nodes to the next group. Because lymphatic tissue is present inmany parts of the body, Hodgkin's disease can start almost anywhere, but most often starts in lymph nodes in the upper body. The most common sites are the chest, neck or underarm. And 'one of two common types of cancer of the lymphatic system. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the other type is very common. In the United States in 2004 were about 7880 new cases of Hodgkin's disease, compared with 54 320 new cases of non-Hodgkin's disease lymphoma.Hodgkin 's is rare inChildren under 5 years. In children under 10 years is more common in boys than girls.

Causes of Hodgkin's disease

The most common causes and risk factors for Hodgkin's disease are as follows:

The exact cause of Hodgkin's disease is unknown.

The people, the Epstein-Barr virus, which can cause infectious mononucleosis (mono), may be a slightly increased risk of Crohn's have had.

Many factors, such assuch as age and genetics - is probably beyond our control.

Environmental or lifestyle variables.

Family members of patients with the disease.

It is more common in men than in women.

Symptoms of Hodgkin's disease

Some sign and symptoms related to Hodgkin's disease are as follows:

Fever and chills.

Night sweats.

Painless swelling of lymph nodesin the neck, armpit or groin.

Children who think that Hodgkin's disease sometimes have the flu. You may have fever, feel achy or swollen glands, which look and feel like bumps that often in the neck or groin.

Itching on the trunk of the body.

Unusual back or abdominal pain.


Unexplained weight loss.

Shortness of breath.

The treatment of Hodgkin'sDisease

Here is the list of methods for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease:

If the disease is confined to a limited area, radiation therapy is the treatment of choice.

To allow treatment with stem cell transplantation with high doses of chemotherapy.

Biological therapies, the use of naturally occurring substances to stop the immune system to lymphoma progression.

Bone marrow transplantation.

For patientswith clinical stage IA disease, and is nonbulky the mediastinum with NS histology, mantle irradiation alone may be adequate treatment.

Combination therapy, chemotherapy for 4-6 cycles involved field radiation therapy is followed, is used.

The regime used is called ABVD and consists of four chemotherapy drugs. These drugs are administered intravenously (into a vein) every 14 days, often administered up to 12 times.

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Colds and flu Prevention Part I - With Foods

In the previous article we learned that colds and flu are the most common diseases in the world, with more than 1 billion colds per year reported in the United States alone. The common cold is self-limiting illness caused by one of the more than 200 viruses. Influenza is a disease, not less. If you are an elder or a serious heart and lung disease, are at greater risk of reaching a dangerous influence because the immune system may not be strong enoughto prevent infection.
Here are some foods that can be consumed regularly, so that we can strengthen the immune system and kill the insects before they can attack.
1 Chicken Soup
No one knows how, but it works. There was nothing in comparison to an improvement after taking the chicken soup, may our bodies need in order to undo the effects of steaming hot water and hot chicken broth. If you look closer to the recipe of chicken soup, you can see, there are a lot of garlic, onions, peppers, etc.,natural remedies to help improve the immune system.
2 Countess
Mix one teaspoon of regular tea with honey, congac, butter, and every 1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon and drink when it is hot before going to bed. You will see the difference when you wake up in the morning.
3 Honey and apple cider vinegar
Mix 1 / 4 cup apple cider vinegar and an equal amount of honey. And 'particularly effective for colds with sore throat.
4 Tea, cinnamon, sage and bay leaves
Making teaSoft equal parts cinnamon, sage and bay leaves in hot water. Strain before drinking the tea and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and honey.
5 Sunflower seeds
Boil sunflower seeds 1 / 2 cup 5 cups of water until he left about 2 cups of water in the pot. Then add 2 cups of honey and 1 / 2 cup of gin. Take 2 teaspoons three times daily shortly before meals.
6 Drink plenty of dairy products are not liquid, so you can track down your system.

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Herbs for the prevention of swine flu

The swine flu is spreading rapidly around the world and the WHO has already stated that there is a pandemic, but the deadly virus as the media have made it out to be. Some simple precautions can help prevent the flu easily, and this even if you get the flu, your body can fight if you have a good immune system

Who is at risk
It was found that people who suffer at any time the state of health such as diabetes or have a weak immune system, such as children andOlder people were targeted in the first instance of the virus.

How to prevent swine flu
There are a lot of things you do, you can begin to minimize the possibility of swine flu, we throw some of them.
1 Wash your hands often.
2 Take adequate sleep, as it will help your immune system.
3 Drink enough water to supply your body with moisture.
4 Adopt measures to enhance the immune system the help of ayurvedic herbs such as echinacea, which canknown to stimulate the immune system.
5 Keep away from sick people, how they act as carriers of influenza.
6 Avoid crowded places, because there are more possibilities of influence in these places.

Herbs that can vaccinate your body
Although in Ayurveda, there is no mention of swine flu, but have similar symptoms, as indicated. It is said that the influence the result of the weakening of the immune system of the body of this order is a body to fight influenza should strengthen itsImmunity levels. Herbs such as neem, and ginger are taken to prevent the flu and when the body is strong and then are given to Triphala echinacea completely eliminate the symptoms of influenza.

If all information is absolutely necessary, for you are fit enough to fight the H1N1 virus with success, all you have to do is follow some basic rules to keep your body clean and healthy and will probably survive this pandemic.

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Colds and flu - what you do for your child?

Both the cold and flu are respiratory illnesses but are caused by different viruses. Typically, the cold is milder than the flu and usually do not cause serious health problems

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between the two, but after the National Institutes of Health, there are some clear differences in symptoms.

The symptoms of colds and flu have in common:

General aches and pains - sometimes a coldthese are, but are widespread and often severe with the flu

Fatigue and weakness - colds are sometimes associated with this, but usually occurs with the flu and can last up to 2-3 weeks

Stuffy nose and sneezing - with a cold and sometimes occurs with the flu

Neck pain - along with cold and flu occurs sometimes with

Chest pain and cough - mild, moderate, with a hack to be cold, but more severewith influenza

Symptoms that are not shared by colds and flu:

Fever - rare in colds, while generally having the flu (100 ° F 102 ° F, sometimes higher in younger children) may occur

Headache - often with colds, but in common with the flu

Extreme fatigue - does not occur with a cold, but usually occurs with the flu, especially at the beginning of the disease

The cold and flu complications:

The cold - the blockage of the sinuses, middle ear infections and asthma

The Flu - Bronchitis, pneumonia and can be life-threatening

If you think your child is suffering from flu, you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

If you are not sure, play it safe and talk with your pediatrician.

This article was brought to you by ReliaDose ® -

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Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health and the National Institutes of Allergy & Infectious Diseases - September 2005, www.niaid.nih.gov

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Cough causes, symptoms and treatment of cough

A cough is an action the body takes to get rid of irritants to the airways that carry air to breathe in the nose and mouth into the lungs. A cough occurs when special cells along the airways irritated and trigger a chain of events
Cough is a very important mechanism by which the body has the unwanted particles, pathogens and so on, on through the expulsion of air at high speeds from the body, can be expressed as the violentExpulsion of air and foreign substances through the mouth. Even if the sound is associated with the disease, the cough is a defensive reaction of the body.
Causes of cough
The bacteria that cause whooping cough, is released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. You can cough if you breathe in these bacteria. It is also possible, if you have a surface (such as someone's hand), the touch coated with bacteria.
Cough can be a side effectSome drugs and medications.
Cough can be caused by heart failure.
Children who can get the milk during lactation coughing in the respiratory tract.
Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of chronic cough.
Signs and symptoms
In children, cough, vomiting or door leads to a face red or blue from the effort
Tired from the effort of coughing
Cold of a child is often characterized by cough, because we want to blow his nose, accompanied by a childSmell usually the mucus in the throat
Cough is a defense mechanism that is used around the airways of mucus, inhale toxins, or a foreign body is clear. Cough productive or unproductive may, depending on how it's done. A productive cough should lead to the clearing of mucus or secretions from the respiratory tract.
Treatment of cough
If you do not have an acute cough and the doctor, you can try to use cold remedies over-the-counter to relieve the symptoms. If the coldor flu is suspected, able to create this solution until the infection is getting better by itself.
The treatment of acute cough is primarily to reduce coughing also directed to treat the underlying cause.
Decongestant nasal sprays. Adults should not use decongestant drops or sprays for more than a few days because prolonged use can cause chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes.
Older people, people with severe bacterial or viral infections, and people weakenedImmune system can seek admission to the hospital for the underlying problem.
Breathing techniques
Learning to breathe properly is another very important lesson for people with COPD. If you have COPD, usually work very hard to breathe. Because you can not breathe properly, do the hard work does not make you feel better and you get tired.
Cough Home Remedies:
Honey and lemon and honey, 1, part 1 part lemon juice. Mix well, can be mixed togetherpreferably is heated in the microwave for a few seconds.
Vitamin C: Ester C is best, but it is also the most expensive. Ester C is good because it is better absorbed in the body and not wasted by the body's functions.
Another means is to take half a cup of hot water, add three teaspoons of fresh lime juice with a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of ginger juice. Mix well and drink this concoction three times a day for relief from cough.

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The symptoms of swine flu and the causes and treatment and natural home remedies for the swine flu

Swine influenza is a respiratory illness caused by influenza A virus. This type of virus infects mainly pigs, but can sometimes occur in people with close contact with pigs. Swine flu is contagious and can spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing. It can affect people of any age and can cause neck pain, chills, fever, muscle aches, headaches, lead, etc.

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Gastritis Causes, Symptoms and prevention

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. There are many possible causes of this disorder and an infection, an irritant, an autoimmune disease or a backup of bile in the stomach. The stomach lining may be "eaten up", resulting in inflammation (gastric and duodenal ulcers) in the stomach or first part of the small intestine. If untreated, these ulcers may bleed. Gastritis can occur suddenly (acute gastritis) or gradually (chronic gastritis). In most cases, gastritis does not permanently notDamage the stomach lining and sometimes no specific cause is identified inflammation.

Erosive gastritis
Erosive gastritis, gastric erosion is caused by damage to the defense of the mucous membranes caused. It is usually acute, with bleeding, but subacute or chronic, with few or no symptoms. The diagnosis is endoscopy. Treatment is supportive, with removal of the cause. Some patients in intensive care (eg, fan-bound, head trauma, burns, multisystem trauma) receivingProphylaxis with acid suppressants.
Causes of erosive gastritis, NSAIDs, alcohol, stress and less frequent radiation, viral infections (eg cytomegalovirus), vascular injury and direct trauma (eg, nasogastric tubes).
Since gastritis is one of many common digestive problems with similar signs and symptoms, it is easy to be confused with other conditions, including:
· Gastroenteritis. The influence of the stomach, gastrointestinal tract usually results from a viral infection of theIntestine. Signs and symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal cramps and nausea or vomiting and indigestion. To resolve the symptoms of gastroenteritis are often within a day or two, while the symptoms of gastritis can not be completed.
· Heartburn. This painful, burning sensation behind the breastbone usually occurs after a meal. It occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, the tube that connects the throat to the stomach. Heartburn can also become a sour taste and leadershipThe sense of partially digested food in the mouth again.
Gastritis immune cells during infection with H. pylori Induce
H. pylori is the causative agent of human chronic gastritis, a condition often leads to gastrointestinal ulcers and cancer.
The gastric mucosa in the human stomach infection with H. pylori found full free for adults and children from very few macrophages, but previous research shows that macrophages increase in number in response to H. pyloriInfection.
The main symptoms of gastritis are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness. There is also pain and a feeling of
Discomfort in the stomach region. In more chronic cases, there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, especially after meals. Patients complain of heartburn. Long illness often leads to weight loss, anemia, and occasional bleeding from the stomach. It can be an outpouring of mucus and a reduction of aboutSecretion of hydrochloric acid in acute and in most cases of chronic gastritis.
To prevent gastritis:
• Do not smoke.
• If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Most experts recommend that women limit alcohol to no more than one drink per day, and that men no more than two drinks per day.
• If you take an NSAID to treat a medical problem, and the drug for stomach problems, stop taking the medication and talkwith your doctor.

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It is a vaccine against bird flu really effective?

Avian influenza is still a hot topic at the meeting of the World Health Organization, due to the fact that there is still a threat to humanity.

The scientists believe that H5N1 could mutate and be transmitted from person to person, causing a global pandemic, for humanity is not ready.

We have a drug or a vaccine that could kill this virus is spread evil, and we are in contact with it. There have been recent debate about the usefulness of the Annual beenInfluenza vaccines. Some scientists say that if you get an annual influenza vaccination, they are more vulnerable to the flu in the coming years due to the weakening of the immune system, rather than enforce them.

Dr. Haim Danenberg the Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, said that whoever does not receive the annual influenza vaccine is available, a better immune system then produces those vaccinated annually.

Some even say that the flu vaccine to create a model of dependence andOnce started, they need to take them every year, because the immune system is weakened every year.

Phyllis Balch, author of Herbs and Health does not recommend flu vaccinations, and suggests that the solution to get rid of influence is by strengthening the immune system.

Every year, has developed a new strain of the virus and can not be sure that the flu vaccine that we have to respect this new virus and the antibody response is protective only whenluckily enough to be infected with the virus right.

A study from the Netherlands came to elderly people has concluded that flu vaccinations will be only one percent lower chance of having the flu, after all, so we wonder why the doctors and governments, all these make propaganda for influenza vaccination if they are useful only1% are.

In the case of avian influenza can not be the case, because if a virus strain is isolated and the preparation of a vaccine against avian influenza, flipto be more effective than 1%. Studies have not yet completed.

It seems that flu vaccines contain toxic substances like mercury, which is associated with Alzheimer's disease and could contribute to mercury poisoning.

There is a law that protects vaccine manufacturers from damage caused by their products in the event of a pandemic virus, even if the vaccine kills people.

You can read more about this law is available at:


Thus, manufacturers of vaccines in case of mass murder are protected, and also the money for it (which they sell their cow health authorities). This shows that vaccines are unsafe and, therefore, the vaccine companies have assured their legal protection.

Before a shot, you should understand at first, since only about the side effects of vaccines and to reconsider whether they want the riskIngestion or try another solution as the true anti-viral drugs.

So if you want to know more about bird flu prevention, or even about symptoms of avian influenza, please click this link http://www.bird-flu-info-center.com/

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H1N1 - approaches to the natural protection against the flu and living

The H1N1 influenza virus is a very strong, which in turn causes extreme flu-like symptoms and in some cases death. And 'only to destroy a number of other strains of flu virus, the enterprises, the life and political judgments. It can strike anyone at any age, but appears to be the hardest impact on 65 years of age are.
For those aged 60 years or more, doctors believe that people are already subject to the same type of virustheir youth. Given the fact that each person builds in front of an antibody virus that his body will be able to identify and fight better. The rates of disease for 65 years has been minimal.
The bad news is those who were not afflicted by the virus for the first time might not be so lucky next time, if the virus mutates. The past has shown a robust viruses every year. The changes are usually more of a challenge and the ability to fight toodemanding. Prevention is a multi-phase effort.
Prevention is at home. Managing defense mechanism a healthy body is crucial for a body most likely to do with a virus input. People with a mechanism for weakening the immune system to start with few resources, like a virus such as H1N1 strong to fight. With a strong natural immunity is like building a huge army of antibodies that are ready to take on any invasion force they are. The body can lose a lot of resourcesthe battle, but there are too many to maintain reserves, and finally to win the battle to fight.
Each time a body has a fragile immune mechanism, there are fewer resources to fight in the long run and the body can lose the battle. Sometimes this can lead to loss of life. How could a person to build and maintain a strong and healthy immune system? Here you will find the strategies to achieve this goal.
Good sleep
A body needs to sleep well at night. 7 to8 hours of sleep is adequate. Sleep helps the body heal from a long day of stress. Not even when the body is extended in a day's work, noise, pollutants, TV shows, all the readings in one body in a way that answers require the rest exposed.
Flu Vaccinations
Flu vaccinations are required to stay ahead of a mutant virus. Although this is a controversial topic, there is no scientific evidence that anti-body effect created byVaccines may help the body recover more quickly from a bout of flu virus, without. Ask your doctor if vaccination is right for your body type.
Training on a daily basis is important for the body young and healthy and your mind sharp. When a person exercises, certain chemical reactions in the body causing them to regenerate and re-released. Lungs to stay healthy, strong heart and the blood is circulated at a fast pace.The digestive tract works best so that the body eliminate toxins. All this helps to maintain a strong body and immunities available to combat a virus.
Diet has a major impact on health. Doctors have been many studies on the effects on the immune system. If under an unwanted or unhealthy diet, your body spends precious resources to remove all toxins, fat and other substances present in diets high in fat. There are few resources to fight a virus orBacteria. The results are life threatening. When a body with fat, processed foods are full, carries a heavy burden on the arteries, liver and most other internal organs. As the organ starts to work harder and weaken other institutions will follow. This is a devastating domino effect begins in the body. Soon a body is not getting only the basic needs to sustain life.
The negative effects of poor diet and the disease weakens the immune system mechanism. Fill your body with lots of darkvegetables, lean protein, fish, turkey and fruit of a dark color. The greatest number of these will be in much healthier you.
Good hygiene practice
Hand-cleaner is a great safety measure. You can successfully remove the virus on the hands of a good washing with soap by hand anti-bacterial and anti-viral. You will also find hand gels, which can actually get rid of a virus.
Cover your mouth when you cough or tilt your headbelow when you sneeze, to protect themselves from exposure to others. Keep away from those who are sick, coughing or sneezing. Again, wash your hands often in contact with someone who is sick.
Finally, to help complete and still maintain strong defenses. Physicians for years to replace a regular vitamin, one that really should not diet every day in our programs receive assistance recommended. But there are certainly more able to apply. GrassNow there are choices and supplements can certainly help to keep the loads to support the body's natural immunity.
Currently, there is certainly little or nothing about an attack that took off from a virus in a body. Unfortunately, experts and doctors have found no way to stop a virus to infect the body. Using the information from an individual can be and allow the possibility to minimize not only the final results of a virus, but do it much earlierthan an individual who does virtually nothing. The time is now. Start a street, a happy, healthy is newer.

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Common symptoms of colds and home remedies

A is an acute acid icy condition: you are not decrepit to get plenty of bed, but does not require a large body accustomed to life. Colds less than fifteen percent of the citizens to keep alive during the winter. Why is it so vile soup in a position because cowardly selenium, which helps the action is really feasible arrangement.

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The treatment of influenza with herbal remedies

Have you ever heard of the saying "down with the flu?" When the cough, colds, muscle and joint pain, abdominal pain and high fever, then "down" is certainly an appropriate way to express how you feel seminars. It feels as if the whole world will be competing down when the weight of the disease destroys it feels. Therefore, medications and herbal remedies also affect recommended in these cases.

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Made for life, such as swine flu is stunned to

He could remember that learning such as swine flu transmitted is a sure way to avoid being infected by the disease.
Without doubt, the swine flu pandemic, everything you hear on the news and what we read in the newspapers. Pigs with flu symptoms are very contagious universities have for fear of further spread of the virus have been closed.
That always makes a factual update swine flu on a consistent basis - even daily - basis will help to reduce panicand fear.
All in all, it is better that the swine flu to be educated to take care and stay safe.
By the time you finish reading this article you will find some important facts for the swine flu and what you can do to protect themselves.
For starters, it might be your first question: "What is the swine flu at all?" temporarily is a respiratory disease which was originally located in pigs. Stress is harmful to humans, is a new strain of the virus called H1N1 novel from the UKGovernment.
Obviously, discovering how the transfer is to understand that the swine flu swine flu does not normally infect humans. Only those who were in constant direct contact with infected animals was in danger.
Now, the actual type of the virus into the air and is transmitted through person to person contact.
And something else can take the swine flu incubation period of up to 7 days later were in contact with an infected person.
The term swine flu is the ideaThe virus is transmitted through the consumption of pork, however, that this is not the case. The CDC centers for disease and prevention is and will advocate to cook foods at a temperature of at least 160 degrees Celsius, not only for the swine flu virus, but also to kill other bacteria and viruses as well.
Since the swine flu is transmitted through human contact, the World Health Organization (WHO), the cat out the bag for containment. He says it is veryunlikely to contain the virus, so people focus all over the world, every effort on the defensive techniques oz.
For example, not your mouth when you cough or sneeze is a technique for spreading germs. Thus, the CDC says anyone who has the mouth with a tissue or cough or sneeze, cover their arms.
They are also the promotion of good hygiene by washing their hands too deep with warm water and soap for about 20 seconds to ensure that they kill all the germs.
The CDC is alsoshould go the extra mile and have with you a sort of hand sanitizer on common areas, such as door handles, tables and public toilets clean.
Look, revealing that the swine flu transfer the ticket to optimum health is at this time of global crisis. You can accept that you can not prevent the best policy?
Want to know more facts about swine flu swine flu

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The treatment of influenza with herbal remedies

Have you ever heard of the saying "down with the flu?" When the cough, colds, muscle and joint pain, abdominal pain and high fever, then "down" is certainly an appropriate way to express how you feel seminars. It feels as if the whole world will be competing down when the weight of the disease destroys it feels. Therefore, medications and herbal remedies also affect recommended in these cases.

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