Swine H1N1 Flu Facts Part 1 - Dissemination and prevention

If you prefer to call it influenza A (H1N1), swine influenza, swine flu, or perhaps you have a question about the risks for you and your family, their prevention and treatment. The questions and answers will probably change over the next few weeks as a few countries, the health authorities to find out more about the different strains of influenza virus H1N1 many of those affected. This is the first of a three-part series of facts to answer your questions and H1N1lead to credible resources.

How H1N1 swine influenza?

The incubation period (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) is still uncertain, but appears to be 3-4 days.

All the influences are spread through droplets that spray as a person coughs or sneezes. You can catch the flu or H1N1 swine influenza virus if:

If you're standing within three feet of a cough or sneeze discovered, and drops in contact with you or when they inhale.

The land drops on hard surfaces, such as a desk or keyboard. Even after the droplets dry, a flu virus could live for an hour. You can use the virus by touching an infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose or mouth to catch.

Otherwise you can give someone the flu by touching their eyes, nose or mouth when the virus on their hands.

Someone coughs or sneezes, blows his nose into a handkerchief, and wet tissue in contact with tears in your hand or tissueand the contents by hand contact. If you are in contact with hard surfaces or shake hands before washing your hands, then they could land a very common virus. Flu virus can spread by people or dealing with a handkerchief contaminated, and then press.

An infected person touches his eyes, nose or mouth and then touches other surfaces, objects or people before washing hands.

This is not the same people virus of swine influenza have been immunized against 1970.Is there a vaccine for swine influenza A H1N1 virus 2009 in development, but also with fast-moving, it takes months before it is trial.Swine human influenza H1N1 has spread from pigs not ready and you can not take the 'swine flu H1N1 from eating pork, or drugs derived from pigs (porcine).

Preventing the spread of H1N1 swine

According to the CDC, the proper hand washing is the most effective means to prevent the spreadthe disease.

alcohol-based disinfectants are considered effective.

Use disposable tissues, wash hands after use.

Cough into your elbow or shoulder, if you do not have a tissue.

preventive treatments (such as Tamiflu) are not for healthy people, as this could lead to the recommended resistance. Only seek treatment if you have symptoms.

People with flu - like symptoms should avoid public places. If your child has closed schoolPlace your child in group settings such as day care centers.

If there are cases in your area, the exposure is confirmed by avoiding public places and clean your hands often, and while out on the way home.

An infected person is contagious about one day earlier, these symptoms are so follow the guidelines of proper hand washing or alcohol hand sanitizer often based influence to prevent the spread accidentally.

The infectious takes about 7 days after onset of symptomsStart, children and probably more.

Links to frequently updated information swine flu H1N1

Visit the website of your state health department for information on local centers H1N1.The for Disease Control (CDC) site contains the official part of H1N1 swine influenza H1N1 numerous articles on the history, prevention and treatment for laymen and medical professionals. The World Health Organisation (WHO) web site is frequently updated with detailsinternational implications of swine influenza H1N1.

A website of the Government of the United States, the CDC, the World Health Organization and link state information.
http://blogs.state.gov/index.php/entries/travel_alert_swine_ influence /

Dipnot, the official blog of the UP State Department's latest travel warnings.

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The symptoms of sinus infection - Overview

You feel terrible. The teeth are bad, and you have a fever. Your headache is getting worse, and will not stop. You feel like you could reduce colds or the flu again.

The question is: what do you have? It 's a cold? And 'you have the flu or a sinus infection?

It may seem strange, but many of the symptoms of colds and flu are just as alarming symptoms of infection of the sinuses.

BreastInfections are also known as sinusitis. Sinusitis is an inflammation or infection of the sinuses. It is estimated that they are interested in the U.S. alone, more than 30 million people with sinus infections each year. The overall figure is certainly much bigger than this.

So what are some of the most common symptoms of sinus infection at all? The following list is not exhaustive, but it's pretty close:


· Fever

Weakness or ·Fatigue


· Upper jaw and sore teeth

Tenderness ° around the forehead, nose, cheeks and

• swelling and pressure around the eyes

Ear pain and infections

• In the course nose

· Nasal congestion

If you have symptoms or some of these, you can actually get an infection of the sinuses. It would be very wise to see your doctor immediately receive a correct diagnosis of its actualState.

Your doctor can provide proof that he or she can listen to the symptoms and physical examination on you.

In some cases it may be necessary to pass through you have an MRI or a CT scan or X-rays may be necessary to establish something that happened in your sinuses.

It 's always a good idea to be aware of common symptoms sinus infection and a visit to your doctor if you are not sure if you are aSinus infection.


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Countdown to 2010 Influenza: Influenza sepsis Vs

Sepsis is a murderess, and many times in the early stages, can mimic the symptoms of influenza. As part of our ongoing series of countdown to the 2010 flu, we look at the serious illness of severe sepsis in comparison with the flu.

Sepsis occurs when the infection, usually bacterial, overwhelms the body's immune system normally. The bacteria produce toxins from the blood vessels to dilate and prevent heart what is usually the cause. untreated patientsHe died of multiple organ failure. Unfortunately, treatment of the disease is often fatal.

Fever, low body temperature, hyperventilation, chills, shaking, warm skin, rash, feeling of dizziness, fainting, tachycardia, confusion, delirium, decreased urine output, weak pulse.

A history and physical examination performed. Tests are carried out in order to make the diagnosis, identify the bacteria and determine the degree ofDamage.

Standard work-up includes:
Chem 12

Treatment should be started as soon as possible and include broad-spectrum antibiotics, intravenous fluids, medications to support blood pressure (compressor), supplemental oxygen, and / or blood transfusions.

It 'important to know the signs of sepsis, because the flu can weaken the immune system and allow the bacteria invade the bloodstream, resulting inSepsis. Sepsis is previously treated, the more likely the patient is fully recovered. delayed treatment can lead to death.

The symptoms of sepsis, indicating the difference of influence include feeling dizzy, fainting, rapid pulse with a more confused, with a weak pulse, and decreased urination. If any of these systems, you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Persons who have influenza are at increased risk forPneumonia and sepsis. Therefore, the CDC recommends the group of patients get a flu shot every year:

Children under 5
Adults over 65
Pregnant Women
Patients with chronic lung diseases such as COPD or cystic fibrosis
Patients with cardiac disease
Patients with blood diseases like sickle cell anemia
Patients with kidney or liver disease
Anyone with weakened immune systems (HIV, AIDS, cancer,Chronic use of steroids)
Patients with less than 19 years who take aspirin chronically
Morbidly obese
Patients with neurological disorders and development.

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Such as pigs or swine flu influenza flu treatment disparities?

The human influenza H1N1 swine influenza type A (also known as swine flu, swine flu and swine flu) epidemic worldwide and has confirmed all over the world. It is not easy to avoid it. Once, when you have flu symptoms, as you may know, was shot in the swine flu or not?

The symptoms of swine flu and seasonal influenza: fever, cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Both symptoms are almost the same. Dr. Ng Hee Liang(MB, BS Singapore) whether the symptoms are similar, can be identified even if you hit every day in 2-3.

If you received the flu or ordinary seasonal flu, it can take days to be recovered within the first 2-3. Prescription drug companies is a common way for healing. No need to worry about no symptoms in 4-5 days.

The case, however, affect swine influenza season is high, if the symptoms worsen over a period of 4 days or longer (eventaking medications). In some cases, after feeling a bit 'better, there are signs of a more serious problem. Some of these signs are feeling ill-at-your-stomach, vomiting, high fever, chills, chest pain, cough, or yellow-green mucus. Some patients seem to be reporting more often with diarrhea and vomiting as normal swine flu "influenza".

In another way Bermal Manila (Philippines) said that Dr. influenza virusesusually circulate in a human or animal. in humans, swine influenza virus causing the flu and spread of these by seasonal influenza flu virus that is changing. He noted that the mixing of human and animal influenza viruses that led to the development of new viruses in human population or no immunity shortly.

Finally, unless you have access to a virology laboratory, you probably will not be different, the two viruses in exactWay. In practice, the two forms must be distinguished.

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What are the symptoms of swine flu? - How to deal with the swine flu at home?

The symptoms of swine influenza H1N1 is almost identical to the normal seasonal flu. 'The only difference is in the age group that seems to be the goal. Children and adolescents under 24 years seem to be much more susceptible to disease than the general population. Unfortunately, the only sure way to determine this, if you have the swine flu, is to be tested for specifically.

The symptoms of influenza: Includes

Chills and fever
Muscle pain
Nasal congestion

The symptoms are observed for children in:

Respiratory problems
Persistent vomiting
Fever, more than three days
Skin color that changes color to a gray or blue
flu-like symptoms that go away and then again
Children who are inattentive to the point that he will notto be held

If these symptoms occur one, consult your doctor immediately.

The treatment of swine influenza is a specific drug, but will only be administered after the disease is the person tested, as the man is potentially harmful to otherwise healthy. So basically, the home treatment for H1N1 is the same as seasonal flu.

A lot of water
Tylenol or aspirin
nutritious food
OTC products for othersConditions such as diarrhea or nausea

Add this to the list because they have the natural qualities of anti-virus.


This is the great difference in the treatment of this year compared to previous years. Swine flu has the potential to become a pandemic. In this sense, the victims of the influenza virus isolation to minimize the spread of going to "play a much larger role in" processing.

Peoplewith similar flu-like symptoms should stay home too. This means that you are ready for a child who can not go to school her care. It means that you should not go to work if you have symptoms.

If you live influence with a person, he should wear a mask or prevent the transfer. All surfaces that the person concerned must be disinfected frequently. Clothing and bedding should be washed separately from you and always in a "hot" dry.

If you do notThe experience of the last pandemic, the flu season this could be the first hurricane or an earthquake. The government takes this very seriously to invest more than $ 8500000000 in vaccines alone. It 'better to have a better plan and that the disease strikes.

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The influence of 2009

The 2009 season has been an influence "routine". Normally patients take their seasonal flu vaccination. Those people who had flu symptoms are usually the doctor's office for examination and testing. It is usually easy to identify patients with the flu. The stuffy nose and sore throat usual, there are some people whose appearance is really just sick. These people seem to usually just woke up, their hair matted, his beard is long, andare in sweaters or blankets, but still covered trembling. In the medical office, and are taken for signs of flu or other problems. When the throat is red, are examined especially for sore throats.

The nasal flu, influenza is an antibody test for type A or B then available. Looking at the patient's clinical symptoms and tested positive for influenza A or B, your doctor may prescribe antiviral medications Tamiflu or Relenza reduce the severity and duration of the disease. However, it has acquired 20% of the U.S. population of 2009 flu so far. Billions of dollars in lost productivity and medical expenses are from the land of plenty. At least 200,000 patients were hospitalized, and there were 36 000 deaths from influenza. What's more, now was something new for 2009 included.

The great scientists of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta to maintain close observation over> Influenza outbreaks around the world. You try and name of each of these data base of influence to try. Scientists predict that the flu season will be released in the fall. They control the pharmaceutical companies for the production of specific vaccines. If scientists flu expected to reach the button, the vaccine is effective in 70 recipients and 90% were less than 65 years. And 'less effective in patients with more than 65 recipients who live in nursing homes, chronic and personsdisease. The vaccine is about 30% to 70% effective.

The usual seasonal vaccine contains virus type A (H1N1) and A (H3N3) attenuated strain. A virus is not actually a separate entity to live, so if you weaken strong say in the vaccine "damping". A virus is probably the smallest form half-life that occurs in nature. It can be seen only with an electron microscope. It 'a parasite required. This means that there must be live "live" in another cell. E 'can only survive and replicate by the cell for the production of complex biochemical machinery for other viral entities themselves. The influenza virus has taken its RNA by a host cell to start producing. Finally, the host cell dies by its infection.Influenza viral virus have been identified and studied by scientists in 1930.

Type A viruses were the worst, and the world in general, the production of epidemics and pandemics. An epidemic is an outbreak of localInfluenza, usually every year, caused by viruses that are already in the environment. Usually peaks in three weeks, and get off after three weeks, sometimes even 50% of the population of the area.

The pandemic is a totally different phenomenon. It is a mutated virus, not the cause of human immunity. It can be spread throughout the world. Scientists have discovered that they identify type A viruses into subtypes of protein structures on their outer surface. These are called H(Haemagglutinin A) and N (neuraminidase B). There is no division of a type B viruses in a subtype, because they cause symptoms are mild and sporadic. Influenza viruses are subtyped as type C does not cause onset of milder symptoms and fewer tests. The type A virus caused the pandemic of 1917, 1957 and 1967, when millions of people had to die. The worst year for this was the 1918th

Pandemics can be caused by a viral mutation or the recurrence of a virushas not for years. All in all, missing persons, immunity against some viruses and can not fight against them. The virus in humans remain throughout the year, as they are often especially in autumn and winter. Where are they hiding and sleeping? Scientists have discovered that some species of coastal birds seem to be the reservoir for the virus. There is fairly good evidence that the birds harbor the virus without manifesting the disease and probably so for millions of years. You can seea television show, where scientists raise huge nets to catch migratory shorebirds to see what they could carry viruses. So, probably, all the "influence" is, to an extent that "bird flu" or "bird flu". It is believed that domestic ducks, which in turn has spread to chickens and pigs or infected wild ducks. Therefore, the influence is the "swine flu" influenza. If you're not in the refrigerator caught the flu from a piece of pork in your.

The current H1N1 appearshave a small population of pigs in a desolate area of Mexico has begun. The pork industry United States has recently been hit by the general public does not buy much pork. But this is not the problem. The problem seems to have immunity this lot of influence in Mexico has shown that people do not have one. The journey is what it is today, has no time for the virus spread from person to person. It has also recently announced that a group of pigs were found swine influenza in Minnesota. It seems that both pork and chicken may be the same virus as human receptors and thus have a vector for human transmission.

Some people are not always "new H1N1 (the term for the recent swine flu 2009), because they might win some immunity from previous H1N1 vaccine. Most of the people, Mexico has seen an epidemic of swine flu in thought it was too far away to affect them. But as we know, times have changed. Swine> Influenza (H1N1 Novel ") is now distributed worldwide in most of the United States and elsewhere in the. They are also in almost every news broadcast and various government agencies hold numerous press conferences to listen. The amount of daily information is enormous.

The best scientists of our time to say: "Get your flu shot if available." (Actually, they say, "Get your seasonal flu vaccination now, the new vaccine or H1N1 influenza virus, not justavailable. ") On the other hand, the" nay-sayers as bad as they said, "they say," 2009 is not affected. Do not give your children is their autism. He thimerosal or mercury in it. For my part, I'm from the CDC: Everyone should have the seasonal vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine.

One thing to remember is that the 2009 takes time to influence the immune system to respond to the vaccine '. A conservative estimate is that it takes 6-8 weeksachieve the desired effect. Therefore, the vaccine is best when it is sooner rather than later. There are two types of flu vaccine to be available to more of them are released nose. Flu-Mist is a weakened virus that is injected into your. Why is steamed, it will give you the flu and are not infectious. This is approved for use in patients aged 2 to 49.

The other is the flu vaccine, usually administered in the upper arm. The shot cansome mild symptoms such as pain at the injection site, mild fever and slight lethargy. These side effects respond to Tylenol or Motrin. None of the vaccines have the flu when the guy sitting in the desk next to swear up and down which the flu vaccine is always with him the flu. Both treatments are grown in eggs, so if you have an egg allergy, you need this plan with your doctor to discuss a strategy to prevent or injection.

We know thatPeople with compromised immune system disease even worse. During pregnancy, the immune system is not at par. Of the 100 patients, in one way or the Intensive Care Unit treatment is needed, 28 pregnant women died. For this reason, vaccination against influenza in 2009 (both types) are important to ensure that all pregnant women. There were no female has a negative effect of vaccination against influenza in every child. Others with compromised immune systems are not the flu: diabetics, people with liver or kidney disease Disease, AIDS, chronic neurological damage, cancer and / or chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis and colitis. And the list goes on and on chronic diseases. These are the numbers of what Press the thousands of flu-related deaths and prolonged hospitalization.

And there is another very important group: children. Your immune system due simply achieved and the antibody response that healthy adults. In shear numbers, the children receive> Influence of 2 to 3 times more than adults. Therefore, we have heard tragic stories of otherwise healthy 7 or 10 years, died with the flu (there were 11 dead children in this country during the week 38 of the epidemic). This is the reason that the CDC is releasing vaccine, are directed at children, vaccination against influenza among the first to receive it.In new H1N1, 77 dissected human, fully a third had Streptococcus pneumoniae, or as it is also called,Pneumococcal pneumonia. Of course, it is treatable with antibiotics variable.

But a vaccine is tested for bacteria. E 'encapsulated protects against 23 bacterial pneumonia. E 'for all ages, with an increased risk of immune deficiency are also available. We now know that only one third of those who should have really understood. Can influenza vaccine given with. Ask your doctor: Pneumovax 23 "." The 2009 H1N1 influenza is spread by respiratory droplets.Therefore, students in classrooms and recruit in the barracks are so vulnerable. Just a cough or sneeze, and the virus is out there ready to take the next person to be withdrawn. There can be on surfaces like shopping cart handles for 2 to 6 hours ---- hands touch eyes, nose or mouth, and you are exposed. The incubation period ranges from 1 to 4 days after breathing in infected droplets of virus. E 'ironic that you are again in the greatest danger of spreading another daybefore the first show signs of disease. No wonder it is spreading!

Children can be infected by more than 10 days. A severe immune deficiency to pay a person with the virus for weeks or months. These people should be friendly to wear their masks when they are the rest of us. The symptoms of 2009 are generally acceptable enough:) Just sick (and sick, tired, chills, fever, headache, stuffy nose, sore throat, sweating with the most bodyachetogether. There are warning signs, though: A pregnant woman with influenza, productive cough (for example, with discolored sputum), chest pain, altered level of consciousness (or difficult to wake up disoriented, perhaps) that appear as gray or bluish lips who do not receive enough oxygen, excessive vomiting or signs of dehydration. If these are present, it is time to get to the doctor or the emergency room. These are signs that some potentially serious complications of flu.

MostPeople are not the symptoms seriously, but we all need for alarm. Similarly, the majority of people with the flu better within a week or two. the symptoms come on) back after a roaring start (clearing relapse, this is a danger to the alert. If in these circumstances, it could be in pain with each breath, cough with sputum look bad or hard are:. Do chills Get your doctor. Once again, children have more severe symptoms andComplications: seizures from high fevers, ear infections and pneumonia.Let 's now talk about treatment. First, do not give aspirin to a child with a fever. A serious multi-organ failure with potentially catastrophic brain injury: E 'with Reye's syndrome. You can give Tylenol (acetaminophen) every 4 hours of body weight for chills, fever, malaise and headache. Motrin (ibuprofen) every 6 hours, it seems a safe alternative. The person who should take an amount--- Liquid water, Gatorade, soups, and eat as light as possible stomach. Bed rest with lots of pimples, it is recommended to reduce the length of the disease.

The person should stay home from work or school until there was at least an entire day without Tylenol or Motrin, and without fever. But as for pregnant women, patients with chronic disease, reduced immune function of the person and very symptomatic children? These are the cases to see where the doctor andIn deciding whether to prescribe anti-viral drugs. And 'the flu can be given prophylactically to prevent persons closely exposed to the flu or reduce patient. The two antiviral drugs we use are oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). Tamiflu is a tablet for adults or a liquid for children. Relenza is an inhaler. Both are every day for 10 days. They work best when administered within the first two days of symptoms. They reduce the severity ofthe symptoms of flu and shorten the course of 2009. Relenza is not a good choice for patients with asthma or chronic lung disease.

The CDC and biopharmaceutical companies have worked exhaustively to secure a flu vaccine to prepare people to prevent the serious consequences. That's it, pure and simple. There are a lot of magical, wishful thinking of the population, such as "Beat the flu", but science is not on their side. There is no, Special raw foods to prevent vitamin drops or the flu. "Flu" parties were a bad idea, given the influence immunity. It 's time to recognize that the CDC is a collection of the best minds of science and medicine, to protect the health of Americans and people around the world pandemic. It is not the IRS, Homeland Security or the CIA. It is tempting to doctors and scientists to the public good, period. It 's time to stop blowingConspiracy Horn and take your shots. Protect yourself, your family, your staff and your fellow citizens in general. So roll up your sleeves!

I was just at a press conference the other day by Dr. Ann Schuchat, director of CDC immunization. He has maintained a well-developed plans for dealing with mass vaccination in a phased manner, so that those who were most at risk, their first vaccinations. She was very open about the deaths of influence onmore precisely, the pandemic of H1N1 (swine flu, as it often called.) available and the difficulties of fighting the epidemic, and what struck me was the presence of major news organizations reporting: AP, UPI. Atlanta Journal, Washington Post, NBC and USA Today. These are questions and answers received excellent excellent. The conference lasted about 35 minutes, and if someone could, in compliance with such information as the reporting of important events and presentations,there is much less misinformation out there.

Here is the discussion about the influence in 2009:

. 1) Get your seasonal flu vaccine, either shot or nasal spray;
. 2) Get your new H1N1 (swine flu vaccine), if available;
3) If you are pregnant or a chronic illness, be sure to get both.
. 4) Ensure that children are vaccinated;
5 consult your doctor.) If you have a serious relapse or the flu -;
6) If the warning signsserious illness - consult your doctor;
. 7) Wear a mask when you are ill or severely immunocompromised;
8) It takes about a week to overcome the flu. Not back to work or school until they have fever for at least 48 hours, drink plenty of fluids, take Tylenol or Motrin for fever and bed rest as possible. I can not give other over-the-counter medications to children without consulting a doctor, do not give aspirin for fever, due to Reye's syndrome;
9.)Learn as much influence as possible from reliable sources;
10) There is no magical influence or material treatments out there - you can rely on science and a doctor to get through this time.


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Flu symptoms and treatment

Influenza is a common type of infectious disease with flu-like symptoms. The flu is a sphere or a filament caused by viruses. The most problematic is that these viruses continue to change. These mutant strains can affect a person, even if that person had immunity to another strain of influenza virus. It worsens the situations in which to unite the tribes separated. Such a combination can be very deadly as the virus wins the new formation of his immunityagainst existing vaccines.

A person is rather weak during the attacks of influenza. The patient's immune system not to operate in a natural way. Consequently, the influence to be known in another life-threatening illness such as pneumonia. In fact, each year about 25,000 Americans die from influenza or pneumonia. Medical reports have shown that people were informed of the age group of the sixties affected by this deadly disease doubles.
The virus responsible forBecause influenza in three species was in fact classified. influenza A, B and C. Even if A and B and C animal targets only humans. Mentionably the third type of mild influenza infection.

The latest panacea in the fight against influenza in 2004, vaccines against influenza is known of a strain of B and two strains of A. composed
Influenza can attack any time at all. However, people are particularly vulnerable during the influenza season. WhileInfluenza is the most important hit of the breathing tube. If the weather is cold to hot or vice versa, many people know regardless of colds influenza victims. The disease can flow easily from person to person. The main means for its transmission is sneezing and coughing. The flu can spread even when using the clothes mainly uses the handkerchief or towel to influence a person affected.

Influenza, which runs through the nasal congestion, headache is accompanied, or at different timesNaso, transient pain in the joints and maintains body temperature. Mentionably, and his three symptoms disappear within 57 days or less or take drugs. However, even a silent stalker influence. In these circumstances it is always advisable to try to cure the flu, of course. If symptoms continue for a longer period and shows little signs disappear, do not consult a doctor.

The best way to treat flu is to go for hot baths on foot, and, Gargle if you suffer from neck pain. Many people take a teaspoon raw and unadulterated mustard oil to return to normal voice. If there is a bit 'of a fever, you just do not care, bathing in cold water. Keep warm the body and feet. With cold ointments on the back of the body, arms, feet and chest in addition to around the nostrils, but also to alleviate the strong evaporation of these ointments.

It was also found that homeopathicThe treatment is to heal the best strategy for flu. This is particularly true with children. Homeopathic medicines can also be enjoyed by adults. Homeopathic treatments, the best results in adults who are teetotalers. However, these drugs are cheaper than allopathic. They also want to homeopathic medicines have side effects, although it will take time to deliver the goods.

Avian flu: influenza has now adopted a more lethal form. E 'is commonly known as bird flu as the virus is transmitted to humans from birds including poultry (chicken, duck, turkey). The cause of this kind of influence has been clinically proven to be the H5N1 virus. Intensive research to find a good vaccine for avian influenza. The H5N1 virus has been found that human influences, particularly in Europe and Asia.

In most cases, avian influenza spread from birds to one person. To reduce any possibility of the H5N1 virusVirus spreads a man, you stay away from any contact with the birds during a bird flu epidemic.

The symptoms of bird flu in humans may be similar to typical flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches. Other symptoms include severe eye infections, pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases and other serious and life-threatening complications.

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Flu - Influenza - the simple facts and treatments

What is influenza - Influenza: Influenza is often called or known as the "flu", is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. Although the flu affects both sexes and all age groups, children and elderly people tend to do more. The disease also has its own season, which is from November to April, with the majority of cases, between late December and early March.

What are the causes of flu - Influenza: Influenza is caused byThe influenza virus. Physicians classify the influenza virus type A and type B, each of which includes strains. These different strains of the virus retained the original, but some of its properties. The influenza virus changes often, that the influence caused by a virus, not to give full immunity to other strains. This requires a different vaccine every year to prevent infection. Influenza (flu) is easily spread by droplet infectioncoughed or sneezed into the air or touching door handles and other objects that are infected were treated with other flu is highly contagious through.

The symptoms of flu - Influenza: Influenza usually lasts one week or less with the main symptoms of taking over a period of 3 days. The symptoms of influenza (flu) are fever, chills, headache, body or muscle aches, loss of appetite, fatigue, cough, sore throat, runny nose,Upset stomach, weakness, diarrhea. After 3 days of fever and other symptoms may be gone, but a cough or a marked weakness can sometimes take days to a few more. All symptoms are usually two in the past week or so. However, it is important to take seriously, because the flu can lead to pneumonia or other complications, especially in young children, the elderly and people with health problems to long-term period. I seem to have the flu each year, and eachYear seems to hit me worse than the year before. I seem to be in late Janurary or early February each year.

The treatment of influenza - Influenza: Once the influence is not much you can do to get rid of it, except, of course, until it was executed. The best thing is to stay in bed with a warm blanket and rest as much as possible. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration and weakness. And you might want to take Tylenol or ibuprofen Headache and body aches. You should avoid aspirin for children. There are several new drugs over the counter, and as such appear to shorten the severity of flu, you want to try: Oscillococcinum Zicam and other, often called the oscilloscope. I tried the chewable Zicam hard and I felt the product less pills for flu symptoms.

Prevention of influenza - Influenza: The best way to prevent flu -> Influenza, the flu vaccine, unless they are allergic to it I like it. Two years in a row I had the flu shot and both times I was very sick in 2 days I had a bad headache and had a very strong stomach. You should try to avoide closely with other influence they have. Wash hands and forearms often espicaly after using public toilets, doors and drinking fountains in public. Never share cups and utensils and do not use otherInternational touching the tissue box is an easy way to receive the cold. Stay home from work or school if sick with the flu and tranquility.

It 'a site that offers treatment effect, facts and other information of great - Influenza and numerous medical conditions, the Member Site: All about health and can be found at:

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Swine H1N1 Flu Facts Part 2 - Symptoms and Treatment

The symptoms of swine influenza H1N1 are equal to any flu: cough, sore throat, muscle aches, headache, chills, fever and fatigue, diarrhea and influenza infections can also vomiting. sinus infections, ear, or pneumonia may develop H1N1. Swine flu is not a "killer flu", and many of the reported cases are considered mild. But the age and health, some local people at risk of serious consequences.

The following are at risk forsevere cases of influenza or complications:
· Pregnant
• The diseases with pre-existing conditions, such as diabetes, kidney failure and respiratory diseases
° Children and babies
• L 'elderly
• The immunocompromised
· The doctors fragile
• Man who live in group setting, such as prisons or labor camps, migrant
• Human medical care could be delayed for financial reasons

The treatment of swine influenza H1N1
The anti-viral (such as Tamiflu and Relenza) are available and are most effective when the symptoms started within two days after the appearance of. discuss side effects with your prescribing doctor before deciding on treatment. antiviral therapies are not recommended for children under one year. Follow your doctor to manage the recommendations for the relief of pain and cough, and diarrhea and vomiting. Do not go to the emergency room for-Like symptoms following flu-like symptoms.> In this online article, "Swine Flu and You", the CDC recommends urgent care or emergency:

· Lack of breath, breathing too fast, pain with deep breaths
· Vomiting persistent
· Mark of dehydration: the production of urine was cryingappear without tears, eyes or mouth is dry inside, the refusal or inability to drink
Second worst fever and cough
· Chest or abdominal pain
· Skin appears blue or gray, especially around the eyes, nose and mouth
Rash with °Fever
· Confusion
· Dizziness
• In the Children: irritable, can not be consoled do not want to be held, can not wake up, do not interact too much sleep

Links to frequently updated information swine flu H1N1
CDC article "swine fluand you. "

CDC article, "The care of people with influenza A H1N1 Swine Flu in your house."

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Naiouli oil - strong antiseptic, antibacterial, relieves symptoms of colds and flu and infections of the skin

Naiouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia)

Aromas: Fresh, camphor-like, pungent, hot, sweet

Keywords: strong antiseptic, antibacterial

The smell of oil Naiouli is fresh, warm, pungent and slightly sweet, such as eucalyptus oil. In regions where Naiouli grown and distilled with the oil Naiouli natives for a variety of medical purposes.

Widely regarded as a kind of "Tea Tree Melaleuca quinquenervia is a strong antiseptic, antibacterialOil.

A powerful oil support ventilation Naiouli also strong decongestant properties that make it extremely useful for the treatment of head colds and chest. The same properties make it useful to clear my head mentally, and give you a stimulating and exciting the senses.

Naiouli oil is excellent for the treatment of bronchial congestion use a mixture of oil of rosemary or eucalyptus, as a widespread respiratory or air. It can also Naiouli in a mixture of eucalyptus in aDilution of light coconut oil or jojoba oil to soothe respiratory condtions and generous in the chest and upper back area using.

For an invigorating and exciting blend with respiratory Naiouli Add peppermint, mint and eucalyptus. This mixture is known to be effective for the relief of symptoms of colds and flu.

Naiouli has antiseptic properties make it useful in skin anti-infectives with other oils such as rosemary, tea tree and lavender mixture for the treatment of skinConditions such as acne, boils and sores.

Naiouli oil may also be in a bubble for the exhaust tract infections and urinary tract useful mixture.

NOTE: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results, buy high quality oils you can possibly find. Use certified organic oils, or oils that have been tested and are free of pesticides.

Aromatherapy is a gentle and noninvasive complementaryhealth services for the compensation and synchronization of body, mind, spirit and emotions, used to improve your health. Proper management of essential oils are a natural, safe and effective way to enhance your health and well-being and can not have satisfactory results if other methods to produce. Please consult your physician for serious health problems and do not try to diagnose themselves.

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8 flu-like symptoms - I have the flu or a cold?

I feel terrible! - I have the flu or just a cold? This question is usually the first one that comes to mind if I have the bad-all-over feeling that I know, I took a winter bug you get. Some of the symptoms of influenza (flu) are very similar to the common cold, but there are some symptoms of influenza that are not. Here are 8 symptoms of flu are common. These tips may helpsee if you have the flu and a good action if you want. If you suspect that you have the flu and not just a cold, check with your doctor within 48 hours, if possible. He may be able to prescribe medications, symptoms that can help reduce weight. After 48 hours, the antiviral drugs available are much less effective.

1) Fever of 100.4 F (38 C) or higher. Fever is rare, if you're just a fever over 100.4 F cold, but for 3-4 daysoften up to 80% of cases of influenza.

2) muscle pain which are widely distributed throughout the body. Muscle pain is not a cold, and when they occur together, are generally low.

3) Very tired, exhausted. The degree of fatigue is usually much more pronounced than with the flu with a cold.

4) headaches are common with the flu, but rare with a cold.

5) chills are common with influenza, but are rare withcold.

6) neck pain are common with the flu and colds.

7) runny nose. These are common to both colds and flu, but are more common with children who have the influence of adults with influenza.

is 8 with the flu - a common symptom with children - often with a cold at times. stomach), but problems such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

If you have symptoms oftenassociated with influenza, you should tell your doctor as soon as possible - remember, as mentioned above, if within 48 hours of onset of flu symptoms, may be able to reduce the length to be treated with antiviral drugs, and this may reduce their severity of symptoms. After 48 hours, the effectiveness of antiviral drugs substantially reduced.

Here are other suggestions, the flu can help you through the misery of:

1) Obtainenough sleep - sleep does not only help your body more quickly to the flu, but if you can not sleep
2) over-the-counter drugs such as acetaminophen or Advil or other brands of ibuprofen or paracetamol
3) Keep your room warm (not hot)
4) monitoring of your fever
5) Avoid contact with others (other than your doctor) until they are well
6) do not work to make life more difficult or good for you. Prevention is better. Toprevent the flu: how to start your doctor recommends before getting a flu shot each year, the flu season flu. Of course, the questions you should contact your physician if you think with what you already have.

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The avian influenza virus and influenza - Influenza and avian influenza can be treated with antibiotics?

To understand this, we must first look at what influenza and avian flu.

What is influenza?

Influenza is a disease that has the following symptoms. They include fever with temperatures above 38 degrees Celsius or 100 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also experience chills, muscle aches, headache, fatigue and loss of appetite, neck pain, cough and chest pain. Symptoms may take days to a few andtreat with medication. Some people may suffer, which can last for several weeks. What is the forgetful need is a good rest and we are forced to consume large amounts of water, preferably warm. Symptoms in children can cause abdominal pain. This should not be confused with appendicitis. Children can also suffer from cramps.

Drugs for treatment of influenza are limited. are drugs such as amantadine and Rimantdine has been around for a number of decades. ButRecent studies have shown that they are effective against influenza type B. The new drugs are introduced into the market. They are sold under the trade name Tamiflu oseltamivir as the main composition. There is another drug known as zanamivir. This drug is sold under the trade name Relenza. This drug is highly effective against the flu. Both drugs are highly effective for both types of influence, ie the type A "influence" and "B"Influence.

The influenza virus is caused by. In general, the viral protein is found with two factors, factor H and N-factor. There are sixteen different factors H and nine N factors. A combination of these factors is the influenza virus. The influenza virus H1N1 has caused the Spanish in 1918. This virus has about 40-50 people were killed around the world. And let me tell you that the flu can be avoided by simplyto measure. You should regularly check the annual influenza vaccine. Most of the flu vaccine can be tackled with the flu.

What is avian influenza?

Avian influenza is a viral strain that I have discussed in the paragraphs first a. They consist of large groups of viruses (a combination of factor H and factor N), the infection of birds. Sometimes these viruses are also other types as a guest. Here are mutated in the host countryand to develop a new strain of the virus. Most species of bird flu does not affect humans. But when it does infect humans, then it proves fatal. The specificity of avian influenza that has caused infections in humans. And when that happens, then we are destined to develop a new strain could have, and this can be very dangerous.

What are antibiotics used?

Antibiotics are primarily for the care of a drug, abacterial infections. Influenza is a viral infection will not find a course of antibiotics. In the case of viral infections, where the influence has been infected by the pneumonia and the flu has reached proportions. The bacteria in the body begin to fill. This will require antibiotics.

The facts as I have said above, it is very clear that you are quite sure that avian influenza and treated with antibiotics are not.

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What are flu-like symptoms?

OK, so I have flu-like symptoms, what can I do? At the first sign of symptoms take Echinacea. It can be done every 4 to 6 hours or as directed on the package label of the product. Remember that one or two doses of Echinacea will not help you. You need to take 7 to 10 days. One of you is before you take drugs that are related to natural or prescribed, consult your doctor

Now you have your first clue what to do, forFlu-like symptoms>. Echinacea by the immune system begins to rebuild depleted. However, you should destroy the bacterial cells. So, do not take echinacea for more than 7 to 10 days. Do not give children under 1 year echinacea.

Echinacea by destroying the cells of good bacteria, you want to take probiotics and elderberry extract, as rebuild the cells of good bacteria. These two natural products can also be your immune system. Take these two itemskeep the immune system throughout the year in good shape!

Another good herbal remedy to take for the flu-like symptoms is goldenseal. In most cases you can buy along with Gold Seal and Echinacea. There is a synergistic effect when the two used together. They make each other better fight bacteria.

Another big line of defense against colds is the oil of oregano. It 'an excellent remedy for the home and flu symptoms of colds. Oregano oil comes from an extract of athe most powerful spices oregano plant. No, this is not your taste everyday purchased this spice.

E 'is completely different from grass can be found in your kitchen pantry drawer or herbs. The oil of oregano that we are talking about has strong antiviral properties, antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial. More than 50 known active substances from the oregano plant, which are synergistic to its benefits oil of oregano. It has proven to be effectiveControl of fungal and bacterial infections.

You can drink water or eat chicken coconut soup electrolytes and steamed vegetables are good if you have a cold. This is easily digestible, and electrolytes will give you energy. In addition, you can dictate to your body when you eat. If you are not hungry do not eat. Bananas are also easy to digest.

Also get lots of vitamin C! It is advisable to eat oranges to get the benefits of whole foods, but there are some natural vitamin CThe products available online that are just as good as eating oranges.

We have seen several things like symptoms, you can do for the flu. The rest is one of the best things, and drink plenty of fluids. Organic teas are ideal if you have flu-like symptoms. because it does not contain caffeine, you get the benefits of all fluids and the joy of a good tea. As always, eat healthy my friends.

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Swine flu facts and symptoms

Swine flu facts

Swine influenza is caused by type A influenza virus in pigs. It spreads to humans as humans come into contact with infected pigs shed the virus in saliva, nasal secretions and feces.

The common strains of influenza A viruses infect the species rare. But if a human strain and a pig (swine) strain of animals infected at the same time, the eight genetic segments that make up the genetic influencecan exchange with each other in a process called reassortment.

The swine flu virus strain, currently appears to be from a reassortment of genetic material from a strain of pigs, a strain of avian and human. You are now able to transmit human to human, more or less the same way seasonal influenza occurs in people. The swine flu virus at the time responds well to Tamiflu, although health experts fear this virus to mutate and, finally, continue to make Tamifluineffective before the vaccine is ready.

You can not become infected by eating pork. Cook pork and other meat to an internal temperature of at least 70 degrees Celsius to ensure that we are not taking live bacteria and viruses.

The symptoms of swine flu

The symptoms are usually mild, similar to that of normal seasonal human influenza. They include

high fever (usually above 38 degrees Celsius)
Neck pain
Limb pain
maybe a couple of days later, respiratory distress

However, the risk or even die hard disease to swine flu increases dramatically in patients already pre-existing or underlying health conditions. Doctors have the following groups of people most vulnerable to the virus detected:

Pregnant women, especially in the second and third trimesters
Childrenfive, especially younger than two years
Immuno-people whose immune system diseases or drugs, as used in chemotherapy endangered depressed
People with chronic heart failure and / or pulmonary disease
Obese people
People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
People who have metabolic problems (people who are overweight or have diabetes mellitus, etc.) have
Who is 65 years ormore

Find a doctor if you are sick, and all that close contact (2 meters or less) with other people. For more information and updates about swine flu, click here [http://howtobefitandhealthy.com/category/swine- information influence].

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severe symptoms of swine flu

Dr. Keiji Fukuda, deputy director general of the World Health Organisation (WHO) at the press conference July 7, 2009 presented the latest data reported by 137 countries, territories and regions reporting laboratory-confirmed cases, more than 98,000, with over 440 dead. He explained that the swine flu pandemic is evolving rapidly on a daily basis throughout with over 3,000 confirmed cases. In the southern hemisphere, where the winter months and to enter their regularflu season, you can see a pattern that is different in the northern hemisphere as the United States and Great Britain is now visible.

Swine flu today "

Dr. Fukuda said the southern hemisphere, the same activity, as seen in other countries. So, for example, Australia reporting influenza activity intense in the area of Victoria, and was the same at lower levels in other parts of Australia for one and is now back up.

Colds andShare the same flu-like symptoms. However, the two viral infections is very different. Influenza is a viral disease, infections of the respiratory tract and usually occurs once a year or every few years, while most people have a cold several times a year.

Adults, the symptoms of severe swine flu case are:

* A fever of 100F and usually up to 105F.
* A cough.
* Shortness of breath, wheezing and shortness of breath.
* Chest paincaused by persistent cough.
* Confusion and dizziness.
* Muscle pain.
* Sore throat.
* Improve flu symptoms and then again with high fever and cough worse.

For children the most important signals are:

* Shortness of breath with wheezing and coughing.
* Severe vomiting.
* A pasty complexion.
* Do not drink plenty of fluids.
Flu-like symptoms in adults to improve * and return with a highFever.

These are all signs of urgent medical aid to search immediately, certainly within two days, such as Tamiflu is most effective.

The most common method for diagnosis of swine influenza virus is an antigen test, the laboratory performed on swabs from the nose and throat for testing. If you suspect pneumonia, then a chest x-ray results.

The real significance of this health crisis is difficult to quantify, as a constant random mutationThe name of the game for these errors. I have been since the beginning of time and have their own way to survive in their world of microbes. Will not be long until they survive the bird flu is our chemical agents against influenza virus as well.

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The three types of influenza

Commonly called the flu, influenza is an infectious disease that is the most common human diseases suffered. In the course of their lives, many people experience the disease in one or several other times. Nowadays many people have access to vaccines for influenza, which occur can help the disease. However, understanding more about the three different types of this disease is important to know how it happens.

> Influenza A virus (influenza A) -

The type of a form of influenza is virulent and has the unpleasant symptoms of the three possible types. It 's the most common form and is the form for the greatest epidemics in history. More people die of influenza type A and any other type.

Influenza type A is made up of different subsets of types. The hardest part is the variety known as highly pathogenic and low pathogenicArt is the mildest subset of this kind of influence. Almost every time you hear the news about major outbreaks, or if a certain species is devastating to the persons referred to are particularly suitable as it is almost certain type A. In addition, tensions almost always highly pathogenic variant.

Type A is definitely the type of contract the flu from all 3 types. The story is that very young children and the elderly since the maximumit is this type. However, several influenza vaccines are available to prevent contracting this type. This is fortunate, since the risk associated with respect to the more serious type A.

Influenza B virus (influenza B) -

The influence of type B is not responsible for any kind of pandemic, and is only rarely mentioned in the news as a terminal or potentially extremely dangerous. Most people acquire a kind of immunity against type B in the relatively young age. But theType B pathogen behind change frequently, so that any immunity will not last forever.

The emergence of influenza that occurs during the winter months is usually the variety of type B. All the coughing, hacking and other external symptoms are almost always in the form B because of the type. However, influenza vaccine is not an effective remedy or countermeasure to these families, and researchers are working on, they find a way to fight.

InfluenceC virus (C virus) -

Type C is the rarest form of influenza. If someone contracts the flu, it is almost always the type A and type B variety. In the rare cases in which there is a type C, there are no serious symptoms to follow. This form of influence is more likely that a lot of children because of his contract, than any other segment of the population.

Influenza vaccination -

Regardless of which type of flu, you may be interested, it is alwaysas an annual vaccination. It can help you avoid many of the downtime often associated with these outbreaks. You can minimize the possibility of vaccination or school holidays to work through the protection of a flu. The elderly are particularly encouraged to receive vaccinations, how are more likely to suffer the worst symptoms.

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How to tell the difference between flu-like symptoms and allergy symptoms

Often there is a lot of confusion between similar flu-like symptoms and allergic symptoms, only because both have similar symptoms in the beginning stage. At the beginning of the person experiencing a runny nose, sore throat, itchy eyes and headaches. You spoke of an experience of symptoms, it is important to judge properly, you can use the right drug for the treatment. They do not spend amoney for cold medicines, only to discover that you have allergies.

The best way to determine what the body is suffering from disease is to provide solid evidence that lead to get a diagnosis. Here is a list of suggestions for you to get a solution Guide:

Let's start with the "flu symptoms"

Here are some of the most common flu symptoms:

Fever (usually high)
Muscle pain
Extreme fatigue
Runny nose (usually from 2 to 3 days or after the experience of the above symptoms)
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, (usually starts the same day or the day 2 after the experience of the above symptoms)
Now it's time to start thinking like a detective and gather some information:

Were people who were either coughing or sneezing?
You were in a medical office or hospital waiting room (so no one goes to the doctor becausefeel good, go there because they are sick)?
You were in a position with limited ventilation?
Do you have another phone (I use keyboard phones are full of germs, people do while using the toilet and we are all guilty of it. Next time think twice before using the phone to someone)?
You were with someone else's computer, pens, cups, utensils (always a spring so as not to be shared by many)?
If you wash your hands for at least sixtimes a day (this is in addition to wash their hands after using the toilet)?
You should now have an idea of the kinds of questions that you are moving. As a rule the first 2-3 days the symptoms are worse when it comes to influence. By day 3 or 4 you should only have a stuffy nose, sore throat or mucus.

The effect must not be too short and should not be too long. If symptoms persist for several days or more than one allergen "season", is aindicator likely to respond to a particular pollen or particles of air below. If you're the third day and the symptoms are still persistent, then check the section of allergy symptoms:

Allergy symptoms

Allergies are not always obvious. People to develop a case of cold nose, red, itchy eyes, coughing or constant. Sometimes it may seem that the stomach cramps, arms, or rash on the face. Short allergiesa series of reactions to antigens such as pollen, mold, or anything in your environment that your body is controlled.

Allergy Clues

allergy season is usually during the spring and summer months.
If you are allergic to pollen, you may be allergic to leaves (Autumn)
Did you buy new furniture (forgot to dust and vacuum furniture)
They were part of a recent outdoor activities
While driving your car with the windows you have to go deep by someone whoMow their lawns
While the dog for a walk or have the latest lawn
Were you to new pets or animals in the open
When was the last time you cleaned your car a / c vents, or change the filter. This is one of the largest producers of allergic reactions, especially when you start, you're a / c for those hot summer days
Did you eat something new or added new herbs to your cooking
If you are using a new soap, deodorants, perfumes or clothes
When was the lastTime you change your home A / C, air filters
Check your home or office for dust in excess
When was the last time your pillow bed (s), if you suffer from allergies, it is ideal to change twice a year
Your home or work environment changes
You should now have an idea of what you need to ask. These questions can help the doctor to diagnose. Do not be surprised if the doctor will ask some of the sameQuestions!

The information contained in this blog is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, and those with allergies or flu symptoms symptoms your doctor to consult with the needs.

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Avian influenza - Tamiflu can cure the deadly bird flu virus?

Discovery of avian influenza

A question asked by most people: to go into this aspect of Tamiflu, the flu I want to open the doors for a discussion on avian influenza. Since the discovery of bird flu, the discovery of bird flu can be traced in 1918, so soon. But the facts are quite in recent years has been as a kind of respiratory disease in poultry were discovered by farmers in 1983. This however wasfound that the farmers of Virginia Shenandoah Valley. Virginia Shenandoah Valley is the first manufacturer in the country (USA) poultry products into account. Quarantine was imposed on the valley, which has not been revoked for more than a year. This has resulted in the killing of over one million birds in relation to turkeys and chickens.

The estimated losses of the farmers in the valley have been compared to a height of approximately $ 40 million. After this mass slaughter of birds,The United States could contain the disease. This has led the United States on certain provisions, such as poultry products should be treated, which passed from poultry farmers do. The United States was aware that the world does not stop a bomb. By the time the strains of influenza emerged in Hong Kong. Some people have lost their lives to the flu later in these countries, in different forms of the viral load appeared. His Toll wherever he goes.

The symptoms of bird flu

The symptoms of influenza, like any other flu. The reason for the bird flu means that the bird flu spreads from human to nature. We used to suffer from sore throat, and then followed by muscle aches. This was followed by a feeling of nausea and dizziness. Flu is now fully recovered. It 's very important to recognize the symptoms of> Influenza in a very early stage. Once the symptoms have been detected, you must follow with the drug. Because this is a viral infection, antibiotics may play a role. Antibiotics only treat bacterial infections. Tamiflu is the only drug on the market to fight viral infections. But how can the Council take Tamiflu without talking to your doctor.

Benefits of Tamiflu

This drug Tamiflu is advertised as a drug for the treatment of influenza.Tamiflu is the only drug that attacks the source of the infection and prevent the spread of viruses throughout the body. E 'advertised as a drug for adults, adults with flu-like symptoms that has demonstrated over the past two days. But the drug can be taken by children under thirteen years.

Another advantage of Tamiflu, is that you take this drug as a preventive measure. If you had exposed persons who have the flu, you should also take the medicine. But changing the dosage. Here, as a preventive measure, it's just one pill a day. In the case of patients, will go for too many pills a day.

Influenza type A and B influenza flu is just the flu, the flu has shown that Tami easy answer to the drug. The bird flu is being protected from influenza is influenza A. This type of response so Tami> Flu.

In one case, you do not respond to the drug Tamiflu your doctor or health care professional and ask him if what could be the problem.

In general, Tamiflu can be healing from the deadly strain of avian influenza virus.

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Countdown to the 2010 flu: influenza pneumonia Vs

So you cough and fever. As you can tell the difference between the flu, the antibiotic is better than his own and lung inflammation, which is needed? This is a question, I see many patients come to the emergency room and can help us iTriage. iTriage the iPhone, Android, Palm app or a web-enabled device. We have already discussed the influence and below are seeking information from iTriagePneumonia.


Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by infectious and noninfectious causes. The air cells can be filled with liquid causes of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. The infection can be severe and lead to death. Some risk factors such as smoking increase, excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes, depression, poor nutrition and immune system the risk of developing pneumonia. The "pneumonia shot (Pneumovax) only protects against bacteria and notnot prevent lung inflammation.


Cough with greenish or yellow sputum, blood, sputum, fever with chills, chest pain sharp or stabbing chest pain with deep breathing or coughing, rapid, shallow breathing, shortness of breath, weak pulse deteriorated.


A history and physical examination performed. An x-ray can confirm the diagnosis. Blood tests, sputum cultures and blood cultures may be the cause and severity of the infection. Occasionally, a CT scanbeing implemented, and especially if associated with a pleural effusion is present.

Standard workup

Chem 12


Antibiotics work only bacteria, but many times the cause of pneumonia can not determine what the majority of patients initially received antibiotics (azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin, levofloxacin, or ceftriaxone) may be. If pneumonia is difficult admission to hospital and intravenous antibioticsadministered. More severe cases may have a mechanical ventilation.

The main difference between the flu and pneumonia, cough. The cough is productive of sputum is the meaning of pneumonia sputum is usually yellow to green to brown. With the influence of cough did not produce any sputum or sputum is white is clear. Most patients with pneumonia also feel short of breath and feeling some pain in the chest when I breathe deep, and two of these symptoms are a rarewith the flu. It 'important to note that sometimes the pneumonia that begin with the flu. Your body is a lung infection of influenza virus that cause it to weaken it more vulnerable to bacteria.

A chest radiograph or CT, the diagnosis of pneumonia by to confirm the accumulation of fluid in the airspaces of the lung. The emergency room is the most appropriate place to go for a chest infection when the disease is mild, then an X-ray can be obtaineda clinic for urgent care or family doctor. You can use this provider iTriage the United States to find.

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Tamiflu side effects


To talk about the side effects of Tamiflu, should I tell you what to Tamiflu. Tamiflu is an anti-viral. This drug is made for the possibility of the onset of human beings. The next question is: what is the antiviral drug. The antiviral drug is used to remove the effects of an attack of bird flu in humans.

Influenza, as you know, is a common problem faced by humans whenare exposed to extreme conditions or when the antibody is fighting a viral infection in the body. The result is a body of influence, which appears as a rise in temperature. The symptoms start with a sore throat often. You can experiment with cough, muscle aches, headache and loss of appetite.

Any influence, if not treated, without rest and medication will result in pneumonia. If the person is treated with proper careand with the right rest, then the effect may disappear. Otherwise, it does lead to pneumonia. Pneumonia is fatal within a short span of two days or so, even when untreated. Correct dosage of the drug must be the flu, the patient's suffering, and when it will be given great attention to bird flu.

Side effects:

The drug Tamiflu is given the right dosage, as prescribed by your doctor. Exceeding the limits for each doseDrug cause serious side effects. As with any drug, Tamiflu may be interested in the following ways. They can lead to severe allergic reactions. The allergic reaction may be a difficulty in breathing. This may be a swelling of the lips, tongue, or throat can a construction of experience can bring. You can also swelling of the face. In each of these allergic reactions you should stop taking the medicine and ask your doctor. In the case ofthe allergic reaction does not subside by the swelling, but expect to go to the nearest emergency room.

In addition to these less serious side effects may occur. They can range from giving a feeling of dizziness, nausea and vomiting. You can have a severe case of diarrhea, abdominal pain, stomach cramps or experience. Some of you may experience a feeling of sleep (insomnia). Fatigue, cough and other respiratory symptoms are also some side effects that can beExperience. In these cases, you should not stop taking the drug, but at the same time you should talk to your doctor.

Side effects of Tamiflu, if you are taking other medications almost anyone. Although to date there are no clinical trials have shown that the Tamiflu drug interactions, would be a good idea to tell your doctor that you are taking any other medicines, whether prescribed as saying Tamiflu.

You are side effects of Tamiflu in studyYou should know that Tamiflu is only a mark. The main ingredient in Tamiflu is oseltamivir. It (Tamiflu), when taken with drugs that can treat problems related to the renal cast, but another side effect. This can be vertigo or dizziness on. Side effects of Tamiflu may be important when you have the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages.
You can not stop because the Tamiflu influenza vaccination normal, as the absence of side effects of Tamiflu have been observed alongwith him. For a complete list of side effects, it would be better to have a conversation with your doctor.

So far no reported side effects that can be viewed from the grave.

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influenza vaccines - How well you know them?

Flu vaccines are very popular in recent months as the infamous swine flu scare spread to continents. But how do you know about this vaccine? Do you understand the means to take it, possible side effects and common myths about them? Well, it would pay to learn at the end.

influenza vaccines can be used as a shot or nasal mist A. As injection of killed influenza vaccine contains the body to prepare influenza virus, which is yourinfection with influenza virus to fight with life. The nasal mist vaccine, on the other side contains weakened live flu virus. However, the fog is not ideal for people with weakened immune systems.

Although influenza vaccines reduce the chances of contracting the flu up to 80% there is no guarantee that you are 100% ill always be protected. The advantage is that if you got the shot and then the flu, the symptoms become less andmilder.

About side effects

Most people experience no side effects after influenza vaccine. The most common side effects include pain or swelling at the injection site and mild headache or slight fever.

These side effects are usually only for a day, like the flu, please festive evening for 2 or 3 weeks. complications not mentioned, such as pneumonia, infections of the sinuses, respiratory and otherProblems.

Ironically, the common myth about flu vaccines is that the surplus revenue would actually cause the flu. -. It is not true influenza virus influenza vaccination death makes it impossible for him to catch the flu at the reception. Although, nasal spray vaccine, but symptoms of the flu virus that can cause direct light, as it is.

effective prevention measures

In reality, there really is guaranteedWay to prevent influenza, someone always -. Vaccines against the flu because it is not even the basic details to know that vaccination is important, the precautions are still the best way to protect yourself and your family.

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Bacterial disease - Leptospirosis

You already have the disease leptospirosis? Known in medical terms as Weil's disease or syndrome of Weil, leptospirosis, a bacterial infectious disease caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira family. The first time by Adolf Weil in 1886, this bacterium Leptospira regards human beings from animals such as rats, skunks, opossums, foxes and other pests. You can be infected by infected soil or water.

Leptospirosis occurs worldwide and is often in the rainy season. Wastesof such animals as the infected urine can contaminate groundwater or running, so that the environment is infected with the bacterium.

There are many ways to be infected by these bacteria. First, by ingestion of infected water, the second from a skin wound, and finally through the mucous membranes, such as eyes, nose, sinuses and mouth.

The symptoms of bacterial infection starts from two to 25 days after the initial infection of the urine or tissues of infectedAnimal. Here are the symptoms:

Muscle pain
watery eyes and sometimes redness
Stiff neck

Once infected and suffering from these symptoms, the organisms may be in the blood within 7 days and by the tenth day, the bacteria can be found a. If urine is not diagnosed early complications such as meningitis, extreme fatigue, hearing loss, shortness of breath, blood urea nitrogen, renal interstitialNecrosis, liver, kidney and heart disease as possible.

What is the treatment?

Leptospirosis is a serious disease when diagnosed at an early stage. Effective treatment requires high doses of antibiotics such as penicillin and doxycycline drugs. These victims, who have severe symptoms, requiring hospitalization and IV fluids and antibiotics. medical intensive care and dialysis treatment are considered for liver and renal manifestations.

Vaccine(Doxycycline) is also available and got a flu shot every year. People who are engaged in any outdoor activity is recommended to take these vaccines. Other alternatives include treatments such as detoxification and normalization of fluid balance. Glucose and salt solution may be applied.

The mortality rate for this disease depends primarily on the body's ability to fight disease. Most healthy body with a strong immune system is more likely to fullyRecovery from illness. The severity of the various functions of the organs play an important role, as the patient's body react to infection. If not treated immediately Leptospirosis is a deadly disease.

The best way to prevent disease, outdoor activities as much as possible to avoid, especially in the rainy season were contaminated urine bacterial infections are very possible. Keep your kids play in sand, mud, or in some flooded areas. I advise you to seek medical helpOnce all the symptoms occur, to improve the chances of recovery to full health.


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Effective treatment for swine flu

Tamiflu is an antiviral medication by mouth as approved by the FDA for the SU treatment and prevention of influenza virus. The new strain of the virus is resistant to most drugs and treatment probably in the form of a vaccine has yet been developed. People who are affected with swine influenza virus should start taking Tamiflu, after consultation with their doctor. Tamiflu is most effective if treatment begins within 48 hours for the development of symptoms. People exposedthe swine influenza virus can also affect Tamiflu to prevent.

What is the swine flu?

Swine flu, or influenza is a highly contagious respiratory infection caused by influenza virus. Although the swine flu normally only infects pigs, but in 2009 a new outbreak of type A influenza strain H1N1. It contains genes of pig, bird and human influenza viruses. Influenza A H1N1 virus originated in Mexico in March 2009 andA few months which has affected thousands of people in different countries around the world. Why be distributed worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic influenza, said the 2009 outbreak of H1N1 on a new global one. Strains of influenza virus can spread rapidly, because no one has natural immunity and easily absorb and transfer the disease.

Swine flu symptoms

The swine flu symptoms are similar to those reported in the common flu. severity of symptoms depends on the resistance levels of person and treatment is provided, the. Some of the commonly reported symptoms of H1N1 influenza include -

Fever over 38 ° C (100.4 ° F)
Neck pain
Limb pain

The symptoms of the days of swine flu develop within 3 to 5, after the victim is exposed to the virus. L '> The symptoms for about 8 days, from 1 day before the patient is sick and stays until the patient recovers. While some patients have mild and recover within a week, some patients may worsen symptoms of swine flu and pneumonia what other chronic diseases. Thousands of people have died because of worsening symptoms of swine flu. Ask your doctor right away if you are headache, fever or cold, experience, and ifYou develop symptoms after contact with a person the flu virus H1N1 has been exposed.

How does the swine flu virus spread?

As the common flu, swine influenza virus can spread from person to person through coughs and sneezes of people, the influenza virus are already infected with. Healthy people may become infected by touching your eyes or on surfaces that are contaminated with the virus and then touching the mouth,Nose.

Swine flu prevention

Maintain hygiene
Wash your hands often with soap or alcohol gel
Coverage may be sneezing or coughing
Stay away from crowds when possible.
Stay home when you are sick to avoid infecting others
People who have suspected or form with the swine flu should wear face

Swine flu treatment Tamiflu

Tamiflu Oseltamivir is an oral antiviral drug by drug class,Called neuraminidase inhibitors. The drug has proven effective against both influenza A and B influenza virus. The FDA also has approved Tamiflu for virus prevention and treatment of influenza H1N1.

The influenza virus is spread by a spotter on the chemical surface of the virus called neuraminidase. This chemical can pass the virus to neighboring cells, where it enters the body. Tamiflu is to attack the virus so that it does not spread through the body. L 'Drug called oseltamivir in Tamiflu binds to the neuraminidase on the surface of virus particles and prevent it from working. By blocking neuraminidase, Tamiflu, the infection is limited to a smaller area and prevents the spread of the virus in the body. Consequently, the symptoms and duration of influenza H1N1 have been significantly reduced. Tamiflu works best if treatment is started two days to get symptoms within a period of flu-like. TamifluOseltamivir has been shown to reduce the duration of illness by about 1 day. More importantly, it helps the medicine to reduce the risk of developing flu complications as life threatening pneumonia, which can be heavy.

Tamiflu UK

Tamiflu Oseltamivir is for people in the United Kingdom, the viruses were infected with H1N1 influenza virus and were exposed to them. UK Tamiflu should be used only after consultationa doctor and take, after informing the doctor about the symptoms, allergies and medications they can. You can also buy Tamiflu online online clinics in the United Kingdom as Healthexpress.co.uk. The site provides free advice from a specialist through a form of online consultation. If your doctor finds Tamiflu is right for you after reviewing your medical records, you will receive a prescription for Tamiflu by e-mail. After that meet your pills of Tamiflu packageYour address provided in a safe and timely manner.

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H1N1 Swine Flu - Symptoms and Warning Signs

The H1N1 influenza virus is a respiratory disease caused by a virus. The virus is spread from person to person spread in the same way as for normal seasonal flu and colds. The USDA reminds consumers that the consumption of all meat products and poultry are safe when properly prepared and cooked.

Swine influenza is an H1N1 influenza virus causes mild to severe flu-like symptoms. The vast majority of people infected with H1N1 Swine have not returned to theira doctor or hospital. It should be noted, however, death occurred as a result of people contracting the H1N1 influenza virus in a few.

The swine flu H1N1 is most if not all, symptoms of seasonal flu. Seasonal flu symptoms usually include fever, headache, pain, fatigue, cough and chest pain. Sometimes, a runny or stuffy nose, sore throat and runny nose. The swine flu H1N1 has three differentDifferences from the flu - the symptoms can, and a considerable number of cases reported severe vomiting and diarrhea.

These symptoms differ from the common cold. The common cold usually has a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough and occasional chest pain. Aches and pains can occur but are usually low compared to the flu. It 's rare to have a headache with the common cold or fever.

To completeComparison of symptoms - Airborne allergies are usually sneezing and runny or stuffy nose. Sometimes a sore throat and cough may occur along with fatigue. It 's rare to have chest discomfort or headaches with an allergy air. Aches, pains and fever are not symptoms of allergies air.

When should you be alarmed? The warning signs for children with H1N1 Swine Flu are difficult or rapid breathing, bluish skin color or gray, heavy, orpersistent vomiting, extreme difficulty waking not drinking enough fluids, not interacting with others, extreme irritability - would not be maintained. You should be very aware of flu symptoms improve, then a fever and cough is rapidly deteriorating.

The warning signs are similar in adults and some other symptoms such as difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, sudden dizziness,Severe and persistent vomiting and confusion. As with children, adults can demonstrate that the improvement and a sudden return of fever and cough increased.

The H1N1 influenza virus, like the common cold and allergies are very low in the air, mild or severe. Everyone reacts differently. 70% of patients hospitalized with the H1N1 influenza virus in the category had one or more diseases, "he has put in" high risk. High risk includes: pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease,Asthma and kidney disease.

Make an inventory of your symptoms to see if you have the flu allergies, colds or fly. Knowing what you have makes it easier for you to deal with. The severity of flu symptoms could mean you might have the H1N1 influenza virus.

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The symptoms of tonsil stones

Our tonsils are small structures that are currently on the back of the throat glands. The tonsils help capture bacteria and viruses that are present in the mouth, and thus prevent them from causing infection. The mixture of mucus and bacteria that are trapped to concentrate sometimes harden and calcify to form a tonsil stone.

A person who has a sore throat that the experience of certain symptoms like bad breath, and a visible white lumpy material availableon the back of the neck. Bad breath can sometimes be caused by the presence of certain chemicals such as sulfur compounds. When sulfur compounds can be detected in exhaled air is a strong likelihood that the individual has to develop tonsil stones. In fact, approximately 70% of people with sulfur compounds in their breath. Sulphur compounds are one of the main symptoms.

A person may also have symptoms like a wound in his feelingsNeck, which can be caused by tonsil stones. However, neck pain does not necessarily mean, as it could lead tonsillitis tonsils due to infection.

Other symptoms, such as lumpy stuff that is white and the fact that in May. tonsil stones are not usually visible and covered within the tonsils. To see if they are hidden within the tonsils have a particular fact as a CT scan or an MRI to see if the tonsils are and howare great.

It may also relieve symptoms such as inflammation of his throat. Even if there are in your throat, you can also ear pain pathways composite neural network.

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Influenza - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Influenza Influenza is commonly known as there is an infectious disease, the birds, the virus RNA may be exercised. It is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. In reality it is a viral infection, throat, nose, bronchial tubes are affected, and it works in some cases on the lungs.

Influenza is a serious disease, and infected every year about 5% -20% of the American people from this disease. Sometimes more than 200,000 people admitted to hospital where they are withThe infection of influenza. The flu can be serious or even fatal to the elderly, children and people with certain chronic diseases. The influence also has its season usually from November to April, with most cases between late December and early March.

The symptoms of

The infection is sometimes confused with the common cold, but their symptoms are more severe than the typical sneezing. The influence of infection and lasts about a weektimes more. And 'the sudden onset of high fever, muscle aches, feeling chills, muscle aches, headache, severe malaise, sore throat, runny nose and cough characterized. Dizziness and loss of appetite is another cause of flu. Eventually, vomiting, weakness, ear pain and symptoms of influenza may be similar.


The flu virus travels in air droplets when an infected person sneezes. You can easily inhale these droplets and suffering from the disease. You canalso pick up germs through the exchange of things with the infected person, such as telephone, towels, computer keyboard, etc.


The main thing of flu vaccine is received by an annual influenza. If you get the flu, health professionals can take your medicine your body to combat and reduce the symptoms of infection. You can see some practical methods for reduce the spread of preventing the flu. It is advisable to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly. NotCollection of fabrics used, as this can lead to infection. It can never go together and dish towels with an infected person infected this way. You should take your nose and mouth when sneezing, as the inflected forms of bacteria in the air and travel cover can lead to another person.


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Swine flu and its effects

What is the swine flu?

Swine influenza is the name of the biological, pigs relates. Swine influenza is a common viral infection that affects pigs worldwide. The influenza virus strains are responsible for all infections with influenza virus.

Symptoms of pigs

The influenza virus causes fever and severe weight loss, along with respiratory problems in pigs. Even if the flu is serious, it is rare in the death of pigs. In most cases, ifaffected pigs are pregnant, leading to the death of piglets. This influence is also called H1N1.

Because influenza has a very high level of competence of the spread quickly and in large numbers, there is huge financial loss to business owners in terms of medical costs and the selling price of pigs for healing.

Spread of the disease in pigs

Once a pig is affected by the disease, can easily transmit the viruses that cause diseases of other pigsby various means. The most common is through direct contact with the sound by touching each other nose. This is directly related to sneeze or cough spreads the virus through the atmosphere. It only takes a maximum of a couple of days, hit a whole farm of five pigs. Once the existence of the disease is confirmed on a farm, the owners of the subsidiaries for each pig, and carefully separate the healthy from the pigs affected.

Swine flu People

There was only very few events of this influence in humans. If they did, were the most likely infectious agents in pig farm workers, particularly those that directly to pigs. Even though it says it spreads through the consumption of pork, scientists and researchers have confirmed that the likelihood of such events are minimal. In addition, the disease is spreading very rarely from person to person.

The symptoms in humans

Swine> Influenza in humans causes fever, diarrhea, sudden weight loss, dry cough, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, and often because of the weakness of the body.

Presence of disease in the world

Century there were only few cases of swine flu original because of the past. The epidemic of influenza throughout the world in 2009 that the suspicion of swine flu in reality it is not true and swine influenza, but. The virus responsible for thisPandemic is the result of a mixture of parts of the normal swine virus, the human influenza virus and avian influenza viruses. Since this is not a normal influenza virus has a tendency to spread from one person to another. This was first established in some parts of the United States and Canada. Within a week or two had managed to spread the disease in nearly every country in the world. The WHO issued a global alert on the spread of the disease and also hadDirector of countries take the necessary measures to ensure that does not spread further.

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