Bird Flu
Swine flu
Virus properties and thermal instability
Virus Information
single-minded mission
How to destroy the virus
Many of us are naturally given year for the alarming spread of the virus in the past, the bird flu virus has been a huge threat to Europe and most of the world. The H5N1 bird flu virus has been shown to Faust, the birds are gone fromPeople in 1997. Until recently, the swine flu threat growing because of its ability to mutate and change form one large. The first case of swine flu was reported in Mexico, but has since spread to the UK to 66 countries with over 203 confirmed cases reported through. The very young, the elderly, and weakened immune systems at particular risk from these viruses.
Bird Flu
For more than a century, avian fluhas spread among birds, particularly domesticated birds, but the new influenza A (H5N1) was first published in 1997, the strain can infect humans. The virus has increased, and changes, leading to a contagion from bird to man, but still can not pass from person to person. It is feared that if the virus infects humans by some human, influenza is already infected with a virus, then a new highly virulent strain can lead a man to be so.
human cases ofGlobe bird flu have caused infections and death struggle for the tribes to identify and scientists, to avoid the danger of a deadly pandemic. About 20 million birds in an attempt to spread the virus, were killed by air, water, soil and stop the spread. So far, the virus is only by people working with infected birds, rivers, or in contact with infected poultry processing plants, etc. captured about 100 cases of illness have been reported, resulting inabout 50 dead.
Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches and eye infections (conjunctivitis), pneumonia, acute respiratory distress, viral pneumonia and other severe and life-threatening complications.
Most health experts to explore and address the incidence of human bird flu is not an optimistic view about. E 'particularly dangerous for the people as our immune system is not something that the antibodies used to manageRelegated to animals.
So far, doctors have no effect in the treatment of respiratory infection resulting in can lead to death, as it takes to keep pace with unprecedented power, is located in the lungs, and is resistant to antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Swine flu
First discovered in Mexico, influenza A (H1N1) is a novelty, a new influenza virus from pigs. The H1N1 strain is the same strain that causes seasonal epidemics of human influenza; However, the H1N1 influenza virus strain that is different, because it contains human genetic material, usually in swine virus strains that affect birds. Host in influenza virus in close contact with it, have the ability to replace other genetic components together. The virus is probably spread by coughs and sneezes of people who have been infected.
In humans, swine flu symptoms are similar to those for seasonal shows> Influenza, namely, sudden onset of fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, chills, sneezing, runny nose and loss of appetite. Buy an air purifier proven to destroy viruses.
It is now expected that the swine flu spreads or a possible pandemic hitting the UK in September and October as a reinforcement of the virus as they do. The World Health Organisation is preparing to declare the swine flu pandemic and the world is in step 5 ofWHO pandemic alert level scale, with 6 the highest. Phase 5 of the scope of the pandemic alert level is "human to human spread of the virus in at least two countries in the region are characterized WHO. The declaration of Phase 5 is a strong signal that a pandemic is imminent and the time to complete ' organization, commincation and implementation of the mitigation measures proposed in the Fire (WHO). According to WHO, 74 countries have reported 141 deaths to 27 review, 737 cases of swine flu, andSince its appearance in April 2009.
The treatment of swine flu antiviral drugs and antibiotics primarily for the treatment of any complications that may be. A series of air filter can also be used for preventive measures that have been tested and proven to be effective in the denaturation of proteins to activate the virus.
Virus properties and thermal instability
Viruses are not considered living organisms, but they are very dependent on living cellsto replicate. the structure of the virus containing the envelope, the composition of proteins and genetic material, DNA or RNA. All these components are sensitive to heat. The genetic material and proteins are complex structures that are involved in their function, and change their system function may be lost. This process is called denaturing. There are two basic ways to do this: change the pH and temperature.
The bird flu virus, H5N1, is aHemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) 6: negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus 5, the two types of proteins in their surface is stranded. E 'known from the literature that the virus can be inactivated at 56 ° C for 3 hours and 60 ° C in 30 minutes a well-known. Reduced as only four degrees rise in temperature, exposure time of inactivation of 85%.
Virus Information
What are
A virus is basically a small bundle of genetic material, DNA orRNA aboard a shell called the viral coat or capsid, which is made of pieces of protein called capsomeres. Some viruses have requested an additional layer of the jacket envelope. This is basically everything the virus. Viruses are strange things, that the fence between living and inanimate ride. On the one hand, if they float around in the air or sitting on a handle, are inert. There are about as lively as a rock. But when they come into contact with a suitable structureanimal or bacterial cells, in action. They infect and take over the cell like pirates hijacking a ship.
How they look
There are thousands of different viruses in a variety of forms. There are many versatile or slide a bit 'like a cut gem. Other viruses are as sharp stones or oval, with rounded corners. Some are subtle, while others seem to spare snare sticks. Some are complex and form small moon landingPods.
Where found
Viruses are up or almost all the materials and the environment on earth from the ground to find water in the air. Basically, anywhere there to infect cells. The viruses were infected with any form of plant and animal life fungi and bacteria. However, viruses tend to be a bit 'picky about what kind of cells they infect. Plant viruses are not equipped to animal cells, for example, infect, even if a virus can infect some plantsNumber of related facilities. Sometimes a virus can infect a creature and causing no damage but the damage when in a different, but close enough that we receive creature. For example, the hantavirus from deer mice, without much noticeable effect is carried out on rodents. But if a person gets hantavirus causes a dramatic and often fatal disease characterized by excessive bleeding.
Single-Minded Mission
Viruses exist for one purpose: to reproduce. To achieve this goal,must take over the reproductive machinery of host cells suitable.
After landing on a suitable host cell, a virus is its genetic material into cells by means of deception to get him inside the host cell, how about a molecule of nutrients, or fusing their viral envelope with the host cell wall or membrane and freeing its genes inside. Some viruses inject the genes into the host cell of their sitting empty viral coats outside.
If a virus is a DNA virus, itsgenetic material are integrated into the DNA of the host cell. If the virus is an RNA virus, first in its RNA into DNA by using the machinery of the host cell prior to insertion into host DNA. The viral genes are also many, many times copied for use with the help of the machinery of the host cell, usually used to reproduce its own DNA. The virus uses the host cell enzymes capsules new virus and other viral proteins to build. The new viral genes and proteins come together and then assemble into newVirus. The new virus is released from the host cell without destroying the cell or possibly build a sufficient number that you are the host cell, like a water balloon full of rupture.
How to destroy the virus
Viruses are not considered living organisms, but they are very dependent on living cells to replicate. the structure of the virus containing the envelope, the composition of proteins and genetic material, DNA or RNA. All of theseThe components are sensitive to heat. The genetic material and proteins are complex structures that are involved in their function, and change their system function may be lost. This process is called denaturing. There are two basic ways to do this: change the pH and temperature.
The bird flu virus, H5N1, is a negative sense, single-stranded RNA virus 5, the two types of proteins on its surface: hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) 6 E 'from the knownLiterature that the virus can be inactivated in 56 ° C for 3 hours and 60 ° C in 30 minutes 1. Reduced as only four degrees rise in temperature, exposure time of inactivation of 85%.
The swine influenza virus H1N1 is a new strain of the H1N1 subtype of influenza A. All influenza A viruses containing hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, but the structure of these proteins vary from strain to strain by a rapid genetic mutation in the viral genome. Influenza A virusThe strains are a number n H and a number assigned on the basis of such forms of these two proteins contain the strain. There are 16 H subtypes and 9 N in birds, but only H 1, 2 and 3 and N 1 and 2 are often found in people.
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