Natural remedies for the symptoms of the flu virus

Influenza virus treatments for the symptoms of the flu virus, the body is ready to fight the flu in 2009? What about alternative treatments influence medicine and natural home remedies for the flu?

What is the flu?

Influenza is a common disease that we all suffer. Influenza, commonly abbreviated "flu", is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza virus types A or B. The influenza virus attacks the Body by diffusion through the top and / or lower respiratory tract.

Influenza occurs most often in winter and early spring when the weather changes occur. Most of us take this medicine to help the symptoms. In some cases, the influence may remain for a longer time than others, because each body has its own mechanism of the struggle against these viral infections. This depends mainly on the level of immunity, and how strong the immune system.

The symptoms of> Influenza

Congestion, sore throat and runny nose are often associated with colds. People suffering from colds and flu comfort cough, headache and breast. She is probably a high fever with the flu for several days as well as headaches, muscle aches, fatigue and general feeling of weakness to have. Muscle aches and joint pain, in many cases are also reported. Flu often affects us during the changes of climate and climate change. The flu is contagious! If someone is sitting next to you on apublic place and was infected with the flu, it is possible for you. Generally, children in the schools of influence. In effect asthma can easily lead to an asthma attack. Respiratory problems, a person may feel bad with the flu.

The influence of drugs at home

A few antiviral drugs available for treating influenza. But there are no drugs that specifically defeat the common cold. Antibiotics can be useful if there is a secondary bacterialInfection.

To make some homemade remedies steam inhalation twice a day. This helps to facilitate the nasal cavity and helps you breathe normally. In addition, two teaspoons of ginger with a hint of honey helps to relieve the throat and contribute to the mucus. Drink hot vegetable soups will help reduce body heat and muscle pain. Easily digestible foods like soup and eating stew with vegetables in a sense, the health of the body to help fight against flu. TurmericMixed powder and black pepper in warm milk also helps ward off colds and flu. Not too much brandy with warm water helps to forget the cold away. Once the cold has stopped, automatically reduces fever.

The natural resources and prevention of influenza

Most people with the flu has hit at least once a year. Some people may have flu several times a year. This is a real strain on the immune system. What natural resources are the influenceat our disposal?

1 flush toxins: drink hot liquids because of its calming effect on the neck and benefit from the effect on decongestion of the nasal passages. The best chicken soup really works! Drinks containing caffeine should be avoided because they can dry out.

Taking 2 protein: lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs, nuts and seeds are good sources of protein. (Even though milk is a good source of protein, was foundcomplicating symptoms such as skin, runny nose and chest congestion, in some.) Your anti-bodies are made ​​of protein. So, if the body receives adequate protein, can better fight the infection. In addition, most contain a good amount of protein foods in selenium, zinc, vitamins B6 and B12, which play an important role in improving their immunity.

3 Vitamin C: Vitamin C is important to reduce the severity and duration of colds and flu-like symptoms. Targetingat least two servings of citrus fruits like oranges, pineapple, sweet lime, to familiarize yourself with this vitamin. These foods are rich in flavonoids, too. The flavonoids work very well in reducing the severity of flu symptoms. Flavonoids are compounds found in fruits, vegetables and beverages have various positive effects of some biochemical and antioxidant.

4 Unpack the glutathione: This is the master antioxidant, is known to strengthen the immune system. Good sources ofGlutathione including watermelon, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, etc. You can either steam them or eat these vegetables as a warm, fragrant soups.

5 Stay away from fatty foods and sugary. They are difficult to digest and may add-on to your nausea and feeling "sick". Excess sugar was also found to lower the defenses and prolong your illness.

Get Your Sleep 6: Let your body rest and recover as much as possible. If you feel anxious, thenDinner, a moment of mental relaxation, breathing exercises for 10 minutes, so you can get a good sleep at night.

To stay now more than ever, is eating a balanced and nutritious diet is the best way to recover from as well as by infection.

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