The differences between the cold and flu

For many people, the terms "cold" and "influence" essentially interchangeable. Many of us called to work, for example, that we influence, when in reality we only have a cold. In other words, even if the terms are often confused, they describe two very different conditions. Know the difference between the flu and cold can help you do better the idea, what if you come down with one of the two. Recognizing that the conservation ofFlu> vaccine does not protect from cold, for example, can help you gain a better understanding of the situation as a whole.

The main differences between the cold and flu -

One of the most important ways is to tell the difference between a cold and flu, find out if the fever is present. Colds only cause fever in infants and young children - even then they tend fever from 37.5 to 39 ° C. With the flu, people develop a fever areato develop rapidly and is usually 38.5 to 42 ° C. The symptoms of a cold usually within 1-5 days after exposed, flu-like symptoms, usually within 1-3 days of strikes. There are vaccines available to help ward off the flu, while there are no comparable products for the prevention of colds.

Cold vs. flu symptoms -

When the flu firstStrikes are one of the first things that most people notice muscle aches, fatigue and fever. After a while ', these symptoms often follows another, including sore throat, ear infection, laryngitis, pneumonia and / or bronchiolitis. The model that is typical for a cold is very different. Usually the first things you notice when you arrive with an itchy throat, a will and a nose cold sore. Quickly thereafter, the release will begin sneezing, coughing, and you can create a developmentwater discharge from the nose.

Fighting a cold or the flu -

As mentioned above, there is no vaccine to prevent the cold. This is mainly due to the cold, only not as dangerous as the flu. Even more than 200 different viruses cause colds, so it's almost impossible to manage. Influence, by contrast, usually in two or three different strains each year. Immunologists, these strains with a surpriseEfficiency so that the vaccines in time to be developed using thousands - even millions -. Avoid the flu if you have a cold, your sufferings are usually within seven days, even if you have a persistent cough. Influenza is usually shorter, but has a much stronger and can easily develop into serious diseases.

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