H1N1 influenza, also known as swine flu, a respiratory disease of pigs to humans, the spread now.
"Swine flu" refers to animals such as pigs, pigs and wild boars.
"Flu" is short for influenza.
"H1N1 is the name of the virus has spread to humans
People are generally not the swine flu virus, but human infections can and do happen. Since the end of March 2009 cases of people infected with the virus H1N1fluhave been reported in the United States and internationally.
This health education program explaining what is influenza A/H1N1.
It describes the symptoms, when to seek medical help, and their treatment options. It also provides important tips for prevention.
About Virus:
Viruses are tiny particles that live. This section provides information on viruses, virus will help you find the H1N1 flu.
Influenza H1N1 infection:
Influenza virusesoccurs naturally in pigs, pigs and wild boars. The swine flu is highly contagious among pigs. There may be some domesticated pigs is very ill.
And 'unusual for viruses to humans begin to swine flu, isolated cases occur, usually people who are in contact with infected pigs. Swine influenza virus has also been reported for those men in the past but previous episodes
The transfers were very limited.
The recent infections are caused by a newStrain of swine influenza virus type A, known as subtype H1N1. Therefore, this flu H1N1 flu called influenza A H1N1, or simple. This new strain appears to be proceeding rapidly and people had not yet possible to develop antibodies or protection against it.
influenza viruses are mainly spread from person to person infected people cough or sneeze. Some people may become infected by touching something with flu viruses on it and then taptheir mouth or nose.
It is not possible H1N1 flu by eating cooked pork. Infected people may be able to infect others beginning one day develop the disease before symptoms and up to seven or more days later. Children, especially younger children may be contagious for longer periods.
The most common symptoms of H1N1 influenza in humans are similar to typical human influenza and include:
- Fever
- Cough
- SoreThroat
- Pain
- Chills
- Fatigue
Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with influenza H1N1.
People, chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart failure, etc. The more notice a worsening of their symptoms.
Emergency signs:
If you experience symptoms of a severe, your doctor may occur if the flu symptoms are caused by H1N1 influenza.
This section describes when you or your childshould consult a physician. You should see the signs of flu. These signs are fever, muscle aches, runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Fire signs are often mild and require no medical examination in the clinic. If symptoms are mild, it is important to keep hydrated, the rest good hand hygiene practices and a lot. You should therefore seek medical care if you or your child develops an emergency signal "warning". Some of"Emergency warning signs" that require urgent medical care are listed next.
In children, some emergency warning signs are:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
- The color blue
-Do not drink enough fluid
- High or prolonged fever.
In addition, you should consult a physician immediately if the change in mental status of the child, known as
- Do not wake up
- No interaction
- Extreme irritability and do not want to be held
In adults,some warning signs of an emergency requiring urgent medical attention are:
-Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath
-Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen
Sudden dizziness
-Near-fainting or fainting
Server or persistent vomiting
High or prolonged fever.
If you or your child has flu-like symptoms that are better, but then come with fever and cough medical sick again as soon as possible.
If youarrive, tell the receptionist or nurse about your symptoms. You may be required to wear a mask and sit in a separate area to protect others from harm.
What treatment is appropriate for you based on the severity of your illness and your doctor to consult an infectious disease specialist to determine the best treatment.
Antiviral drugs for human influenza viruses should work approved for the treatment of H1N1 influenza infection in humans. However, there areThe drugs are not known to treat H1N1 influenza specific infection.
antiviral medications are prescriptions that can help your body to influence influenza virus reproduction a. These include tablets, liquids or inhalers.
Antiviral drugs are currently recommended only for patients with moderate to severe illness or influenza H1N1. Most people better off without antiviral drugs.
antivirals must be taken within 48 Hours of symptom onset. You can reduce the symptoms but not your symptoms may disappear completely.
Other treatments, influenza H1N1 should include work for peace, drugs to lower fever, drink plenty of water.
In case of complications and you are very ill, may be required hospitalization.
hospital patients may be given oxygen or breathing protection.
Children or young people with> Flu should rest a lot and drink plenty of fluids. The medications you are taking aspirin, which should not contain alleviate their symptoms. Never give aspirin to children or young people who have flu-like symptoms was, especially fever, without first talking to your healthcare provider. Giving aspirin to children and young people, influenza can cause rare but serious illness called Reye's syndrome.
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