Flu Signs and symptoms - Keep away from deadly bird flu virus

If signs and symptoms of flu, make sure you report this to an appropriate professional. It is important that a notification should be followed by all, especially because it could be avian influenza. Why is it so important to do? Of course, reporting the information previously provided, will be able to avoid a possible treatable disease.

It 'usually spread by infected birds. This killer disease may be made from ducks and chickens. It 'importantthat information is usually attracted to very small forms seen. However, be careful, it could cause this disease, infectious disease as a rapidly fatal.

Avian influenza H5N1 is usually fatal or flu, known especially in Asia. Moreover, there is also a very pathogenic virus attack recognized the people and to do related deaths.

Signs and symptoms of avian influenza in birds

Normally, the birds spread the infectiondifferent ways from men infected with this virus. People can through their nasal secretions, saliva and excrement to get contaminated.

The information will often be experienced by the bird is a decrease in egg production and lethargy or decrease their work. Furthermore, an infected person also swelling of the head, breathing difficulties and problems, loose stools, muscle paralysis and finally death.

Bird flu signsSymptoms in people

Everyone will be able to avoid the deadly virus itself are well informed about the symptoms of avian influenza and characters. In addition, to stay away from the onset of infection, a person is a healthy immune system.

Remember that a person susceptible to disease if their immune system is compromised. For more information about it on signs and symptoms of influenza[HTTP: / / influenzadoctors.com/influenza-signs-and- symptoms / Great-facts-of-sign-and-symptoms-of-the-influence avian flu strain /].


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