How to reduce the risks of influenza in children

This is because they work for the school to share the physical contact and do not wash their hands more, as often as they should. Not to mention that not all children the importance of covering your mouth with a tissue or the crook of his arm when you sneeze or cough, so that contaminated air is constantly growing.

Teach your children leave

Often prevent the flu as simple hygiene practice is practice. Here are some things youshould take the time to teach your child.

Handwashing - the importance of hand washing can not be exaggerated. Since the child is in constant touch something, another classmate, playmate, or a family member, they must understand that they need these germs to wash their hands.

· Touch Face - Each time the child touches the mouth, eyes and nose, that the risk of contamination by germs that are on your hands. They should be taughtDo not touch your face.

· Sneezing and coughing etiquette - Teach your children that it is ok to cough and sneeze into the air. They need to learn is to cover the mouth with a tissue or the inside of the elbow. If any of these shares held by, any virus that sold them in his hand, and then everything they touch is contaminated run.

Nose blowing - It 's surprising and disappointing how many children do not know how to blowNose. Yes, it takes a little 'patience, but parents must take the time to teach their children how to perform this little act. It should also be instructed to submit their tissues in the trash after so well and can not be released to the environment.


The easiest way to protect your child from an annual vaccination. While influenza vaccination does not guarantee that the flu throughout the season, when the strain changes, is still strongly reduced through theirRisks. If your child under the age of nine years and has never been vaccinated need two shots, 21 days away.

Symptoms to watch for

It 'important to know the symptoms, not the only way to provide prompt attention to this issue, but even so you can then keep your child from school that do not infect other classmates and teachers.'s Influence in children is usually characterized a weakness of fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, headache,Fatigue and muscle aches. Other less common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and nausea, which may be worse off dehydration.

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The symptoms of influenza virus - know the difference between H1N1 and ordinary flu

Swine influenza is a health concern number one worldwide. HI1N1 flu and swine flu was the first time in 2009, discovered in the U.S. in April. The areas most affected were the first in Canada and Mexico before the world began H1N1 influenza cases occur in others. In a short span of four months, the disease has spread to almost all regions of the world. World Health Organization has identified as an H1N1 pandemic, a major epidemic that affects the whole country ormaybe the world. Usually the signs of a pandemic, when to stop a virus without immunity, are distributed in different parts of the world.

Risk factors of the swine flu
The swine flu spreads from person to person in the same way as normal seasonal flu virus to spread. People at high risk for seasonal influenza are at high risk for influenza H1N1. For example, people over 65, pregnant women, children under 5 years and those withchronic diseases and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes are at high risk.

The symptoms of swine flu
The children, the symptoms of H1N1 are:
1. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
2. skin color or gray-blue
3. Drainage
4. Continued from severe vomiting
5. Not able to interact properly with people, irritable
6th flu-like symptoms, cough and fever

In adults, symptoms ofSwine flu include:
1. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
2. Pain in the chest or stomach
3. Sudden dizziness or loss of energy
4. Severe or persistent vomiting
6th flu-like symptoms, cough and fever

The symptoms of the H1N1 virus is similar to it, people get on a normal seasonal influenza, and so, such as fever, sneezing, coughing, muscle aches, headache, chills, sore throat and fatigue are common. Diarrhea and vomiting arealso symptoms of influenza, which have been associated with some cases also known as influenza A.

How do I start the swine flu?
The H1N1 flu is transmitted in the same season. Influenza viruses are usually spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with the flu. Some people can do with the deadly H1N1 through contact, the virus has on him and then takes his nose or mouth infection.

How can someone with the influenza virus to infect someone else?
Infected people can actually infect others from the first day, before they even get symptoms. This means that there are possibilities that could happen sick before the flu symptoms, he or she knows that she or he is.

How can I protect myself from the swine flu, how can I prevent H1N1 virus?
There is no vaccine that can protect you or the prevention of the H1N1 virus> Flu. One can only hygiene and to ensure that the germs that can cause diseases such as influenza to prevent its spread. Here are ways you can prevent the flu from:

1. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough. Throw the tissue in the trash after sneezing in it.

2. Wash hands with liquid hand wash as Dettol or ring of life, especially after you cough or sneeze.

3. Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose. BacteriaIn this way, to spread.

4. Avoid contact with infected people. This is sad, but then the highly infectious disease.

5. If you get too sick with the flu at home and not go to school or work. Limit contact with people so they are not infected.

6. Salary not crowded rooms.

7. Increase the airflow in the room by opening windows for ventilation.

8. Sleep eating nutritious food and practice healthy habits, so thatIf you are physically active and free from the flu.

How long can the virus of swine remain on things like furniture and door handles?
According to medical experts, the influenza virus on environmental surfaces and infected people between 2 and 8 hours after being deposited on things like door handles remain, books, etc. H1N1 can spread germs when a person touches an infected area or an infected person and then touches their eyes, ears, nose or mouth. Cough or sneeze droplets from aninfected person to travel through the area. If a person comes into contact with droplets of sneezing or touching another person's things like books or writing of that person, which is contaminated with droplets sneezed, and touches his eyes, mouth, nose, etc., before to wash their hands, can a contract the virus.

What are the medications and treatments?
In oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) can deal with H1N1, but they should be taken in the early stages of the disease.Antiviral drugs or prescription drugs to the immune system and keep the flu at bay and prevent them from reproducing in the body. Therefore, you should start the anti-viral drugs given within two days or symptoms of influenza H1N1.

How do I prevent H1N1 in high risk areas?
They live in places where people have been infected with the virus H1N1 or influenza-like-mentioned symptoms are then you should stay home and avoid contact, ifwith these people. If you develop flu-like symptoms, left to chance and not a doctor immediately. Your doctor or your doctor will tell you if the H1N1 influenza test is required.

The WHO has recommended the use of a mask?
If you are not ill or if you do not live in high-risk areas, it is not required to wear a mask. When a loved one is ill H1N1, it is necessary to wear a mask, because you are sick, in close contact withPerson. Discard the mask after you wash and clean the contact and your hands thoroughly. With the mask is really important because it is wrong to spread the infection.

How is it possible to distinguish between seasonal influenza and H1N1 swine influenza?
You can not tell the difference without the advice of a doctor about them. Since both the symptoms of illnesses such as colds are the same cough, headache, sneezing, fever, etc., only your doctor can tell if you have the H1N1 virus. InThe symptoms with the doctor suspects that you have your blood, nasal (nose to mouth) and throat swabs to laboratories.

Home remedies for fever:
There are home remedies, especially if you have the flu, to see whether it is H1N1 or season. The H1N1 antiviral drugs requires treatment because it is a matter of emergency. However, it is possible to prevent the spread of swine and strengthen the immune system, follow these steps:
1. WashTheir hands properly before a meal, not only with soap and water.
2. A face mask in front of it outside. If someone coughs or sneezes near you, cover your mouth and nose with the palm trees or a handkerchief. Swine flu in the body through the mouth and nose.
3. Drinking tea with lemon balm, because it has anti-viral properties.
4. Chew cloves fresh garlic, because it is anti-viral properties as well.
5. Steam inhalation with eucalyptus or chamomile can three times a day to relievepulmonary congestion and prevent the symptoms of influenza virus.

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Natural remedies for cold - 3 strategies to combat course, colds and flu

Natural remedies for cold vary, as there are over 200 known strains of cold viruses. As with many diseases, the best treatment for colds is a good prevention. Have you developed a cold, it is usually necessary to run its course. In the meantime, the symptoms should seek to stop the treatment available, so much.

Congestion and mucus treatment

Inhalation of steam with natural oils is a great natural cold remedies, particularlywhen fighting the mucus and congestion symptoms. humidifier and use a few drops of peppermint oil on thick, sticky mucus to dissolve you. Even a few drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil is great for combating traffic congestion. If you do not use a portable humidifier, a hot shower to help your bottlenecks. also helps to have a hot bath with about 5 to 10 drops of lavender and 5 drops of cinnamon oil, not only with traffic jams, but it is good ifChills.


One of the best natural cold remedy is to eat the right foods when you feel a cold. high in essential vitamins and minerals can sometimes stop the infection, when all put together in the early stages of some common cold Foods. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to others who are high in vitamin A, B and C, such as bananas, oranges, grapefruits, grapes, strawberries and other natural energy booster. In addition, herbal teas and fruit juices, hotencourages the body to fight effectively against the common cold. Avoid foods that produce mucus, especially milk and other dairy products. In addition, pastries, cakes and other refined carbohydrates cause more harm than good in this period. And above all, as always hydrated with plenty of natural fruit juices such as orange juice or grapefruit and residence. And do not forget to drink plenty of water.

Super Food

Regular consumption of garlic is particularly useful in increasingResistance to respiratory infections and colds. Garlic is particularly useful when eaten raw. To avoid the smell and taste of raw garlic, you can also use the capsules, although it can not be as powerful as the natural product of raw materials. Cayenne, which has been used for centuries by Indians, is another powerful weapon in the fight against the cold. Take a quarter teaspoon to a cup of juice to stimulate blood circulation and build your immune system. To really give the immune systemto increase, some ginger and boil cinnamon to taste. How to drink hot tea to combat the symptoms and colds.

You have to go is not always to buy drugs and medicine to treat the symptoms of colds and flu. Cold Natural remedies may in some cases as well. In addition, you are increasing the immune system to prevent and fight colds and infections in the future. As always, if the cold is getting worse, it is always best to seek the advice of a doctor. But first fix,Give you these tips.

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Sauna and medical issues - can a sauna help me the flu?

The Europeans have been using saunas for many generations. Finland - In fact, the sauna was invented in Europe. I was with them much longer than the North Americans, and are much more familiar with the many uses of the sauna and what it does to the body. Many Americans believe that a sauna to lose only good for a few calories or sweating is a pair of toxins in the body, but the sauna has many more useful benefits for the body of these twoThings.

Saunas have been known to treat arthritis, back pain, and basically any type of chronic pain. You can also remove a headache and sinus headache and pain. Perhaps the cure that saunas are most famous for the cure for the symptoms of colds and flu.

There can not believe that sitting in a small room, sweating, and you can not handle the heat is more to consider than cure sneezing and coughing, but have been shown to saunas to do so. Thinkit: people almost never get sick with colds or flu in summer, but almost all (in North America, at least) is provided with at least one cold in winter. The reason is not because of the cold. Despite what your mother always said, do not walk around in your bare feet on a cold floor in the future make it "catch your death of cold!" There are only two reasons why we take more colds in winter. One is that we are in close contact with each otherthe seeds of the common cold, and not only to travel far, and the number two reason that we do not sweat a lot in winter.

Colds and flu germs are still circulating in the summer, but with the warmer weather, our skin sweats germs (most times anyway!) Even before we recognize that some germs in our body. Obviously if we go into the sauna and sweat, this has the same effect it makes when you sweat in the summer. Even if youmeet in a hot sauna twenty or thirty minutes, your body sweats more in less time and can and will maximize the results. Not everyone has the same reaction to the heat of the sauna, and not all people will have more success going to their cold and flu symptoms for a sauna, but the majority of the population able to relieve their bodies of these diseases.

One important thing to remember, when you visit apublic sauna when suffering from flu or a cold is for you to bring some toiletries. I'm sure not to transmit the illness to someone else, it is important to remember that the sauna is disinfected before leaving Sat

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swine flu symptoms can be prevented with herbs?

Swine Flu or H1N1 influenza virus can easily be misconstrued as a municipality. It has all the symptoms of the common flu and that is why the continents are spreading like wildfire all over. Some people have argued recently that, not only to traditional Chinese medicine used to inhibit the infection but to cure this deadly virus. An article from Ditan Hospital in Beijing has published this has been shown explicitly.

Ganoderma one of the largest traditional Chinese medicine, which proved to be effective for a range of modern health problems, but how we can help our fight against the influenza virus in swine Well, I have no doubt about ganoderma, but as can we be sure that can really help us or our family. I have read a number of reports of symptoms of the H1N1 virus and precautions for preventing the influenza virus that is infected by it.

If we look atThe symptoms> of swine flu, which is none other than the symptoms, the influenza virus are often caused by colds or the flu can be caused by or not. Well, if we avoid these symptoms, you can easily prevent infection with H1N1 virus. We can be the symptoms of this contagious infection with swine influenza H1N1 positive test and without any of. I do not think anyone can ignore this deadly symptoms of the infectedVirus.

How Ganoderma in preventing symptoms of swine flu?

Prevention of cold or cold
Preventing cough
Prevent fatigue of the body
anti-inflammatory properties of Ganoderma prevent fever
Headache and muscle aches
Neck pain
Nasal congestion

If you are healthy and fit, with or without the help of Ganoderma herbs or other traditional or alternative, and his immune system is good too, can easily prevent infected with eachvirus as if he / she is also some caution.

These are the herbs as a preventative measure to maintain the health of some quiet time is further improved immune system and thus less likely infected.

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The best tea to drink when you have a cold

Dealing with a stuffy nose and head during the influenza season is not fun. If you have any over-the-counter medication and you may feel sleepy all day. This is not a good thing when you work with a day of 8 hours.

There are some herbs that are produced in a tea, can with little or no side effects. Now there is no guarantee that the grass is completely eliminate the common cold symptoms, but may help to address and overcome the day.

Some of the herbsare:

Gold Seal
Plantain (also known as The Star of herbs)

These are some of these symptoms, cold and flu.

Echinacea have been known to build immunity. This is good to use at the beginning of a flu or cold, and turns it into a tea with hot water is the best way to release their healing properties. If you drink tea or take it more in the form of tablets as a useMonth. The best way is the month, one month before the Echinacea.

Elder is great for upper respiratory tract. This herb helps the respiratory system and helps remove mucus from the lungs. It is also known to minimize allergic reactions. You can contribute as a hot tea, move mucus from the lungs. Make a tea with elderberry, raspberry and lemon, to relieve the symptoms of colds.

Peppermint can help clear the nasalSteps using boiling water, then inhaling the vapors. This helps the nose and chest congestion clear. Many also use it as a tea, I've done it many times and I have immediate relief of nasal congestion.

Goldenseal can be effective with your mucous membranes. E 'known to reduce inflammation, clearing mucus from head to toe. The advantage is its anti-viral and anti-bacterial. If you seem to be brutally coldgoldenseal can dry out the mucus rapidly slow the growth of bacteria and give peace of mind while you sip.

Plantain is one of their names. It 'also called the Star of herbs, and Buckhorn known. This herb is great if the cold weather came in like gangbusters, so you feel like you're drowning in water. It 's fast, your mucous membranes dry quickly. Take the plantains, made it clear the jam. The tea can be made from this plant has rich green vegetablesTaste. The effects can be calm and cool.

These are just some of the herbs, influenza can be effective and help to cope with a bad cold. Many of them can be found in the tea section of most grocery stores in medicinal teas. Or if you have access to them and buy a herbal medicine can be done separately, you can easily brew.

Just bring the water to a boil and pour over the herbs and leave to infuse, as it does with regular tea leaves.

IfPrescription medications, consult your doctor first to get the grass, how can it be a reaction to drug-related cause.

Enjoy with caution.

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Five tips of swine influenza

Everyone is concerned about the swine flu virus, or H1N1, and I'm sure everyone wants to know what they are doing prevention of swine flu. Here is a list of 5 things you should know when the flu worried that interest you, or try to prevent swine.

. 1 do not panic. Do you have a cold or the flu, it is likely that there are only a cold or the flu. When you do things that normally would get rid of a cold or flu, and the clock marksFlu-worsening to the point of needing medical care a.

According to the symptoms are the same. Swine flu symptoms are almost identical to those of flu, with the possible addition of vomiting and diarrhea. Expect to have (in any combination), sore throat, fever, cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, muscle aches, chills and fatigue.

Third Watch for it! Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure orAbdomen, sudden dizziness, confusion, severe or persistent vomiting and flu-like symptoms that improve, but then again deteriorated with fever or cough. These are all signs that your swine flu, the H1N1 variety, or, and you must immediately consult a doctor.

Protect yourself quarter. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the doctors decided that the best way to prevent influenza with pigs and wash their hands thoroughly and often holdas clean as possible. hand sanitizer will also help reduce the risk.

Make the fifth new habits. The CDC does not yet know if the current H1N1 virus remain throughout the summer, but it never hurts to be prepared. Get in the habit now with hand sanitizer. Get in the habit of multi-vitamins, preferably vitamin C, zinc and other minerals that strengthen the immune system. Another good habit is to use a product designed specifically immune-boostingstrengthen the immune system.

Knowledge is power. Make sure you stay informed of the fall of swine influenza situation throughout the summer and that, and you should be fine. Keep yourself protected and buying habits of a good prevention.

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Natural Remedies for influenza A (H1N1)

Since the outbreak of swine flu, some people started the types of remedies, the disease to avoid all these fears. Of course, people have the oldest system of medicine, Ayurveda considered to prevent this disease. While there is no mention of swine flu in Ayurvedic texts, such as flu-like symptoms, but were created in Let's figure exactly how Ayurveda can help the flu at bay.

In Ayurveda, flu symptomsFever, joint pain, neck pain, chills, weakness, the symptoms are similar H1NI virus. It is believed that the attacks of influenza is the result of reduced levels of foreign immunity weakens the body's own mechanism to fight. So, to treat influenza virus Ayurveda mentions some herbs, microorganisms can help the body strengthen its immune system and help fight a foreign account.

Herbs may prevent the swine flu
There are some time tested herbsAyurveda, which can be effective in preventing influenza, including neem, ginger, pepper and elderberry extract. Triphala, the body is strong internally after taking these herbs herbs like echinacea and then get completely removed the symptoms of influenza could have a turn.

Importance of Echinacea
Echinacea is an important plant in Ayurveda to treat a much every kind of influence. It is used as a natural antibiotic that treats infections on the risethe body's resistance to disease and helps purify the blood. Other things, such as vitamin C and zinc oxide are also useful in combating the symptoms of influenza.

Overall analysis
Looking at the above list of herbs, it is clear that if you have symptoms, you should be able to exchange any other flu as soon as there is no need to panic, the influence is completely cured, but prevention is better than cure, so if is a weak stomach to tryTo strengthen with spices like turmeric and coriander in your diet and avoid waste and preserves. Under the proper rest also help.

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Common symptoms of influenza and their management

it comes to flu-like symptoms and how to manage was to take a first look, the difference between cold and flu symptoms.'s first cold symptoms, one or more of the following:

Nasal discharge
Neck pain

With influenza, you can transfer some or all of the above symptoms, but you will also:

Fever or chills
muscle aches or pain
and possibly gastrointestinalDisorders

You can immediately see through the symptoms of colds, influenza is more severe. Do not you would get a fever, unless your body is something that bothers a lot that is not responding.

A fever in itself is a good thing. It means that your body is actually doing with the crowd to throw agents trying to enter. The most severe fever, the healthier you are. The warmer the temperature, the weaker you are - your body just does not have the energyfight.

Imagine someone trying to break in your home. If you are willing and unwilling, it is likely that they are fighting a series of powerful and win. If they feel vulnerable and unprepared, chances are you did not fight and the thief will come through very well what he came for the hearing with you in this process.

Prepare your body to invasion by pathogens means afford to take things take their course. Children are not born with an immune system. You have to practiceFang mild disease.

Remember the chicken pox (and other childhood diseases) parties, where people would bring their children to catch? This is what it was.

Today, loaded in the vaccine world, this concept is no longer fashionable. But it is the best way for the immune system of children is to be strong.

Through experience.

Let it cool. Let them develop flu symptoms. Just keep an eye on things and a willingness to seek professional adviceif you think it is warranted.

A couple of days in bed may be all that is needed. And if a child has recovered from a disease without suppressing drugs, it is often possible to have a growth spurt. They needed to develop this experience.

It will become healthy adults, as a result.

Back to flu symptoms.

So you have a fever.

But probably even body aches. This can hurt in the form of muscle or bone pain. Only you can hear theDifference.

In addition to fever and body aches, gastrointestinal symptoms may also be necessary. Maybe in the form of nausea or vomiting or diarrhea.

Digestion requires a lot of energy, so if you are very sick, not feel hungry. For energy it takes to digest needed elsewhere.

The old adage of "starve a fever" is a very solid board. Do not ever groped feed the seriously ill effect.

But they continue to drink heavily.

Searchprofessional advice if it continues for more than a couple of days without any sign of improvement.

Homeopathic medicines work with the body rather than suppressing the symptoms. This means that you can effectively address the influence of your flu symptoms with a homeopathic remedy for your specific type. This will speed up the process without causing damage.

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Cold and flu than

If you only have a cold, which usually have absolutely no reason for a trip to the doctor and the time away from other patients, because the only thing a doctor tells you to drink to relax and basically deal with.

warning signs of a cold

Although the respiratory system is used by both viruses targeted, there are some simple ways to tell the difference between the two. The cold usually gives a warning signal that you can not pay Beware. There's a good chance that you start feeling a bit 'run down the first 1-2 days. You might feel a bit 'more tired than usual and almost all of the experiences of a scratch or sore throat.

Then in a few days the nose starts running and you start sneezing and you will probably have a feeling of tightness in the chest, but usually at the end of it. Then you begin to alleviate symptoms and leave you with a cough a bit 'longer, but overall,The symptoms> are quite mild compared to the flu.

Flu symptoms

The presence of fever is about the biggest difference between the cold and flu colds. They rarely adults with fever, it is not uncommon for children to get what the diagnosis difficult for a parent. A high fever is not the only sign of flu, but a sore throat, similar to this is almost always cold, but that usually comes inrather suddenly. Other symptoms include muscle pain, nasal congestion, cough and headache.

If you have flu, you usually do not know until it hits you hard. There are 24 or 48 hours warning signs, such as with a cold, so you can start preparing your body to eat and drink things that have to strengthen the immune system.

Need a doctor?

They are not always necessary to consult a doctor at the first sign of a cold or fever. InIn fact, members in Australia to recommend health to medical facilities, unless symptoms are severe, because they were overwhelmed by the influenza virus first appeared on the scene.

However, if you want to experience a severe and prolonged congestion, cough, fever, headache, confusion, difficulty breathing, vomiting or dizziness, you need a doctor, and in some cases you may also have to resort to emergency care. If symptoms are lefttoo long prone to develop inflammation of the lungs.

In addition, the cold and the flu have the potential to be very dangerous in children. When it appears as if drained or when a high fever, bluish skin or breathing, you should go to the emergency room immediately.

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How long does the swine flu?

Many wonder how long influenza virus occurs, but as with many other diseases depend on the strength of the attack and if other symptoms.

Basically, just remember that the swine flu is treatable and the earlier you get diagnosed, the better. It is better to wait for the advice of a doctor as soon as possible, instead of a couple of days to look longer? In the case of swine flu, have you caught in time, if not, then nothinglost. The apparent reason swine flu symptoms may come and go within 5 days. But for the victims of the flu, the symptoms are other complications, and can take up to 3 weeks or more, in the worst cases.

It is interesting to note that the swine flu if treated early and is free of other health problems (such as respiratory diseases independent) may be less likely to heal any medication that is also boost your immune system and makeSuffers from a future attack. Even if it is heard that the flu has worked on several body systems, parts of the disease is not paid in full. And ironic as it may seem, we see more cases faster treatments are fully available - as each case has the potential to advance our knowledge about the disease.

the contraction of the swine flu [] Despite dangerousHealth and life of fact, as already mentioned, is curable. It follows that the first sign of symptoms you should consult a physician

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What are the symptoms of flu vaccine?

In people with pretty good health system, with an average immune system of the vaccine against influenza symptoms are quite mild. You can expect a bit 'of fever, they are like your body is the creation of an antibody to the virus and the arm will be sore, because the shot is administered in the deltoid muscle of the arm. You may also experience fatigue and muscle pain, but usually a nice long nap without it.

You can blow the flu?

EachYear many people will always complain that the flu vaccine actually gave them the flu, but it is still possible. The virus is injected into the body destroyed, so it's impossible, you are sick. Traditionally, what has happened in these cases the individual has already had the virus was a coincidence that she happened to get sick at the same time. Also, are not protected for two weeks after they are vaccinated, so if youexposed to the virus is probably still get the flu during this time.

It should be noted that antibiotics are a lot of people assume that they have, when a fever or sore throat, flu is present, but inflammation of the throat caused by bacteria, not viruses, and requires a.

Scared to vaccinate your child?

If you are a parent in Australia, you are probably a lot of fear, doubt and confusion about whether you should take to make yourChild vaccinated or not. After the horror that children in Australia has seen, vaccination against influenza, it is understandable why parents are skeptical.

A vaccine Fluvax causes high fever and convulsions in at least 100 Australian children at the beginning of flu season in 2010. Suggest, however, suggests that when experts actually caught the same children without influenza vaccination gives a good possibility that they were worse. Thus, despite these negativeThe reactions are still encouraged parents to vaccinate their children.

Allergic reactions

It 's very important to know that the flu vaccination allergy symptoms you have the potential to be deadly in which each egg. Manufacturer of the vaccine against influenza is growing influenza virus in eggs in their laboratories before being destroyed. Therefore, immunization is not for those with allergies, egg, and that they are, who feels recommendedAn allergic reaction should seek medical attention immediately.


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The determination of influence

To the untrained eye, it may be difficult to determine the difference between the common cold and influenza. Although some symptoms can equal the severity could be significantly between the two. Within 2 or 3 days, the symptoms should be a doctor can determine if you have the flu or not. The early detection of symptoms would make a big difference for those who are at higher risk of complications. The people who should beUse extra care should be more than 65 years, chronic diseases, pregnant women, infants up to age 10 and anyone with asthma, diabetes or heart disease.

The understanding of the possible complications and able to help identify treatment or even prevent the further spread or possible losses. Major problems include dehydration, bacterial pneumonia, ear infections and breast cancer, as well as, or even death. Any condition that people who already sufferchronic problems, the influence is seriously deteriorating.

The symptoms and severity of flu can vary, depending on the individual. Not everyone reacts the same. Those who experience a stronger immunity milder symptoms for less money. Others must be taken to the hospital and see a real doctor.'s Influence can be very subtle, and healthy adults can infect others one day before, and continue to be contagious for up to5 days after showing the first symptoms. E 'was observed that a person may pass before you know it.

Prevention and protection is the best way to combat influenza. Ask your doctor what would be the best approach for you and your family. It can be seen in themselves or family members would be very useful soon. Search for:

Fever, usually high, headache, extreme tiredness, dry cough, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, muscle achesand stiffness, some individuals also nausea, vomiting or stomach upset.

Of the three types of influenza A and BC are the heaviest, and the type, generally mild and symptoms can pass with little to none. Although there are only three types of influenza, the spots of each year. Our bodies do their best shots to adapt to the changing virus, but the need for medical care and influence is always an option.

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Cold symptoms of H1N1 Vs

As a parent of a child is not in doubt), concerned about child contact with the H1N1 virus (Schweinegrippe.

Even adults want to know the difference between a garden variety cold and flu virus H1N1 or the municipality. Here are some symptoms to look for.

The symptoms of a cold ...

There is rarely a fever with a cold.
The cough is productive, it tends to be filled with mucus.
There are some minor muscle aches.
A stuffy noseusually resolves within a week.
Sneezing is common.
Rarely chills and fatigue are usually mild.
The symptoms of a cold take several days to become evident.
Headaches are rare, but the sore throat is usually present.
If there are complaints in the chest, it is generally easy to moderate.

The symptoms of the H1N1 virus (usually worse than seasonal flu) ...

Fever in 80% of cases, 100 degrees or more.
A dry cough and pain was observedand the pain can be severe.
Nasal congestion is usually not available.
Chills are felt in at least 60% of cases of influenza.
rates of moderate to severe fatigue.
Flu symptoms come quickly, usually within 12 hours.
severe headache and chest pain is felt.
Neck pain is usually not present.

The above information are the Red Cross guidelines for individuals to make intelligent decisions when it comes to their family health care. HospitalThe treatment is expensive and there are many people who take to the house instead of in the hospital emergency room they can.

The number of preventive medicine is a good hand washing. Do not shake hands and cough into your elbow. Stay home when sick. Nobody likes sharing a cold or flu symptoms o.

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Influence are natural remedies safe?

There are many different types of natural remedies for flu. And there are many reasons why people take care of the natural remedies for flu. The most important reason for this is that the side effects as a cure for drugs relies less likely. The theory is that the ingredients in their natural remedies that are naturally present in food every day and often have in your body.

Echinacea is a remedy that is out there that is homeopathy. It is a product of natureabundance of flowers and is commonly found in North America. Not only was found in the fight against influenza, but it is also believed to have positive effects in reducing tumors. The experiments showed that it could be to reduce the duration of colds by half, which makes for a good reason to take when you are sick.

Of course, one of the oldest natural remedies influence is vitamin C. This vitamin has the natural immune system to help scientists from those known to build. In fact, Dr.Linus Pauling was what it was originally "famous" by introducing it for that reason. The fact that vitamin C is found naturally in many citrus fruits and many vegetables, makes a good remedy for each family are on a regular basis, not just when you get down with the flu.

One of the most natural that many people do not necessarily think of is sleep a lot. The body heals itself when you sleep, and is one of the best ways to combatInfluenza, or keep them as a result of influenza. - The one is the reason many scientists believe that people should have 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day to stay healthy.

Finally, our company is a general problem of obesity and general deterioration of health. This is based on the fact that people do not get enough practice here in the U.S.. Thus, anti-influenza drugs would not be complete without a solid exercise therapy.

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Fatigue after that the influence is best treated with homeopathy

Tiredness after the flu can be normal when your strength level is not treated in an influence. By this I mean, is the treatment in the same direction that your body tries to leave, but can not for some reason.

Drugs usually fights the body goes against its natural direction. Therefore, the fatigue after the flu can so common.

If you had dealt with at a global level, your influence in an effort more than others have gone with the fluSymptoms.

Way I know to deal with the most influence holistic homeopathy. Homeopathy helps the body to pass through support in the direction of trying. This provides an energy boost with the right treatment.

Effort, along with fever and body aches are the symptoms of influenza. But people have unique symptoms that can only be on it. For example, if a person can have a fever to come quickly, while others may haveslowly over a few days.

A person can hurt your bones, while others may have muscle aches.

A person may fatigue is fatigue as a whole, while the next is the fatigue that they just have a little 'below average.

Everyone is different and each must be treated differently. And homeopathy is so good.

Although the general symptoms are similar, the more subtle symptoms are very different.

This is how homeopathy works. WithTreat your own, different and unique subtle symptoms. Look for them, and so you will regain control of your own health in the long run.

You can learn to lay down at home and / or you can try the services of a professional homeopath to treat. In both cases it may be experienced rapid resolution of fatigue after the flu.

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Eating to prevent influenza

With the spread of swine fever in the world, it is questionable whether there is anything you can to protect your family.

There are common-sense preventive measures can be taken to:
Stay away from people with coughs and colds
Wash your hands often
Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables
Before exercise
Getting enough sleep

And you can help spread the flu to stay home from when you are sick(Except for trips to the doctor.)

There are also a number of foods and vitamins, or help to prevent influenza, reduce the impact of symptoms and duration of the attack has the flu.

Food, strengthening the immune system -

Almonds, apricots, broccoli, Canteloup, carrots, cashews, celery, chicken, chocolate, citrus fruits, garlic, dark green, eggs, fruit, garlic, green tea, mango, meat, mushrooms, onions,Peaches, peanuts, pineapple, pumpkin, spinach, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, walnuts, watermelon.

important nutrients - (! out in the sun a bit ') antioxidants (particularly vitamin C and E and lycopene), vitamin A, vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid, protein, magnesium and zinc.

It 'very important move and reduce stress. Exercise reduces stress, so that the two go hand in hand. to help breathing exercises and yoga.

Food thatAnti-Virus

Apple, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, cayenne pepper, garlic, herbs, honey, lemon, mustard, onions, plums, raspberries.

Foods that help reduce flu-like symptoms and duration -

Garlic, Echinacea, cayenne, lemon juice (fresh), tomato juice, orange juice, vitamin C, ginger, green tea, chicken soup.

Avoid milk products
Using a humidifier or steam.

If you know you have the flu has been exposed, the symptoms do not wait.Start the attack immediately - Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink orange juice and green tea, and take vitamins - especially vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc. It is no coincidence that the flu season starts when we see the light of the sun the less stress. Vitamin D is very important.

And please, if you are sick - stay home. Do not go to school or work or the mall.
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Common symptoms of swine flu

As usual with outbreaks of disease little known or previously unknown, the uncertainty of swine influenza has created a climate of fear, panic.

There are steps were to remove the swine flu fears, at all levels to many, global, region, country, city and community.

Of course, it is in your interest to find out the symptoms of swine flu, can affect how and what to do if it works. What seems to be a positiveFlu aspect is the fact, the first symptoms appear, which are not so different from normal. However, you must have some information to differentiate. But when in doubt, consult a doctor.

The symptoms of swine flu

a temperature of about 100 degrees farenheit
Loss of appetite
Nausea or vomiting

Please note that if the above does not have any symptoms that might influence, neither of the above can become infected display a. Please treat it only as a guide and ask your doctor for further advice.

As with many other diseases, when the diagnosis is early, the less chance you have of escalation and at worst complications. Do not panic, but do not believe that someone sneezing pig showsInfluenza infection.

The last thing I want is something like a contract for pneumonia of swine influenza []. If you were an accident of pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections - your in a very rough ride.

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General information about the swine flu

The world is facing a severe influenza threat of swine flu. Currently, human cases of swine flu, the U.S. has reported from Mexico. Swine influenza virus has been reported in Mexico, where a number of human deaths the new strain, so the health authorities occurring situation was set to prevent such a state of high alert that a pandemic.

Swine flu is a respiratory disease), caused by an H1N1 influenza virus (Virus. The main symptoms are similar to seasonal flu such as fever, cough, loss of appetite, chills, nausea, sore throat, vomiting and diarrhea.

Swine flu drugs

There is currently no vaccine for the treatment of influenza virus. However, doctors believe the anti-viral drugs like Tamiflu and Relenza can be used to prove popular for the prevention and treatment purposes.

A popular prescription drug Tamiflu can helpTreatment of influenza type A infection, including influenza virus. Not only that, it can also prevent the flu. The main ingredient in Tamiflu is oseltamivir, the further spread of the virus within the body, provides the most ' immunity to react.

Tamiflu is available by prescription only, so you buy, you go to a doctor medical check-up. Once approved, it gives you a valid prescription, you can buy from any local Tamiflulicensed pharmacy. Another way to buy this drug over the Internet.

The doses of Tamiflu for the treatment and prevention of influenza can vary. Follow the advice of your doctor or pharmacist. In general, for therapeutic purposes, adults take one pill twice a day for five days. For measures to anticipate, can be a capsule a day for 10 days.

Since Tamiflu is a prescription medication that patients take part of it that will sufferits side effects such as nausea, vomiting, skin rash, abdominal pain and insomnia. And for patients to take Tamiflu with food as it can lower the intensity of these side effects is advisable. Remember, a proven drug Tamiflu to treat flu and is beneficial to the prevention of influenza.

Another name Relenza flu treatment that contains ingredients zanamivir (5mg) and lactose (20 mg) to effectively treat influenza type A and B infections. This influenceTreatment comes in powder form, inhaled twice daily for five days or at least once a day for a maximum of 28 days.

Swine flu prevention

Relenza flu you can take to prevent infection for influenza, including pigs. It prevents the virus from spreading in the body and strengthens the entire immune system.

Apart from taking any anti-viral drugs, it is possible each day to prevent infection with influenza virusThe preventive measures. First of all is to avoid contact with an infected person. You should always try to keep a distance, and if he or she is your neighbor and dearest, and then the mask when you go to the nearest person.

If you are ill due to influenza infection, always staying at home to prevent the spread when you cough or sneeze on you cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

It is to preserve, such as good personal hygiene. Always wash your hands, because it protectsFrom germs. you should avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, as if the possibility of spreading germs if you have touched the affected area is increasing.

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All about the influence

During the winter months more people are infected with the flu. The symptoms of influenza are dangerous and some people are even life threatening. With the help of healthcare resources and influence natural remedies can prevent flu in order to avoid the need to influence. You know how certain things, how much influence, how is it different from a cold, flu, such as spread and all easily infected. To prevent influenza infectedWe must, we have an answer to all these questions.

Define Flu

The flu is short for influenza. This is a highly contagious disease which is in two forms of the virus, influenza A and B classified. The influenza A and B attacks us from our respiratory tract.

Difference between colds and flu

Sometimes, the symptoms of colds and flu are similar. Both colds and flu are respiratory virus infections. flu symptoms worsen with time. Cold weaken slightly, but the influence can destroy the health and make your bed shaking with a simple idea.

If you are suffering from a cold, congestion and sneezing, sore throat. Symptoms like cough, headache and anxiety in the breast are the same for patients with colds and flu. In addition to these symptoms> Influenza patients with high fever, headache, fatigue and weakness. Such as influenza, common cold is not life threatening. Good anti-viral drugs can help reduce infections in colds and flu.

The difference between influenza and stomach flu

gastroenteritis stomach flu is very often nowadays. is the irritation of the stomach and intestines. gastroenteritis and stomach flu may be caused by contaminated foodbathwater. Common symptoms of gastroenteritis are upset stomach, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

flu symptoms are not good at all and are worse than stomach flu. Flu comes on suddenly, so that you can never know how and when you have been infected by the virus. Flu enters the body through the nose and above within the airways.

How is it transmitted the influence

You can preventflu spreads, once you know how common it is. flu is very contagious, so of course it spreads from person to person through the air in crowded places like shopping centers, cinemas, market places, classrooms, dormitories College, barracks, offices and nursing homes and in places where ventilation is not up to the mark or if it is in direct contact with an infected person.

They are in direct contact with the influenza virus inYou inhale the virus, along with the air in the atmosphere or something like that when you touch the infected person has touched earlier by one. In the latter case occurs when the virus infects touch your face or head.

To prevent the spread of flu, you must have clean hands by washing hands frequently with disinfectant or alcohol-based hand.

Who can have flu complications?

About a newborn to a senior person canreceive influenza. But people with weakened immune systems and people who already suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, kidney disease, bronchitis, asthma and AIDS have highest risk of influenza infection.

Today we have available to provide remedies and treatments that can prevent a flu-like symptoms so far. Influenza vaccine can prevent some strains of influenza. Antiviral drugs and vaccines can help a lotinfluence in reducing the severity and duration of flu symptoms.

Several types of influenza viruses

You can prevent flu if you have the flu causes. Divided into three main categories A: Flu, Influenza B and C. Are the types of influenza viruses that cause influenza

Influenza A: more influence. Municipality of 'The flu virus affects humans, mammals and birds. S 's Avian influenza is anthe last entry in this type of influenza virus. Unlike bird flu, there is the influence of Hong Kong, the Asian Flu, Spanish Flu, flu and Russian people all over the world has already killed millions and millions. Influenza A is responsible for the higher mortality rates for years. Vaccine protects against influenza virus types A and B influenza. Influenza A virus related to influenza in different animals such as ducks, chickens, pigs, whales, horses andSeals.

Influenza B: Influenza B affects humans and seals. This is less mild and flu infections that cause common.

Influenza Influenza CC affects humans and pigs. The flu virus is more constant and that usually causes mild respiratory symptoms. There is no vaccine for influenza C

Because the flu is usually spread during the winter months

Several factors play an important role in the spread of influenza in winterSeason. First-time flu virus survive indoors for long periods of time outdoors than in. Secondly, in winter, the virus can survive for a longer period and can infect anyone who inhales the virus. It is also possible to infect a person through the eyes, nose and mouth. Third, to help people more at home, are easily spread in winter, the virus from one person to another.

basic habits that can prevent flu

1.Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing

2. Blow your nose with a tissue and then throw away. Just wipe your hands with soap.

3. Wash your hands often with soap and hot water and make sure that your hands are germ. After washing, dry your hands with a clean cloth.

4. Do not touch eyes, nose or mouth with your hands after touching anything else.

5. Use a disinfectant containing alcohol when you are away from home. Alcohol helps to killBacteria. That's why some doctors prescribe them as a method of prevention.

6. Take a sauna bath. This will be in a relaxed, but the virus can not survive in a hot environment. Sauna vry in moist air and hot air, making life impossible for the flu virus to stay. Steamy baths also help relax the nasal passage and helps to moisten and thin mucus.

7. Drink plenty of water. It will help keep the mucus goodhydrated. Hot liquids help to relax your upper respiratory tract infections.


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Yoga helps to relieve the symptoms of colds and flu

The common cold and flu are both viral diseases that are contagious and often affects a large number of people every year. Although not a serious health problem, but are proving to be very stressful and annoying. The most common symptoms are cough of two, sore throat and itchy, stuffy nose and sneezing. Flu is also accompanied by fever and all related symptoms are worse than the cold. Most people rely on OTCand home remedies to take care of these diseases, but a good way to avoid is the regular practice of yoga. Often the practitioners of yoga, even if a cold or the flu, do not suffer symptoms involved very serious and yet surprisingly quick as well.

Yoga reason is equally effective in reducing the risk of cold is due to the fact that yoga strengthens the immune system significantly. How yoga reduces stress, which is a major causea cold or flu, helps eliminate the potential of catching the infection. A series of poses are very beneficial to the improvement of the immune system, which in turn leads to less chance of a cold.

curved upper back are especially useful for opening the chest and lungs, providing a boost, the thymus, located in the center of the chest. The attitudes that help them achieve as well as increasing blood circulation and increase energyLevels that help fight the virus are as follows:

Bow Pose
Pigeon Pose
Fish pose
Boat Pose
Bridge Pose

Investments play a crucial role in the fight against the common cold or flu. These attitudes also contribute to better blood circulation, which in turn allows the immune cells in order to reach all parts of the body. Inversions include:

Shoulder stand
Plow Pose
The legs against the wall installation

The lymph nodes under the arms andGroin should be exercised to avoid taking cold. This can be achieved by twisting postures in a yoga session at stake, such as:

Seated Twist
Prayer Twist
Knee Twist

Another important part of yoga, which calms down, all the signs of flu or cold is known as Jala Neti. This is a nasal wash yoga, which is very useful and effective in relieving cold. It helps wash away germs and bacteria are the cause ofcold.

A regular practice of yoga at least three minutes or four times a week can be an advantage for a big man, often suffering from a flu or cold. After yoga, he said, are the benefits of an improved immune system strong and that is not easily accessible by viruses and bacteria that cause these diseases to be affected. In addition, a yoga diet will also help improve the body's resistance to minor illnesses and diseases.

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How to relieve Ventosis (cup) symptoms of swine flu

I used to see my mom ventosis apply to my father if he had a cold, and I must admit, at first I was afraid of her, of course, I was a child at the time. In short, I was allowed as Vicks and gargling with salt water (more on that later!).

I'll be ventosis process and describe how it works. Be ready to believe, however, forget that this has been used in various cultures for thousands of years.

Collect 5-6 small (4-6 ounce) glasses(Back in the old days, we have jars of jelly. When the jelly was gone, we have used as juice glasses), cotton balls and other games. You will probably start with just one glass. If you find that no one dies or is burned, you also have the confidence.

Have your patient lie on the floor or bed, face down, naked from the waist up.

Licking a stick of cotton balls and wet-down inside the glass. Light the fire and the place of glass, open sidedown on the patient. The focus on cotton consumes the oxygen in the glass and creates a suction. may fall Before the cotton ball on the back of the patient, the oxygen is consumed and the flame goes out. Leave the glass on the patient for about 5-6 minutes. The skin on the inside of the glass and billowing red or the color of the toxins are taken from the lungs.

My father was a smoker and later in his life, the circles of the skin in turn be drawn from the black tarLungs.

Wash after removing the back of the glasses with hot water and soap or the patient to take a shower or bath, if he is able.

You can repeat this process every day. Your patient will notice an immediate improvement in the respiratory system.

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Swine H1N1 influenza symptoms that indicate a medical emergency

Fortunately, in most cases where a person has the virus H1N1 or influenza virus, no treatment is necessary and usually only over-the-counter medications to treat the symptoms. People who are healthy and have an immune system that usually works is usually not necessary, an appointment, doctors as well as persons accused of serious flu-like symptoms, or suffering from other diseases such aschronic diseases, respiratory diseases, or are pregnant, if a medical examination as soon as possible. In some cases, when symptoms of the H1N1 virus are stronger, a medical emergency, how it can be a dangerous living situation.

Emergency warning signs in children

Children under five are exposed to serious complications of the virus H1N1 or any influenza season, then a doctor should first be obtained fromThe test of a flu-like symptoms in a child of this age. If your child experiences any of the following warning signs that medical attention, the complications of an emergency or H1N1 influenza season should get:

• difficulty breathing or rapid breathing.

• If the skin appears bluish.

• When you wake up do not seem disoriented, or do not interact.

• If you do not consume enough fluids.

• In the case ofwant to show sensitivity to the point where you can not comfort her or not this place.

• A fever that is accompanied by a rash.

• If you have recently begun to overcome the fever and flu symptoms with a return and cough, which seems to be worse.

Emergency warning signs in adults

Most adults who develop a seasonal flu or H1N1 virus does not need to receive medical treatment, but if you want to comea case of influenza to stay home and avoid contact with other people for at least a period of 24 hours. Adults who are at high risk for flu complications, the doctor should seek advice from their primary care. These people are those who are 65 years or more, other chronic illnesses, or women who are pregnant. Emergency medical attention should be obtained if you experience any of following symptoms:

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

• Vomiting is a serious and sustained.

• dizziness or confusion.

• feeling of pressure or pain in the abdomen or chest

• If you have recently begun to overcome the fever and flu symptoms with a return and cough, which seems to be worse.

You're not any of these symptoms, but flu-like> The symptoms that it's over or if you suspect that you may have come into contact with H1N1 virus diagnosis have been someone, then you should care provider with your doctor or other provider.

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What are the symptoms of swine flu?

Unfortunately, this fear is comprehensive medical care to people who are nothing more than a runny nose have swept the left. Learn the symptoms, you know, when you find a general practitioner and when to stay in bed

Why such a panic?

The main reason for the medical examination is overwhelming because the swine flu and seasonal influenza symptoms are very similar. In fact, they are so similarwhich for many is impossible to tell the difference without a laboratory test.

A high fever and extremely dangerous is the main symptom that is commonly used for influenza is usually accompanied by extreme fatigue, cough, headache and nasal discharge, all the same. Some people even diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration.

The importance of immediate treatment

Although healthcare providers do not want you to runthe doctor at the first sign of a cold, it is also important to realize that immediate treatment is essential. This is one of those moments when you listen to your instincts and if you feel something is really wrong and definitely need a doctor, is likely to do!

Swine influenza is a virus, just released, can be deadly, because it digs deep into the lungs. travels, in fact, once the virus from your lungs breathing, you are more likelyDie, and when the syndrome of acute respiratory disease that happens for development, you only need a survival rate of 50/50. This can be difficult, but it is essential that you know how important prompt treatment really is.

When swine flu is deep into the lungs, they can fail, because it destroys the alveoli. In addition, due to lack of oxygen pumped through the blood, organ failure is also a risk, and possible death.


Is there a vaccine against swine flu available, which is the first step to protect themselves. There is also a good idea to avoid crowded areas, if possible, especially when you know an outbreak in your area.

Finally, if you're wondering, "What are the symptoms of fever?" You should also know that personal hygiene can provide adequate way to prevent a go. Wash your hands often, especially after touching something in a public area,could be contaminated. Finally, consideration for others and always cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze to avoid spreading germs to others.

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How to make a poultice for Onion congestion and symptoms of colds and flu

Did you know that the envelopes onion always been used to relieve tightness in the chest? Onions have a long history for their healing properties. An envelope is simply a puree of herbs and fixed in some material on the whole area of congestion on the body. The skin absorbs the medicinal properties faster and easier than through the digestive system.

Onion bags have proven herbal remedies and treatments for chest congestion and other symptoms of colds and flu. AThe cover is easy to make and easy. The bulb envelope is a powerful home remedies you can use for the whole family. And, onions available and affordable!

How to make a poultice Onion:

Chop an onion into small pieces. permits to build for a few minutes, the doctor for the powerful. The onion can be used raw or can be lightly fried. Place the chopped onion in the middle of a square of fabric. You can Flannel, an old T-shirt or pillowcase. FoldRoll or fold the fabric edges in a "pact" to be done. Back up to keep the edges with safety pins, the bits fall onion.

Place the envelope on the patient's chest or feet. The sole of the foot absorbs quickly and herbal treatments, in fact, some people rub ointments such as Vick standing when they are sick. You can also compress on aching joints and behind the ear for an ear infection. Check the patient every 15-30 minutes to ensure that there isIrritation of the skin.

© 2009 Shanna Ohmes

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The seasonal flu and its symptoms

Every year there is an outbreak of influenza that small localized epidemics door, and every year there is a risk to make the pandemic outbreak. The flu is responsible for millions of patients each year and can cause the death of hundreds of thousand. The real cause of death from influenza is not only due to respiratory infections, but other complications as well. For this reason, the protection against influenza are essential to contain allOutbreak.

The flu is seasonal, with peak times between December and February, depending on location. It may be smaller peaks throughout the year as well. Influenza vaccines are produced annually and distributed in the fall to prepare for flu season.

Influenza causes a heavy burden on the healthcare system each year. Moreover, the economic costs due to absence from work is remarkable. Any method of prevention of influenza will help thesocio-economic burden of this disease and its complications imposed.

The flu virus is everywhere and, unfortunately, is always changing itself, to survive. are different strains of influenza virus may mutate and each in a different way than it usually dominate every season. That is why flu vaccines are changed every year more to hedge the dominant strains. Unfortunately, because scientists do not know and can only guess whatThe most common strain of influenza virus vaccine each year is the right one can be very difficult.

The primary symptoms of flu include high fever with chills, dry cough, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, runny nose and sore throat. Often these symptoms are enough to make the diagnosis of influenza, especially if they occur during the influenza season, and has an established outbreak. But some of these symptoms are similar to otherRespiratory infections, which can confuse the diagnosis. The distinction between them can be difficult, but important because they affect the treatment.

The common cold is the most common viral infection of the respiratory tract. With a cold, people experience sneezing, runny nose, cough, sore throat and headache (usually made of hard coughing or sneezing). If severe enough, can cause the common cold infections of the sinuses. Those who can develop a sinus infection with sinus headache Tenderness around the breasts and greenish mucous.

bacterial and viral infections occur with severe pneumonia. Those who are suffering from fever and pneumonia usually cough with green mucus, or it is a very dry cough, but may be of production. The chest radiograph may be useful in diagnosing pneumonia.

influenza infections may present with a combination of respiratory symptoms that overlap with others, but usually with the flu that have fewer upper respiratory tractThe symptoms> such as sneezing or a runny nose or sinus symptoms. They often complain of headaches, muscle aches and feeling run-down.

Reporting on the signs and symptoms of many complex issues. These include psychosocial factors. Depression and negative emotions often lead people to see their symptoms as indicative of the disease more severe, their presentation can appear worse than it really is. On the other hand, those withRespiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD, often mistakes of their respiratory diseases such as exacerbation of airways.

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Natural Remedies influence

Green tea

Many cultures have influence on the basis of the healing properties of green tea over the years for many diseases, including. Tea provides your body with antioxidants, and the leaves stimulate the cells for the repair, colon and lung damage by releasing specialized chemical compounds.

In order to truly praise the effectiveness of green tea, you might want to add lemon, honey and Echinacea. Lemon contains vitamin C and honey is known to be an excellent food, when it comes tofor healing. Echinacea boosts the immune system and is made in the form of tablets, powder, add the tea that you can or you can buy tea, it already has.

In your refrigerator

About the best thing you can if you need a natural remedy is the influence of loading up on vitamin C. Are not enough in your diet, you can also vitamin C lozenges hard and tough and you should be a natural complement. Another thing, probably in yourRefrigerator is garlic. Just eat raw garlic and it will ward off the virus.

Other natural remedies

If you really want the flu symptoms go away quickly, go through your local health food store and a bit 'of black elderberry extract. Nearly 90 percent of patients saw their symptoms disappear within three days. Gel can also be very useful. This root is soaked in alcohol, after it has been compromised anddiluted to a specific power to create. It can be used for headaches, weakness, fever, chills and sore throat. Finally, treat the flu and dehydration Arsenicum fatigue, dizziness, anemia, anxiety, asthma, digestive disorders, food poisoning e.


The best way to fight the flu is to avoid in the first place. Vaccination is right may be useful as personal hygiene and education. Wash your hands often, especially after handlingeverything that could have germs on them, above all, money. If the flu is known to affect your position in order to avoid crowded places as much as possible.

Another useful exercise is the influence of natural remedies. Not only does this offer more oxygen in the blood and boost your immune system so you can more easily fight off infections, but also helps to manage stress and sleep better.

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flu-like symptoms and PMS - Comparing Flu-like symptoms and PMS

It 'absolutely unbelievable that something like mood swings can be a symptom of a number of health conditions are. For this reason, flu-like symptoms and PMS symptoms are examined and compared. We are short of both treatments.

It should be noted that others do not all people have the same symptoms or have the same intensity of symptoms such as.

Flu symptoms

Not all> The symptoms of flu case appears in each. Flu symptoms are a stuffy nose and chest discomfort and cough. The cough may be mild to moderate and it is quite common. cough and chest discomfort and neck pain are considered serious or very often. Fever over 99 degrees to 102 F. Headaches are often up with the flu. Fatigue and weakness are common with the flu and can last up to three weeks. Extreme exhaustionmay happen soon and present for the duration of influence.

PMS symptoms

PMS - premenstrual syndrome may be attributed to two causes. Low levels of serotonin. Mood swings, fatigue, irritability and anxiety and depression may occur.
Desire may be experienced and appetite may be impaired. Anger and aggressive behavior and impaired concentration and sleep can occur.

PMS symptoms may be the hormone that isLevels that can trigger headaches, including migraine. breast pain, back pain and weight gain are also symptoms of PMS. Swelling may also be experienced. There is much more "ads", which may be associated with premenstrual syndrome.

Flu-Like Symptoms and PMS

PMS and the flu have headache, fatigue and muscle aches in their symptoms. Irritability, anxiety and depression can both frame and both appear. In influenza, but theThe symptoms are more likely to be mild if they occur.


Flu treatments influenza vaccines, antivirals and antibiotics. There are over the counter treatments that can treat the flu are used to. There are non-medical treatments for influenza, which can both prevent and treat influenza, including hand washing, especially after you cough or sneeze with a tissue. The tissue is collected seeds from acoughing or sneezing and can be discarded immediately.

PMS treatments include prescription drugs for PMS and PMDD (premenstrual dysphonic disorder) to be treated. Antidepressants are used in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and even mood swings. pain medications and other treatments are more counter.

PMS / PMDD can be treated with natural products such as herbal supplements. Herbal remedies for premenstrual syndrome of superior quality are rigorously tested. At the molecular level the pathwaysthe ingredients are investigated. During the test, observing the interactions of the ingredients. They are produced by pharmaceutical standards. This helps to ensure that the ingredients listed on the label are actually in the supplements.

Its purity, safety and efficacy are assured with these processes. The quality of each capsule / tablet is the same for each dose. This helps to improve the effectiveness of supplements. Some of the herbsPMS is known to benefit include black cohosh, chaste tree, red clover, and others. Vitex is also a natural anti-inflammatory.


Flu-Like Symptoms and PMS symptoms are very similar, such as headaches, tiredness and irritability. The flu is treated with the options of antivirals, antibiotics, over the counter and non-medical treatments. PMS is with anti-depressants are treated with painkillers over the counter medications, and possiblyherbal supplements.'s influence may also be able to herbal supplements to treat.

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The first signs of pregnancy

If you try to think, then you probably hope and expect to soon see the first signs of pregnancy. Symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman, but there are many symptoms that occur after conception can wait almost a few weeks before. This article will help you know what you are looking for.

A symptom of many women report experiencing spotting system. This is light bleeding, which occurs in about 10Days after ovulation. This may not be the first sign of pregnancy for all women because some women regularly experience spotting. But if there is a rule you do not want any bleeding between cycles, and experience between 8 days after ovulation and 13 days after ovulation spotting could be implantation spotting.

Another symptom of pregnancy, almost every woman reported early in their pregnancy is breast tenderness. The tenderness can vary from very mild.Some women report that even a slight breeze that would be the pain, while others say they've experienced the tenderness of light. Many women experience breast tenderness before their period begins, however, so this is not always a sign of pregnancy.

In addition to the spots and breast tenderness, there are a few other early symptoms of pregnancy. One of them is hunger. Some women report feeling extremely hungry obtained without the possibility of full, while others say it just felt a little ' hungrier than usual. Some women say they experience extreme thirst, hunger, however. Other symptoms of pregnancy are fatigue, nausea, bloating, headaches, stomach and abdominal pain, gas, and also itching and dizziness.

As you can see, the first symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman more or less. Most experts say it is likely that pregnant if you have symptoms of only one or two, because many symptoms of early pregnancy and> The symptoms of PMS or the flu. But if you have symptoms of more, not normal, is probably a good sign. Just do not get too excited until you get a big fat positive to get on your home pregnancy test!

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Herbal Supplements - Fight flu symptoms with herbal supplements

It's a tickle in my throat, my back a little 'sore and my head feels like a vise. It seems that the influence, you pay a visit. Even if you go to the doctor, the best we can do for you to tell you is to drink plenty of water and some aspirin or ibuprofen for fever and pain.

Other than that, you have to do is drive. There are some all natural way to help avoid the flu and help with some of the symptoms in plantIndemnity. Here are some common supplements that you can take a season to help you feel better during cold and flu:

Echinacea-This is a very popular plant symptoms taken in capsule form or as a form of tea to ward off colds and flu. It has antibacterial properties, increases a chemical in the body that regulates the immune system. cleans the blood and helps fight infections, acting as a catalyst for the white blood cells.

This Ginger-scented herb has manyantiviral properties and helps to relieve sore throat and inflammation of the mucous membranes. It also prevents the growth of bacteria and combats the effects of free radicals on cells. It can be taken in capsule form or as a tea and it is wonderful for cooking. Ginger is also good for resolving the nausea in my stomach when accompanied by flu symptoms. It also has relaxing properties to sleep with you.

Garlic Ah, one of the herbs a. Not only ward off vampires, butIt also fights bacteria. Its natural antibiotic properties make it a good way to avoid infection. Used for thousands of years is to strengthen the immune system known for his ability and, despite his personal perfumes, it is very popular as an herbal preparation as a food additive.

Anything peppermint open their breasts to ease breathing and respiration, in some minds is no different. It also breaks down mucus, which must be downloaded and cools the Nose and throat. It also incorporates the fever by cooling the body.

Licorice Licorice is another herbal supplement can help this season, the effects of colds and flu. It is an expectorant known and also fights viral infections. Taken as a hot tea or a capsule, increases the body's ability to fight any licorice condition of upper respiratory and digestive problems, as well as a laxative.

Of course there are many other natural remedies to repelColds> and influence, but these are the most common. Although these are all natural herbal supplements, which may have other medicines that you are replying.

Check with your pharmacist to see if there are any interactions with other drugs and what side effects can buy. Most of them work best if you take when you power the first to feel the pinch of flu coming on and some struggles together for the best. Both in tea orCapsules, supplements are a natural plant defense against the bitter cold and flu season

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The swine flu pandemic H1N1 2009

The 2009 pandemic influenza virus H1N1 has led to millions of patients worldwide. The outbreak of swine influenza H1N1 was founded in 2009 in April this year. Scientists and doctors determined that the H1N1 has been an interesting combination of genes of swine influenza virus, avian influenza virus and a human virus. It was noted that the initial outbreak occurred in an area called the Mexican Vera Cruz. At that time, officials inMexico knew that there seems to be an apparently new virus to spread rapidly, but were not quite sure what was the prerequisite. At that time, many institutions were closed in Mexico to monitor the situation. In June, the condition was that the pandemic is spreading so rapidly throughout the world that the H1N1 influenza virus has been identified as 2009.

2009 H1N1 swine influenza-like symptoms

People who have suffered from the swine flu H1N1 in 2009symptoms, as flu season. It 'was founded in 2009 in the month of September in individuals who have chronic illnesses and conditions were at higher risk of developing more severe symptoms than those who did not chronic. The following represents those who have the symptoms tend to suffer more serious:

• Children who are under the age of five years

• people aged sixty-five

•Children suffering from development issues are neurological basis

• Women who are pregnant

• People who have other complaints

The most common symptoms associated with influenza virus H1N1 in 2009 during the year include, but are not limited to:

• Many people suffer from moderate to high fever.

• Cough is very common in H1N1 patients. Many describe this as a dry cough.

• There is a common Some experience headaches and pain in the body.

• pain in muscles and joints are common among those infected with swine influenza H1N1.

• gastrointestinal complications such as vomiting, constipation and diarrhea are common among the sufferings of this kind of influence.

• Many cases have been reported neurological symptoms that had occurred.

Severe cases of swine influenza H1N1 in 2009> Influenza

There have been many serious cases of swine influenza H1N1 2009 World reported. Many people actually died because of complications experienced with this virus. Many different symptoms such as neurological complications, difficulty breathing, mental confusion, behavioral changes, dehydration, persistent vomiting and pain virus have been reported by those who have suffered such serious cases. If you learn to get more informationin connection with the 2009 H1N1 pandemic of swine flu, it is important that a professional contact manager doctor. They have statistics and numbers that are specific to this virus.

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Facts about the Common Cold Incubation

The cold incubation period is typically two to five days, but symptoms can appear hours less than a decade after the virus was first nose. The range of the incubation period can be cold like symptoms explained by the number of different viruses, the most common cause as possible. E 'is known that some viruses produce symptoms of the disease more quickly than others, and several hundred different cold viruses have been brought in connection with'. AnotherExplanation for the wide range of cold incubation period is that some people never develop symptoms, even if the infection is present. This makes it difficult for scientists to determine the exact incubation period for cold, but in most diseases, not just one area, an exact number.

In clinical studies, rhinovirus directly into the nose and infected 95% of them were volunteers. But only 75% of those infected developsymptoms of colds. The scientific community can not explain this mystery at this time. Some believe that these people develop a well-functioning immune system is not with the symptoms. While others point out that a cold most common symptoms are the characteristics caused by the immune system. Sneezing and coughing are the body's natural efforts to expel the virus. Fever reduces the ability of the virus' to play in the nose. It seems that those people who probablysymptoms for a few days, the immune system works well.

Influenza type A and B viruses cause common cold symptoms in some people, while others develop severe infections from these viruses. During a throat and cold symptoms are usually limited to the nose, lungs, stomach and intestine, the virus affected. Fever is generally higher and turn faster in the case of influenza infections in common coldInfections, but this also varies. The young and the elderly often have severe flu-like symptoms than those who are 64 and in good health between the ages of 4 e.

Corona virus can cause a significant number of cases of colds. Three or four different types of coronavirus infecting humans, but are difficult to cultivate in the laboratory and therefore difficult to study. Estimates vary on the number of colds caused by rhinoviruses, areand coronaviruses from 30 to 50 percent of all adult colds. Tests for various viruses is difficult and usually not necessary, it is known that the symptoms of a virus and that caused by the treatment of symptoms is all that is possible. If the cold from a bacterial infection of the ears, neck, breasts or accompanied, antibiotics are ineffective.

Other viruses that adults are in it the most common cold symptoms include adenovirus, Coxsackie,Echo virus, paramyxovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and enteroviruses. Each of these viruses can cause serious illness in children, and others. And then there are a number of viruses has not been, identified.

The experts do not believe that more and chilled or overheated incubation can reduce cold symptoms worsen or increase the likelihood of developing a cold. Opinions about the prevention of colds by taking supplements of vitamin C and zinc vary, but manyStudies suggest that rewarding these and other immune system booster.

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Protect against the H1N1 influenza - Swine flu

The H1N1 in 2009, sometimes called the swine flu, a disease caused new flu in humans. Discovered in the U.S. in April 2009, the virus spreads from person to person worldwide.

The H1N1 virus is contagious from mild to severe illness and some deaths by an infection with this virus. In seasonal influenza, people are some complications are considered at high risk for serious. The same goes for the H1N1 virus. The list ofthose at high risk include pregnant women, children under 5 and those with certain chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, asthma and kidney disease, adults and children who have a weak immune system, and men and women over 65 years.

The flu vaccine is the most important and first step in protecting against influenza infection. If you follow the vaccination should still be those general rules to prevent infection for you and you hadFamily.

Take these steps every day to protect their health.
Cover nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after use.
Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based rub. I have a little rub his hand in the car and use it when I come back from a meeting in the car, office equipment or grocery store, the home of a friend and, above all, a medical practice.
TouchHis eyes, nose or mouth. These are the best ways to spread germs.
Keep frequently touched common surfaces in your home clean, such as telephones, computers and bathroom handles.
Avoid contact with sick people, if you can.
Avoid the use of mobile phones from other people, desks, offices and other working materials and equipment. If you need to consider them initially cleaned with a disinfectant.

If you are sick with the flu - IKE illness to stay home for at least 24 hours afterThe fever is gone, except, of course, if you need medical care. Keep away from others as much as possible so that you do not get sick.

Other important initiatives:

Following public consultation on the remote health closing schools, avoiding crowds and other social measures.

Be ready when you are ill and had to be home for a week or so stay in the family or someone gets sick. Need a range of over the counter medications as well as articles and other tissue, sois not necessary to travel in public, while you are contagious.

If you have a family member of H1N1 influenza at home who is sick with the 2009, you can go to work as usual. However, you should monitor your condition every day and take precautions, like washing your hands when you leave the house.

Wash your hands seems to be the best technique to prevent the spread of germs. Washing with soap and water for 15 to 20 seconds. If you do not have soap and water, alcohol-baseddisposable wipes or gel sanitizers, but they rub their hands until they are dry.

What are the signs and symptoms of N1H1 in People?

The symptoms of smoking H191-Virus 2009 include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have vomiting and diarrhea. Others are infected without fever.

The urgency following warning signs that the treatment is needed quickly, the following information:


Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
bluish skin
Sleepy and noninteracting
improve the symptoms of influenza, but then more sharply
Fever with rash

In adults:

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness

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