Swine flu can be treated? There is an answer

The 2009-2010 influenza season was very demanding. Many people wonder how the influenza virus can be treated? The issue is becoming a matter of providing much needed as many people come down with this terrible disease. medical and hospital mortality rates and increasing activity by influenza type are unfortunately increasing. Where was tested in patients with influenza, H1N1 has so far the culprit.

So how can swine feverFlu be treated? Well for starters will happen to your doctor as soon as flu-like symptoms begin, it is a positive first step. Your doctor may prescribe an antiviral drug such as Tamiflu. When swine flu has a bacterial infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. If any medicine has been prescribed paracetamol or ibuprofen should probably be used to relieve the symptoms of flu. Be sure to ask your doctor before taking.

Get plenty ofPeace. This is likely to happen, of course, probably because they feel they are drained and tired. Get a large amount of sleep is a healthy, disease control of the immune system is crucial. Also try to eat right. Eating the right foods are very important nutrients for a healthy immune system. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, is also very important to maintain adequate levels of hydration for your body.

Stay in your home for the duration of influenza virusThe disease is extremely important for other areas do not extend to the flu. If you leave the house and the areas you need is a good idea to wear makeup. If you try to live with others in your house so far away from them as possible while you are sick keep. Again, a mask or respirator can wear a good idea. Swine flu can be treated? Yes, you can with a few simple steps, but very smart recovery. But the most important step is to call your doctor at the first sign of flu.

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Defining the cough and colds

We've all been there more than once or twice in our lives. We wake up in the middle of the night, coughing for no apparent reason. Then the next morning, assuming we do not sleep, we are all stuffed and feeling miserable. But the question remains, is only cough and colds, or is it something else?

It 'important to know the difference between H1N1 cough and cold and a bit' more warning, such as flu strains or a more serious, such as.When you try to self-medication is not recommended, it is important that you know the difference between allergies, colds, flu symptoms and other respiratory diseases. If you have to do down one of the above symptoms, seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

About the common cold

The first thing you should know is that while no one could be a wonder drug that cures complete 'Cold, it could identify what might be what it is. This is good news. The bad news is that there could be one of hundreds of different viruses, each to adapt and develop.

Cold symptoms are usually a sore throat, two or disappear after one day. stuffed nose, congestion, and thus manifest a runny nose is followed by a cough from the fourth day. It is not for an adult, including fever and jointa cold, but is common in children. The mucus can vary from light to dark and not a cause for concern. The duration is usually about a week and is contagious for only the first three days.

More than a week is not good

If your characters do not show any signs of symptoms improved after the first week, you is not just a cold. It can be a bacterial infection of the sinuses, which can always be treated with antibiotics. It can also be a Allergy, and this is the prime suspect may investigate your doctor, especially if your family medical history shows a tendency for them.

It 'also possible error in the cold symptoms that last more than a week to the flu, or hay fever, for that matter. Therefore, it is always best to consult your doctor when you feel bad check and follow any advice you can give to you. But what if the flu?

Common Flu> Symptoms

Flu symptoms are generally heavier than those of a cold, and lights up very quickly. They generally include a sore throat, fever, headache, muscle pain, stiffness and pain all over, congestion, and cough inevitable. For more severe strains of flu can also be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. If you suspect that you have the flu, consult your doctor immediately. Flu symptoms should be better aftertwo days, or maybe five, even if you do not feel out of the ordinary, for more than a week sick.

One complication that can often be an outbreak of influenza is pneumonia. This is especially true for children, the elderly, and has a history of cardiac or pulmonary problems, the same group, which may also fall victim as H1NI strains. The main symptoms of pneumonia are shortness of breath, fever, and comes and goes in a period of a fewDays.

To be sure, Get Checked

If you fall one of the symptoms we have, consult your doctor for an evaluation. A bit 'embarrassed by the discovery that we are experiencing, cough and cold is much better than waiting until symptoms become worse and find that the influence is different or something.

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Reye's Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Methods

Reye's syndrome is a disease that affects all organs of the body, but most of the liver and brain death. RS is a disease defined as a two-phase, because it usually occurs in conjunction with a previous viral infection such as influenza or chickenpox. Children with Reye's syndrome suffer from sudden. It primarily affects children between 4 and 16 years and is more common in viral diseases are epidemic, as in the winter months, or atAn outbreak of chickenpox or influenza B. The disorder is common during recovery from a viral infection, although it can also develop 3 to 5 days after the outbreak of viral disease. The use of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) was strongly associated with the development of RS. Symptoms usually appear 1-14 days after a viral infection. Reye's syndrome, the amount of ammonia and acidity in the blood typically increases during the drops of blood sugar levels. At the same time, the liversources and develop deposits of fat. It usually affects children and adolescents and appear soon after infection with influenza or chickenpox.

Reye's syndrome is a rare disease. The symptoms of RS in infants do not follow a typical pattern, such as vomiting always occur. The cause of RS remains a mystery. The use of salicylates like aspirin during viral disease appears statistically the presence of Reye's syndrome are related, although there is no conclusiveTest. The life of a person depends on early diagnosis. Statistics show an excellent chance of cure if Reye's syndrome diagnosed and treated in its early stages. Reye's syndrome is often misdiagnosed as encephalitis, meningitis, diabetes, drug overdose, poisoning, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or psychiatric illness. Better diagnostic tests are metabolic diseases once thought to be Reye's syndrome. Because of its rarity, it is often as encephalitis, meningitis diagnosedDiabetes, or poisoning, and the true incidence may be higher than the number of events reported. Some of the clinical and laboratory that can simulate the characteristics of the syndrome found that the disorders of metabolism, making it difficult to give an accurate diagnosis.

Causes of Reye's syndrome

The most common causes and risk factor for Reye's syndrome are:

The cause of Reye's syndrome is unknown exect.

Influenza (flu).

The use ofAspirin and other salicylates during a viral illness.

Toxins - pesticides, herbicides, aflatoxins.

Upper respiratory tract infections.

Drugs such as salicylates, paracetamol, tetracycline obsolete

You can also develop after a normal upper respiratory tract infection, such as a cold.

Symptoms of Reye's syndrome

Some sign and symptoms associated with Reye's syndrome are:





Lossof consciousness.

combative behavior.

Current upper respiratory infection or chickenpox.

Unusual tiredness or lethargy.

Disoriented behavior.

Treatment of Reye's syndrome

Here is the list of methods for the treatment of Reye's syndrome:

intravenous fluids: blood glucose levels can increase the low blood sugar, electrolyte solutions containing sodium, potassium and chloride to correct blood chemistry values, and treat the basic solutions for the acid.

MechanicalVentilation (breathing machine or respirator) may be required if breathing becomes slow.

Steroids are given to reduce swelling in the brain.

Diuretics: a diuretic such as mannitol can increase fluid loss through urination and contribute to the swelling of the brain.

Some evidence suggests that treatment in the final stages of Reyes syndrome with hypertonic IV glucose solutions may prevent progression of the syndrome.

In this disease was more frequent, high-techTreatments such as charcoal hemoperfusion (filter toxins in the blood) have been used with some success.

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Do you really need a flu shot? gather information and decide

Every year around the Labor Day start of trade. "Get your flu shot earlier this year, do not wait." Now we can also use the annual intake at the supermarket, pharmacy or surf at Walmart. No longer must go to the doctor for the injection and go pay the fee for the office and what they get for free vaccination. What is the confusion? What is the influence at all? And do you really need a shot? To learn more about the story and thendecide for themselves.

Flu or flu "is caused by a virus. 'Highly contagious virus that infects birds, mammals and has a number of common list of symptoms:

- Cough
- Headaches
- Chills
- Fever
- Neck pain
- Muscle pain
- Negative
- Fatigue
- A feeling of malaise

Some of the symptoms can cause serious problems for the people who are very young and have no exemptions or constructed for thethe elderly and those whose immune system is affected by other diseases. There are several variants of influenza, which has symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. This type is usually called "stomach flu" or a 24 hour virus.

really knows how widespread the flu, but is believed to be spread through touch, you can not drink for someone who has the virus, its proximity to someone with the virus during the infectious "Party"disease (usually when the person or the first 48 hours of fever viruses). Coughing or sneezing can also spread the flu. As a disinfectant spray with disinfectant, clean air of the virus.

Disinfectants, soap and water, Clorox, sunlight seems to destroy in whole or inactivate the virus. This is the main reason for constant hand washing with soap and hot water. Countries that have little access to basic cleaning, are the ones who suffer the most deaths Virus. A pandemic could wipe out an entire country. Every year there are deaths from the influenza virus or a variant of the same thousands of people.

In 2010 there was an epidemic of mutation of the virus called H1N1 or influenza virus. Even if the flu was announced as a new "version", was actually a repeat of the virus that has crossed the population in the late 1970th Scientists said then that it was a mutation of the original version of swine flu> Influence of early 1900 led to the 1918 pandemic that killed so many people.

The 1976 outbreak of swine flu appeared at first base in New Jersey if an army of soldiers, who felt uncomfortable one died after being ill only two or three days. Many of his friends were also sick. The virus was identified as a mutation of 1918 and its spread continues until March, the U.S. government requires that all persons will be vaccinated in a public spacevaccine against swine flu. There have been many delays with the vaccine and when he finished there were deaths and permanent damage to the vaccinations. A version of this same vaccine has been distributed to the public in 2009-2010 without the side effects of the previous version. This year a new version of the vaccine is available.

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treatment of colds and flu - 7 Secrets to accelerate the regeneration

Almost everyone who has been subjected to cold treatment of influenza and will tell you how annoying and irritating, these two conditions can be, and the toll it takes in daily life and especially your health.

Since my earliest memories, the cold or the flu, involving a lot of coughing and sneezing and his step almost everyone who had the courage to come close to sniffing, sneezing monster.

It was not fun for the many visitors toBathroom or looking for a tissue when you need it and especially the quarantine.

Both diseases are caused by viruses, colds and flu has spread to the saliva or nasal secretions. Of course, if how to take the necessary steps, you should not worry, but if you can or contract of that irritating, you'll learn how to be happy that we are studying, such as colds and flu are the best deals.

Well, both partiesmany of the same symptoms: chest pain, cough, nasal congestion, sneezing and sore throat. But before you think that these two diseases are the same, think again. If we make a comparison, the influence of the two is the worst by a long shot.

So, here are some more symptoms associated with the flu: high fever, chills, headache, severe muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite, last week you could almost, and if not treatedcould lead to pneumonia. The common cold is not as debilitating, but it is annoying in his own way, with symptoms lasting three or four days.

Well, if you have a cold, antibiotics would be ... right? Wrong. Yes, you heard me. Antibiotics are not effective with viruses, and the cold by a virus, nor is there an anti-viral medicine recommended for colds. So, what then?

Colds are not necessarily associated with a rate of treatedMedicine, as unlikely to last long, but only in the case of patients or the elderly who have a long history of drugs are severe countermeasures. To combat the cold, but symptoms of the common use of nose drops and antihistamines can be helpful.

Antihistamines and decongestants help to breathe very effective when it comes to a runny nose and sneezing attacks to do. Now for cough disorders, anti-cough medicineexpectorants and are widely used to suppress the urge to cough, and, of course, ease the patient's respiratory tract by loosening the mucus that complicated.

Another recent development is the use of zinc supplements reduce the duration of colds.

In the case of influenza, the most common method of treatment through the use of antiviral drugs that are commonly prescribed by doctors are. Targeting and elimination of the virus responsible for the attack onBody system. Amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir and zanamivir are antiviral drugs that in this form of treatment used.

Another method is to provide relief from symptoms of flu, while allowing the immune system to destroy the body of the virus.

I do not remember the exact content or author, but it is great. "Modern medicine is used to distract the patient, while the body heals itself"

Colds and flu treatment - 7 Secrets toRegeneration speed

Stay at home
Drink plenty of fluids
Avoid alcohol and smoking tobacco
Consider-the-counter medications to relieve flu symptoms above
Consult a physician in advance for the best care possible
Stay alert for emergency alert

Obvious? Maybe. practiced regularly? Absolutely not.

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Differences Between Cold & Flu

For many people, the words "cold" and "influence" are largely interchangeable. Many of us called to work and says that we are cold because of the influence we have in reality only one. In other words, even if the terms commonly used by themselves, represent two very different conditions to be done. Knowing the difference between the flu and cold can help you a better idea of what to do if you come down with either one. Recognizing that the flu shotDo not protect yourself from a cold, for example, can help you get a better understanding of the situation as a whole.

The main differences between a cold and flu -

The main areas for the presence of an example, the difference between a cold and flu is carried out if the fever. Colds only cause fever in infants and young children - even bend their flu fever range from 37.5 to 39 ° C. With people develop a fever quickly, and usually fallsCold usually develop within 1-5 days after exposure to light, they, flu symptoms, usually within three to go on strike from 38.5 to 42 ° C. Symptoms. There are flu shots available that allow you to remove the influence, while there are similar products available for the prevention of colds.

Cold symptoms compared with flu-like symptoms -

If a first strike of influence, the first things that mostPeople notice muscle aches, fatigue and fever. After a while ', these symptoms often follows others, including sore throat, ear infections, laryngitis, pneumonia and / or bronchiolitis. The typical pattern of a cold is very different. Usually the first things you notice when you come down with a cold is a sore throat and itchy nose. Quickly, then, it will begin issuing sneezing, coughing, and you can have a watery discharge from the developmentNose.

Fighting off a cold or the flu -

As already mentioned, there are no vaccines for the prevention of the cold. This is mainly due to the cold but not as dangerous as the flu. Even more than 200 different viruses cause colds, so you can control almost impossible.'s Influence, the other side, for the year to come in two normal for three different strains each. Immunologists can follow these tribes with surprising effectiveness, so that vaccinesinfluence or even millions - to avoid going down with a lot to be developed in time to thousands -. If you have a cold, the ordeal usually within seven days, although it is possible to have a cough obsolete.'s Influence usually shorter, but has a much greater effect and can easily develop more serious illnesses right.

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The symptoms of swine flu

You or someone you know has the swine flu? Want to know if it was? Want to know what they do? You need the moon to live, not the influenza virus have heard of this potentially deadly flu panic has seen people become anxious, paranoid, and much more. The best measure for the course is aware of knowing (in theory of course) with the flu-like symptoms.

SymptomsSwine flu

We know that the flu (or influenza is the generic name) and the variants. The good news is that in general, the influence 's all show similar symptoms. Well, I say good news, because it will be bad news, or in which at least makes it difficult to differentiate.

Common to 's fever affects all, often with a body temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius. Other common symptoms include fatigue,Weakness, loss of appetite and cough, and perhaps almost certainly a loss of motivation to do simple tasks.

Other symptoms of swine flu can be, sore throat, diarrhea, runny nose and nausea.

See, I told you the symptoms are similar to flu, "the bottom line and is the most prudent action is to get all, or know who the symptoms of fever [http://thehomebusinessventure.com/swineflu.html ] is alwayschecked by a doctor.

At the first sign of symptoms, you should take a doctor can not create the symptoms for a piece of paper, also, when they appeared for the first time. It is absolutely necessary to act as if pneumonia sets in, you could be in serious trouble - Pneumonia is a complication that just will not do.

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Swine Influenza H1N1 Virus treatment

How much do we know about this new H1N1 virus? In fact, we do not know the severity of the virus new to us. But it is always safer to take precautionary measures. We have no drugs that treat this type of infection?

Centers for Disease Control in the United States recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment and / or prevention of new infections with the H1N1 influenza virus. The drugs are also anti-viral drugs, prescription pills are in the form ofinhaler or liquid against the flu. It helps to prevent the replication of influenza virus in keeping with his body. These drugs can make you feel better and more quickly to prevent serious complications.

The next question is how much each country has in its inventory? What happens if the virus spread? While each country is trying in the world, the spread of the virus inside and outside their countries, it is best that we avoid even inside our homes. Asprotect yourself from viruses?

Here is a summary of the recommendations I read an article I recently picked up:

* Make sure you are aware of the symptoms of the virus of swine influenza.
* If you are sick, you should call your doctor and ask their advice.
* Stay away from sick people.
* Do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes often. Wash your hands forever.
* Always cover your mouth when you cough orSneezing.
* Listen and watch the news on TV for each new event in your area.
* E 'better stay away from countries that are affected by influenza virus.
* Do not sleep late and take lots of rest.
* Eat a healthy diet, the food and do regular workouts at home.
* Ensure a dozen respirator for emergencies.

In summary, if we follow all the precautions that will be used to contain the virus inside of our homes there is a great help for the prevention ofSpread of viruses.


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And symptoms of H1N1 swine influenza

It 'important to know the life and symptoms of H1N1 influenza virus, because you can save. As I write this, the Americans were hospitalized in 5500 and 353 deaths from the disease. And it's even worse. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that over the next 2 years, 40 percent of the public come with the virus.

Currently, the virus is relatively mild. However, there is significant that the fear could mutate into a cause pandemic as devastating as the flu epidemic of 1918. Therefore, you need to know everything about H1N1 flu symptoms can be turned on and pigs.

Especially if you have a fever over 100.4 degrees Celsius, you should contact your doctor. This is a warning sign. Secondly, if you have the flu begins in the lungs and the neck is not like a tickle inside, there's a good chance that you are having on this epidemic.

The symptoms of the H1N1 virus> Influenza virus are similar to those of seasonal influenza. These include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea and vomiting.

There are people with significant risk factors that physicians should contact if they have flu symptoms. This includes people with a weakened immune system (cancer, AIDS, etc.), pregnant women and children under 1

It will not be sufficient influenceVaccines against the virus inoculate all, you need to know the symptoms of swine flu and to obtain appropriate care, if you do not come with the disease.

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Helping to prevent swine flu with Vitamin D

Swine influenza is at the forefront of our health concerns at this time. Experts predict a pandemic this season. The White House estimated that about 90,000 people die of influenza of pigs - as many in a typical. Influenza season twice vaccine manufacturers are working overtime to a flu vaccine, the vaccine should be completed by mid-October.

The symptoms of swine are virtually identical toThe symptoms of a regular basis, including a cough, fever, muscle aches, fatigue and headaches, so it will be difficult to distinguish the difference - and perhaps irrelevant. Moreover, as the common flu, influenza is the influenza virus spread by airborne droplets through coughing or direct contact with a person who has the flu virus.

It 'important to know that probably contracted the flu virus. Include those with the highest risk:

Children aged 6 months totheir 19th Birthday (but the younger the child the higher the risk).
Pregnant women.
People 50 years and over.
People of all ages with heart or lung disease (asthma, COPD, emphysema), or diabetes.
People with weakened immune systems.
Since the influenza virus is a new strain of flu virus that we have not been exposed, we have yet to develop immunity, and all are at risk of infection with influenza virus. That's why people are so concerned about theSwine flu this year.

There are many people, the motives are suspect on several swine flu vaccine. It is not my intention, that is willing to take the vaccine, is not to take to convince. But there are other ways, methods to prevent the influenza virus and the severity of their physical acceptance, have not been taken. Simply doing nothing and passively on the body's ability to heal itself, is silly. We must actively support the body's ability to ward off theSwine flu.

First of all we can to the basics of common sense seem all that common upper respiratory tract (colds, flu, etc.), including:

Decrease consumption of sugar and other simple carbohydrates. These have been shown to suppress the immune system, reducing the white blood cells for up to 24 hours.
Drink plenty of water ... ideally, at least 1 oz per 3 kg body weight per day. (£ 150 = 50 ml of water.)
Get plenty of sleep.
Wash your hands often, especially when you are sick.
Optimize your nutrition
The latter is a bit 'hazy ... After all, if you have a good meal, or at least not a multivitamin, a good diet? The short answer, almost without exception, is "no." The food is now generally a lack of vitamins and minerals for several reasons. And multi-vitamins are useful, but I think a good multi-vitaminsbasic "insurance" if the goal is the preservation of health. In this case, our goal is to prevent the influenza virus, so it's good, personalized nutritional supplement accordingly.

The most talked about natural method of preventing influenza virus this year, the supplementation of vitamin D. Vitamin D is often used in food cans that are ridiculously low with what our body needs, found in the comparison. Some cold-water fish are the only major food source for vitamin D. The best sourceVitamin D is sunshine. fair-skinned people, up to 20,000 IU of vitamin D by simply spending 15 minutes in the sun, while a cup of fortified milk provides only 100 IU of vitamin D. The recommended daily dose of vitamin D is 200 IU for adults, 400 IU for children - but is only to prevent bone diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia, not to optimize immune function.

There is considerable evidence links now low levels of vitamin D in the bodylow immunity. In fact, some scientists and health professionals - myself included - believes that the lack of sunlight during winter months (and the resulting lack of vitamin D absorption) is a key reason why colds and flu are spread so far at this time.

It 's a good idea to get the vitamin D levels checked now. You should be greater than 50 ng / ml If you are an adult and your vitamin D levels are low, supplementation with high dose of 5000 IU per day to start, thencheck again in 3 months. Or get much sun, at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight on the skin as far as possible every day.

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symptoms of swine flu in children - What are they and how can a parent be granted at home?

This year, the influenza virus does not really leave us in the summer as seasonal flu. Symptoms of influenza virus has reportedly continued to warm months and experts predict the total number of cases in the autumn and winter that are unprecedented. This is particularly bad news for children, as appear to be novel H1N1 influenza virus, or lens.

While most of the cases were of mild intensity, it is important to know, and symptomsspecifically to know when to call the doctor.

swine flu symptoms are similar to those of seasonal flu, with sore throat, fever, cough, chills, fatigue and nasal congestion. For some who are infected, but can also have diarrhea and vomiting.

The time for the professional call your doctor if you notice:

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing in pants

A bluish discoloration of the skin appears

A child does not wanttake in enough fluids

Difficulty in awakening

Irritated to the point where he / she does not want to be touched

Flu symptoms disappear and then again with a fever higher and vomiting

Children with pre-existing diseases, their immune systems, asthma, heart problems or kidney disease are at a significantly higher risk than others.

What can you do?

The first thing is to accept that if your child has symptomshe can not go to school or daycare center. If you send, then send him back. So you have to have a plan for assistance.

The treatment is a two-pronged strategy to attack. The first prong attempts to alleviate the symptoms while the second family experienced the spread of the virus to other members.

Peace, a lot of water, nutritious food, aspirin or paracetamol, and perhaps some vitamin supplements are the ingredients of the standard home remedies. Find a way, garlic, add onionsOrange, rosemary and thyme have in children's diets, as these anti-viral properties that may help.

Make sure that terms such as tables, door handles, towels, linens, and handrails are kept clean and germ free. Children can communicate with the virus for days to 1 day before onset of symptoms to 7 symptoms. Keep the extra cleaning up to that date.

Because this flu season will be different.

Swine influenza is already aPandemic. It is stretched cases are more typical flu season, which means that the medical resources. Shows not only with your doctor. To make an appointment so that you are not a waiting room to put all others to sit to do with the virus.

Teachers take to get sick, sick sick trucker grocery workers. All this could affect the availability of goods and services, including food.

This season should have a plan on howdetail how you could make a plan for an earthquake or a hurricane. The time to do this plan is not now, after

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Countdown to 2010 Influenza: Influenza scarlet Vs

At the end of our 10-part series on flu symptoms, Scarlet fever are other diseases often keen to stress the characteristic symptoms.

A disorder characterized by a rash for most of the body, a strawberry tongue and appearance of the fever is usually high. Scarlet fever is the most common source of sore throat (a bacterial infection of the throat). Scarlet fever is relatively rare and is usually seen inPatients aged 5-15 years.

Sore throat, fever, vomiting, rash on the neck and chest, rough "sandpaper" on the skin, peeling of the skin (hands, feet and groin), swelling of the tongue red (strawberry tongue), the pasta line ( bright red in the folds of the armpits and groin), chills, headache, generalized pain (discomfort), muscle aches, abdominal pains.

A history and physical examination performed. The bacteria can be identified streptoccocalwith an antigen test or culture.

Antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and fluids by mouth can alleviate the symptoms. Antibiotics are important because they prevent, rheumatic fever, the most feared complication of strep throat and scarlet fever.

As you can see the main difference between the two conditions, the rash associated. Both diseases have a high fever, but it is rare that a rash with the flu. Unlike hand-footFMD, which we reviewed earlier this week of the rash in scarlet fever rash is a type of rough sandpaper, neck and chest to find the place of hands and feet. Patients may also be a red tongue as a "strawberry tongue". Images of the rash and strawberry tongue can be found on iTriage.

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Swine H1N1 influenza symptoms - What are the most common symptoms of H1N1 influenza virus?

Since the outbreak of H1N1 influenza in April of 2009, many people have been diagnosed worldwide. For most people want to acquire this disease is similar to the flu that affects people every year. There are many who suffer from serious health complications of this disease. Children who are under the age of five women who are pregnant, those suffering from other health conditions and the elderly aged sixty-fivemay suffer more severe than those that are relatively healthy. This guide will explain what the symptoms of influenza virus H1N1.

The most common symptoms

There are many symptoms associated with influenza virus H1N1. In all reality, it is found that influenza symptoms are experienced with this form are similar to expertcommon with other forms of influence. The following symptoms are most often affected by this potentially complicated by the influence of the form:

• Many people suffer from a slight fever. In severe cases, a higher body temperature is possible.

• In most cases of swine flu, the individual suffering from a throat in a moderate to severe pain.

• It is not uncommon for an individual, a cough, experienceor may cause tenderness in the neck.

• Discharge from the nose and sneezing are common among victims of the H1N1 influenza virus.

• pain throughout the body is a frequent consequence of this particular influence. In many cases, a natural consequence of fever, pain, the experience to be as one. In other cases, the body has a natural form of fatigue can be experienced while under the pressure of infection. In other cases, dehydration due to anorexia andIncreased body temperature can cause pain in the limbs.

• Many may suffer from headaches, while this form of influence. Many describe this as a dull, aching pain, while others describe him as an intense headache trigger.

• This is an individual, chills suffer from this disease often experience during.

• Feelings of extreme fatigue is a common symptom associated with influenza in the swine flu.

Rare symptoms

There are someThe symptoms occur, but are considered rare, have seen many cases of swine influenza H1N1. Some of the symptoms are those of the rare neurological basis. Many people have experienced seizures and displayed unusual cognitive changes during this disease. There were reported cases occurred in which the behavioral changes. If you start to show symptoms of swine influenza virus H1N1, it is essentialEnsure that your doctor immediately as this flu can progress matters to a point where it can cause serious heart problems.

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What is the duration of flu symptoms?

A question about the duration of influenza symptoms is very open. It depends on many factors. The largest amount of health. It depends on whether you are responsible for their health or give control to someone else.

Then, a look at how it might not serve very well. You

eat lots of fast, small packets or frozen foods?
have little or no exercise?
get some fresh air?
Avoid direct exposure Sunlight?
have a pessimistic or negative?
Not enough to relax?
getting enough sleep?
Drugs / vaccines regularly?
never go out in nature?

If you answered yes to five or more of the above questions, you really need to think seriously about how to make your life as you need to take responsibility for improving their health.

These factors contribute to your overall health. And it is your health, which determines the duration of influenzaThe symptoms> for you. Has room to do much, how widespread the flu is in your. There is little influenced by direct contact with others.

It has to do with the state of your health. If you are healthy, the flu is likely to avoid completely. The envy of all the staff!

But none of these is particularly useful when the flu at this time. You probably do not want to get out of bed, let alone gofor a walk in the sun, fresh air and nature.

What can be done to reduce the duration of flu symptoms?

Depending on how well you can think of needing help with this proposal.

Buy a home kit or homeopathic homeopathic prescription Winter Leiden Kit and work instructions that best fits your current medical situation. If you choose a good game, it's probably your influence is over in a fewone or two days.

I once had such a bad dose of flu, I woke up one morning barely able yo get out of bed, let alone my future duties. I was able to feed my pets before collapsing back into bed. But I could not sleep.

I was so distracted, it took me a couple of hours to find that the homeopathic medicine I needed. But it works so well. One dose and I fell asleep. I woke up and took a few doses over an hour.

The evening was pretty normal. FromThe next morning I was totally back to normal. It 'possible that the duration of influenza symptoms take hours to less than 24?

Try and see for yourself.

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The symptoms and precautions for pigs

From Sunday, April 26 said that the United States, a public health emergency is suspected or confirmed cases reported from many parts of the world. If a pandemic comes, it could be very serious for human health and the global economy, certainly not more bad news can also do the same.

A pandemic is an epidemic that spread throughout the world and often cause more serious disease outbreaks. The swine flu has killed many people in Mexico, the heartof the outbreak and the epidemic has features that a global pandemic could be recommended.

The flu virus is usually caused by the flu. Typically, viruses infect only one species, the influenza virus in human beings differ from those of birds and pigs. But this unusual pig flu virus is different because it is the mix of genes from a product, humans, pigs and poultry. Thus, the virus that hit the pig now spread between people and people affecteddoes not affect the pigs have direct contact with infected animals with.

The danger is that further changes in the genes, a virus that can move very quickly with people to create and produce more severe disease. It can be transmitted through sneezing and coughing, or skin-to-skin contact, like shaking hands or kissing an infected person.

The biggest concern now is that this virus is so new that people have little or no immunity to it still have the vaccine.Deaths in Mexico, in healthy young adults. In past pandemics, such as the 1918 1919 flu pandemic, was also young, healthy people who die more.

As of now there is no vaccine. The new virus is run by two antiviral drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir. Based on experience with other influenza viruses, treatment is more effective if given within 2 days the symptoms begin.

The first symptoms of influenzaViruses such as that of the regular annual flu: fever, muscle aches, runny nose and sore throat. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may be more to this than the normal swine flu influenza.
Adults, adolescents and children aged 3 to 12 years, more troubling signs are as follows:

oShortness breath
vomiting oPersistent
Children up to 2, more troubling signs are as follows:
Quick OveryBreathe
interaction oNot not normally eat or drink normally, with abnormally irritable or appears to be unusually drowsy
oHigh fever and rash
oA blue lips and skin

How to protect yourself from catching influenza virus, the same procedure we take the cold or the flu would prevent all:

oWash hands or alcohol-based cleansers often.
Or when you greet the people, not the hand or with the kisses exchanged.
oAvoid contact with peoplewith flu-like symptoms.
Ound to protect others if you develop sneezing and coughing, be sure to use tissues to wipe your nose and cover your mouth and throw the tissue in the trash or toilet bowl.

Just in case you're curious to know if the process of getting the virus is suspected. A fever of 38 ° C or more accompanied by a cough, sore throat and runny nose is a good reason to be suspicious. He added, if these symptoms occur within seven daysTravel to affected areas and close contact with confirmed or probable cases of swine flu, have good reasons for the bells of panic. If you are then be tested untypeable influenza A positive, and if the strain is, which means it will not show the diagnostic tests for seasonal flu strains that already exist. I am definitely in the red zone.

A laboratory confirmation of influenza virus from a swine diagnostic test kits tested by a laboratory WHO Collaborating CentreYou immediately hospitalized and treated with Tamiflu or Relenza as a preliminary course of medication.

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Learn about the common cold and influenza

While everyone knows they can not do everything from a cold or flu, not everyone knows that hate sick. Who does not hate them risk their lives daily to keep a very angry, down right nasty cold? Every year there are over a billion cases of colds and flu in the U.S. Most of you were probably victims of life more than a couple of times in your. Understanding the basics of the cold and flu to help you from the beginningSick of this year!

The common cold is a disease of the nose caused by a virus to cause many symptoms including runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headache and fever. These symptoms are your body's response to any type of infection. And 'know that there is no cure for the common cold, but there are many things you can do to combat cold symptoms and shorten the duration of your browser. Drugs such as antihistamines,decongestants and cough suppressants are often very effective in alleviating pain for many of these. The best preventive measure against the flu can take is to wash your hands often. Not only wash after you go to the bathroom or touch to go a bit 'rough, but make it a priority to wash them frequently throughout the day and keep them sterile. Try to avoid too much you touch your nose and mouth, because these steps as the infectionin your body. Also, stay away from sick people as much as possible so that it is not infected.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness due to influenza virus. It may be easier to separate the disease, and in extreme cases can even cause death. You have probably heard of seasonal influenza vaccine, and many of you have even come to be likely. The flu vaccine is injected with a small amount of the influenza virus, which isYour body more resistant to the virus. But a flu vaccine is not always that you are immune to all strains of influenza. The flu virus is mutating rapidly, and vaccination against seasonal influenza is only a preventive measure against the strain most common. Your flu symptoms cough suppressants may also be treated with medications such as antihistamines, nasal drops e.

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Swine influenza virus H1N1 early detection and treatment methods

As the swine flu sweeping our nation and the rest of the world public opinion through the media fed, resulting in people monitoring and early intervention activities on their own, in an attempt to avert a serious illness. You can not blame them for wanting to protect themselves and their families, about one million documented cases in the United States, so many that the CDC has to stop counting. There are two drugs on the market that have shown that effective against the influenza virus> Flu, Tamiflu and Relenza. These drugs must be administered within 2 days after symptom onset (which takes about a week), and the days are shortening the duration of symptoms by about 2 Because early diagnosis is crucial for the effectiveness of these drugs is a rapid detection necessary. Many manufacturers are currently working on versions of a rapid screening test for H1N1 in a few minutes, allowing the opposite of day, as required for conventional viruses.

L 'The problem is that the preliminary results of these types of these tests were poor. It was found that too many false-negative results, there was at least half a regular basis. In other words, the test failed, the conditions for recognizing known swine influenza in the laboratory, a negative test at the doctor's office would therefore not really guarantee that you are not really the flu virus. This is important because patients at highest risk that the drug really needs to be can not betreated due to false negative results.

The bottom line is, at this point we do not have the rapid test the influence of a pig. Plus, seasonal flu and swine flu symptoms are often indistinguishable and similar in duration. These symptoms are fever, headache, cough, sore throat and muscle aches and sometimes diarrhea or vomiting. If respiratory distress, may need to be swine flu. Only two symptoms, but should lastabout a week. However, if you're going to go the symptoms to the doctor to write a prescription for Tamiflu, take the second or the first day to obtain the drug is not usually effective.

Remember that the average fuel paranoia and irrational behavior, use your intuition before making the emergency room or doctor's office. Remember that during the first Gulf War and after 911, when gas masks were snapped up by U.S. army surplus stores? People do not even knowKnowing what kind of chemical warfare agents or nerve gas were trying to protect from, they just feel better about something. For the flu, may be better to take a few days away, a couple of ibuprofen tablets and stay in bed and about your favorite TV programs. Who knows? They could only survive by yourself the influence!

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The duration of symptoms of influenza should not be measured in days

The duration of symptoms of influenza should not days are measured. This is a false way of looking at all areas of health problems. Instead, they should be, how healthy your immune system is measured. Only from this yard-stick you can really appreciate the duration of flu symptoms.

Let us know what it means in reality.

If you have an immune system in top performance, you probably do not have the flu, or if you will, is a veryshort duration, perhaps hours. The symptoms can be severe, but it will pass quickly. Only someone with a strong immunity can have severe symptoms.

The opposite is also true. Someone with a low immunity will never be able to severe the symptoms. I just do not have the energy. Thus, symptoms may smolder for a while '.

There are many areas of your life, lower your immune system - in nutrition, lack of sleep, lack of sunshine, the lackTime to relax, drugs, vaccines, lack of harmony in the home or workplace. The list is endless. Even if your body could use some of these combinations to survive, more pile, the worse it gets.

Although the management of these areas are all important if you have the flu, you really want something, now that the performance of the system to stimulate the immune system. This is the only way to overcome it quickly.

Homeopathy is perhaps the only health care system that canto achieve this goal. The effect can often be felt within minutes. And the overall reduction of influence can be dramatic.

Homeopathic treatment is one of the most powerful he is, but also one of the most sensitive. Therefore, the rapid onset of action. All the symptoms of influenza may feel as if they simply vanish. In fact, many people are unaware of the disappearance of symptoms. They are simply more time to live. It 's just realized a posteriori thattheir influence settled time was fast and furious.


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prevention of influenza virus

prevention of influenza is the first step must be entered before the symptoms of flu are in your view. They must avoid bias influences affected you and your body with the creation of several newspapers. "Prevention is better than cure", and then we help with tips for prevention of influenza. But before you learn to be always armed to prevent the flu first we need to know what influences and what are the causes of influence.

Influence or> Influenza is a highly contagious viral infection, the virus is through the spread of flu. It is a respiratory disease that can sometimes be painful and debilitating. Sneezing flu can be spread when the infected come into contact with a person when you breathe or infectious droplets expelled or cough, an infected person. Flu can also objects through infected secretions are distributed. The infected person can transmit the virus beforeand after their recovery from illness. It is proposed that, even after healing, patients should stay at home for about a week. At this point there is no cure for some flu symptoms. There is no medicine for the flu, there are C-type. Natural remedies and herbal remedies may provide some relief from the pain the pain and infection caused by influenza.

The influenza virus invades the respiratory tract, causing pain and rash. To avoid this wemust strengthen our immune system so it can fight the virus. Before having bouts of flu every step to avoid the symptoms and the flu. No doubt there is a shortage of flu vaccine, but that does not mean that you have an influence by the lack of opportunities to help in protection. And if a weak immune system are at greater risk of contracting the flu. Thus, according to strengthen the immune system is a better approachinstead of only to flu vaccination. maintenance of a strong and healthy immune system is the best bet for avoiding the flu. Here are some simple steps that global health can prevent the influence of others will help to strengthen the immune system.

• Be aware of hygiene: Flu viruses are spread by hand, not only by inhaling them, they are also spread when you get. You're the one that has spread to the face then, from wherecan easily enter the body. Therefore, to prevent the flu, you often need to wash their hands and the hands off your face. Rub your eyes, nose or mouth is a sure way to get the flu. The washing of hands can only help you during the registration of some potentially free of pathogens. can damage the case of the defense system of the skin over anti-bacterial soaps. You should bring home a natural and progressive hygiene kits. It 's a natural semi-soft soapwhich is not harmful to the skin. Wash your face with a solution of water, sea salt and iodine diluted. With this method to, viruses and germs can get rid of bacteria that lives on your face. The kit is essentially to clean and remove germs from your hands, the corners of our eyes, nose, ears and mouth. Regularly

using the advanced hygiene kits, you can support the immune system and protect against flu and other diseases.

• Food:You need to eat a healthy diet and consume foods increase immunity. dairy products to fresh meat, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables strengthen the immune system, such as food. You need food phytochemicals. "Phyto" means a plant, chemicals naturally present in plants to increase the vitamins in food.

You must avoid the intake of starchy foods and sugars that can increase your blood sugar. You can reduce infections and the immune system, maintaining the optimalThe levels of blood sugar.

• Completion: Supplements made from whole fermented foods are important for improving the immune system. Some important additions are:

- Probiotics: help improve the immune response by the prevention of infection.

- Cod liver oil: transform positively the immune response of the body. It 'also one of the largest natural source of vitamin A and vitamin D.

- Coconut: lauric acid, found in coconut oil has anti-viral,anti-bacterial and anti-protozoan (used to treat protozoal infections). In the body lauric acid from coconut oil, monolaurin in which viruses such as influenza converted destroyed.

- All food supplements: Herbs and spices such as goldenseal, elderberry, garlic, ginger and oregano are good for your health. It increases the immune system and relief of symptoms of influenza.

- Vitamin C: It is a well known fact that you take the vitamin C inhealth care for winter. You can drink orange juice a day and stay healthy.

• Sleep: Sleep is very important to improve the comfort of your body. Good sleep allows you to protect yourself from severe infections and long-term illnesses to help. good sleep and rest is very funny and is also the cheapest way. It helps regulate the immune system, the infection will help us fight against the flu.

• Reduce stress: Stress is theThe root cause of all serious diseases. Excessive stress is the root cause of a weak immune system. Stress increases the risk of heart disease and immune system

• Take regular exercise: aerobic exercise helps in many ways, as

- Acceleration of the heart to pump more blood.

- You breathe faster during exercise, which helps a lot in the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the blood

- You sweat once your body heats up.

- Exercise can help improveNatural body cells that kill viruses.

All these measures can help prevent the spread of influenza. All year long, you feel happy and healthy with this flu prevention steps.


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Home remedies for flu symptoms - These remedies can help relieve pain during the influenza season

It 'good to put some home remedies for flu symptoms, every year around the beginning of flu season. Influenza viruses are starting to appear like clockwork every year around the beginning of October and usually lasts until April.

Some recommend the flu vaccine every year to fight infection, especially when they are elderly. I avoided the flu shot for many years and have decided my chances with anatural approach to nutrition. I can not say that this line works best for everyone, but it worked for me.

If you do catch the flu this year, here are some home remedies that can alleviate their pain.

Dietary Home Remedies

Honey. If you have a continuous coughing, hacking, test a little 'honey. The Chines have used it for thousands of years Honey.as a cough medicine. Simply mix a tablespoon of honey with a cup of hotWater and a splash of lemon juice. The honey acts as an expectorant, which helps the flow of mucus.

Bouillon. Beef or chicken broth helps keep you hydrated and nutrients you need. It will also help to liquefy mucus secretions.

The acidic properties of Lemon lemon aid. To eliminate bacteria and mucous membranes. Lemon oil is antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil acts as an expectorant as well. The best waysolve the problem is to put a cut lemon with the skin in a cup of boiling hot water. While steep for a few minutes, you can breathe the steam.

Home Herbal Remedies

Mustard. The ancient Romans used mustard as a remedy for colds, flu and chest. Mustard contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Take 1 tablespoon of mustard powder and mix to do with 3-4 tablespoons of flour, 1 egg and cold water to a paste. Take on the cleanTissues and smear the mustard on it. Apply to the breast every few minutes.

Peppermint. If you are running a high fever, mint tea can help to cool your help. Peppermint contains menthol, a decongestant, which helps to remove clogged sinuses.

Timo. Your upper respiratory mucous membranes of dissolution and prevention of bacteria settling on Just make a cup of thyme tea, adding a teaspoon to a cup of thymeboiling water. Let steep for a few minutes and add some delicious honey.

These are some home remedies for flu symptoms, you can use to help you season to get back on track during the winter flu.

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The symptoms of H1N1

H1N1, commonly known as swine flu influenza, the influenza strain that has affected a large group of people around the world - millions in the U.S. alone, 22 spread from one person coughing, sneezing or touching something with virus H1N1, and then another person in contact with the virus and then transmit the virus to their eyes, nose or mouth.

The symptoms of the H1N1 virus are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu.The symptoms> include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle / body aches, headache and fatigue. Some people also complain of vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms of severe H1N1 can range from mild a. People who are aware and can potentially contagious H1N1 disease from day 1, prior to deployment of up to 7 sick days or longer on it.

Seek medical emergency if any of the following symptoms:

Breathing problems
-No tears when crying
Fever with rash
-Bluish skin color
-Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Not drinking enough fluids
Do not wake up or not interacting
Being irritable, so that the child will not be held
- As the flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

In adults:
Sudden dizziness
Breathing or shortness of breathRespiratory
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
-Severe or persistent vomiting
- As the flu-like symptoms, improve your return with fever and cough, but worse

People who are often infected with H1N1 develop immunity and can not be vulnerable once again to the same virus. Precautions should still be taken, especially for people with weakened immune systems and / or false positive results.

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The real murderess of swine influenza H1N1 - Secondary infections

Meet the real murderess of swine flu, H1N1, secondary infections. Many people who are infected with influenza virus and then came with a secondary infection, pneumonia, ie, did not survive. Therefore, it is imperative that you take all necessary precautions to prevent infection and on another, you should contract the flu virus.

That's right, the real murderess is not necessarily the H1N1 influenza virus infection is secondary. Youwant to protect at all costs against a secondary infection. Since you have already blocked the virus, there is a lot easier to develop pneumonia.

One of the best ways to protect against these complications is to prepare your immune system in time for cold and flu season. There are several ways to build your immune system naturally. Eating healthy is a possibility. A good balanced diet of 30% protein, carbohydrate 30% fat (no trans fat) and 30% workingmiracle to keep in good health. Avoid eating food of any kind. Keep sugar and saturated fats from your diet. You can sweeten malted barley, sugar, dates, honey or raw sugar to your food. These and other sweeteners are online.

Would do well to keep the potatoes from your diet completely. Even if they contain carbohydrates, carbohydrates in potatoes are not good. Bread is another element that is not necessary. If you need to eat rye bread. It 's the bestChoice.

Your diet is as important as building the immune system with probiotics and the elderberry extract. If you are cold or flu symptoms come on, start the echinacea and goldenseal immediately. Diffuse essential oils in the living room, others think too sick, and stay hydrated. Drinking coconut water and eating chicken soup for electrolytes. Eat only when hungry, and get plenty of rest.

Prevent secondary infections, becauseare the real killers of swine influenza H1N1. Therefore, you have to worry if you feel flu-like symptoms occur. Staying at home, so do not give your virus to others. Although there are some ways to protect against secondary infections here, there are many other ways, you need to know. Start by checking the ways to prevent influenza infection, or secondary now, too. As always, eat healthy my friends.

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That swine flu symptoms?


It 's almost certain that you have a pretty high fever, headache, fatigue and nasal experience. Therefore, the virus is so difficult, these are the same symptoms occur with traditional influence. Some people, children may be particularly nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, the stomach should be confused with the flu.

If left untreated, swine flu, the oftencan cause pneumonia and infections of the respiratory tract, the extreme difficulty in breathing, lung damage, organ failure and death. Although antibiotics are not effective against all types of virus, if the individual infected with a secondary bacterial infection is very common that antibiotics are absolutely necessary.

Protect yourself

Many people do not think to protect themselves against the virus before it's too late. There is a vaccinationfor swine flu that most people should, however, there are preventive measures you need to take shot in addition to vaccination, there is no guarantee.

Personal hygiene is a long way in preventing influenza virus. You've probably always been told, since you're young, your hands are washed frequently and for this reason. This is the easiest way to prevent disease. If you touch something that someone who is infected with the case, you now havethe virus on their hands. Then all you have to do is touch your eyes, nose or mouth and you end up sick in bed. E 'is therefore essential that you wash your hands often or use an alcohol-based disinfectant, and teach your children to do the same.

Sanitize shared objects before you use them and when to avoid crowded areas, especially if you recently know before that there were no cases of swine flu.


Tamiflu and Relenza, twoCommon treatment options for people with symptoms of swine flu, but must be started and so far the virus to be effective within 48. In some cases, these drugs are still patients who progressed under the control even after the virus is administered in a hospital.

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What are flu-like symptoms in children?

There are basically three different types of strains. Influenza A and B have the flu is spread through your child's school in every season and the disease type C causes random, simply pop in any time. What you need to really look at what it seems the ability of a school as a ghost town within a few days ago.

The children are very close so that it is inevitable that once a child too sick to school, the virus is,spread rapidly. Students share computers, books, pens, and sometimes lunch. Not to mention that touch chairs, tables, door handles, railings, etc., may be contaminated. Because influenza is very contagious, the proximity of an infected student is good enough for the sick child.

Symptoms to watch for

Flu-like symptoms in children usually appear within three days, the virus likely to be influenced. L ' Child is usually made to feel bad so fast, it's going incredibly disturbing. It is not uncommon to see dangerous temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit accompanied by a dry cough, sore throat, headache, chills and muscle aches.

If your child closer to the child, we can assume their symptoms are pneumonia or bronchitis, because they are quite similar, but if you have signs of abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting, probably the> Flu. Also, if you have a child, you should see for refusing to eat, lethargy and circulation.

The influence is more able to do ear or sinus infections or pneumonia. If your child has a fever that lasts more than three days, this is a cause for concern. You have an emergency situation, if your child's earache, breathing problems or congestion.

Make your child more comfortable

With liquids, the most importantwhat you can for a child with the flu. Dehydration is a major problem and because small children do not know to drink fluids, it is your responsibility to ensure that this happens. The rest is also very important and with a fever can help give acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Never give aspirin a child has a fever!

You should always speak with your doctor first before offering on-the-counter medicines for flu symptoms in children, especiallyif less than four years.

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Fatigue after the flu is best treated with homeopathy

Tiredness after the flu can be normal when your strength level is not treated in an influence. By this I mean, is the treatment in the same direction that your body tries to leave, but can not for some reason.

Drugs usually fights the body goes against its natural direction. Therefore, the fatigue after the flu can so common.

If you had dealt with at a global level, your influence in an effort more than others have gone with the fluSymptoms.

Way I know to deal with the most influence holistic homeopathy. The homeopathy helps the body to pass through support in the direction of trying. This provides an energy boost with the right treatment.

Effort, along with fever and body aches are the symptoms of influenza. But people have unique symptoms that can only be on it. For example, if a person can have a fever to come quickly, while others may haveslowly over a few days.

A person can hurt your bones, while others may have muscle aches.

A person may fatigue is fatigue as a whole, while the next is the fatigue that they just have a little 'below average.

Everyone is different and each must be treated differently. And homeopathy is so good.

Although the general symptoms are similar, the more subtle symptoms are very different.

This is how homeopathy. WithTreat your own, different and unique subtle symptoms. Look for them, and so you will regain control of your own health in the long run.

You can learn to lay down at home and / or you can try the services of a professional homeopath to treat. In both cases it may be experienced rapid resolution of fatigue after the flu.

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Candida die with flu-like symptoms

This morning, my friend sent me a letter for Candida die. After a few days the oil of oregano, caprylic acid, psyllium, acidophilus, and later in the evening began with a headache and dizziness just "weird." She wonders whether the death. Their joints were a little 'bad. All have so far had yesterday was headache, dizziness, but no time. Not quite sure if the killing reaction. He wants to know if drinking red grapefruitJuice would work.

With regard to the death, of course, it could be a rapid response at the beginning and the flu-like symptoms could be your death. That is, if you're not really have the flu. Drink tons of water! My naturopath said, "Drink until they float" at this time.

Also here is a trick that might work for you. Get some aloe vera gel at the health food store, and just before bed, if you like a lotion all over. If you wake up,You should feel a bit 'better. It worked for me! Make sure they are not allergic, so test before a crazy place with it. I suppose that after 4-8 days with your caprylic and oil of oregano, you might want to shoot something else.

As for the red grapefruit juice, can also work well. I tried some of the juice watered down, of course for my hypoglycemia, and I had a response to the death almost immediately, and pretty bad! E 'extremely powerful. But if you on Atkins andcan not bear fruit for a long time, you can go to any olive leaf extract and orderly SF-722, which recommends Karen Tripp (which prescribed to her by her doctor for Candida). In this way you can turn off.

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Swine flu symptoms?

It is proposed that the areas with the highest volume of specific Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal people more likely to require hospitalization if infected.

How do you catch?

The reason why H1N1 is so scary because it is spread as easily as ordinary flu. People are infected, are highly contagious and can transmit the virus long before they are sick or know that, do not show Symptoms>.

The easiest way to become infected by breathing in air droplets emitted by someone sneezing or coughing around you. In addition, the virus is capable of objects that can contaminate tap. This is especially true when it touches someone sneezes or coughs in his hand and then the object before. The second you touch the item you got the virus and then when you touch your mouth, eyes or nose, it will be contaminated. It's so easy!

> Symptoms

It 's hard enough to determine whether you have symptoms of swine flu, not tested, because they are similar to those of seasonal influenza. However, fever is often difficult and most people see temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius. The high fever is often accompanied by cough, headache, tiredness, muscle aches and nasal discharge. Some individuals also have vomiting or diarrhea, as well ..

Often the symptomswalk by himself with plenty of fluids and rest, just like any other virus. However, if confusion, dizziness, vomiting or severe chest or abdominal pain, you should consult a physician.


There are drugs in Australia to treat H1N1 influenza. Oseltamivir and zanamivir are recommended for the treatment of both DCD and also prevent the virus. These antiviral drugs work by stopping the virus from reproducing once it isin your body. They are most effective when taken within 48 hours to the beginning of your first symptoms of swine flu. It 's much easier and when I started immediately, the virus to progress into something more serious such as pneumonia, which could be fatal to maintain.

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Influenza and influenza vaccination

Millions of people suffer from influenza each winter. The flu or influenza virus is caused by germs that are very small. Some viruses, such as what causes people to easily spread the flu.'s Influence can present as a minor disease in relatively young, healthy, but it can especially be a very serious illness in the elderly, people with a history of disease such as diabetes or heart disease.

Flu symptomsusually last 1-2 weeks, but the influence can become more serious than that. While your body is working to fight the flu, you may be more prone to other infections such as pneumonia. The elderly are particularly common flu, will face complications with that.

Influenza is highly contagious and easily from person to person, often through the air. E 'FORYOU can spread the flu to someone else before you evenfeel the symptoms and remain contagious for several days after starting to feel ill. You can influence the race, when someone sneezes or coughs, and the disease in your area. E 'can also get the flu if) they touch something that influenza virus (such as a door handle or telephone and then touching your nose or mouth.

The virus can exist on surfaces for hours, so it is very important to wash hands thoroughly when you know you have been in contact with someoneWho has the flu. Take, always wash hands before eating out and touching eyes, nose or mouth. If you can, try to stay away from someone you know is sick.

The distinction between the flu and cold

Even if the flu and colds have similar symptoms, can be distinguished by some trains. A cold is usually milder than the flu, but since the flu can lead to serious problems, it is important to recognizeDifferences.

Normal flu symptoms include fever, chills, dry cough, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. Some people with influenza can be a sore throat, sneezing, stuffy nose, or stomach problems, but symptoms are not as frequent. The flu virus is different from what some call "stomach flu", caused mainly digestive problems.


First annual flu vaccine, which containsthe flu vaccine, can help to stay healthy in good condition. Many insurance for the recording, you can get paid at the doctor's office or local health department. Many grocery stores and pharmacies also offer flu shots during a given year. Even if the shot can not guarantee the health for all, always the hit of a year can reduce your chances of catching influenza or minimize symptoms, if you want to go, too.

It is recommended that SeniorCitizens over 50 years should get flu shots once a year. In addition, the life or care provided for older people for older people should also get a flu vaccine every year.

The peak season for influenza to get the "flu season" is November to April. As the effects start recording in two weeks after receiving the vaccine, you should try to get the shot in October or early November. If you do not get a flu shotbefore flu season begins, is still a good idea to be shot.

The influenza virus changes often, every year is a bit 'different than last year. The vaccine is given every year to be amended to reflect changes in the virus. This is one reason vaccinated each year.

Most people do not experience the side effects associated with the influence to get flu vaccine and the vaccine is safer than the client. Some common reactions are shot atPain, redness or swelling at the injection site for up to two days after the coup. Some people experience mild fever and headache for about a day after receiving the blow. The flu vaccine can not get the flu.

Because eggs are used to make the vaccine if you are allergic to eggs, you can have a severe reaction to the coup and should not be vaccinated.


If you catch the flu, call your doctor to askany treatments that can help. Make sure you like other drugs to fight drugs, cancer or other drugs that your body can cite weaken the immune system. Prescription drugs are used antiviral drugs, influenza treatment. In antivirals within 48 hours of an outbreak of influenza, a decrease in the amount of time you feel bad.

Ask your doctor if you experience flu-like symptoms, when the doctor. Also known as your:

The fever goes away and then back again - and could signal a serious infection.
experience cardiac or respiratory problems or other serious health problems.
Do not you feel well and are not always best.
You develop a cough, the mucus is fattening.

Antivirals may be useful in preventing influenza. If you know of an influenza epidemic in your area, talk to your doctor about antiviral get a prescription for one. Prevention is the key, and the first choice for prevention of influenza is> Influenza vaccination.

If you are sick, make sure you leave yourself enough rest and enough fluids like fruit juices and water, avoiding alcohol. Medicine such as aspirin or paracetamol can be control fever and reduce pain and discomfort associated with the flu. Cigarette smoking should be avoided smoking, while having the flu because it irritated respiratory diseases are the ones that affect the lungs and nasal passages, which areas are the same. Try to take it easyUntil you feel better.

Bird Flu

Several types of influenza viruses appear from time to time, including the "bird" or "Bird Flu" influenza. This is an example of how changes in the influenza virus can lead to more serious diseases. Avian Flu is very rare in people, and in most cases, no human-to-person. This suggests that has not spread in humans, but that may change over time. New vaccines protect tohelpPeople from avian influenza are under way. Currently, the vaccine does not protect against avian influenza.

Key points

Influenza can be dangerous for the elderly.
There are ways to prevent influenza.
Seniors over 50 should be a flu vaccine every year.
Medicare covers the cost of the flu vaccine.
The flu vaccine is safe.

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Flu-like symptoms in children

Influenza is an acute viral infection. It is very contagious infection. It affects the airways of the nose and throat, which can sometimes be distributed in the lungs. E 'caused by each of the three virus types (A, B or C).

It affects people of all ages, but children are at increased risk of developing influenza and complications of influenza. The virus is multiplying in small droplets of saliva coughed or sneezed into the air by infected person. If the person breathes these droplets, the person. Spreading influenza infected, if someone with the virus touches many surfaces such as door handles with unwashed hands. Children are more likely to spread infection to other areas.

Flu Virus Symptoms may begin days after exposure, fifty-two with the flu. The influenza virus is fast and attacks the upper respiratory tract.

typical influenzaThe symptoms> include high fever, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, headache, dry cough, fatigue, etc. These symptoms usually last three four days, but cough and weakness may continue for 1-2 weeks, even after the fever has subsided.
For younger children, apart from the typical flu symptoms, there may be other respiratory infections such as bronchitis, croup or pneumonia. Just a couple of other symptoms that usuallyobserved in children are abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting is more significant than diarrhea. Fever is generally high and irritability can be marked.
In infants, the signs and symptoms of influenza are not reported and therefore can often unrecognized. The influence is less common in children younger than 6 months, but if the child experienced the influence and flu symptoms are weakness, poor nutrition, poor andCirculation.

There are some complications of influenza, the children come in. Are sinusitis, ear infections or pneumonia.

If you have children observe the influence of the above symptoms in your influence on confirmed the diagnosis, diagnostic tests for influenza, which should be), known as direct fluorescent antibody (DFA conducted. Secretions from the back of the nasopharynx, or space back of the nose is obtained for this diagnostic test.

In cases where the diagnosis that the child with the flu occurs, you must ensure that your child consumes an excessive amount of liquids and get adequate rest. Aspirin should never be given the fever in particular, young people suffering from flu-like symptoms, without the advice of a doctor. administer aspirin to children and young people with the flu can lead to a rare but serious syndrome known as Reye. To alleviate the influenceChildren may have symptoms, your doctor will be given medicines that contain aspirin is recommended, for example. In cases where the child flu symptoms the best, but then the child relapses with fever and cough worse, you should consult your doctor.

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When planning a vaccination drive against influenza Remember Consensus

Influenza or flu can be very devastating in the workplace, if proactive measures are not taken. For employees stay healthy and avoid illness, employers have decided to participate in many influenza vaccination in the workplace units. This unity of vaccination are planned and scheduled by the employer and the employee can work to get the flu vaccine, without fail. There are several steps involved in organizing a successful influenceThe vaccination drive and one of these steps with the participants fill out a consent form. Informed consent is an essential part of this process.

The explanation of the influenza vaccine -

The consent form provides employees with information about both influenza and influenza vaccine. This module is a brief explanation, such as flu or flu spreads, its symptoms, and symptoms can last for as long as this. After approval50-20 percent of the municipality affected may each year from influenza. For this reason, the information contained influenza vaccinations are the helps participants understand the reasons for participating in a year.

Participants fill out the form required to meet the nine "yes" or "no". These issues include things like: Do you have allergies? Do you have any complaints? Are you taking drugs? The workplaceThe administration of vaccinations to verify information on the form of vaccines and the data will determine the eligibility of participants to obtain influenza vaccine. The consent form also encourages participants to read parts of medicine information for consumers titled "Before receiving (influenza vaccine)" and "side effects".

The consent form also recommended to the participants, what they can expect after receiving the vaccination. FluThe vaccines often produce side effects, most of which are not serious and do not require medical intervention. Side effects of flu vaccine can redness, swelling or tenderness at the injection site. Some participants may be symptoms such as fever, muscle aches and mild. These side effects usually only last a few days. When the side effects that promote the informed consent of all parties to seek medical help.

That the signing of the consent form means-

If a participant signs the consent form to receive the flu vaccine, they're saying that you have read and understood the information contained in the consent and medical information for consumers. The participants confirmed that they had their questions satisfactorily by a doctor or pharmacist before vaccination. Finally, by signing the consent form participants agree, the influenza vaccine produced by administrationCompanies.

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The symptoms and precautions for pigs

From Sunday, April 26 said that the United States, a public health emergency is suspected or confirmed cases reported from many parts of the world. If a pandemic comes, it could be very serious for human health and the global economy, certainly not more bad news can also do the same.

A pandemic is an epidemic that spread throughout the world and often cause more serious disease outbreaks. The swine flu has killed many people in Mexico, the heartof the outbreak and the epidemic has features that a global pandemic could be recommended.

The flu virus is usually caused by the flu. Typically, viruses infect only one species, the influenza virus in human beings differ from those of birds and pigs. But this unusual pig flu virus is different because it is the mix of genes from a product, humans, pigs and poultry. Thus, the virus that hit the pig now spread between people and people affecteddoes not affect the pigs have direct contact with infected animals with.

The danger is that further changes in the genes, a virus that can move very quickly with people to create and produce more severe disease. It can be transmitted through sneezing and coughing, or skin-to-skin contact, like shaking hands or kissing an infected person.

The biggest concern now is that this virus is so new that people have little or no immunity to it still have the vaccine.Deaths in Mexico, in healthy young adults. In past pandemics, such as the 1918 1919 flu pandemic, was also young, healthy people who die more.

As of now there is no vaccine. The new virus is run by two antiviral drugs, oseltamivir and zanamivir. Based on experience with other influenza viruses, treatment is more effective if given within 2 days the symptoms begin.

The first symptoms of influenzaViruses such as that of the regular annual flu: fever, muscle aches, runny nose and sore throat. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may be more to this than the normal swine flu influenza.
Adults, adolescents and children aged 3 to 12 years, more troubling signs are as follows:

oShortness breath
vomiting oPersistent
Children up to 2, more troubling signs are as follows:
Quick OveryBreathe
interaction oNot not normally eat or drink normally, with abnormally irritable or appears to be unusually drowsy
oHigh fever and rash
oA blue lips and skin

How to protect yourself from catching influenza virus, the same procedure we take the cold or the flu would prevent all:

oWash hands or alcohol-based cleansers often.
Or when you greet the people, not the hand or with the kisses exchanged.
oAvoid contact with peoplewith flu-like symptoms.
Ound to protect others if you develop sneezing and coughing, be sure to use tissues to wipe your nose and cover your mouth and throw the tissue in the trash or toilet bowl.

Just in case you're curious to know if the process of getting the virus is suspected. A fever of 38 ° C or more accompanied by a cough, sore throat and runny nose is a good reason to be suspicious. He added, if these symptoms occur within seven daysTravel to affected areas and close contact with confirmed or probable cases of swine flu, have good reasons for the bells of panic. If you are then be tested untypeable influenza A positive, and if the strain is, which means it will not show the diagnostic tests for seasonal flu strains that already exist. I am definitely in the red zone.

A laboratory confirmation of influenza virus from a swine diagnostic test kits tested by a laboratory WHO Collaborating CentreYou immediately hospitalized and treated with Tamiflu or Relenza as a preliminary course of medication.

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Home remedies for flu symptoms - These remedies can help relieve pain during the influenza season

It 'good to put some home remedies for flu symptoms, every year around the beginning of flu season. Influenza viruses are starting to appear like clockwork every year around the beginning of October and usually lasts until April.

Some recommend the flu vaccine every year to fight infection, especially when they are elderly. I avoided the flu shot for many years and have decided my chances with anatural approach to nutrition. I can not say that this line works best for everyone, but it worked for me.

If you do catch the flu this year, here are some home remedies that can alleviate their pain.

Dietary Home Remedies

Honey. If you have a continuous coughing, hacking, test a little 'honey. The Chines have used it for thousands of years Honey.as a cough medicine. Simply mix a tablespoon of honey with a cup of hotWater and a splash of lemon juice. The honey acts as an expectorant, which helps the flow of mucus.

Bouillon. Beef or chicken broth helps keep you hydrated and nutrients you need. It will also help to liquefy mucus secretions.

The acidic properties of Lemon lemon aid. To eliminate bacteria and mucous membranes. Lemon oil is antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. The oil acts as an expectorant as well. The best waysolve the problem is to put a cut lemon with the skin in a cup of boiling hot water. While steep for a few minutes, you can breathe the steam.

Home Herbal Remedies

Mustard. The ancient Romans used mustard as a remedy for colds, flu and chest. Mustard contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Take 1 tablespoon of mustard powder and mix to do with 3-4 tablespoons of flour, 1 egg and cold water to a paste. Take on the cleanTissues and smear the mustard on it. Apply to the breast every few minutes.

Peppermint. If you are running a high fever, mint tea can help to cool your help. Peppermint contains menthol, a decongestant, which helps to remove clogged sinuses.

Timo. Your upper respiratory mucous membranes of dissolution and prevention of bacteria settling on Just make a cup of thyme tea, adding a teaspoon to a cup of thymeboiling water. Let steep for a few minutes and add some delicious honey.

These are some home remedies for flu symptoms, you can use to help you season to get back on track during the winter flu.

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The symptoms of H1N1

H1N1, commonly known as swine flu influenza, the influenza strain that has affected a large group of people around the world - millions in the U.S. alone, 22 spread from one person coughing, sneezing or touching something with virus H1N1, and then another person in contact with the virus and then transmit the virus to their eyes, nose or mouth.

The symptoms of the H1N1 virus are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu.The symptoms> include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle / body aches, headache and fatigue. Some people also complain of vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms of severe H1N1 can range from mild a. People who are aware and can potentially contagious H1N1 disease from day 1, prior to deployment of up to 7 sick days or longer on it.

Seek medical emergency if any of the following symptoms:

Breathing problems
-No tears when crying
Fever with rash
-Bluish skin color
-Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Not drinking enough fluids
Do not wake up or not interacting
Being irritable, so that the child will not be held
- As the flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

In adults:
Sudden dizziness
Breathing or shortness of breathRespiratory
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
-Severe or persistent vomiting
- As the flu-like symptoms, improve your return with fever and cough, but worse

People who are often infected with H1N1 develop immunity and can not be vulnerable once again to the same virus. Precautions should still be taken, especially for people with weakened immune systems and / or false positive results.

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