Lets Get Physical
In this modern age where everything is mobile this and cellular, that and can be done at the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, it is understandable that we have developed rather sedentary lifestyles. We sit in our air conditioned offices all day, behind computer screens and type our days away and then we get home and sit in front of bigger television screen and watch our nights away. On which we see advertisements for meals that are quick and easy to prepare. So we buy them in order not to waste time in the kitchen so that we may return all the sooner to the TV screen. On which we see advertisements for Internet banking so that we can bank from home so that we may save time driving to the bank and standing in queues and interacting with the teller. So we sign up in order to spend that time saved in front of the television. We can even do grocery shopping online and have it delivered to our doorsteps so we never have to leave our homes once we arrive from work. Isn't life convenient?
And we wonder why obesity is on the rise along with diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure and other chronic diseases. It's because no one gets out and does anything anymore. Of course it doesn't help that when you do venture out, you get mugged, but that's what big dogs are for, take them for walkies and you should be fine. Hopefully. The thing is, physical activity is extremely important. It's not something that we like to hear, because it's not something that we like to do therefore we're not doing it, but it's important nonetheless. And not just in a general "oh we have to stay healthy" kind of way, but in a very specific, exercise reduces the risk of cancer kind of way.
Physical activity makes your bones healthy and strong, it builds muscles and muscle and muscle mass and it increases the strength and flexibility of your joints. It also improves your psychological well-being even though you might think that you'd have to be nuts to exercise (the true lunatics are long distance runners, we all know they are completely round the bend). http://www.cancer.gov/newscenter.pressreleases/PhysicalActivity states that according to an IARC report regular physical activity reduces the risk of colon cancer by 40 - 50% and breast cancer by 40%. Those are not insignificant figures. Physical activity also reduces the risk of lung and endometrial (uterus) cancer by 30-40% and prostate cancer by 10-30%.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends moderate-intense physical activity for 30 minutes 5 or more days a week. The National Cancer Institute is exploring how cancer might be able to improve the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors. 1- testing the feasibility and benefits of a home based moderate exercise programme for breast cancer survivors. 2- testing the effectiveness nurse directed walking exercise programme to mitigate fatigue and maintain the physical functioning of prostate, breast and colorectal cancer patients during treatment.
Makes the link between physical activity and cancer survival and recurrence. Studies have shown that patients who suffer from breast and colon cancer who walked 3-5 hours a week lowered their risk of death by 50%. That is a very encouraging figure and one that should get every cancer patient walking regardless of the type of cancer that they have. In 2006 the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) published an article that claimed that patients with early and advanced bowel cancer who exercise routinely after treatment are more likely to survive. In 2003 the same journal, JCO published an article stating that men with prostate cancer who exercised regularly showed decreased fatigue and an improved quality of life versus men who did not exercise or who exercised infrequently. The physical activity regulates hormones associated with prostate cancer risk; the same applies to breast cancer and exercise.
For those with cancer who want to start an exercise programme it is vital that they consult their doctor before they begin. This warning comes with every exercise programme and I doubt anyone ever pays any attention to it but its very serious for cancer patients. The programme must be designed to suit their level of fitness and their fitness goals. The activity recommended will depend on their medical condition. It is vital that they do not overexert themselves. This will not do them any good and will move them several step backwards instead. They should start with a short workout and gradually increase the time and the intensity. As with all workouts they should choose activities that they enjoy to prevent boredom and they should also alternate activities. Try to involve water sports if possible. Swimming is very good cardiovascular exercise and weight resistance, it is also easy on the joints. Tai chi and yoga are also good options as they promote strength and flexibility as well as relaxation. They also work on the mind as well as the body.
Physical activity might seem like too much of a mission to bother with but its benefits are literally life saving. Its not like we're talking about running a marathon or riding the Tour de Farce, a quick half hour walk a day will do, and then you can get back to the television with the self satisfaction of knowing that you earned your quick meal that night.
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