Millions of people suffer from influenza each winter. The flu or influenza virus is caused by germs that are very small. Some viruses, such as what causes people to easily spread the flu.'s Influence can present as a minor disease in relatively young, healthy, but it can especially be a very serious illness in the elderly, people with a history of disease such as diabetes or heart disease.
Flu symptomsusually last 1-2 weeks, but the influence can become more serious than that. While your body is working to fight the flu, you may be more prone to other infections such as pneumonia. The elderly are particularly common flu, will face complications with that.
Influenza is highly contagious and easily from person to person, often through the air. E 'FORYOU can spread the flu to someone else before you evenfeel the symptoms and remain contagious for several days after starting to feel ill. You can influence the race, when someone sneezes or coughs, and the disease in your area. E 'can also get the flu if) they touch something that influenza virus (such as a door handle or telephone and then touching your nose or mouth.
The virus can exist on surfaces for hours, so it is very important to wash hands thoroughly when you know you have been in contact with someoneWho has the flu. Take, always wash hands before eating out and touching eyes, nose or mouth. If you can, try to stay away from someone you know is sick.
The distinction between the flu and cold
Even if the flu and colds have similar symptoms, can be distinguished by some trains. A cold is usually milder than the flu, but since the flu can lead to serious problems, it is important to recognizeDifferences.
Normal flu symptoms include fever, chills, dry cough, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. Some people with influenza can be a sore throat, sneezing, stuffy nose, or stomach problems, but symptoms are not as frequent. The flu virus is different from what some call "stomach flu", caused mainly digestive problems.
First annual flu vaccine, which containsthe flu vaccine, can help to stay healthy in good condition. Many insurance for the recording, you can get paid at the doctor's office or local health department. Many grocery stores and pharmacies also offer flu shots during a given year. Even if the shot can not guarantee the health for all, always the hit of a year can reduce your chances of catching influenza or minimize symptoms, if you want to go, too.
It is recommended that SeniorCitizens over 50 years should get flu shots once a year. In addition, the life or care provided for older people for older people should also get a flu vaccine every year.
The peak season for influenza to get the "flu season" is November to April. As the effects start recording in two weeks after receiving the vaccine, you should try to get the shot in October or early November. If you do not get a flu shotbefore flu season begins, is still a good idea to be shot.
The influenza virus changes often, every year is a bit 'different than last year. The vaccine is given every year to be amended to reflect changes in the virus. This is one reason vaccinated each year.
Most people do not experience the side effects associated with the influence to get flu vaccine and the vaccine is safer than the client. Some common reactions are shot atPain, redness or swelling at the injection site for up to two days after the coup. Some people experience mild fever and headache for about a day after receiving the blow. The flu vaccine can not get the flu.
Because eggs are used to make the vaccine if you are allergic to eggs, you can have a severe reaction to the coup and should not be vaccinated.
If you catch the flu, call your doctor to askany treatments that can help. Make sure you like other drugs to fight drugs, cancer or other drugs that your body can cite weaken the immune system. Prescription drugs are used antiviral drugs, influenza treatment. In antivirals within 48 hours of an outbreak of influenza, a decrease in the amount of time you feel bad.
Ask your doctor if you experience flu-like symptoms, when the doctor. Also known as your:
The fever goes away and then back again - and could signal a serious infection.
experience cardiac or respiratory problems or other serious health problems.
Do not you feel well and are not always best.
You develop a cough, the mucus is fattening.
Antivirals may be useful in preventing influenza. If you know of an influenza epidemic in your area, talk to your doctor about antiviral get a prescription for one. Prevention is the key, and the first choice for prevention of influenza is> Influenza vaccination.
If you are sick, make sure you leave yourself enough rest and enough fluids like fruit juices and water, avoiding alcohol. Medicine such as aspirin or paracetamol can be control fever and reduce pain and discomfort associated with the flu. Cigarette smoking should be avoided smoking, while having the flu because it irritated respiratory diseases are the ones that affect the lungs and nasal passages, which areas are the same. Try to take it easyUntil you feel better.
Bird Flu
Several types of influenza viruses appear from time to time, including the "bird" or "Bird Flu" influenza. This is an example of how changes in the influenza virus can lead to more serious diseases. Avian Flu is very rare in people, and in most cases, no human-to-person. This suggests that has not spread in humans, but that may change over time. New vaccines protect tohelpPeople from avian influenza are under way. Currently, the vaccine does not protect against avian influenza.
Key points
Influenza can be dangerous for the elderly.
There are ways to prevent influenza.
Seniors over 50 should be a flu vaccine every year.
Medicare covers the cost of the flu vaccine.
The flu vaccine is safe.
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