Flu symptoms

The symptoms of influenza or flu usually with fever, chills, muscle aches, muscle aches, headache and fatigue. Other symptoms of flu, which are not noticed initially, dry cough, runny nose and sore throat. Fever is usually the first symptoms of influenza that person a call and can be very high, up to 106 degrees.

The flu symptoms are similar to other illnesses such as colds, butbacterial infections and mononucleosis-like symptoms also. bacterial infections respond well to antibiotics, but antibiotics do not relieve symptoms of influenza or mononucleosis, which are caused by viruses. Some still call to ask their doctors for antibiotics if they have flu symptoms, but doctors usually deny this request because it is believed that bacterial infections have become and are becoming increasinglymore resistant to antibiotics because they were over prescribed and abused in recent decades.

Recommendations for the treatment of symptoms of influenza include extra rest, sufficient fluid and a counter for pain and fever reducer. Over the counter products can be used to relieve nasal congestion, but antihistamines should be avoided as often they are not intended to treat flu symptoms and can, nasal fluids. In addition, youngand children should not give aspirin or aspirin containing over the counter products to treat the symptoms of influenza, because of the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, a serious illness.

Although flu symptoms are usually on their own in 7-10 days, in some cases, immediate medical care to be provided. A temperature of 100.4 or more a child of three months or younger will need to see a doctor. A rectal temperature of 105 or higher in aChildren under the age of four years will require immediate medical attention. An oral temperature of 104 or higher in one of four years or more must be reported to a doctor. If breathing difficulties accompany flu symptoms, then a doctor should be consulted. If your stiff neck, difficulty waking or accompanying symptoms of influenza, a doctor should be consulted confusion.

flu-like symptoms in patients with complications are at high risk for developmentas persons aged 65 years and health problems or other people of all ages have asthma or other respiratory problems in the long term, should be reported to a healthcare professional. Doctors sometimes prescribe anti-viral drugs as soon as flu symptoms appear in these patients at high risk associated. Antiviral drugs are the severity of flu symptoms, shorten the duration of the disease and reduce complications.

For moreInformation about flu, colds a basis for information on how to prevent these diseases seasonal visit www.immune-system-booster-guide.com.

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Is the flu shot for you?

For several years, it was encouraging that the elderly receive a flu vaccine to help protect them from influenza. Others may ask how safe the vaccine is really and if it's worth the risk of stroke in people. You should always discuss your concerns with your doctor and let them know that the flu vaccination is right for you, but it does not hurt to do research online to shoot his Discover the benefits and risks of flu. First you should know whatInfluenza is. Influenza is a viral infection that begins in the air passages, lungs, nose and throat.

The symptoms of influenza

The severity of symptoms depends on each individual, but the signs are certain to influence

• Neck pain
• Nasal congestion
• Cough
• Tiredness / fatigue
• Headache and muscle aches

These symptoms can last up to two weeks. If you start to feel any of these symptoms mayYou call the doctor in order to monitor progression. If the flu is not treated can turn into pneumonia, so it is important to get your flu shot, if the doctor recommends.

The only time you should not flu vaccine is when you before the shot could have a negative reaction from the flu, if you have eggs never developed Guillain-Barre right after taking the flu vaccine, or if you are allergic. Your doctor may stillRecommends that you get the flu vaccine, but will closely monitor her condition more.


Besides the flu shot, nasal spray flu vaccine also get a. This is not for everyone, but you can be a perfect candidate for them. There are situations that are not available in case of spillage, including

• If you have more than 50
• If you have specific health conditions
• If you are taking certain immunodeficiencies
• If you have asthma orOther respiratory conditions
• If diseases like lung cancer, heart or kidney
• If you have a history of Guillain-Barre
• If you have ever had a reaction to flu vaccine in the past

You can still end up with the flu even after vaccination. The older you are, the less likely is the flu vaccination to prevent getting the flu. Note that different factors play a role in increasing theirOpportunities for the development of influence. These include:

• If you frequently visit or stay in a nursing home or institution
• If you have more than 65 years
• If health problems and conditions that are suffering need a long-term treatment
• If you are under the care of those who are frequently exposed to other patients who have influenza

The flu vaccine is the best defense against influenza, but there are other possibilities that may protectthemselves. This includes care of themselves by eating the right foods in a balanced diet, taking care to get enough sleep every night, and wash your hands often. If you leave the house sure to wash thoroughly when you return, you must come into contact with germs and bacteria while you were out.

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Lyme disease in dogs and cats

Your Pet and Lyme Disease

Your pets can be a relaxing and fun for you and your family. With a healthy animal keeps you and your pet happy. During the warmer months there is a kind of disease, more common. This disease is Lyme disease. The main cause of Lyme disease is a tick bite. Deer ticks are much more common in the warmer months as they mate and tends to increase the number of the heat. Rich forest areas are great placesTicks live.

Some of the symptoms that a deer will be the result of a tick bite are: swollen joints, fever and lameness and an overall strategy of your pet. The bite will cause your pet to be lethargic and have loss of appetite, as the bite of a tick from your dog starts affecting nervous system and can lead to kidney failure. But it can be cured with early diagnosis of this disease with appropriate medications. If you live in a wooded area or being aForest or state park, you should be aware of the symptoms we discussed.

Lyme disease usually occurs in dogs, but if you're an outdoor cat, it might be possible for your cat to also contract this disease. Some methods will help you check the tick bites is to check the ears and behind the head and neck of your dog. How will your pet through the brush the tick on your pet hop. If you find that your dog has been bitten by a tick, you should then take your petYour local veterinarian as soon as possible. The treatment can be given to your pet.

With the hot summer months, Lyme disease is very common, very treatable but early diagnosis. Take a few minutes after your pet and galavanting won the shrubbery, and check your pet for all bites were common. For every bite of discovery at this early stage, you and your pet healthy and keep up all summer.

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Non-stick pans - how safe?

Since T-is the French company introduced the first pan-stick frying pan in 1956, these pots increasingly popular among American consumers. Was passed until 1961, sales of T-FAL America 100 pans a day. Today, most meals in American homes are cooked in nonstick pots and pans, which makes almost all manufacturers now cooking, cooked, because:

You can cook with a little butter or oil or not, unless they wanted to taste.

The food is easy to clean the pots,Looking like it should.

The easy-clean pans without a long soak or wash.

However, concerns have been raised about these pans release harmful chemicals in food and air.

The problem is, very high heat. A 464F non-stick pans begin to be released evaporated Teflon (polytetrafluoroetheylene) particles on the surface 680F and begins to decompose and release potentially toxic gases starting five. The good news is that in most normal cooking thisThe temperatures are not reached, with water or food in the kitchen. The food or the water cools the surface non-stick. Two exceptions, is not using nonstick pans should place under a broiler pan and Searing foods such as meat or fish blackened.

When heated blank - either intentional or not, preheat leaving cooks off on a hot burner after cooking or after all the water - all the pots heat up fast enough. In testsconducted by Environmental Watch Group, a nonprofit research, lightweight non-stick pans reach 464 F in less than two minutes on an electric stove or hot gas, while heavier pots took nearly 3 minutes. F 680 was reached in three or less than 5 minutes. And, the gases are released showed the dangerous, especially with the birds and even people who are in "polymer fever" with symptoms of common influenza.

Cooking with nonstick pans is certainly the caselong you will be careful not to overheat it. not preheat for more than a minute, do not leave unattended on the stove, or put them under the grill. Not that the reuse of a pan has been burned or otherwise damaged, as it may develop irregular heat pockets.

T-FAL, the authors of these vessels is a simple system for the cook to tell if the pot is heated adequately developed. Its Thermo Spot (TM) at the center of each pot full of turns red when the optimal cooking temperaturereached, after which it can be maintained with medium heat. These pans can be purchased.

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Swine Flu - What is and how to avoid


Swine flu) is caused by an influenza virus (H1 N1. We must first explain what type and which are H & N virus in three main categories of A, B and C. A virus epidemics worldwide (pandemic ) influence the causes, causes of hepatitis B virus, severe outbreaks, while C virus causes only mild respiratory infections occur. pandemics of influenza A virus causes most of 10-20 years, but large outbreaks with this virusoccur almost every year in different countries.

The key to the persistence of influenza virus is its genetic material and the antigenic composition. It 'important surface antigens hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). The H antigen is the association used to host cells, while the N antigen divided budding viruses from infected cells. Four haemagglutinin subtypes (H1, H2, H3 and H5) and N-antigen has two (N1 and N2) that have caused human disease. Changing the surface antigens, or (Shift) onTime. H & N antigens change continuously reflects changes in their genome, where antigenic shift occurs when a major change occurs in the antigen and this movement often leads to a pandemic, because people often have little or no preexisting immunity against the new strain.

Type of infection

Aerosol spread of swine influenza viruses as any other flu virus is spread by droplets o.

Incubation period

1-4 days (Timebefore the onset of symptoms).

Clinical manifestations

Unfortunately, swine influenza has the same symptoms as normal human influenza, and this includes:

sudden increase in body temperature, cough, malaise, anorexia, headache, muscle aches, runny nose and shortness of breath (you may or may not be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea).

Laboratory Diagnostics

Swine flu is diagnosedNasopharyngeal swabs, washes or blows the taking of specimens in early disease. The virusus are fragile and must be handled with care, and samples must not be frozen.


Since there is no treatment still the only way we can prevent infected or to improve our immunity is, for the following measures:

- Avoid crowds (you can wear masks) - Avoid kissing when you are not the kisser - Wash your hands oftenwith soap and water (especially when you sneeze) - Always a good airing - Drinking water and fluids as much as possible especially Ginger (immunity) to lift - food practices that increase immunity melon, apple, guava, honey, lettuce and radishes - Use of vitamins, especially vitamin A and C and antioxidants.

I hope this information helps you overcome this difficult time.

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Can bird flu - Tamiflu Cure The deadly bird flu virus?

Discovery of avian influenza

A question from most people: to go on this aspect of Tamiflu, I want the flu, the doors open for discussion of avian influenza or bird. the discovery of bird flu, the discovery of bird flu in 1918 are due to leave so soon. But the facts recorded are very recent years, as a kind of respiratory disease in poultry discovered by farmers in 1983. This was prettyDiscovered by farmers in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia. Virginia Shenandoah Valley is considered the main producer in the country (U.S.) poultry products into account. Quarantine was imposed on the valley, which has not been revoked for more than a year. This led to the killing of over a million birds in the form of turkeys and chickens.

The estimated losses for farmers in the valley are facing a height of about 40 million dollars. After this slaughter of birds,the United States was able to contain the disease. This led the United States on certain provisions, such as poultry products must be treated as such, what should be done to move the poultry farmers. The United States was aware that the world was a bomb. On expiry of the time, appeared in the Hong Kong influenza strains. Some people lost their lives to the flu. This then appeared in several countries in various forms of viral load, with their Toll, wherever he goes.

The symptoms of bird flu

The symptoms of influenza are like any other. The reason it says bird flu is flu that spreads from birds to people. What used to suffer from sore throat, and then followed by muscle aches. This was followed by a feeling of nausea and dizziness. Now, the flu has fully recovered. It 'very important to recognize the symptoms of> Avian flu in a very early stage. Once symptoms have been detected, you should follow with drugs. This is a viral infection, antibiotics may play a role. Antibiotics can only treat bacterial infections. Tamiflu is the only drug on the market to combat virus infections. But as an advisory Tamiflu may not be taken without consulting your doctor.

Advantages of Tamiflu

This drug is advertised as a drug Tamiflu to treat influenza.Tamiflu is the only drug that attacks the source of the infection and prevent the spread of viruses throughout the body. And 'advertised as a drug for adults for adults with flu-like symptoms, which has proved over the last two days. But the drug may also be considered for children under thirteen.

Another advantage of Tamiflu, is that you take this drug as a preventive measure. Want to persons exposed Has the flu, you should also contact the medicine. But changing the dosage. Here, as a preventive measure to take only one pill per day. In the case of patients, will go in order of pills per day.

Influenza A and influenza type B influenza is the flu, the flu has shown that drug Tami. AI is readily fall under the influence of influenza A. Therefore, this type of response to TamiInfluence>.

In a case that are not in contact with the drug Tamiflu reacts doctor or health practitioner and ask him for what could be the problem.

In general, you can heal from Tamiflu deadly strain of avian influenza virus.

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What can we learn from Animal Dreams?

I believe that many teachers of animals or angels in disguise, and they all have something wonderful to teach. This certainly those precious, wonderful creatures we call 'treatment of animals. "Our scientists have finally managed some significant effects that animals are the elderly, the sick, disadvantaged and disabled people to measure. The noble ranks of therapy animals, dogs, cats, birds and horses, among many others.

I had the privilege ofWorking with a wonderful therapy dog not long ago. The owner is a professional consultant, and her dog helped her in her practice. My client has been increasingly influenced by his beloved companion and partner in that, since the autumn of last year, the dog had shown for the first time in his life, the unmistakable signs of fear of thunder and loud noises.

My companion had never been an anxious dog, and was extremely affectionate with everyone, with whom he came in contact. He never showed fear,storms or loud noises. The owner had done everything possible to resolve the problem, but without making a difference.

When I telepathically in tune and "talked" with the dog, I asked her how she was doing. He said it was difficult in recent months. She was very nervous and certainly not himself. He lost his cool and was not interacting with people as she had always loved before. I asked her to tell me in a storm and whyI was afraid of them or whether they could tell me what had happened to her fear.

Instead of answering my question not directly informed me that he was having recurring nightmares. I asked if he could tell me more about it, we know that he was very scared, but was happy to share with someone the night terrors.

He showed me a photo of himself standing, they observed a man, and then heard a huge loud boom that shook the earth. Standing with eyes wide open,how big gray cloud floating over everything and everyone has loved and cared for by those who swallowed observed.

In the dream, he would run and bark frantically calling the owner, try to bring security, but always lose people, threatening clouds, because everything overlaps. Bark! Bark! One could almost hear people as they called them, but try as she might, could never find it again. She was lost and helpless, hopeless, never saw their loved ones againFeeling that somehow do not warn of this catastrophe. He wanted desperately to save their loved ones, but they always miss the noise and the terrifying cloud consuming. In his waking hours, she was anxious and crying, lives in fear of every sound that recalled the terrible nightmare, because somehow he was convinced that the dream was based in truth.

When I saw and heard, I realized that describes the events of '11 September 2001 -terrorist attacks in New York City! I asked my client if he was personally affected by events, and / or advising others about it and she said yes to both questions.

At this point, we understand how deep this is sweet, the tragedy of animal telepathy of our nation and our reactions to it were affected.

With hindsight it would come as a surprise to us that our animals are also deeply concerned about the events and tragedies of the world, especially when hittouched us deeply. It 's useful for all of us to share people and our animal companions to discuss these things openly with Each other comfort and hope, as well as pain, grief and fear.

This is exactly what we have with this dog, and we also discussed what to do if something happens. A week after its owner said his dog was acting less anxious and better and better every day.

The ability to communicate with our pets opensthe way for a variety of ways, both for us and animals, to heal mentally, emotionally and physically and learn from each other. You can learn to communicate with your friends the animals. There are many resources available, such as free courses, books and training courses to help bridge the communication between you and your pets.

Would not it be an incredible thing, when you could clearly and honestly know what exactlyhappens to your pets? One can understand once and for all, if the problems of your pets are emotional, physical, or if the problem really related to something with you. You can change the answers to your questions. I encourage you to reach the next step, how to communicate with your pets.

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Facts About Panic Attack Disorder

Panic disorder is a disease very painful and terrible suffering, and often leaves behind many people's sense of control or fear that they may be crazy. The individual is often only the experience and the feeling is very often start with depression, not long after the first attack, or suffer the constant presence of attacks.

attack of panic disorder can often suffer from the society back to find security and comfort in a zonehome, but often at the expense of their careers, friendships, and in extreme cases, their mental health.

Here are some facts about panic disorder that can be very interesting.

Nearly four in every 100 people suffer from this disorder at some point in their lives.
The research could confirm that there is surely a generic or hereditary component that makes some people more vulnerable to attacks of panic disorder.
panic disorder are more common inPeople aged 20 years to 40 years, but is also able to influence the very young or elderly.
Caffeine, some anti-malarial products, local anesthetics and the influence of some drugs are thin and cold can trigger these symptoms in people suffering from panic attacks.
50% to 75% of patients with panic disorder will avoid all the sites that they fear will trigger an attack and that is very harmful for them.
abused up to 30% of panic disorder areAlcohol and as much as 17% at the end you have drugs. 20% of people affected is likely to attempt to commit suicide.
attack Panic disorder affects all races, classes and age groups.
Panic disorder is treatable and there are many healthy and natural techniques that are very effective in treatment.

If you are aware of these facts, it is perhaps easier to understand that you are not alone when suffering from this condition, and there are many natural waysAt their disposal to recover, such as relaxation techniques, different types of therapy and more effective methods to control their lives and get rid of panic disorder.


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Swine Flu Facts

Everyone has probably seen the news and is now one of the swine flu deaths from flu. It seems that now face a pandemic of swine flu, which means that as the world has seen outbreaks. But what exactly is and how can we protect ourselves? Swine flu is a form of swine flu that started, but can be caught by, and spread among people. The current epidemic of human infection with swine flu influenza A (H1N1) virus confirmed inU.S., Canada, Britain and other countries. Swine flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by influenza virus type A. Swine influenza outbreaks often occur in pigs.

People usually do not have the swine flu, although infections occur occasionally. Recently, more human case of influenza of swine fever in people who were in close contact with pigs, farmers were. In the current outbreak of the virus was spread from person to person contact. This has caused concernthat the epidemic could become a pandemic - a global epidemic of influenza is spreading quickly because we are a new type of virus that only few have the strength. The normal type of influenza, commonly known as flu virus, which exists is caused by an influenza infection that usually occurs during the winter. For most people it is unpleasant but not life-threatening infection. Who are most at risk for it, such as older people or those weakened by illness, the flu vaccine given a.

The most effective way to stop or slow the spread of diseases such as swine flu germs is to prevent the spread. Wash hands regularly with soap and water and cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze is to what for many suggestions that have given years is still an effective way to prevent contracting or swine flu, I remind you If you or a family member is sick or fever"And 'flu-like symptoms in school better stay at home or playing away from work and thus reduce the risk of spreading infection.

It 'also should be noted that the swine flu is not related to food will be caught eating pork or other pigs through. There is also need to panic, we have effective treatments are effective antiviral drugs against swine flu, if you suffer from flu-like symptoms visit your doctor or pharmacist to prescribe the correctDrugs. Those most at risk youth, the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions. You wash your hands regularly with soap and water, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze and stay away from work or school, and if you have flu symptoms, always looking for professional medical advice.

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seasonal flu and its symptoms

Every year there is an outbreak of influenza that results in small local outbreaks, and every year there is a risk that transform a pandemic outbreak. The flu is responsible for millions of illnesses and can lead to death hundreds of thousands each year of. The real cause of death from influenza is not only due to respiratory infections, but other complications as well. For this reason, protection against influenza is always essential, do not includeOutbreak.

Influenza is seasonal, with peak season from December to February, depending on location. It may be smaller peaks throughout the year, as well as influenza vaccines produced. Annually and distributed in the fall to prepare for flu season.

Influenza causes a heavy burden on the healthcare system each year. Moreover, the economic costs due to lost work is remarkable. Any method of preventing influenza is to reduce thesocio-economic burden of disease and its complications result.

The influenza virus is everywhere, and unfortunately it is always changing itself, to survive. There are several strains of flu virus and mutate in different ways each can. Usually dominate every season. For this reason, the flu vaccine change from year to year to meet the increasingly dominant strains. Unfortunately, because scientists do not know and can only imagineStrain of flu virus each year is more likely to find the right vaccine can be very difficult.

The main symptoms of flu are high fever with chills, dry cough, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, runny nose and sore throat. Often these symptoms are sufficient to diagnose the flu, especially if they occur during the season, influenza, and an outbreak is established. But these symptoms are similar to some otherRespiratory infections, which may confuse the diagnosis. The distinction between them can be difficult, but essential, as it affects treatment.

The cold is the most common viral respiratory infection. With a cold, man is sneezing, runny nose, cough, sore throat and headache (usually made of hard coughing or sneezing). If severe enough, can cause the common cold to sinus infections. Those who have sinusitis, sinus headaches can have with the development Tenderness in the breasts and green mucus.

bacterial and viral infections occur with severe pneumonia. Those who usually have a productive cough with fever and pneumonia green mucus, or it can be a very dry cough, but not production. Chest radiography may be useful in diagnosing pneumonia.

influenza infections may present with a combination of respiratory symptoms that overlap with others, but usually with the flu that have fewer upper respiratory tract> The symptoms such as sneezing or a runny nose or sinusitis symptoms. They often complain of headaches, muscle aches and the feeling of being down about.

Reporting signs and symptoms are complicated by many issues. Among these psychosocial factors. Depression and negative emotions often lead to symptoms of the disease see their people as an indication of a more serious, so their presentation may seem worse than it really is. On the other hand, theRespiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD, often confuse their respiratory diseases such as exacerbation of airways.

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What is the confusion about the swine flu?

There are numerous reports of a new flu virus that has been given the opportunity to be flat to a pandemic throughout the world. We have already confirmed human cases of an emerging new "swine flu" strain of flu, I have been reported in Mexico, Canada, Spain, Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America, to name a few. There are also reports of cases in the United Kingdom and an unconfirmed report in Cape Town. Swine Fever is the latest buzz word aroundEditors at this time.

its simplest form the flu virus most recent Came in from a pig that the tribes have both got a flu and influenza animal and who combined and mutated into a brand new third strain, which is now forever known as swine flu. World Organization Health has a six-step scenario for the different phases of a pandemic. The first phase is an animal virus is not transmissible to humans. The second phase is a knownAnimal viruses, which caused an infection with a human being. current epidemic of swine influenza virus infection by new people, came from Mexico, cough and sore throat symptoms in humans similar to that obtained with seasonal influenza normal man. Symptoms include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite . Some people with swine influenza have also reported vomiting and diarrhea.

Phase 3 is the same level, avian influenza has been reached on what, ifwas an outbreak. Phase 3 is an animal or a mutation of a virus of animal-human disease has caused sporadic cases or small groups of people. The current status of swine flu is phase 4, which means that the swine flu has now advancing human to human transfer. This is one created from human to human transmission of the virus from a strain of virus of animal origin. There is a possibility that there is a danger of a pandemic, but does not necessarily mean that aPandemic is a foregone conclusion.

Pandemic flu differs from ordinary seasonal flu, which most people, but it is a self-limiting and not life-threatening diseases unpleasant. Pandemic flu can occur when a new influenza virus emerges, such as the ' swine flu, which is much different than regular circulating strains that people have little or no immunity. It is infected in the absence of immunity, this virus capable of human and spreads rapidly fromPerson to person.

Currently, tests have shown that the new human H1N1 swine influenza is sensitive and can oseltamavir the antiviral (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) are discussed. The countries have a lot of flu antiviral drugs, the United Kingdom is promoting its stock from 35 million to 50 million. Antiviral drugs are being treat human flu virus changes, which influences the natural host of the original pig.

At the moment there is a seemingly simple remedybut as the pandemic influenza virus has mutated through a series of stages, there is a possibility that could mutate into a strain more electricity would be immune to the antiviral and there's a serious threat to the world. The current status of swine flu is phase 5, when you are done, break into other countries. The swine flu during that race does not appear to be dangerous for society and the human, but would be very different reactionGlobally, we would do if the virus causes certain death as the 1918-1920 Spanish flu that killed his 7-10 people.

In the workplace of the emergency services personnel must first be immunized, that if there is a pandemic, are still able to function and perform their duties. Currently, there are antiviral drugs as a preventive measure, but prevention is cheaper and faster is the use of masks, which we have seen,worn by persons, swine influenza are among those who are infected with. Masks help protect the institution of breathing in infected droplets, or if they are infected, when you sneeze, then people infected in a wider area. The influenza virus can easily travel through a building air-conditioning system.

What to do to prevent infection of swine influenza:

General infection control practices and good hygienic practices between the coughing and sneezing and handsHelp influence the dissemination of all influenza viruses, including human pigs. How to protect yourself before the current outbreak of World Health Organization recommends:

or hold your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing. Use a tissue.
Throw dirty tissues promptly and carefully
or is to maintain a good basic hygiene, like washing hands frequently with soap and water, contributing to the spread of the virus. The virus can spreadhands or face or other people
Clean hard surfaces or periodically (eg door handles), often with a normal detergent
o Make sure that your children follow this advice


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Avian influenza (H1N1) - Symptoms, treatment and Breaking the myths

No other virus virus caused panic and fear so much in recent times as the H1N1, better known as "bird flu. The fury of the causes of AIDS and Ebola virus causes a substantial order was average, but exceeded the H11 virus, that, given the nature of the disease and the fact that one of the most contagious diseases to humans. Bird flu takes its name from a normally migratory bird in Asia, first reported of having completed theCases of the disease.

The disease was initially called bird flu, H1N1, but it is the medical term. One of the reasons why there was widespread panic for the virus, because there is currently no known cure. Most doctors can do is to prescribe drugs slowed the advance of the virus and prevent disease, the convergence of forces with common human influenza. This Brings us to another reason why it seems to be widespread concern aboutDisease, shows a lot of the same symptoms that are known in the common cold or flu.


H1N1 first report suffers the same symptoms that you print if they had a cold is a runny nose, a persistent dry cough, headache and breast. This means that people who do not matter avian influenza can be contracted initially, action and may, or may be treated like any other fever will go, in atwo days. But the disease comes with additional symptoms, ie chronic muscle pain, diarrhea and a fever that burns, 100 degrees, is the clock. These symptoms can plague two of the patients untreated for a week or so.

H1N1 is not known, but fatal in itself is known to kill infants and the elderly. It can also complicate things for people who already existing disease, especially if this condition is already taking a toll on his immune system System.

Treatment of H1N1

It 's a stampede to visit your doctor as soon as the previous general symptoms were noted. This has tended to medical resources breaking point in some countries, especially those in a medical system that was already overloaded. Since there is no cure for H1N1, doctors can prescribe drugs only for "managing" the disease. You can also buy Tamiflu from a local pharmacy and it was known that most of the arrests> Symptoms and give the defense systems of the body time to regroup.

Patients are also asked to remain in solitude, as far as possible, particularly students studying in overcrowded buildings. Again, H1N1 is highly contagious and can spread rapidly through the dense urban centers. Many jobs are now negotiating for the introduction and training to tackle the disease.

Patients should also focus on rest and should be as much water as possible, in particular liquidthose with diarrhea. Again, H1N1 is not deadly in itself and the body's immune system will not prevail against the virus after all. vitamins regularly is important because they contribute to the immune system to resist a possible future attack.

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It is a cold or the flu? Relief and symptoms for each

Stuffy nose, sore throat, muscle aches. When symptoms occur, it is difficult to decipher at times, with the difference if you get a cold or flu.

The common cold is milder than the flu and lasts for about a week at most, while the flu and its effects can last much longer. The flu can also cause serious health problems such as pneumonia and severe respiratory distress. Both complications can send thePeople in hospital and in some severe cases of swine flu, death possible.

The common thread is that colds and flu prevention measures of respiratory health leads to an increase are the same. And in both diseases, the symptoms can be minimized and shortened the duration of corrective action with the influence different.

How to tell if a cold

The common cold usually starts with a scratch on the back of the throat or a soreThroat. Symptom that the days to follow over the next fifty-four include a runny nose, chest tightness and coughing. Fever is often present in children, and less likely in adults.

The saddest part of a cold is usually nasal discharge, from watery secretion and sneezing progresses, and ever darker and denser of the disease. This is a natural event and does not mean that a bacterial infection.

For the first three days of a cold, the infected personcontagious. It's wise to stay home this time and get plenty of rest. If symptoms do not subside in a week, bacterial infection, may have taken a job to keep, you must remove the antibiotics.

And where is the influence ...

The symptoms of seasonal and H1N1 influenza (swine flu) influenza are very similar. Usually manifest as a severe cold symptoms and faster. Symptoms include:Sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches, congestion and cough. If the disease is swine flu, the symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting. As is the case with a cool customer, the virus enters the body through the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and mouth.

Flu symptoms usually subside within two minutes five days ago, but depending on the individual immune response may take longer, so that the person to feel run down theseveral weeks. Pneumonia is a common complication of influenza, especially in young children, the elderly and people with heart and lung problems. If you experience shortness of breath, a physician should be contacted immediately.

Cold and flu remedies that work

Prevention is the best way to avoid catching a virus. healthy lifestyles, flu vaccinations and increase immune system integrators are the best ways to preserve the health of the respiratory tract.risk groups such as the elderly and children under five years) are invited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to obtain (CDC vaccination against seasonal influenza and H1N1 strains. healthy lifestyle also means that enough sleep, stay well hydrated maintaining a regular exercise program and frequent hand washing with soap and warm water, while in the public space of the easiest ways to avoid being ill health and good airway. a.Supplements such as vitamin C, zinc and elderberry extract in the form of lozenges more about the daily routine is like a remedy is also one of the most effective influence.

Vitamin C and Zinc are powerful antioxidants that helps strengthen the immunity. Elderberry extract has been shown in laboratory tests in the fight against influenza A and B. In a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled, elderberry extract shown to reduce significantly effectivethe duration of flu by approximately four days. Elderberry lozenges are an easy way to achieve greater enhancement of the immune benefits of the extract and found to be effective in reducing symptoms of influenza.

The 411 on colds and flu

Regardless of the virus to get you, is not a picnic. Science are not so similar to how they feel, but their similarities are that both have a negative impact on respiratory health,have similar methods of contraction and require the same resources to shorten the duration. By practicing good habits, vaccinated, if you are a member of a high-risk group and supplementing your diet, respiratory health booster that vitamin C, zinc lozenges and elderberries contain, will be a major step in combating both cold and influenza.

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Swine Flu - What is it?

Swine flu, H1N1, which is also known as, is a flu-like virus that can spread from person to person. It differs from the regular flu is concerned, it is because many young healthy adults and children and the number of people in hospital is always greater. It's called swine flu because the virus itself has been seen in pigs as well.

Already in April 2009, the number of people who catch the swine flu virus has begun to be around. World HealthOrganization were involved and decided to assess the situation. Many people were always sick with flu symptoms and what was strange is happening outside the influenza season. It is typical to the detriment of the people who would otherwise have to take it. A third of people over 65 years had immunity and infants suffered so much as the older children were. It was amazing, healthy, young people and makes them very sick.

Also, to spread from one countryCountry very quickly and began to send people to hospital in good health. While many people have suffered only mild cases, there are still above normal levels seen in hospital, suffering or death. Most people who have died of swine flu, died of the disease is associated with an account.

Not only young healthy pigs catch flu and a hard time with him, so were people in high risk groups. These groups include pregnant women, peoplewith asthma, kidney disease, lowered immune system and people with diabetes.

Disease symptoms include, but are not limited to, fever, sore throat, stuffy nose, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Vomit and faeces were noted, but not in every case. A person could be any or all of these symptoms. It was also reported that many of the dead, people will be better if the fever seemed to make the declaration, very ill.

It has been emphasized that immediate help should be sought if the following symptoms in children, fast and trouble breathing, bluish, not a wake, fever with rash, do not want to be kept and irritable, and would not drink. In adults, the list includes breathing problems, pain, chest pain, dizziness and confusion, vomiting, that doesn `t seem to stop.

Swine flu, germs seem pigs remain on surfaces for seven and fifty-clock with an infected person> Flu is contagious one day before and after a maximum of seven days.

The best way to prevent swine flu is to wash their hands frequently and not with his hands up to his face in public. If a family member is sick, try to keep it clean and stay away from that person and adherence to hand washing. A vaccine has been developed and is available for anyone to take.

Swine flu, or is touching a contaminated surface and then touching your nose or mouth spreadEyes, or infected by breathing the air of someone who can be deployed as is born in air. Not everyone is contagious, and the duration of the disease in humans is different, it is striking hard on people at random.

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Herpes Zoster - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Herpes zoster, also known as shingles is a painful blistering rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus (the same virus responsible for chickenpox). After Shingles is nothing to laugh, you may experience pain from a serious flu-like symptoms, and burning, and a host of other unpleasant symptoms. The good news is that there is an effective and completely natural shingles treatment able to ease pain and speed healing characteristicsRash.

What are the symptoms of shingles?

If you have had chickenpox, the virus remains dormant in nerve year, then suddenly become active, these results in shingles disease known.

The first signs of the disease usually include itching or burning sensation on one side of the body, which usually occurs before the onset of typical skin rash. Once an eruption is visible on the skin can form small bubbles that eventually burst and scababout. The rash is usually on the central part of the body is limited, although there are on the face and neck and to be found.

Other common symptoms are:

Fever and / or chills;
Abdominal pain;
Hanging eyelids;
The loss of eye movement, visual disturbances;
Loss of facial mobility;
Swollen lymph nodes.

How doctors normally treat shingles?

While shingles usually clears on its own, doctors prescribe a rule antiviral drugs to accelerate the course of the disease to be effective, drugs must be given to symptoms within the first 24 hours after the show. Corticosteroids may be prescribed to alleviate the pain of blistering rash.

The disadvantage of taking antiviral drugs is the possibility of unwanted side effects such as headache, abdominal pain, nausea, and decreased urination.

What is the best natural treatment for the painfulSymptoms> Herpes Zoster?

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Swine flu - a global health problem

The swine flu did not occur because the consumption of pork. But influenza is highly contagious and is certainly spread around the world. It is believed that the swine flu influenza is different from other people and had not been raised previously. For this reason there is no medicine that can prevent H1N1. This is the main reason to suffer the elderly, infants and people with a weakened immune system you should be careful to avoid themfrom the flu, since the transmission of disease from person to person.

swine influenza H1N1 has also been renamed to avoid any direct connection with the pig, but is identical with some influence, and sometimes fatal. The epidemic is serious and could become a global problem, as many people do not have full immunity against influenza.

swine influenza virus is easily spread by touching contaminated surfaces, cough or sneeze. This canCause fever, headache, cough, sore throat, sneezing, aching joints or muscles. It is strongly recommended that people in these symptoms should consult their doctor immediately. The symptoms are identical to the standard flu bug. Swine flu affected people first experience a high fever and extreme fatigue associated with muscle pain. People in times of diarrhea and vomiting experience. Seeking medical help is a must, so that treatmentcan take place for healing.

Swine flu, tests carried out by sending the sample swab from the nose and throat. It is a respiratory illness caused by influenza A. At the moment there is availability of vaccines, but doctors the confidence to the antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza are equally appropriate treatment. Most people have the flu in pigs on a couple of days and those who have suffered from this virus, surely even the immunityFuture of this particular strain. Tamiflu is a medication prescribed to people and helps in the prevention and treatment of influenza type A.

Tamiflu may not be used directly without prescription. Conversely, people suffering from swine flu must first go to a doctor and are subject to laboratory tests. Only with approval of a doctor and a prescription, the people of Tamiflu license to buy groceries. This drug can also be purchased on the Internet easily. TheDoctor recommendation is the best, followed by a therapy that the dose for the prevention of and varied. In general, adults are recommended to take one capsule twice daily for five days of treatment. On the other hand, is the same drug Tamiflu capsules daily for a period of ten days as a precautionary measure.

Tamiflu is a medicine can have side effects for patients with influenza virus. Have caused side effects, vomiting, rash, nausea, sleeplessness andAbdominal pain. Patients are asked to take this medicine with food, so that the intensity of side effects because less. But besides taking antiviral drugs, it is better to avoid contact and use the mask. The prudent action is to maintain good personal hygiene, protecting the spread of harmful germs. Also, avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth to avoid spreading germs.

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How do you reduce exposure to the symptoms of sinus infections?

With the recent flu virus running rampant around the world, has now take extra care with our environment, our commitment to infection reduces the symptoms of breast. Pandemic or not, and we must work carefully in the office when you sneeze caught your colleagues, hold on tight, because most probably half my colleagues would probably cocks for a walk or sneezing with a runny nose and watery eyes. Did you knowHis colleague is highly contagious until five days after infection, the breast begins to show symptoms of colds and flu and could trigger this?

It was found that adults with colds or flu is a contagious about day before symptoms show. For influenza, infectious period of the last day was the 5-7, probably during the cold illness lasts about 3-4 days. So you can see, it is not easy to contain virus infections asand therefore not easy to reduce exposure to infection by the symptoms of sinusitis.

Recent research has shown that there is more contagious when you're already showing symptoms such as colds and flu, sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes and sore muscles. The next time you find your mate looking after her box of tissue, a good Samaritan and advise her to take a medication to help her heal faster and reduce their vulnerabililty as viralInfection.

How do you reduce exposure to the symptoms of sinus infections?
Good news for you, because it is a new breakthrough treatment for sinusitis. This drug is already used in over 20 countries present on television and even doctors, hospitals and clinics.

What are their advantages?
For immediate assistance breast - use only 3 minutes
To stop the infection - use it twice daily for 2 days
To ensure that no returns - use onceone week

Because it means so much?
This solution is a simple 3-ingredient plant extracts by Mother Nature, sinus infections can destroy the symptoms. This means that it is possible preventive measures and treatment options are taken into consideration as well. Watch free online three secrets sine www.sinushomeremedy video where you see how easy and simple, it can actually be to make your breasts continue.

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Swine flu and the H1N1 virus

And 'difficult, not the past have been bombarded with information in swine influenza H1N1, or influenza A, as is known in the medical community. The flood of news about H1N1 flu has led to many people in difficult or skeptical about the impact of this new variant of flu. While scientists have provided a pandemic of avian influenza, swine flu has taken over the front of average.

H1N1 influenza, or more often,Swine flu, as the name suggests, comes from pigs where pigs are not directly transmitted the virus to humans, but they suffer the consequences. It found a virus that changes to cause disease in pigs and humans. The first case was reported in Mexico, as well as the first death. Quickly reached global proportions and a pandemic has been declared four months after it was found.

Initially, there was widespread panic in response to influenza virus. This haswas a result of public education and the fact that extremely mild disease of swine influenza is caused. While there have been given the dead, are not as high as feared. But mortality rate of H1N1 is more than the seasonal flu at the moment.

H1N1 influenza-like symptoms are very similar to seasonal flu, but it looks like his stomach or intestinal disorders, vomiting and diarrhea, compared with seasonal flu. Even asignificant number of confirmed cases of swine flu has no associated fever.

Complications of influenza H1N1 are similar to seasonal flu. It should be noted that the influence appears to be more virulent swine flu season. However, the impact was not as devastating. This can cause a reflection to prepare the world for a global pandemic.

Because there is more virulent, preventive measures to contain the virus is contained, theyRecommendations of the quarantine and the use of N95 masks in certain circumstances. Many schools have closed and even in Mexico City had declared a halt at a given time. Good hand hygiene is important when you have a relationship issue surrender its advantages.

There are tests available to confirm the swine flu. These include rapid testing, and a fluorescence test, which is more accurate but takes longer to confirm. But because people werediscouraged from seeing their doctors of any reduction in the risk of exposure to many are treated on the basis of their symptoms, rather than on test results.

Waiting for a vaccine against swine flu, many people had organized the celebration, swine flu, in hopes of contacting a mild form of the disease. However, this is not recommended because it is not clear how strong a

The disease can cause, or if someone else isimmunocompromised. Consequently, it would be immoral and irresponsible to promote such activities.

The vaccine against influenza H1N1 is now available. health professionals and people at risk of serious consequences of influenza should be encouraged to take it. It can and should influenza vaccine be used in conjunction with the regular season. A vaccine does not cover others. The swine flu vaccine has the same precautions and side effects as normal influenzaVaccine.

The treatment of swine influenza is primarily with the antiviral Tamiflu and Relenza. Since the risk of infection with swine influenza is an increased risk of side effects of Tamiflu, two children from their prescribed dose to be reduced by an antivirus. And 'even for the youngest, approved in a matter of urgency. The difficulty with the supply of Relenza and its contraindication in patients with respiratory diseases to avoid its use. Also, since Tamiflu has been used most frequently, there is resistance to this drug. newer antivirals are still under development.

Due to the pandemic, many people also have a condom in the hope that treating the infection. The prophylactic dose is half the normal dose, but it was seven days, down from 5 Only those who have been exposed to cases of swine flu confirmed that the treatment should be administered prophylactically.

Even those who have progressive> Symptoms should then seek emergency treatment as may be an error of diagnosis and inadequate treatment of swine influenza. On the other hand, some people require more favorable treatment, in addition to antiviral drugs. These include IV hydration, antibiotics, the complications of superimposed infection or respiratory support with oxygen or ventilation. Signs and symptoms of progressive disease include blue lips, shortness of breath, confusion andSeizures.

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flu-like symptoms and how to stop them once they started

flu-like symptoms: fever and joint pain of any type, with bone pain or muscle aches. You can convert all common cold symptoms, like sneezing, coughing, discharge, sore throat, etc. This is the framework established.

It is not possible that they develop symptoms early on, but you can still prevent development.

Sometimes the symptoms comes on almost unnoticed. She is not well known, except for avague sense of unease. There are strong indications that you just know you're not good, or you know the signs that maybe a little 'down.

Well, I have only the means for you!

Ferrum Phos (Ferrum phos or for short) is a very vague homeopathic medicine for cold and flu symptoms. It 's the first step.

One of the symptoms only, that the use is not the color of the face. Your cheeks are pale, red or hot flushesAlternating with paleness. Often, there are large red spots on the cheeks, the (wrong) view of good health.

With influenza, Ferrum Phos is very useful at this early stage. It can be a mild fever, but in reality no other symptoms of influenza, no muscle aches.

Ferrum phos is as suitable for such must be vulnerable to colds and flu is that the tendency to catch everything. As often as people leuco-phlegmatic or sanguine (meaning leucopale, phlegmatic sense of blood and blood mucus production much meaning).

Like most of your energy flow is low. It 'hard to put together enough energy to do much.

Symptoms that well with this homeopathic the funds are usually worse at night or early morning. It is often worse on the right. So the right side of the throat is sorer the left, for example. And maybe you could increase by 4 clock. Or maybe you have a sleepless night, but are notwhy.

This need Ferrum phos are usually thirsty and drink more cold than hot.

Although Ferrum phos is a vague remedies, with few symptoms of influenza, it is very important for the early stages of colds and flu, for Leuco-phlegmatic persons, inflammation and blood diseases.

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7 best ways to prevent flu symptoms without vaccines

Nobody wants to have influence and must bear the symptoms of pain and discomfort of his. Then, lest the time of the "flu season" is all around, many people do not need to be persuaded to get a flu shot season. Of course there is no guarantee that a vaccine against influenza, the symptoms stop but you always hope for the best and feel safe, after getting the vaccine.

Well, although I have to be more a matter of Prissyany type of needle, I prefer dangerous alternative preventive measures taken as a defense against the flu, rather than the risk of getting a vaccine with possible side effects that I'd rather not think about it, so they are!

First Place in warm

Dressing warm is clear and makes sense, especially in colder climates. Shivering with blood flow decreases stress and cold in your body and reduces the possibility of keeping away colds and flu. This dressClimate - gloves, scarf, warm coat or jacket, a test is that the wind, and keep your legs and feet warm, even if it means extra wear socks and long underwear!

According to Avoid stress

Everyone knows or should know that stress a number of problems, including heart disease and ulcers caused - there are many statistics to prove it. Stress in any form should be avoided at all times, especially when there is an increased risk of colds and flu, asduring the cold winter months. Forms of emotional distress, financial, physical and spiritual. Physical stress includes excessive consumption of alcohol, smoking and exercise complete. A form of physical activity that is not enough attention is given the power of environmental pollution - air pollution, chemicals in foods and cosmetics. If you must venture into high-stress environments, wear a mask.

Third Prevent contact

Direct contact with a virus that does not want to do. Here are someSuggestions:

a) Wash hands often, especially after using the toilet, coughing or sneezing, or touching surfaces that may be contaminated by other people.

b) After using a public toilet, wash hands with a paper towel to the door handles, instead of bare hands. The person or persons before the door may have been contaminated processed.

c) Avoid touching surfaces in public areas with bare hands, as drivers of public transport.Use gloves.

d) Wear a mask in high density areas, clinics, hospitals and other public places where there is a high risk of contact with the virus.

e) Remember, out of respect for others, to cover mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Use a tissue or, if not his sleeve. Wash hands and dispose of tissues immediately.

At home, air disinfect clothing and bedding with natural essential oils and sprays made with vodka. Here's a formula: a4 oz spray bottle filled half and half with distilled water and vodka, and add a natural fragrance and deodorant, for example, 10 drops each of sandalwood and lavender essential oils. Shake well before use.

Fourth Maintain a good diet

Eat a balanced diet and healthy. This can be anything from a vegetarian diet, a "meat 'n potatoes" diet. What is important here is common sense and do not deprive your body of vital energy just to eat, especially during the colder monthsyear.

As for what makes a good diet, what to eat and what to avoid, there are many opinions about this, as no food available! So I'm going to recommend one of each.

a consuming) - garlic - an ancient remedy to ward off evil spirits and bugs - I know it can keep people away, it can only work to keep the virus! If you like Caesar salad or roasted garlic on the pizza, you can always odorless garlic pills.

b) Avoid - Sugar -consumed in moderation is ok, but large amounts of sugar in the diet has been shown to lower immunity.

Fifth Relaxation

Do not underestimate the value of relaxation. Most of us are so busy that a lot of time just to relax as much as a waste of time, but it is one of the most important and effective things you can do to offset the burden to establish the continuous activity tents. And I speak not here to relax while watching TV or a nap in part, butknowledge of at least 30 minutes a day to relax the whole body, especially in the neck. Simply, the head of all thoughts, sitting, lying down or take a walk around the block. Or if you are so inclined to try to meditate.

Sixth Take Nutritional Supplements

If your diet consists mainly of foods that are devoid of nutritional value, with little or no vitamin and mineral, I recommend taking supplements such as vitamin C, multi-vitamins, minerals, beverages, herbalTea, etc. There is no shortage of these in natural food stores.

Seventh Avoid physical exhaustion

In a state of exhaustion calls hit with influenza viruses. Avoid fatigue, sleep enough and pay attention during training. If you do strenuous workouts in the gym, do a lot of work around your house or apartment, raking leaves, shoveling snow, etc. Make sure you have regular breaks and do not go to the limit. Never walk when you are physically exhausted!

Takethe above measures seriously and viruses are less susceptible to colds and flu.

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Cold Vs H1N1 virus symptoms

As a parent of a child, you undoubtedly are) concerned about the children's contact with the H1N1 virus (Schweinegrippe.

Even adults want to know the difference between a garden variety cold and flu virus H1N1 or the municipality. Here are some symptoms to look for.

The symptoms of a cold ...

It 's rare cold with a fever.
A cough is productive, tend to be filled mucosa.
There are fewer physical pain.
A stuffy noseusually resolves within a week.
Sneezing is common.
Chills and fatigue are usually mild, is rare.
The symptoms of a cold take several days to be noticed.
Headaches are rare, but a sore throat is usually present.
If there are complaints in the chest, is usually mild to moderate.

The symptoms of the H1N1 virus (usually worse than seasonal flu) ...

The fever is 80% of cases, 100 degrees or more.
A dry cough is unknown, and the painand pain may be severe.
Nasal congestion is usually not available.
Chills are cases heard in at least 60% of influence.
rates of moderate to severe fatigue.
Influenza symptoms come quickly, usually within 12 hours.
severe headache and chest disorders is felt.
Neck pain is usually not present.

The above information are the Red Cross guidelines for people to make wise decisions when it comes to their family health care. HospitalThe treatment is expensive and there are many people who can do at home instead of in their local hospital emergency department.

The number one preventive medicine is good hand washing. Do not shake hands and cough into your elbow. Stay home when sick. Nobody appreciates share your symptoms of influenza or a cold o.

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Have flu symptoms, muscle aches and fever together?

As the influence is defined? How different it is from cold symptoms? The flu-like symptoms and fever, muscle pain go together?

The flu is more serious than a cold. Symptoms of a cold may primarily physical, like a feeling stuffed up, coughing, sore throat relief. It is not usually a cold running your too much energy. You will be able to cope, more or less, with the daily grind. The symptoms are not weakening and annoying.

Withany type of flu, fever and you have some form of sore muscles. You may have muscle aches. It might be bone pain. This tends to knock a lot of energy. You want to stay away from work, I go to bed are cared for.

These are all great ways to get your body in an attempt to help heal you. and then go to work, probably your influence of drugs much more serious. It could also end up in hospital.

A few days in bed early influence can be veryconvenient in the long term.

In the crazy world of today is common to most of your work or obligations, as it is to think about your health. Take this medication for a vaccine for that at any cost, go ahead.

This is suicide for your health. It 'easy to deteriorate further. If your body is tired of going to bed. The world will not stop because they are at work.

Your body is with you for life. Your job is not.

Fever is a good indication that your body needs Time to do what it does in peace. It 's a very good way, your body has to solve a problem. Leave it to see action. suppressive drugs and vaccines can help to create the impression that you get over the flu, but long-term damage.

If you want your body to help the symptoms of flu, with muscle aches or bone pain on, there are some good homeopathic medicines.

The two most common homeopathic medicines can help, your> Flu is when the pain is accompanied by muscle injuries, the time-honored favorites Arnica montana. And Gelsemium.

Each of these drugs have a different image, you must know all the symptoms. But the will or resolve your flu symptoms with muscle aches, if your physician for those symptoms.

Homeopathy does not suppress symptoms. It helps your body gently. But if you make the wrong choice, nothing happens.No damage is done to your overall health.

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May influence the exercise? Yes and no

A new study demonstrates that reducing a lot of practice, in effect your immune system, but not exactly the right amount will be increased. How much is too much?

in neutral and my wild days I remember dancing club and come back home when the Sun always higher, and every time I do, then I Would have a cold or the flu Following days. Here's why.

Yes people, there was a time when I go to bed at 5.30 clock get out of bed, not like in those days. To tell the truth, Inever really wanted to go "clubbing." After all, is a place where people dance "is". And those of you has been my misfortune to dance to understand why you want to go the last place I saw. Not that I do not dance, I like it, but it is a bit 'as the singer in the shower, does not sing, however, even in the bathroom, but you're not all singing and listening Misc. If you're not so bad at singing, I'm dancing. SinceIn Latin America, although I made some salsa lessons and after about 10 hours my friend told me not to do was look just as much sauce as a dancing man, but more like a man watching the fire, so he with feet. The rhythms were not kind to me after the birth, I'm afraid. Please God, let my son has inherited his mother's genes when it comes to dance.

However, I'd go all night, and I would soon be a cold every time! I knew I had to do too muchnight, and it would tip over the edge of my immune system and 'bang' all ', cold and flu bugs saying "yes, a compromised immune system-go boys do it!"

Here's a look at two recent studies:

The first was published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, where there were two groups of mice. A group of them just took in their cages. The article actually cites as "resting comfortably," which is funny to think hanging a picture for me just a group of miceresting comfortably. But I digress. (Again). The other group were put through their paces mouse on a treadmill until they were exhausted. They did run for three days. (I know I would rather be in that group) then put the two groups of mice, the influenza virus. Additionally the treadmill group were exhausted, many got the flu and severe symptoms, which was more .

The second experiment was published in thesame journal by a group of scientists at the University of Illinois. What he did was advance to infect mice with their influence. The first group was supported comfortably in cozy armchairs and the second group was only 20 minutes, which is an easy jog for the mouse, "says the article. The third group was run for three hours (which I imagine is not a "walk in the park" running in the mouse). They did a three-day (no pun intended) until they startedFlu symptoms. About half of the group who died rested on his ass doing nothing, he died only 12% of the group who were with slow jogging 20 minutes is dead, but over 70% of the depleted group and the other 30% of respondents were in extremity!

As you can see, there is something called J-shaped curve, where too little exercise makes you more susceptible to colds and flu, but too well. Nothing to do or too much exercise not only morevulnerable, but also aggravate your condition if you have symptoms. A little exercise but improves the immune system.

How this actually affects our immune system is not yet entirely clear. Although the more intense the exercise and the long run, as long as your immune system is down. It could be a few hours to a few days.

There was a study in the Journal of the strength and conditioning, the research has been done on the cellular immune system markerssystem activity in the saliva of 24 professional football player by Spain. Are assessed before and after a grueling 70 minutes game. Before the game the players all had normal levels of immunoglobulins, which are cold, your little boys to fight it out, influenza and infections. But after the game that had levels that fell substantially.

Another study was done with the marathon. They asked if they had 1,694 riders colds, flu or otherInfectious diseases in their events next three weeks (an increase in the workload of normal) or 3 weeks after the event. About 20% of the runners got sick during that time. However, this still means that 80% were in order.

So if you're a couch potato you are a higher risk of colds and flu "S. If too much exercise, you will have an even higher risk, and are moderately We practice a much lower risk of these two groups because really helps you increaseThe immune system. Certainly we do not have items with a poor diet, stress factors etc., which also saw an influence. So if you have a cold coming, how can you make a turn to improve your strength to hear. I advise you, if you listen to your body. Energy that you are more likely to exaggerate. If you run a cold walk, run 10 miles that day, because most likely your symptoms worsen further.

And I still want to seethis group of mice that were presumably rests comfortably. I Just Can not Get out of my mind the image of mice sit around the TV watching the game with their feet "resting comfortably. "

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Swine flu


H1N1 influenza, also known as swine flu, a respiratory disease of pigs to humans, the spread now.

"Swine flu" refers to animals such as pigs, pigs and wild boars.

"Flu" is short for influenza.

"H1N1 is the name of the virus has spread to humans

People are generally not the swine flu virus, but human infections can and do happen. Since the end of March 2009 cases of people infected with the virus H1N1fluhave been reported in the United States and internationally.

This health education program explaining what is influenza A/H1N1.

It describes the symptoms, when to seek medical help, and their treatment options. It also provides important tips for prevention.

About Virus:

Viruses are tiny particles that live. This section provides information on viruses, virus will help you find the H1N1 flu.

Influenza H1N1 infection:

Influenza virusesoccurs naturally in pigs, pigs and wild boars. The swine flu is highly contagious among pigs. There may be some domesticated pigs is very ill.

And 'unusual for viruses to humans begin to swine flu, isolated cases occur, usually people who are in contact with infected pigs. Swine influenza virus has also been reported for those men in the past but previous episodes

The transfers were very limited.

The recent infections are caused by a newStrain of swine influenza virus type A, known as subtype H1N1. Therefore, this flu H1N1 flu called influenza A H1N1, or simple. This new strain appears to be proceeding rapidly and people had not yet possible to develop antibodies or protection against it.

influenza viruses are mainly spread from person to person infected people cough or sneeze. Some people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then taptheir mouth or nose.

It is not possible H1N1 flu by eating cooked pork. Infected people may be able to infect others beginning one day develop the disease before symptoms and up to seven or more days later. Children, especially younger children may be contagious for longer periods.


The most common symptoms of H1N1 influenza in humans are similar to typical human influenza and include:
- Fever
- Cough
- SoreThroat
- Pain
- Chills
- Fatigue

Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with influenza H1N1.

People, chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart failure, etc. The more notice a worsening of their symptoms.

Emergency signs:

If you experience symptoms of a severe, your doctor may occur if the flu symptoms are caused by H1N1 influenza.

This section describes when you or your childshould consult a physician. You should see the signs of flu. These signs are fever, muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Fire signs are often mild and require no medical examination in the clinic. If symptoms are mild, it is important to keep hydrated, the rest good hand hygiene practices and a lot. You should therefore seek medical care if you or your child develops an emergency signal "warning". Some of"Emergency warning signs" that require urgent medical care are listed next.

In children, some emergency warning signs are:

Fast breathing or trouble breathing
- The color blue
-Do not drink enough fluid
- High or prolonged fever.

In addition, you should consult a physician immediately if the change in mental status of the child, known as

- Do not wake up
- No interaction
- Extreme irritability and do not want to be held

In adults,some warning signs of an emergency requiring urgent medical attention are:

-Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
-Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
-Near-fainting or fainting
Server or persistent vomiting
High or prolonged fever.

If you or your child has flu-like symptoms that are better, but then come with fever and cough medical sick again as soon as possible.

If youarrive, tell the receptionist or nurse about your symptoms. You may be required to wear a mask and sit in a separate area to protect others from harm.


What treatment is appropriate for you based on the severity of your illness and your doctor to consult an infectious disease specialist to determine the best treatment.

Antiviral drugs for human influenza viruses should work approved for the treatment of H1N1 influenza infection in humans. However, there areThe drugs are not known to treat H1N1 influenza specific infection.

antiviral medications are prescriptions that can help your body to influence influenza virus reproduction a. These include tablets, liquids or inhalers.

Antiviral drugs are currently recommended only for patients with moderate to severe illness or influenza H1N1. Most people better off without antiviral drugs.

antivirals must be taken within 48 Hours of symptom onset. You can reduce the symptoms but not your symptoms may disappear completely.

Other treatments, influenza H1N1 should include work for peace, drugs to lower fever, drink plenty of water.

In case of complications and you are very ill, may be required hospitalization.

hospital patients may be given oxygen or breathing protection.

Children or young people with> Flu should rest a lot and drink plenty of fluids. The medications you are taking aspirin, which should not contain alleviate their symptoms. Never give aspirin to children or young people who have flu-like symptoms was, especially fever, without first talking to your healthcare provider. Giving aspirin to children and young people, influenza can cause rare but serious illness called Reye's syndrome.
For more information visit: www.net4www.com

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What is the H1N1 swine influenza - an epidemic, pandemic?

The swine flu is a respiratory disease, fever caused by a virus very small spheroid and belongs to the group, influenza A virus (also known as H1N1) can infect humans, birds. It is contagious and can be from one species (eg birds), through an intermediate host animals (eg pigs transferred) to a third species (eg humans).

Although the virus has caused seasonal epidemics of this type H1N1 in humans, the last is different from what is a mutated versioncontaining genetic material that affect generally strains of the virus, people, birds and pigs are.

This time, influenza viruses from pigs are human beings and other genetic components mixed together, and diversity has developed a completely new one. There is now a wholly human disease and can be transmitted from person to person.

swine influenza virus is genetically different from human flu virus H1N1, the whole world has been in circulation forin recent years. The new virus contains DNA, which is typical of avian, swine and human viruses, including the elements of European and Asian influenza viruses pigs.

The symptoms of fever are similar to ordinary flu. The main symptoms are:

or fever and chills
or aches and pains
or tiredness, fatigue
or sore throat, scratchy throat
Runny or stuffy nose
or cough and head congestion

How to protect against swine flu?

Takethe following steps to protect against H1N1 virus.

Or Wash hands often with antibacterial soap
o Avoid contact with the person who shows symptoms of a cold
or hold the hand sanitizers with you if you do not have access
O people, that should work in swine farm to take additional measures to
Avoid or activity or group is not going to move unless absolutely necessary

If you are not showing flu-like symptoms, seek to avoid,Contact with others until they were examined by a doctor or tests. Stay home from school or work, and make sure your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze to keep. Keep all information about the swine flu, as this will help to protect their lot.

To learn more about how the H1N1 virus is transmitted and how to keep it, you must know the complete information about the swine flu H1N1. Make sure to take the book on the influence of pigKeep yourself and your family away from this pandemic.

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Swine Flu - Symptoms and signs

The swine flu is one of the most common news these days. The reason for this is that the swine flu began to spread worldwide and has identified the virus, how, and deadly. But doctors believe that this virus has been created with the swine flu. I also wonder why it spreads to people like the people has been affected so far. I'm always trying to get some additional information and stop the spread of criticalVirus.

Headache, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, runny nose, muscle aches, depression, high fever accompanied by chills, are the normal symptoms of swine flu, and in general there are no symptoms other than the normal flu. Distribution methods, as well as normal influenza, and can be spread by sneezing, coughing or whatever the normal method. So it is always necessary to take several precautions to prevent the spread of this virus, as doctors stillLooking for some cure for it.

Your mouth and nose while sneezing or coughing is a good way to prevent the spread of the virus and is a must if it is a large number of people. The reason is that if you look at these preventive measures are not, then you are in a risk of infection.

Also, wash hands and face is often a good thing not to be infected. The reason for this is that if you wash more often these places, the virus may not be enough timeyou are infected. Furthermore, it is best to use some hand washing product by hand, as clearly destroy the germs of washing.

And, more importantly, if you feel bad, then you need to go for medical treatment immediately as the virus if it can not be distributed further with your family and friends. And because it's early, doctors may be able to control the situation with some drugs.

But as for now there are some people diedbecause if this swine flu, and most of them are elderly. So basically its ability to immunization is lower than that of others. However, since this has begun to spread throughout the world, you should always take the above precautions to avoid unwanted situations.

States government has recognized the seriousness of this problem and have initiated several programs to guide citizens on the situation. Moreover, theyprovides full support for scientists who are still some kind of solution to the swine flu. Together for volunteers to do different things, which appears to prevent this virus will spread and many campaigns are still environmental clean-up underway.

While there are no vaccines were introduced early to these Conditions swine flu, scientists hope to find a solution, and have the highest priority because of Their Work for the.


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Avoid swine flu - Some ways to get rid of the swine flu

Swine flu scare has become a world, as it began, the worldwide distribution on different countries. What is so alarming is that this disease has symptoms like the common flu, but can be fatal. However, you can do something to prevent the flu virus.

Since this disease can be fatal, it is important to avoid, you can save as much as possible. Avoid swine flu may not be as difficult as the simple things that can help you avoidthis disease.

Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or antibacterial hand cleanser helps prevent many of the spread of this deadly virus with yours. Proper washing should be observed. 'S also useful to keep her hands before her face, avoiding the mouth or nose, the virus spread.

If you cover a cough or sneeze with your hands to your mouth. Instead sneeze at the elbow. This way you will not get the dirt on the mouthand not even think the virus by hand.

Always helps, alcohol, or use hand sanitizers after washing your hands. This helps prevent the spread of influenza with that touch. Maybe you want to avoid shaking hands for hours and you may want to avoid, or greeting kiss to cheek to cheek, to avoid spreading the flu virus. Avoid the swine flu, this could mean some of these habits now, is to keep safe byInfection.

If you can avoid it, then go to avoid, especially if there are cases of swine influenza have been in your community or in your area. If you can not avoid going out, then you should at least avoid crowded places. If you're at work to be crowded places, you can also choose to wear a surgical mask to filter and infections away from your mouth and nose. It is recommended to be in contact with caution as public, such as door handles, toilets and even penshave been used by many people.

It is also important to see the food in restaurants, cutlery public may be assisted by the virus from an infected person can spread from one person to another, the public food Minimizing These times.

It 'also safer to cancel the trip, limit your plans and leave, other countries or from countries with known swine influenza infection. Even if you're free for a country's position viruses, you never know which one ofPassengers on board may be infected. To avoid this, wear the mask, or simply cancel your trip if you can.

You can also use vaccination against swine influenza virus and confident to go out without thinking of possible virus infection. This is especially a good option for the prevention of swine influenza in pregnant women and children are particularly susceptible to this infection.

If you notice any symptoms of influenza, it is always importantGo see your doctor for a correct diagnosis.

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Fertility tips - hope for a boy or a girl - that food should be eaten?

Research in early 1980 by Dr. Joseph Stolkowski Tues Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris made, French, showed that a woman who raises the consumption of certain foods may affect the ability to get pregnant, boy or girl.

We classify the types of foods for the outcome of Dr. Stolkowski the search for you, who have specific needs based on gender of the child. Following these guidelines can not guarantee you boy or girl and is notto be used as a medical statement.

It is recommended to consume these foods begin at least three months before pregnancy. These types of foods will have no effect during pregnancy. Even if the husband is not obliged to follow these diets, we remind you once again, it is often easier and supports, if the man is also the same food to eat during pregnancy unless the woman at home.

Types of food for those who want to Baby Boy

Woman eatsFoods rich in potassium and sodium is possible to have a boy. Much sodium is contained in many foods other than fruit. Foods that are naturally rich in sodium, consisting of: salt, beef, sausages, fish (especially tuna), crackers, soda and eggs.

While foods that contain high amounts of potassium, consisting of: green beans (dried or cooked), green beans, baked potatoes, white, raw mushrooms, beet leaves, radishes, parsnips (a type of carrot), spinach, peanutsButter, melon, melons, papaya, apricots (fresh or canned).

Types of food for those who want to Baby Girl

Women who eat a high calcium and magnesium diet girls. Foods rich in calcium are milk and milk products, sardines, clams, mussels, green, green vegetables (sauteed spinach or mustard green), Chinese radish, mustard green (not fried mustard green vegetables is different) and broccoli .

Foods containing highMagnesium are cereals, peanuts, meat, milk, green vegetables and peas.

Limit your intake of certain foods: before and after pregnancy

Before Adding salt to food, even if we do not recommend that you back up is worn, it looks better for you to get your food before the first test with the salt to it, if you need salt, as much as you want to add. Talk to your doctor about the amount of salt you need and health problem, you may need to limitThe consumption of salt.

According to Reduce Excessive caffeine, many products containing caffeine (cola, lemonade, tea, coffee, chocolate drinks and other beverages). Read the contents of processed foods on the packaging before buying or consuming them. Note: The research shows that two cups of coffee a day does not have a negative effect on pregnancy or not to increase the number of miscarriages.

Third Avoid foods that are both food allergies or gave you trouble in the past. If there are certain foods thatmore difficult for you to digest, avoid these foods during pregnancy.

Fourth Avoid excessive sugar and antacids, antacids or candy that you must calm the stomach to eat instead of degradation is nausea. Instead, eat acid fruits like oranges or berries that are easier to be tolerated by the digestive system.

Fifth not consume products containing saccharin. Notices will be printed on products, saccharin, which may contain suspected of causing cancer. The effect of saccharin child bornnot yet fully known. Read labels carefully. Your doctor will advise you on new information for the preservatives, which are avoided during pregnancy needs.

Sixth Stop alcohol, you must reduce the amount of alcohol consumed before pregnancy to stop and eat during pregnancy. Drinking alcoholic beverages for one or two drinks per day during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or the baby is born with serious defects or embryo minor What are the symptoms of alcohol on,called fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Children born with FAS lack of weight, small, small head and a deformed face. Your IQ lower than normal people and can malformations and functional disorders of the brain, hyperactivity, and abnormal joints of the body to suffer cardiac abnormalities, depression and other disorders activities newborn.

Seventh Stopping smoking during pregnancy. The likelihood of a miscarriage is higher when the pregnant woman or other family members smoking at home. Many show signsSmoking is that the child has less weight than normal, and increasing the tendency of children to have breathing problems during their lifetime because of the damage, the respiratory center of an extremely soft growing child. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is considered by some researchers as a possible effect of carbon monoxide yields of cigarettes in developing respiratory center.

8th Do not use unnecessary drugs or medicines. Drugs and medicines maypenetrate the blood flow to the brain, or drugs that you can drink affect brain development and nerve of the child. Ask your doctor before you drink or drugs during pregnancy. For more natural lifestyle, many people now choose drugs with herbs, teas or other natural supplements to overcome the influence of allergies and other problems. Although the aim is wonderful that these substances are more or drugs, some have dangerous implications for the developing child.understand its importance to live and grow in a world of drugs and medicines, and the ease of getting them, we lost the sensitivity to the power of these drugs or medicinal activities within our bodies.


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