A Word about the Influenza Virus: Symptoms, Complications and Prevention

There is more than just one influenza virus. There are actually a number of different influenza viruses and they all have the ability to mutate or change. Sometimes they change slowly over time (this is referred to as drift), but sometimes they change suddenly (this is referred to as shift). The symptoms of influenza are usually more severe when a virus has made a sudden shift. Experts say that these shifts occur about every ten years and are the major causes of pandemics or world-wide epidemics.

When creating the annual flu shot vaccine, scientists evaluate the different viruses in circulation and select an influenza virus or two or three that are likely to cause people the most severe illnesses. An inactivated form of the selected viruses, or in the case of the nasal spray a weakened live virus, are used for that years vaccine. Because the viruses change slightly every year, in order to have full immunity from them, those who are at greatest risk of exposure or complications are advised to take the vaccine every year. Minor symptoms of influenza often follow a flu shot and taking the vaccine does not guarantee that a person will not become infected with an influenza virus different from the ones included in that years vaccine. Some controversy surrounds the idea that everyone should get a flu shot every year, but the Center for Disease Control and Prevention still advises that it is the best known way to protect yourself from the flu.

The symptoms of influenza usually come on suddenly and begin with a fever that can reach 106 degrees farenheit. Headache, body aches, chills and pain when you move your eyes typically accompany the fever. Days later as these symptoms improve, you may have a cough, runny nose or sore throat. It is not uncommon for adults to have relatively high fevers for three or four days, but infants and children may need medical attention for any high fevers. When in doubt, call the doctor.

The influenza virus does not cause symptoms in all people and does not affect all people the same way. It is believed that those with a weaker immune system are likely to have more severe symptoms, than those who are in better health or have a stronger immune system. The biggest threat posed by the influenza virus is the risk of developing complications, particularly pneumonia. Pneumonia can be a real problem for the elderly, the very young and anyone who has chronic health problems.

It is important to remember that the symptoms of influenza are similar to other diseases, some minor, like the common cold and some more serious like mononucleosis and even meningitis. When an influenza virus leads to a bacterial infection, antibiotics are usually effective, but a common case of the flu will not respond to antibiotics. These drugs kill bacteria, but not viruses. If your symptoms seem to get better and then worse again, if you have a stiff neck or severe headache, you need to contact your doctor.

It is important to watch for symptoms of Reye's syndrome in children. This can be a life threatening condition. It is rare, but when it does occur it usually follows an infection with the influenza virus, chicken pox or another viral infection. If drowsiness and confusion develop three to seven days after the symptoms of influenza began, then medical attention is needed. Aspirin is believed to increase the risk of developing Reye's syndrome and should not be given to children with cold, symptoms of influenza or other viral infections.

To learn about a natural product that can be taken safely by adults and older children to reduce the duration of the symptoms of influenza and as a maintenance supplement to reduce the likelihood of becoming infected with an influenza virus, visit the Immune System Booster Guide.


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Symptoms of colorectal cancer - what you should pay attention

Colorectal cancer is a disease you are looking for quickly, or at least before having a cancer a chance to grow in stages. The main problem is that there is a time before the tests are able to feel inside, no sign of a growing tumor in the colon, depending on which side is growing inside you the following symptoms, some of you please the doctor of this terrible disease.

A change in your gutHabits.

If you start with a sudden increase or decrease in the number of times you go to the bathroom every day and it takes more than a couple of weeks, this could be due to a tumor, the lower your block in your colon. Now the 'The only problem here than in other life-threatening condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) also mimics the same symptoms. talk to your doctor if you have this problem.

He changed the shape of the chair orColor.

If your chair will begin to look very flat or pencil is thin, a sign that you may cause cancer in your colon a stool that blocks the normal course of your. This can lead to stable or come in small portions that are pencil thin. If your stool is dark, almost black, then that may show that it has blood in that one component of the two points above.

You have blood in the stool, contact your doctorTests done by excluding all types of cancer. Cancer symptoms mimic many other diseases are not fatal, so it is best to avoid any possibility that seriously.

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Colon Cleanse: Why, How And When

The colon has an important function in the body. This is to reabsorb the nutrients and water into our bodies and expel toxic matter through bowel movements. When the bowel becomes overwhelmed with toxic build up, problems can surface such as constipation, hemorrhoids and even colon cancer. The most common symptoms of a toxic overload in the body are bad breath, fatigue, allergies, bloating, irritability, depression and infections that occur frequently.

What actually happens is the body absorbs the toxins in the colon and poisons the body. By cleaning the colon regularly, a variety of health-related problems could often be avoided. This type of cleansing is often referred to as detoxification. In order to detoxify your body, reducing the amount of chemicals taken in by the body is a necessity. Reduce the sugars, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco from your diet to help the process along.

Probiotics are also important in the colon cleansing process and will help produce the good bacteria in your intestines that are needed to fight illness and disease in the body.

Colon Cleansing The Natural Way
To cleanse your colon naturally, you will need to begin a cleansing diet, including some natural herbs. Some of the most beneficial herbs to take are psyllium husk, flaxseeds, slippery elm and cascara sagrada.

Other Colon Cleansing Techniques
There are several other ways to clean your colon of toxic build up including colon hydrotherapy, which must be performed by a professional for safety reasons. Colon hydrotherapy will clean the large intestine only. For a full cleansing, an oxygen-based cleanser is also needed. An oxygen-based cleanser application does not require a professional.

Enemas are more commonly associated with the treatment of constipation. Enemas generally only clean the lower colon, so are not always as effective in a complete colon cleanse. Laxatives can be helpful in clearing out the colon, although they do very little in the way of cleansing. Laxatives are also considered to be the most dangerous types of treatments for constipation and cleansing and should not be used regularly.

Colon cleansing is considered to be a very important part of keeping your body healthy and free from disease. Natural supplements, used regularly, will help keep your colon clean and well maintained without the use of harsh chemicals that are likely to add to your toxification problems. Those who are experiencing constipation should make it priority to cleanse their colon, as constipation means that the body is storing the toxic waste, generated by food eaten, in the body for dangerous amounts of time.

If you intend to begin any colon cleansing treatment, especially if you are changing your diet or taking new medications, it is best to consult a health care professional to make sure that the changes will not harm your health.

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Colon Cancer - Symptoms, Risks and Treatments

Colon cancer usually begins as a small polyp that attaches to the wall of the intestines. Not all polyps become cancerous but some do. If it is detected while in the early polyp stage, it can be easily treated by removal. This is why colon cancer screening is so important.

Cancerous polyps may not cause any signs or symptoms. These are usually detected through screening tests like a colonoscopy. As it spreads and grows, symptoms can develop. One sign of the disease could be a change in your bowel movements that lasts longer than two weeks. This could be either diarrhea or constipation. You may notice blood in your stools. You might experience abdominal cramps, pain, or gas. You may feel like your bowels do not empty completely. There could be unexplained weight loss and fatigue.

Some people have a higher risk for developing canerous cells than others. Risk factors for colon cancer include age, race, medical history, family history, unhealthy diet, obesity, smoking, drinking alcohol and lack of exercise. Colon cancer occurs more frequently in people over the age of 50 and in the African-American race. People with diets low in fiber and high in fat and calories increase their risk. They also are more likely to become obese. Obese people have an increased risk and are also more likely to die from the disease than people who are of normal weight. Having close family members with colon cancer or polyps can increase the risk due to genetics or the same exposure to carcinogens.

If your medical history includes having polyps, even non-cancerous ones, or inflammatory bowel disease, your risk of may be increased. If you have ever received radiation therapy for another type of cancer, you may be at risk also.

Treatment for colon cancer depends upon the stage at which it is discovered and how far it has spread. If found early while still localized in a polyp, your doctor can remove it while performing a colonoscopy.

If the cells have grown into the walls of your colon, your doctor may still be able to remove it by taking out part of your colon. If enough of your healthy colon remains, the doctor may be able to reattach the healthy parts. If not, the surgeon will attach one end of your colon to your abdominal wall so your bodily waste can drain into a colostomy bag.

When colon cancer is very advanced, the surgeon may operate in order to relieve blockages in the colon in order to relieve symptoms rather than trying to remove the cancer.

Chemotherapy often follows surgery in order to destroy any remaining cancer cells that may have spread throughout the body. Radiation therapy is sometimes used to shrink colon cancer tumors before surgically removing them. It may also be used to help ease symptoms in stages of advanced colon cancer.

You can take steps for prevention. Eat a well balanced, high-fiber diet. Get regular exercise and maintain an ideal weight. Undergo regular medical screenings as recommended by your doctor, which include fecal blood tests yearly and regular sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy exams.

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Surviving Cancer

It is automatic for a person to be depressed the moment a doctor diagnosed him/her having cancer, whatever kind it is, as long as the "cancer" word was there, it meant easily as death. But that would mostly imply to those who have Stage 4 cancer and might have less chance of recovering or even achieving cure. The patient would experience not only physical changes because of cancer, but also the mental and emotional portions would be severely damaged. A cancer patient doesn't only need physical help, encouragement and words of hope and support would make greater results on recovering and fighting the said disease.

Chemotherapy is indeed painful, but help greatly on destroying the cancer cells and promoting recovery for the patient. But the effects of chemotherapy, such as vomiting, nausea, fatigue, anemia, diarrhea, mouth sores, infertility and hair loss, are crucial for a patient's mindset. Chemotherapy could be traumatic despite its curing capability for those who have cancer. Most patients would eventually feel like they are alone and hopeless at the prospect of cancer into their lives. What they need more aren't just medicines or therapies but love and attention as well.

The patient's family should always be there on their side, giving comforting words and shows support and positivity. Family members or even friends shouldn't be so negative in front of a patient. Cancer patients don't want people to pity them, first and foremost. They don't like pity from other people, but pure love and concern. They also don't want to see the people around her so affected and depressed about their state that would only make them more stressed out and down. The whole family should act as though nothing was different and take good care of the person with cancer. Just like Angela Radd, leukemia (cancer in the blood/bone marrow) patient, survived cancer not only because of the hospitalization but because of her family/friends' support. Especially her friends, who introduced her to an elisa kit, which helped her on the way to recovery. Amanda Hale, an Elisa kit manufacturer did some research and boosted Angela's esteem that she can survive the disease. After months, almost years, Angela Radd recovered and now currently working on a famous bank in New York.

The mind can help a lot while recovering from an illness, the quote "MIND OVER MATTER" works for real. If a patient believes she/he can survive cancer, then she would have the determination to fight the disease and undergo necessary procedures. Support, attention and love are the main keys into helping a cancer patient believe in real-life miracles. Hope, can also be found only in God, and faith will be the greatest weapon to win this sort of fight.

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Herbs For Colon Health

Many people are under the impression that a colonoscopy can detect ALL colon problems, however, this is not true at all. A colonoscopy only examines the large intestines, not the small intestines or the stomach cavity. A colonoscopy is a medical test performed by a licensed medical doctor to screen their patients who are fifty years old or more for colon cancer.

A colonoscopy may not pick up on Crohn's disease found in the small intestine or diverticulosis also not detected by colonoscopy but generally found through a barium enema test. In the US, half of all people over the age of 50 have some diverticulosis of the colon and nearly all people over age 80, have diverticulosis.

What is diverticulosis? Pouches that form in the colon wall and do not cause symptoms. Not to be confused with diverticulitis, a painful diverticular disease that causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping.

Interestingly, diverticulosis first began to present in the early 1900's when mass marketing of processed foods originated. Now it is becoming increasingly common as a result of the American processed food eating habits.

Normally, if you have a diet with sufficient fiber or roughage, you will produce stool that is bulky and can move easily through the colon. It is in every adults best interest to eat more whole grains, fruits and leafy green vegeatbles for their colon health. What are you to do if you show signs of colon toxicity? Herbal treatments and supplements may just be the answer.

Taking herbs to heal the bowel from toxicity before the condition worsens and possibly produces a serious disease is an important remedy to consider. Some people may have diverticulosis for years without even knowing it until the bowel pockets become inflamed and irritated causing diverticulitis.

It is important to use herbal supplements with only high quality herbs because poorly formulated products can cause further intestinal irritation and inflammation. Look for the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) seal on products, so you can be sure the lab that manufactured the supplement has followed GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) guidelines established by the Food and Drug Administration. Furthermore the seal ensures that the company adheres to recognized standards in the manufacturing process related to the facilities grounds, building and equipment; pest control; employee practices; receiving, storage and shipping; plant sanitation; and processing.

Co-Clean colon cleansing supplements have the GMP seal. Take two tablets nightly for no longer than four weeks time. This should be ample time to purge the toxins from your body and to heal the bowel from toxicity

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Learn The Common Symptoms Of Colon Cancer In Order To Get Immediate Treatment

Colon cancer is a dangerous form of cancer that starts in the colon, and then if nothing is done to treat it, it will start to spread. The causes of colon cancer have not been discovered yet, but scientists are researching its causes and new treatments that can help cure colon cancer and metastatic colon cancer.

The colon and the rectum for the large intestine. First, a tumor appears in the colon or sometimes in the rectum, and then it starts to grow, and the cancerous tissue spreads. In time it can reach other organs, such as the liver or the lungs.
In its early phases colon cancer can be treated quite easily, and the survival rate for patients diagnosed with stage 2 or 3 colon cancer is over 80%. However, if the cancer advances to the third or fourth stage, it will be really hard to cure it, the survival rate drops under 10%, but there still is hope.

This is why it is important to learn the signs and symptoms of colon cancer, and detect them early in order to start the treatment as soon as possible. The problem is that stage 1 or 2 colon cancer has almost no symptoms at all, and it's hard to detect this disease until it has already advanced too much.

These are the common symptoms that may indicate an early colon cancer or a high risk of developing colon cancer:

-stool that contains small amounts of blood
-bleeding from the anus, which appears more rarely, and may just be a coincidence, but it can also be a sign

If colon cancer has advanced, then many symptoms appear. The most commonly encountered ones are:

-pain in the abdomen

-vomiting and nausea

-larger amount of blood in the stool

-change in bowel habits

-sudden weight loss

-thin stool

-stomach cramps


-fatigue or tiredness

If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above then immediately consult a doctor. Some of them can be cause by other affections, but in either case it's important to seek medical attention. The doctors will perform some tests and clinical trials which will determine if you have or haven't got colon cancer,and how far has it spread.

If it has not spread much then it can easily be treated with a colon cancer surgery, that removes the parts of the large intestine where tumors are.
A stage IV colon cancer diagnose is a very bad news, and it will probably change your life, but remember that there still is hope.


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Cervical Cancer - Symptoms and Causes of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer: malignant cancer of the cervix uteri or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages, which has made cervical cancer the focus of intense screening efforts using the Pap smear. In developed countries, the widespread use of cervical screening programs has reduced the incidence of invasive cervical cancer by 50% or more.

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb). It is sometimes called the uterine cervix. The body (upper part) of the uterus, is where a fetus grows. The cervix connects the body of the uterus to the vagina (birth canal). The part of the cervix closest to the body of the uterus is called the endocervix. The part next to the vagina is the exocervix (or ectocervix). The place where these 2 parts meet is called the transformation zone. Most cervical cancers start in the transformation zone.

About 85% of cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, which develop in the scaly, flat, skinlike cells covering the cervix. Most other cervical cancers are adenocarcinomas, which develop from gland cells, or adenosquamous carcinomas, which develop from a combination of cell types.

Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Symptoms usually don't appear until abnormal cervical cells become cancerous and invade nearby tissue. When this happens, the most common symptom is abnormal bleeding, which may start and stop between regular menstrual periods or may occur after sexual intercourse.

Bleeding from the vagina that is not normal,or a change in your menstrual cycle that you can't explain.

Menstrual periods that last longer and are heavier than before. Bleeding after sexual intercourse, douching, or a pelvic exam.

Pain during urination: Bladder pain or pain during urination can be a symptom of advanced cervical cancer. This cervical cancer symptom usually occurs when cancer has spread to the bladder.

Causes of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer most commonly begins in the thin, flat cells that line the bottom of the cervix (squamous cells). Squamous cell carcinomas account for about 80 percent of cervical cancers. Cervical cancer can also occur in the glandular cells that line the upper portion of the cervix.

Genetic material that comes from certain forms of HPV has been found in cervical tissues that show cancerous or precancerous changes.

Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papillomavirus, or HPV. You get HPV by having sex with someone who has it. There are many types of the HPV virus. Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Some of them cause genital warts, but other types may not cause any symptoms.

The virus is a sexually transmitted disease. There are more than 50 types of human papilloma virus (HPV) that infect humans. Types 6 and 11 usually cause warts, while types 16, 18, 31 and 33 usually result in high-grade cervical dysplasia (CIN-2 and CIN-3) and carcinomas.

More than 90 percent of all cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas, and researchers believe that this cancer may be a sexually transmitted disease. There is much evidence that cervical carcinoma is related to sexually transmitted organisms.

Chemical exposure: Women who work on farms or in the manufacturing industry may be exposed to chemicals that can increase their risk of cervical cancer.

Women who have HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, often take drugs that weaken the body's natural immunity or its ability to fight off disease. These women also have an increased risk for cervical cancer and should be closely monitored by their gynecologist for the development of precancerous changes to the cervix.

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Testicular Cancer - Identify Hidden Symptoms and Prevent Tragedy

People are under the impression that cancer symptoms can be detected by continuous testicular pain in one particular area. And just because, they are not feeling any sort of pain in the testicle region, according to them, QED. They are definitely not suffering from testicular cancer. Nevertheless, it is a known fact that testicular cancer symptoms may not be painful in the initial stages. So, if you are looking for this particular symptom in the initial stages, you might also want to look for other testicular cancer symptoms, which may give you an inkling that you need to see the doctor immediately.

Now, starting with what is testicular cancer. Testicles or gonads are an important part of the reproductive system of a male. A testis (together called the testis or the testicles) is going to be made up of 2 organs smaller than golf balls, and covered with their own covering protective sac called scrotum. The scrotum is found hanging beneath the male reproductive organ, the penis.

Now, when one is looking for symptoms of testicle cancer if he is a health-conscious person, he is definitely going to know more about TSE. This is known as the testicle self-examination, and you can either do it at home or your doctor is going to do it for you, once you go in for a physical checkup. The testicles are palpated gently to see if there are any tissue swellings, and lumps, which are unaccounted for.

Some of the testicle cancer symptoms, which may show the onset of testicular cancer appear in the form of mild pain in the lower back, and in the groin region. Some people have the tendency of overlooking the symptoms, because they might consider that pain to be lumbago. Nevertheless, if you are 15 years old up to the age of 39, you might want to look at the reasons for this unprecedented lumbago, especially when it is accompanied with a feeling of heaviness in the groin region and under the solar plexus.

Testicular cancer is definitely not life-threatening, if it is caught in the early stages. Nevertheless about 400 people, out of the 8000 people suffering from testicular cancer die annually, just because they have disregarded the symptoms and have attributed the testicular pain to other reasons. That is when the cancer cells are going to spread to different parts of the body and one is going to get hard put to check the promulgation of such pernicious malignant cells.

So, if you have lumps and swellings in your testicles, accompanied with mild persistent testicular pain and heaviness in the groin region, you need to go and see your doctor immediately. Apart from that, you would need to talk to him. These symptoms may be accompanied with the size of the testicles changing and liquid filling in the scrotal sac. Your doctor is going to recommend tests and immediate treatment in the shape of chemotherapy/radiation after he has diagnosed your testicle cancer symptoms.

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Reasons and Remedies For Blood in Stool

There are many reasons you may discover blood in your stool, and some of them are life threatening. Some are less so, but finding the cause is very important.

How do you know there's blood?

Seeing something red is one way, but that is not the only thing to watch for. If the blood has been in or through the stomach, it won't be red. It'll be black and have the consistency of tar or coffee grounds. Both types can be a sign of something bad.

What causes it?

1) Medications and herbs: Aspirin, willow bark and blood thinners can cause bleeding in the intestines. Anti-platelet medications can do the same thing. This is something you should speak to your doctor about, as you may need a change in these medications.

2) Ulcers: Whether it's in your stomach or your intestines, an ulcer can bleed. Stomach ulcers can cause this to exit on both ends of the alimentary canal. This is a potentially life threatening problem, so getting treatment fast is important.

3) Hemorrhoids: This burning, itching problem around the anus can actually rupture. If so, the color will be fairly bright red. Diverticulitis (an abnormal pocket in the intestines) can also bleed.

4) Crohn's Disease: Another name for this is ulcerative colitis, and as the name suggests it causes ulcers in the digestive tract.

5) Colon Cancer: This is obviously not something that can be treated at home, and one of its symptoms is bloody stools.

Some of these problems can be dealt with using herbal remedies and lifestyle changes. Others may need the help of your doctor, especially if cancer is the cause. It's always best to consult your doctor, especially in the above cases. The doctor can give you a diagnosis and help you come up with a plan that will be beneficial for you.

For ulcers and Crohn's Disease, you may be able to use marshmallow or licorice root to coat the digestive tract. You will probably also need an antibiotic, at least in the case of regular ulcers. Don't take any medications at the same time as the herbs, as it can prevent proper absorption. Don't use licorice root if you have high blood pressure.

Hemorrhoids may be eased by sitz baths, witch hazel and aloe vera. The witch hazel acts as an astringent, and may shrink the hemorrhoid. Aloe will help reduce inflammation. Don't drink the juice, as it can cause explosive diarrhea, which would be an irritant.

Colon cancer, as mentioned above, cannot be treated at home. If the doctor approves, oats and marshmallow may be useful. Due to the side effects, licorice root would be a bad idea.

There is one more thing to consider if you see an off-color stool. Some of the things we eat can change the color and not be a threat. Black licorice and pepto-bismol, lead, iron tablets and blueberries can turn the stool dark. Tomatoes can give a reddish color, especially if a great many are eaten.

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Ovarian Cysts Treatment - What Are the Various Options?

Ovarian cysts are basically functional cysts that tend to develop during the end of a woman's menstrual cycle. Usually, these cysts clear up naturally once the eggs present in them are released into the fallopian tubes. But sometimes these benign cysts tend to block blood supply to the ovaries or can turn cancerous or malignant causing harm to the body. Hence cysts treatment can vary from individual to individual depending on the condition.

Oral contraceptives are frequently prescribed as a form of ovarian cysts treatment. Contraceptives contain a condensed formulation of estrogen and progesterone and can prevent a woman's monthly menstrual cycle. Since these functional cysts are formed only during periods, birth control pills are given to stall its coming. This form of treatment is not advised for all women except for those who have a family history of developing cysts.

Cystectomy is a surgical procedure that can be used as ovarian cysts treatment. Though commonly used to treat bladder cancer, this surgery can also be used to remove harmless cysts from the ovary leaving them intact and thus enabling the woman to bear more children. But cystectomy is not advisable for malignant ovarian cysts; in this case, all or part of the ovaries also has to be removed along with the cysts affecting the fertility of the woman.

The last resort for ovarian cysts treatment is a surgical procedure known as oophorectomy. In this procedure, one or both of the woman's ovaries have to be removed which can affect her ability to produce estrogen. Such women are also advised to undergo hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which is not a desirable therapeutic form as it can cause various side effects. This surgery also renders the woman incapable to have more children.

The most important thing is to consult a doctor as soon as you develop these cysts as they can tend to get malignant over time. Prompt ovarian cysts treatment can most often cure the problem without causing any kind of side effects in the long run.

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Colon Cancer Prevention - What You Need to Know

More than 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer every year. According to the American Cancer Society most colon cancers occur in folks over the age of 35.

The good news is this cancer is very easy to prevent. Just remember if you experience any blood in your stools or any unusual changes in your bowel habits for more than a few weeks you should get it checked out. In addition, if you experience symptoms like unusual weight loss, fatigue, nausea, anemia or jaundice for more than a few days you need to see a doctor right away.

The simple fact is the key to beating colon cancer is early detection. Current colon cancer treatments are over 85% successful when diagnosed early. So this is important.

But I'm sure you'd agree, the best thing to do is prevent getting it all together. To do this all you'll need to do is make a few lifestyle and dietary changes.

* Eat a high fiber diet to keep your colon healthy and free of carcinogens. Think beans, whole grains, fruits and veggies.

* Drink more water. You know you're getting enough if you need to urinate about 5 times a day.

* Ease up on the alcohol. Studies show the more you drink, the more likely it is you'll get colon cancer.

* Avoid too much red meat. Limit your intake of beef, pork and lamb to once or twice a week.

* Make sure you're getting enough calcium and magnesium. These minerals help protect the colon from carcinogens. The best thing to do here is take a good high-quality supplement.

Also, it's good idea to do a colon cleanse a few times a year. This removes toxins and rejuvenates your colon. In addition it helps your body absorb nutrients more efficiently. To make this easier consider getting a high-quality colon cleansing product that contains bentonite clay.

The take-away here is to remember that a healthy person will not suffer from constipation and will have at least one bowel movement every day. Just following the simple guidelines listed here is not too difficult, will increase your energy, and most importantly, prevent colon cancer.


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Skin Cancer Symptoms and Prevention

Despite the medical evidence available on skin cancer, our society insists on tanning beds and sunbathing without using the proper protection, as we can find many youth and teenagers spending long times in the harmful and burning sun rays that what makes them the suffer a lot from Skin Cancer. But the good news is that Skin Cancer is considered the easiest form of cancer and you can overcome it by spotting it in time.

There are two forms of Skin Cancer, melanomas and non-melanomas. Melanomas usually account for only four percent of diagnosed skin cancers, and it occurs in the epidermis, the skin's outer layer, usually appearing as a dark mole with uneven edges but they are considered to be the most deadly. Non-melanomas, on the other hand, are comprised of two different cell types, basal cells and squamous cells. Both of these cells are caused from sun exposure.

Skin cancer symptoms vary from individual to individual as to which chemical, or substance causes allergic reactions. The tumor in the epidermis, caused by skin cancer, is always clearly visible, making diagnosis slightly easier than in other cases of cancer. Skin Cancer patient may encounter Rough and scaly patches on the skin, A sore or spot that bleeds or become crusty, a small lump that is shiny, waxy, pale in color, and smooth in texture.

Skin protection is very important and easy; off course there is no excuse not to prevent it. You have to protect every member in your family even young babies, try to find shady areas when you take them outside to play and be sure they have the proper protection on.

Children and people with fair skin need to be using a higher protection factor than other people Skin protection doesn't mean to avoid sun forever, but you have to be reasonable and be careful while dealing with the sun. Sensitive areas like lips, nose, palms, and the back of your hand should be sufficiently protected while exposure to sun.

When out in the sun do not forget to protect your face. Applying lotion to the ears, nose and neck will help to protect those sensitive areas from the sun.

Sunscreen is recommended as a form of protection against the sun. Of course, your self-examinations should be in addition to an annual doctors exam; doctors trained eyes often spot skin cancer even quicker than you do. Surgery is the most common form of treatment and it is usually done as an outpatient procedure.

From time to time examine your head and face using one or two mirrors. Move your hair to examine your scalp. Have a look at your hands, including your nails. Check your elbows, arms and underarms. Look closely on your neck and chest.

Finally, if you notice or encounter any changes in your skin such as moles, lesions or sores, which do not heal, it is always better to consult your doctor immediately. If caught early, most skin cancer can be cured.

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7 Stages of Cancer Development

You must have heard of this statistic that out of every 3 of us, one of us will get cancer. But do you know that back in 1901, only 1 in 8,000 got cancer? Our body actually tries in so many ways to give us all the warnings and symptoms to tell us that something is not right and we need to do something about it!

Let us see from the Holistic Health Science point of view how cancer develops in 7 stages.

First stage, Enervation.

It is not recognized as a disease yet. Most people will just feel tired, exhausted and worn-out at this stage. The best way to recover from enervation is to get enough sleep as sleep is the greatest energy charger! Inadequate sleep and rest are the main causes of enervation.

Second stage, Toxemia or intoxication.

Toxemia is a state where toxins saturate our body. This happens when we fail to observe our capacities and ignore the symptoms of enervation. We continue to overwork, sleep late and are under great stress.

Third stage, Irritation is when we feel itchy and uncomfortable, or when we have irritating but not painful areas.
Irritation results from toxic substances being sensed by our nervous system. Our body is giving us signal to move away from this condition.

Fourth stage, Inflammation.

It's only at this stage that doctors recognize it as disease as it involves pain. Maybe you've experienced this before: you completely lost your appetite; and you don't feel hungry at all even you've not been eating for the whole day, all you want to do is just to sleep and rest! Sounds familiar? The area becomes inflamed due to the continuous irritation of toxic substances. Appendicitis (appendix), tonsillitis (tonsils), hepatitis (liver) and nephritis (kidney) are all inflammation but in different areas.

Fifth stage, Ulceration.
Our body use ulcer as a way to drain toxic built-up, it will heal if causes are stopped. Cells and tissue structures are being damaged due to our body's inability to live in increasing toxin.

Sixth stage, Induration, or often called tumor formation.

Induration is the process where our tissue hardened so that ulcer and toxic materials can be kept inside and sealed off by the hardening of the tissue around them. This is a way of quarantining the toxins. This shows how our body tries so hard to protect us even at this stage! However, if we continue with our destructive lifestyles and diet patterns, our body will eventually dissolve the hard tissue when the toxin level is so high and it can no loner take it! This means the toxins will leak and circulate to other parts of the body, and that leads to cancer...

Final stage, Cancer.
Our cells have become parasitic at this stage. Cancer is usually fatal, it can ONLY be reversible with the condition of us stopping the causes and indulge in healthful practices, as healthful practices are the universal panacea!

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Septicaemia the Invisible Assassin

Septicaemia kills over thirty seven thousand people a year and is the leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer, and claims more lives than breast or bowel cancer. Many people are infected after routine surgery, for example, a vasectomy or hernia operation. It occurs when an infection in the bloodstream causes the body's immune system to go haywire and start attacking the body it is meant to protect. Among its victims are Superman actor Christopher Reeve former Bee Gee Maurice Gibb and Pope Paul11.

Despite the number of victims it claims, its symptoms are often unrecognised by doctors and nurses. As a result the window for effective treatment is missed with fatal consequences. Hospital specialists have now launched a campaign to educate medical staff and raise public awareness of the condition. They say that prompt recognition and treatment for all septicaemia cases could halve the death rate at a stroke, saving thousands of lives. Although septicaemia is recognised as a major cause of death it is often not mentioned on death certificates. Instead doctors simply write more general diagnoses such as pneumonia or perforated bowel because patients have not been treated for bacterial infection.

The Warning Signs:

Sudden high fever or unexplained shivering accompanied by drenching sweats. Sometimes sufferers may not look hot, instead the skin may look blotchy or turn blue. Hands and feet may feel cold and clammy. Generally feeling unwell. Headaches and limb pains though the sufferer may have the symptoms of pneumonia or urinary infection.

Abdominal pain, an unexplained rash on any part of the body, nausea,vomiting and diahorrea are part of the cascade of symptoms which lead to dehydration and a fall in blood pressure. Anxiety, drowsiness and confusion. The sufferer may seem vacant or behave strangely. Shortness of breath and rapid heart rate as the body struggles to compensate for loss of blood pressure.

The victims or sufferers need intensive care but in the United Kingdom there is a severe shortage of intensive care beds therefore many victims are doomed to die through lack of targeted funding.

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Asbestos Injury - Find Out If You Are at Risk

Being exposed to asbestos can lead to asbestos injury which can later on lead to asbestos cancer (mesothelioma), asbestosis and other forms of injury. Any type of asbestos injury is very serious and can cause a severe health and financial risk to the patient's life.

This kind of injury can be contracted by people being exposed to high levels of asbestos for prolonged periods of time. This usually happens without the knowledge of the person, thus, assistance from mesothelioma attorneys are usually needed in order for the patients and their families to get justice and compensation for their suffering.

There are occupations that are considered at higher risk for being inflicted with asbestos related injury. These people are those who have worked or are working in construction sites, shipping companies, automotive ventures, industrial factories, and the like.

Asbestos problems are very hard to detect because asbestos fibers are so tiny that they can be inhaled without the person's knowledge. They don't smell too, and they have a latency period of up to 50 years. They also cling to clothes, shoes, hair and skin therefore bringing risk to the worker's family as well. Mesothelioma attorneys can legally help those at risk determine if they are in serious danger of contracting asbestos injury and if so, how can they get compensated for it. After all, asbestos injury is very deadly and expensive to treat and manage. It can cause cancer and asbestosis which can lead to a person's death or disability.

Having said that, it is crucial to come up with ways to prevent it. One would be the implementation of maximum use of and exposure to asbestos to only 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter in an eight hour day. The government should come up with stricter rules to make sure this ruling is implemented. Otherwise, it would be best to ban all use of asbestos all around the globe. This will definitely reduce the number of people being inflicted with asbestos injury.

Nevertheless, the current number of reported annual asbestos injury cases is 3000 and increasing. Mesothelioma attorneys handle the more complicated cases, and make sure that the patient and his or her family gets the proper compensation and help he or she needs. If you are inflicted with asbestos injury (which can cause cancers of the kidneys, lungs, colon, pancreas, and esophagus), you have to demand justice! Seek legal advice from any of the good mesothelioma attorneys in your state and start the process of your healing.

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Aneurysm - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

An aneurysm is a bulge in the wall of an artery. Aneurysms may result from congenital defects, preexisting conditions such as high blood pressure and atherosclerosis (the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries), or head trauma. Aneurysms most commonly occur in arteries at the base of the brain and in the aorta. Aneurysms may involve arteries or veins and have various causes. They are commonly further classified by shape, structure and location. Cerebral aneurysms occur more commonly in adults than in children but they may occur at any age. They are slightly more common in women than in men. Cerebral aneurysms are also more common in people with certain genetic diseases, such as connective tissue disorders and polycystic kidney disease, and certain circulatory disorders, such as arteriovenous malformations. Some investigators have speculated that oral contraceptives may increase the risk of developing aneurysms. Aneurysms are dangerous because they may burst. Pain in the area of an aneurysm is a common symptom. The larger an aneurysm becomes, the more likely it is to burst.

Aneurysms that result from an infection in the arterial wall are called mycotic aneurysms. Cancer-related aneurysms are often associated with primary or metastatic tumors of the head and neck. It is known that men over the age of 60, and younger men with a brother or father who has had an aneurysm, are at risk. It is unclear why a person develops a brain aneurysm. It appears that aneurysms are related to an absence of a muscular layer that makes up part of the blood vessels that over time stretches and thins. An aneurysm may be small and not cause symptoms. An ultrasound examination of the abdomen is a very good way of finding an aneurysm. This is a painless procedure involving a lubricated probe pressing gently on the abdominal skin (over the aneurysm). Many cases of ruptured aneurysm can be prevented with early diagnosis and medical treatment. Because aneurysms can develop and become large before causing any symptoms, it is important to look for them in people who are at the highest risk.

Causes of Aneurysm

It is not clear exactly what causes aneurysms. Defects in some of the parts of the artery wall may be responsible. An aneurysm can result from atherosclerosis. Cerebral aneurysms occur more commonly in adults than in children but they may occur at any age. They are slightly more common in women than in men. Cerebral aneurysms are also more common in people with certain genetic diseases, such as connective tissue disorders and polycystic kidney disease, and certain circulatory disorders, such as arteriovenous malformations. Other causes include trauma or injury to the head, high blood pressure, infection, tumors. Some investigators have speculated that oral contraceptives may increase the risk of developing aneurysms.

Symptoms of Aneurysm

There are many symptoms of a brain aneurysm and each person with an aneurysm may not experience the same symptoms. Small, unchanging aneurysms generally will not produce symptoms, whereas a larger aneurysm that is steadily growing may press on tissues and nerves. Before a larger aneurysm ruptures, the individual may experience such symptoms as a sudden and unusually severe headache, nausea, vision impairment, vomiting, and loss of consciousness, or the individual may be asymptomatic, experiencing no symptoms at all. Rupture of a cerebral aneurysm is dangerous and usually results in bleeding into the meninges or the brain itself, leading to a subarachnoid hemorrhage or intracranial hematoma, either of which constitutes a stroke.

Treatment of Aneurysm

Treatment depends on the size and location of the aneurysm and your overall health. Aneurysms in the upper chest (the ascending aorta) are usually operated on right away. Anticonvulsant medications can prevent seizures, analgesics may relieve headache symptoms, and calcium channel blockers can help widen narrowed blood vessels. Surgery is also usually required for aneurysms as introducing foreign material in the low flow veins can produce a high risk blood clotting environment. Patients who have suffered a subarachnoid hemorrhage often need rehabilitative, speech, and occupational therapy to regain lost function and learn to cope with any permanent disability.

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Chew More, Eat Less

Every Chew Counts

People with digestive problems like acid reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and diverticulosis live with ongoing discomfort. If this describes you, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is how well you chew your food.

New research shows why chewing is so important. How many times you chew each bite of food affects the nutrients you get. It also affects how full you feel after eating and how long a snack or meal leaves you feeling satisfied.

While how you chew your food might not seem like a big deal, it has far-reaching health benefits.

Such a Little Thing, but the Difference is Great

Researchers from the Purdue University's Department of Foods and Nutrition in Indiana focused their study on almonds and the effects of chewing them different amounts before swallowing.

They chose almonds because your body can only use many of the nut's nutrients if the almond's cell walls are broken prior to digestion. The researchers gave healthy adults a handful of almonds and asked them to chew them either 10, 25, or 40 times before swallowing. They repeated this over several days.

The group chewing the almonds 40 times felt more satisfied. Their hunger fell below baseline measurements. Their sense of satisfaction lasted longer, too. The body's insulin response and absorption of healthy fats was also better in the group that chewed the nuts 40 times rather than fewer times. (1)

Each of these findings show that chewing your food well promotes healthy weight loss. Reduced hunger, a lasting sense of fullness, and better insulin response all help to reduce your urge to overeat.

Researchers believe that though their study focused on almonds, the beneficial effects of better chewing will be seen across most, if not all, foods.

Chew More for Better Digestion

T he act of chewing stimulates saliva production. It also adjusts the pH in your mouth to better break down food. And it triggers the release of hydrogen carbonate, protein, epidermal growth factor, and prostaglandins. These compounds begin the digestive process. They also protect the mouth and esophagus from damage.

People with acid reflux disease-a condition that causes esophageal damage-don't have the right balance of these compounds in their mouths. Researchers discovered that teaching reflux patients better chewing habits increased the protective compounds in their mouth and throat. As a result, they enjoyed a reduction in the painful symptoms of heartburn. Better chewing is a completely natural solution to acid reflux disease. (2)

It will also help reduce irritable bowel and diverticulosis symptoms. The more broken down food is when it reaches your digestive tract, the better your body will be able to use it and the less likely you'll experience indigestion, gas, or bloating after a meal. If you chew better, you'll feel better.

How you eat isn't as important as what you eat, but it clearly plays an important role in how well your body uses your food. By slowing down and chewing your food more, you can eat less, lose weight, and digest your food better. It's a simple, but powerful change.

Discuss changes to your diet, exercise, or supplement routine with your doctor. Next week, check back to discover what you can do if one of the women in your life is diagnosed with ovarian or breast cancer.


Cassady BA, et al. "Mastication of almonds: effects of lipid bioaccessibility, ap petite, and hormone response," Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89(3): 794-800
Sarosiek J, et al. "Enhancement of salivary esophagoprotection: rationale for a physiological approach to gastroesophageal reflux disease," Gastroenterology 1996; 110(3): 675-81 E


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Is This a Symptom of Pancreatic Cancer?

Before we discuss the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in more detail, let's have a look at the disease's definition first. Pancreatic cancer, also referred to as pancreatic carcinoma, is a cancerous health condition in which a malignant tumor growths in the pancreas.

This form of cancer is typically rather slow growing and only limited treatment options are available, which are all strongly depended on the stage of the disease and the patient's overall health.

Pancreatic cancer in its early stage may not show any symptoms at all. This of course, makes the detection rather difficult. Ergo before a conclusive diagnosis is typically made, the cancer has already advanced to a later stage.

The fact of the matter is, once the cancer has already spread the chances of treating it effectively, let alone curing it, decrease proportionally. Therefore, it is highly advisable to consult with an expert health care professional to seek adequate medical attention even at the slightest encounter of the symptoms listed below.

And I'm not just saying this, I in fact have a good reason for emphasizing this point as it might have saved my life; I encountered blood in my urine back in September of 2009. On the first day I didn't think too much of it, primarily because I was in no pain. On day number two, though, I told my wife and she insisted on making an appointment with an Urologist. Three weeks later I was diagnosed with kidney cancer. A 6.2 cm tumor had consumed my left kidney entirely and the organ had to be removed via a laparoscopic robotic radical nephrectomy. Fortunately, the cancer was confined to the kidney and had not spread any further yet. Otherwise, my prognosis would have been significantly worse.

But let's go back to the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. The early signs include abdominal pain, jaundice (which is a when the skin and the eyes have a yellowish appearance), fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, loss of weight and appetite.

At later stages of the disease, other less common pancreatic cancer symptoms are seen in patients, such as depression and mood swings, blood clotting, indigestion and diarrhea.

I am not a friend of numbers and statistics when it comes to survival rates of cancers. But I think it is a reasonable statement to say that pancreatic cancer has a poor prognosis. And that is not because it is a particularly aggressive form, however, due to the fact that in the vast majority of diagnoses the disease is already at an advanced stage.

In order to reduce the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, it is advisable to watch your body weight and avoid smoking. The healthier and fitter you are, the less like it is that you develop any kind of serious health conditions.

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Bone Cancer Metastasis

An estimated 60% to 84% of patients with cancer develop bone metastasis. Of these 70% experience pain syndrome which is difficult to manage, of which 50% die without adequate pain relief with a poor quality of life. It is therefore necessary to have accessible and effective medications for the management of this condition. One of the most common pain syndromes in patients with advanced cancer is bone metastasis. This is difficult to manage and control in clinical practice. Currently, scientific advances in cancer detection and treatment have prolonged life expectancy in patients. Unlike the case with the phenomenon of bone pain in cancer, where current treatment strategies are not significantly effective. Most palliative treatment of bone pain are based on clinical studies on pain management in patients or in experimental models is not well designed this could explain why the drugs used are partially effective. Today, one of the main obstacles in developing new, safe treatments to control bone pain is the absence of basic science knowledge in the physiology of bone pain.


The pain in cancer patients is usually multifactorial, may arise from the process itself, treatment side effects or both. For these reasons the approach and management of this symptom should be multidisciplinary. Pain syndrome occurs either by local proliferation or tumor invasion of a metastatic tumor from a distance. With metastatic bone pain often reflects the presence of a tumor in breast, thyroid, prostate, kidney, lung or adrenal.

Physiology of bone pain

Bone pain is associated with tissue destruction by osteoclast cells. Normally, osteoclastic bone resorption are in balance with bone formation mediated by osteoblasts. In neoplastic osteolytic activity is increased and there are substances such as cytokines, local growth factors, peptides similar to parathyroid hormone and prostaglandins. Autacoids are also released other owners as potassium ions, bradykinin and osteoclast activating factors. These tissue substances play an important role in sensitizing the neural tissue against chemical and thermal stimuli, lower thresholds for discharge of the neuronal membrane, produce exaggerated responses to stimuli above the threshold and result in discharges of tonic impulses normally silent nociceptors. This phenomenon is called peripheral sensitization and primary hyperalgesia and is understood as events occurring within the ranks of the injured tissue and stimulate peripheral nociceptors (C fibers and A delta fibers) translating pain. In bone tissue of the sensory receptors are located primarily in the periosteum, whereas the bone marrow and bone cortex are insensitive. This phenomenon of peripheral sensitization results in abnormal sensitivity to pressure surrounding skin (allodynia and hyperalgesia), pain in muscles, tendons, joints and deep tissues in contact with bone. This is limited to ensure that the peripheral ends have a greater capacity for alarm response to injury.

The constant presence of harmful process, stimulating nociceptive receptors gives the introduction of a subacute pain that tends to be chronic with the growth of bone metastases. These stimuli lead to another prevalent phenomenon called central sensitization important which includes abnormal amplification of incoming sensory signals to the central nervous system, particularly the spinal cord. The phenomenon occurs because of the persistent input stimulus through the fibers C. This spinal cord triggers a temporary increase in the power of silent synaptic terminals. In this process plays an important role of glutamate receptor N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). The resulting amplification of the signal generated in the postsynaptic neuron sends a message to the brain which is interpreted as pain. In short central sensitization amplifies the sensory effects of both peripheral nociceptive inputs (C fibers of pain) and non-nociceptive fibers (A of touch).

In practice the two phenomena come together in the genesis of metastatic bone pain and peripheral sensitization occurs acutely metastatic lesions to appear nociceptors and translate the information conveyed through the afferent myelinated A-delta or unmyelinated C fibers to the spinal cord where the information is modulated by various systems. With the set up process subacute begins the process of central sensitization which sensory synapses begin to activate silent. And there is a state of increased central perception. By becoming chronic pain phenomenon becomes even more complex because all that is in contact with the area of injury becomes a powerful generator of pain. The touch, muscle movement or joint pain result, manifesting the phenomena of allodynia and hyperalgesia much more marked.

With progression and growth of metastatic disease can appear phenomena of compression of peripheral nerves, nerve roots or spinal cord. Then the pain can refer to other dermatomes, further complicating the initial picture painful. This condition becomes a debilitating factor for the patient and to be inadequately controlled could trigger the phenomenon of total pain detailed below.

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Lung Cancer - Symptoms & Treatments

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by out of control cell growth. Lung cancer occurs when this uncontrolled cell growth begins in one or both lungs. The lungs are two large spongy organs located inside the chest cavity. Air is breathed into the trachea and moves down two tubes called bronchi, each going to a lung. Lung cancer occurs most often in adults between the ages of 40 and 70 who have smoked cigarettes for at least 20 years.

Over 1,400 Victorians are diagnosed with every year. Only about 2% of those diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread to other areas of the body are alive five years after the diagnosis, although the survival rates are diagnosed at a very early stage are higher with approximately 49% surviving for five years or longer.

There are different types of lung cancer, depending on which cells are affected. The two main types are:

1. Small cell carcinom
Around 15 per cent are small cell carcinomas. This type of cancer spreads early and shows few early symptoms.

2. Non-small cell carcinoma
These cancers affect the cells that line the main bronchi.

Some lung tumors are metastatic from cancers elsewhere in the body. The lungs are a common site for metastasis. Since lung cancer tends to spread or metastasize very early in its course, it is a very life-threatening cancer and one of the most difficult cancers to treat. While lung cancer can spread to any organ in the body.

Symptoms are varied depending upon where and how widespread the tumor is. Warning signs of lung cancer are not always present or easy to identify. Lung cancer symptoms may take years before appearing, usually after the disease is in an advanced stage.

Below is the following symptoms of lung cancer include:

1. Pain in the chest shoulder or back from coughing

2. A cough that does not go away or gets worse over time

3. Breathlessness and swallowing

4. Recurring pneumonia or chest infections

5. Wheezing or hoarseness may signal blockage

6. Unexplained weight loss

Lung cancer is categorized into stages according to its spread. This helps the doctors to decide on appropriate treatments. The treatments also depend on the type of cancer, age, health status and additional personal characteristics. As there is usually no single treatment for cancer, patients often receive a combination of therapies and palliative care. More than one type of therapy may be prescribed.

Although the diagnostic techniques provided important information, extracting cancer cells and looking at them under a microscope is the only absolute way to diagnose lung cancer. This procedure is called a biopsy. If the biopsy confirms lung cancer, a pathologist will determine whether it is non-small cell or small cell.

Small cell lung cancer has two stages which is:

1. In the limited stage, the tumor exists in one lung and in nearby lymph nodes.

2. In the extensive stage, the tumor has infected the other lung as well as other organs in the body.

For non-small cell lung cancer, these stages are labeled from I to IV. The lower numbers indicate earlier stages where the cancer has spread less:

1. Stage I is when the tumor is found only in one lung and in no lymph nodes.

2. Stage II is when the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes surrounding the infected lung.

3. Stage III is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes around the trachea, chest wall and diaphragm on the same side as the infected lung.

4. Stage IV is when the cancer has spread to lymph nodes on the other lung or in the neck.

5. Stage IV is when the cancer has spread throughout the rest of the body and other parts of the lungs.

As with most cancers, the results are best if the cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stages. However, some lung cancers aren't diagnosed until they are quite advanced. Treatment may then be limited to easing the symptoms. Treatment decisions depend on whether SCLC or NSCLC. Treatment options include:

1. Chemotherapy is an anti cancer drugs are given to stop cancer cells from multiplying. This treatment is most effective for small cell carcinoma.

2. Surgery to remove the affected part of the lung or an entire lung. This offers the best chance of cure if the cancer has not spread beyond the lungs.

3. Radiotherapy use of x-rays to target and kill cancer cells. It may be used against some early stage lung cancers and to stop cancer in the lymph nodes from spreading further.

4. Targeted therapy is use of small molecules, often in tablet form that may be used after chemotherapy.

5. Clinical trials is a participation in a clinical trial that investigates the safety and effectiveness of novel drugs may be offered.

Cancers that are closely linked to certain behaviors are the easiest to prevent. If you are a current tobacco user, quitting can still greatly reduce your chances of getting cancer. The most important preventive measure you can take is to quit smoking. Many products such as nicotine gum, nicotine sprays, nicotine inhalers have been successfully used to help people trying to quit smoking.

There are common causes of lung cancer:

1. A person who smokes more than one pack of cigarettes per day has a risk 20-25 times greater than someone who has never smoked.

2. Cigar and pipe smoking increases the risk of lung cancer but not as much as smoking cigarettes.

3. Asbestos fibers are silicate fibers that can persist for a lifetime in lung tissue following exposure to asbestos. The workplace is a common source of exposure to asbestos fibers.

4. Radon gas is a natural chemically inert gas that is a natural decay product of uranium. With an estimated 12% deaths attributable to radon gas.

5. Air pollution from vehicles, industry, and power plants can raise the likelihood of developing lung cancer in exposed individuals

Screening techniques are designed to find cancer at the earliest stage so that the most treatment options are available. This cancer are detected in the late stages of the disease after they have spread and are harder to treat. Possible lung cancer screening tests include analysis of sputum cells, fiberoptic examination of bronchial passages and low-dose spiral CT scans.

Cancer and cancer treatments can make a person feel too tired to exercise. However, studies show that, physical activity can boost the energy levels of a person who has cancer.

Regular exercise improves functioning of the immune system and may increase survival rates in some cases. Aim for five to 20 minutes of moderate intensity exercise on most days of the week. But do not exercise without your doctor's knowledge and support because inappropriate exercise may be harmful.

Get more information about cancer here, Treatments For Cancer

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Your Lung Cancer Symptoms in a Nutshell

In the early stages of lung cancer, often, you will have no symptoms. It is as the cancer grows that the symptoms begin to appear. Here's what you should be looking for when you suspect that you have lung cancer symptoms.

Some of these symptoms may include a cough that gets worse or doesn't seem to want to go away, breathing problems (including shortness of breath or wheezing), a constant chest pain... especially when you cough, at times you may be coughing up blood.

This is accompanied with a hoarse voice, frequent chest infections (such as pneumonia), or an infection that doesn't go away, feeling fatigued all of the time (feeling very tired all the time), unexplained weight loss, and a loss of appetite.

Be aware that other health problems may also cause some of these same symptoms. Whatever the case, you need to immediately get checked by your doctor.

These conditions are also symptomatic of many other lung problems, so a person who has any of these symptoms should definitely pursue the cause until one is sure of the problem. When a person goes for an exam, the doctor may ask many questions about the person's medical history, including questions about the patient's exposure to hazardous substances.

More often than not, a person having symptoms of lung cancer will be given physical exam. If the patient has a cough that produces a sputum (mucus), the mucus itself might be examined for cancer cells. The doctor will order a chest X-ray or specialized X-ray such as the CT scan, which helps to locate any abnormal spots in the lungs. The doctor may insert a small tube called a bronchoscope through the nose or mouth and down the throat, to look inside the airways and lungs and take a sample, or biopsy, of the tumor. This is just one of several ways in which a doctor may take a biopsy sample.

However, more and more doctors are using a form of CT scan in smokers to spot small lung cancers, which are more likely to be cured as compared to a large large tumor. The technique, called helical low-dose CT scan, is much more sensitive than a regular X-ray and can detect tumors when they are very small, which would otherwise not been on a regular x-ray.

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Breast Cancer Early Symptoms - What You Should Know

Did you know that breast cancer can be caught at an early stage? In order to do this, one has to be taught how to do the self-exam. In case one detects a lump on their breast or they have the slightest suspicion, they will need to have a mammogram done in order to rule out a tumor. A mammogram is a good way to go about diagnosing this form of cancer. Below, we are going to tell you about breast cancer early symptoms'

Symptoms of cancer in men ' We notice that men have a tendency to be left out and they too can get breast cancer. Most of the breast changes with men are non-cancerous, including gynecomastia. If a male is experiencing constant changes in the breast, then they should go to a physician in order to be evaluated. Some of the symptoms may include a lump, skin dimpling, swelling, redness, nipple retraction and nipple discharge.

Take note that in the early stages, there are generally no symptoms. As it develops, you may start to notice some signs.

Symptoms of cancer in women ' Generally, the symptoms are the same for women as they are for men. A lump in the breast or underarm area will show up and continue to stay there until after the menstrual cycle. The breast lump is painless, but some of them may cause a prickly feeling. They are generally seen on a mammogram before they are even felt.

The armpit may also swell. Changes in the size, texture, contour or temperature of the breast may also indicate breast cancer. The nipple could develop a dimpled look that has either a burning or itching sensation. The discharge coming from the nipple could be bloody, clear or another color.

Instead of looking for looking for breast cancer early symptoms, it would be a good idea to frequently get checked out by the doctor. You can never be too safe.

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Colon Cancer Prognosis - Is There Any?

Cancer is a very sad and painful subject to talk about especially if you or someone you know has been affected by it. There are so many types of cancer today that it's sometimes quite difficult to say for sure which one is the most harmful. All forms of cancer, regardless of whether it is the cancer of the lung, liver, cervical, or any other organs in our bodies, share a similar trait - that is, they are all deadly diseases and the earlier they are detected and treated, the greater will be chances for recoveries and survival. In this respect, colon cancer is not an exception. As a matter of fact, colon cancer prognosis is very much dependent on the stages the cancer is in when detected and treated.

Colon cancer is now the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer as its sometimes called, is the result of cancerous growths in the colon, rectum and appendix. It is sometimes the result of adenomatous polyps in the colon. The adenomatous polyps are mushroom-like growths that are often benign but can turn malignant resulting in cancer of the colon. This type of cancer is often diagnosed through a colonoscopy.

As stated above, the colon cancer prognosis is very much dependent on the stage that it is in. In stage A (the cancer has only penetrated the most superficial layer of the bowel or mucosa), the survival rate is about 90% over a 5 year period. In stage B, the cancer has penetrated the muscular layer of the bowel walls. In this stage, the survival rate is between 55% to 85% over a 5 years period. In stage C, the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes and has a survival rate of between 20% to 55%. In stage D, the cancer has spread to other areas in the body, typically to the lungs and liver. This stage has the worst prognosis with only about a 5% survival rate over 5 years.

Notwithstanding all these numbers, the actual chances of recovery it still very much dependent on the exact stage the cancer is in. Sometimes, each stage could have multiple sub-stages within with corresponding multiple sub-ranges of survival rates. For example, even in stage B, you actual survival rate could be 80% instead of 55% as normally perceived. This differences come about because not all cancer cells develop in exactly the same way and the same rates. Hence, no matter what the prognosis level is, there are always several stages of treatment for one to start on.

Sometimes, it is almost better to not know the numbers given to colon cancer prognosis but to battle the cancer as you see fit. If you are a strong person with reasonable good health and are willing to go the long haul to fight the cancer, the fight will be well worth it. Always remember, even at stage D, you still have a chance for survival.

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Prostate Cancer Testing - What You Need to Know About Screening For Prostate Cancer

Prostate testing remains controversial. In one camp we have those who are pushing for more testing so that more cancers can be detected. This group feels that prostate cancer is under diagnosed and under treated. In the opposing camp are those who feel prostate testing is not helpful as a screening (as against a diagnostic) test and feel that too many men have unnecessary biopsies and surgery with all the associated risks and possible complications. Interestingly, in this latter group is the inventor of the test.

Whilst stories of men who had their life "saved" by having a PSA test make the headlines, stories of men who have incontinence and impotence after unnecessary surgery do not.

What is the average man to make of this? The issues are not straightforward.

The PSA test measures a protein in the blood, which comes from the prostate gland. Like with all tests there is a statistically defined normal range and this increases with age. There is also a sub set of "free" PSA versus PSA bound to another protein.

In an ideal world a raised PSA would diagnose prostate cancer. It does not. The level can be raised for a number of other reasons including benign enlargement, infection and can be raised by some over the counter medications. The PSA can also be normal even if cancer is present. In medical terms this test is classed as having a high" false" positive and negative rate.

It gets more complicated. There are two types of prostate cancer. One form which is fatal and the other is not. In simplest terms it has been regarded that all men will eventually get cancer cells in the prostate if they live long enough. They will die with not of the cancer. Hence the finding of prostate cancer in someone of 70 is regarded as less serious than in someone of 55. Age whilst a guide, is again not an absolute determinant of the form of cancer. The PSA does not give us any clue either.

The final complication is that in many instances we do not know if treatment makes a difference. In other words in many cases we do not know if a man who has undergone surgery and radiation and lives would have lived just as long without treatment.

There are conflicting trial results too. An Australian study claims that Australian men are under diagnosed and under treated. This is based on the fact that 60% of biopsies were positive for cancer compared to 30% in the USA. It also found that when radical prostatectomy was performed that 5% had "insignificant " cancer compared to 25% in the USA. This could also be interpreted, as showing that there is better case selection for surgery in Australia.

Once again it would be simple if the finding of cancer and treatment meant a better and longer life. A large American trial over ten years showed PSA screening did not reduce death rates in men over 55. A European study showed a small decrease in death rates. For every 48 operations there was an increased survival of one. This means 47 men had surgery, which can cause incontinence and impotence for no net gain.

The Australian study is being promoted by the Urological Society, which advocates PSA testing for all men over 40. It is worth remembering that their members earn a living from biopsies and surgery. This does not make their advice wrong but they have a vested interest. Other Australian groups recommend screening after 60 or no screening at all.

The tests inventor, Richard J Albin went public saying he never intended the test to be used as a screening tool and claims the original FDA approval was based on it detecting 3.8% of Prostate cancers. Whilst the case rate of Prostate cancer in the USA is 16% there is only a 3% death rate from it.

So to get back to our question of what are we to make of this? The simple answer is we do not know. Those who claim to have the answer need to be treated with great skepticism. Those who claim they are about "saving lives" need to be treated the same. Those who downplay the not insignificant costs in human terms of over treatment are not doing us any favors.

Ultimately the decision needs to come down to the individual based on his circumstances. Factors like family history and symptoms need to be considered. If a PSA is done and is raised it should certainly be repeated before further action is considered. Men need to be aware that it is not black and white; that a positive test may mean nothing and a negative test does not mean absolutely no cancer.

Whilst it would be nice to be able to offer a simple one size fits all advisory, I do not believe this is possible. Hence beware of those who do particularly if they stand to gain monetarily from it.

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How Can I Boost My Recovery After Chemotherapy?

The goal of chemotherapy is to destroy the spread of the cancer cells in the breast tissue or lymph nodes. Although chemotherapeutic agents have a devastating effect on the cancer cells, the body pays a price: the liver, kidneys and other organs with healthy cells are severely affected too, because the chemo agents aren't able to target only the cancer cells. Up to six cycles of chemo seems to offer optimum benefit, as any more therapy would increase the toxicity in the body to an unacceptable degree. When chemotherapy is over, the body has to rebuild everything quickly - like reconstructing a house after a hurricane. The sooner the body's wellbeing is reinstated, the better chance it has of going into a remission or cure.

In my experience, there is a lot you can do to build up your physical and mental strength as soon as your cancer is diagnosed, and you should keep up this programme for the long term. Stress management is paramount you need to control emotions such as anger, frustration, fear and embarrassment. My own belief is that saying things such as, 'I'll fight it tooth and nail, care counterproductive: you can maintain your fighting spirit most effectively by staying calm. It is best to accept the condition, approach it spiritually and rectify the damage to your body and mind. If you create serenity within yourself and slow down your mind and body, this may check the spread of cancer cells. Worries, stress, financial difficulties, and so on, will always be there, but you have to learn to become 'immune' to them: doing this will help you most.

Starting to get the 'feel good' factor back is a sign of your body's innate healing power responding to the changes you've made. This force - which we take for granted to mend cuts, bruises and broken bones - can help you overcome your maladies.

Here are my suggestions:


* Try to eat organic foods whenever possible.
* Regularly drink freshly juiced carrots, apples, ginger, celery and fresh mint with wheatgerm.
* During chemotherapy, eat soft foods, such as mushy rice, mashed potatoes, soft-boiled eggs, minced chicken, grilled or poached fish, overcooked or pureed vegetables, soups, juices, porridge, lentils and fresh (non-citrus) fruits.
* Always avoid foods that agitate the body, such as coffee, excess salt strong spices, sugar, yeast products, red meat fatty or fried foods, canned products, plus soft drinks, alcohol and cigarettes.


From the start of chemotherapy, take the following to support the body's functions:

* Multivitamin and Mineral: one daily for three months.
* Stomach Formula: two twice daily for two months.


* Try meditation, chanting prayer, creative visualisation, and singing, playing music, painting, dancing, recreational sports or games. I also recommend therapeutic iyengar yoga, which combines exercise and meditation. It incorporates pranayama - the art of breathing, which calms and stills the mind while supplying blood and oxygen to the body's cells. (Vigorous yogas lack the peace the body needs to slow down the madness of cell division.)

* Read a book on Therapeutic Yoga, particularly practice the corpse pose with retention breathing (breathe in for three seconds, hold for three to six seconds and breathe out for six seconds).

Ask someone to massage your neck, shoulders, back, calves and the soles of your feet every week, but to avoid the breasts and lymph nodes. Reflexology is excellent, too.

Nutritional therapy
When the liver is sluggish and the appetite is poor - or there is a digestive problem, as in your case - you lack nutrients at the time you need them most.

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Three Symptoms to Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the biggest side effect of smoking cigarettes. Since it's deadly it's important to recognize all the early signs and symptoms of lung cancer.

The first symptom is constant coughing. The lining of the air passages contain sensitive nerves. There purpose is to protect the airways from any foreign substance like dirt, dust, blood or a tumor. By stimulating the cough reflex, these nerves help the body get rid of particles, therefore keeping the airways clean. If a tumor develops near the airways passages, coughing will be the primary symptom. Coughing is usually the primarily symptom in 20-80 percent of cancer cases.

The second symptom is wheezing. This is the sound that is produced as air tries to pass through an airway that is partially blocked. Tumors usually produce localized wheezing that's heard on the side of the chest where the tumor is located.

The third symptom is coughing up blood. This is by far the most severe of the three. If the surface of the tumor bleeds, you will cough up blood-tinged mucous. This final symptom should be taken very seriously. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible if this ever happens to you.

After you have been diagnosed with having lung cancer, the next concern is how quickly it my spread. This called the doubling speed and is important in determining which stage you're in. This will determine how much time you have to receive treatment. This is especially important in small cell lung cancer, since it tends to spread more rapidly. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms visit your doctor right away. He'll be able to give you all the information on the best treatment options to fit your individual needs.

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Colon Cancer and Nutrition

Colon Cancer also known Colorectal cancer. Colon cancer 2nd most deaths for cancers in the US. Colon cancer is cancer that starts in the large intestine (colon) or the rectum (end of the colon). The colon is the part of the digestive system where the waste material is stored. The rectum is the end of the colon adjacent to the anus. Together, they form a long, muscular tube called the large intestine (also known as the large bowel). Tumors of the colon and rectum are growths arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. Benign tumors of the large intestine are called polyps. Cancer of the colon or rectum is also called colorectal cancer. In the United States, it is the fourth most common cancer in men and women. It is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the Western world. Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide per year. Many colorectal cancers are thought to arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. These mushroom-like growths are usually benign, but some may develop into cancer over time.

Colon cancer often causes no symptoms until it has reached a relatively advanced stage. Thus, many organizations recommend periodic screening for the disease with fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. It is common in the Western world, and is rare in Asia and Africa. In countries where the people have adopted western diets, the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing. Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Polyps of the colon and rectum are almost always benign and usually produce no symptoms. They may, however, cause painless rectal bleeding or bleeding not apparent to the naked eye. There may be single or multiple polyps. Polyps greater than 1 centimeter have a greater cancer risk associated with them than polyps under 1 centimeter. Polyps with atypia or dysplasia are also more likely to progress on to colon cancer. The risk of cancer is much higher in sessile villous adenomas than in pedunculated tubular adenomas. Cancer is found in 40% of villous adenomas, as compared to 15% in tubular adenomas.

Chemotherapy is also used to treat patients with stage IV colon cancer. Surgery remains the primary treatment while chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy may be recommended depending on the individual patient's staging. High-fiber foods help move waste through your digestive tract faster, so harmful substances don't have much contact with the lining of the intestine. High-fiber foods are also rich in phytonutrients, which appear to protect against several forms of cancer. Calcium and vitamin D also seem to help protect against colorectal cancer. There is certainly just as much buzz about folate and colorectal cancer prevention as there has been about calcium. The jury is still out on antioxidants and the prevention of colorectal cancer. Taking antioxidants, such as vitamin C or carotenoids, may reduce cancer risk but other studies have failed to back up these results. Vegetables high in folate, like leafy greens, seem to offer particular protection from colon cancer, especially for those who drink alcohol. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower, also contain phytochemicals that may prevent damage to colon cells.

Colon Cancer Treatment and Nutrition Tips

1. Chemotherapy is also used to treat patients with stage IV colon cancer.

2. Radiotherapy may be recommended Treatment fot colon cancer.

3. High-fiber foods help move waste through your digestive tract faster.

4. Calcium and vitamin D also seem to help protect against colorectal cancer.

5. Taking antioxidants, such as vitamin C or carotenoids, may reduce cancer risk but other studies have failed to back up these results.

6. Vegetables high in folate, like leafy greens, seem to offer particular protection from colon cancer, especially for those who drink alcohol.

7. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower, also contain phytochemicals that may prevent damage to colon cells.

Levels Health Piriformis

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Skin Cancer Symptoms to Look Out For

These days, it pays to be careful. Growing up, we were often allowed to play outdoors for hours on end in the hot summer sun, completely unprotected from the sun's harmful UV rays. These days, we know a lot more about the damage that direct exposure can bring and are taking measures to protect ourselves and the ones we love. For some of us, it may be too late to not get skin cancer but we can protect our skin from any further damage in the future. Learn what skin cancer symptoms to look for and check yourself frequently.

Many times, skin cancer goes undetected because the person who has it did not realize anything was wrong. Generally, the easiest way to detect skin cancer is by checking all of your moles and freckles as well as looking for any other spots on your body. If you have moles that have changed shape or size quickly, you should have this looked at.

Often times, raised red bumps will appear beside a freckle or mole or they may even appear to have developed under a mole. If you have lots of freckles and moles, this can be quite difficult to determine. However, you should always keep an eye on your body and be watching for new growths or your old marks changing shape, size or color.

Sometimes when people gain and lose weight, their skin changes and so do the marks on their bodies such as their moles or freckles expanding. Sometimes skin cancer can be detected by a spot on your body getting darker and beginning to burn or itch. This is a sign that there is something wrong. It is, of course, completely normal to get bug bites and have bumps that may itch for a short period of time but if it is persistent, you should have it checked out.

You should be on the lookout and most concerned about dark patch of skin that is surrounded by lighter brown areas.

Other skin cancer symptoms include flat bumps on your face or body, tough round lumps on your face, back and around your ears and patches of itchy, scaly skin that seem to not go away with treatment or moisturizing. Lesions on your skin and in and around the mucous membranes are typically a sign of melanoma, a form of skin cancer, as well. Always be on the lookout for changes in your skin and know your body, inside and out.

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Whey Protein is the Way For a Healthier Body

In recent years, whey protein has become popular in the realm of health and wellness. Perhaps you've seen canisters of this protein sold in health specialty stores. Maybe you've heard it in the conversations of fitness trainers on how to burn the fat and feed the muscle. Whatever the case, you should know what whey protein is and what good it may actually give you.

Whey protein is actually a mixture of lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and serum albumin, which are all globular proteins. These are acquired from whey, which may be familiar to you as the liquid that settles from the solid of part of milk once it turns sour. In addition, whey can also be acquired from the process of adding enzymes to cow's milk in manufacturing cheese.

This protein boasts high concentrations of cysteine and the antioxidant glutathione. However, being similar to the protein in egg whites, it can be denatured by heat, making it less bio-active. Though this may reduce its cystein content, its protein content is not altered at all.

There are many health benefits underlying this protein. Moreover, it caters to several age-groups and lifestyles

Aids Expecting Mothers and their Children

Pregnant women have been advised to include in their diets extra whey protein as it provides sufficient amounts of amino acids essential for the baby's healthy and speedy development. In addition, it has been found that increased consumption of whey protein helps reinforce the baby's immune system, thereby improving the defense against health problems.

Key Role in the Diet

For low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets, whey protein can provide good amounts of essential and non-essential acids. Due to its low fat and carbohydrate content, this protein has proven its worth for those aspiring to burn the fat and feed the muscle.

Bulks Up the Muscle

Popular among bodybuilding aficionados, whey protein has been proven to healthily speed up muscle development. Moreover, as bodybuilders under the fat burning diet tend to limit their food choices, this protein can also supply their much-needed dietary factors and acids.

For Better Recovery

While protein benefits a baby's immune system, it also promises this for adults. It works especially to supplement the diets of athletes in order to help them heal faster and perform better.

Hope for Degenerative Diseases

Among the many illnesses plaguing the body, the worst is perhaps degenerative disease. In such a condition, the patient undergoes prolonged suffering with symptoms that progress in severity. Most cases are not curable; however, a few can be treated through chemotherapy, surgery, and the appropriate diet. The symptoms of cancer, diabetes, and AIDS lead to setbacks in the strength and development of muscles. Due to its rehabilitative advantages especially in muscle growth, whey protein proves to play a key role in the diet of patients.

You can readily enjoy the benefits of this protein-why, it's practically available in supermarkets and drugstores. As with everything else, however, whey protein intake should be in moderation. Excessively binging on it can lead to unwanted liver complications-remember that the liver always gets the first exposure to what we choose to eat. Moreover, lactose-intolerant individuals should opt for the whey protein isolate, as this contains less lactose than its standard counterpart.


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