Candida Die-Off With Flu Like Symptoms

This morning, my friend sent me a letter regarding candida die-off. After a couple of days on the oil of oregano, caprylic acid, psyllium, and acidophilus, later in the evening she began feeling dizzy with headache and just plain "weird." She wonders if that was the die-off. Her joints were even aching a bit. All she has had yesterday so far was headaches, but no dizziness this time. She is not really sure if that is a die-off reaction. She also wants to know if drinking red grapefruit juice would work.

As far as the die-off, you could have a fast reaction in the beginning and of course, your flu like symptoms could be die-off. That is if you don't feel like you really have the flu. Drink tons of water! My naturopath said, "Drink until you float," during this time.

Also, here is a trick that might work for you. Get some Aloe Vera gel from the health food store, and right before bed, use it like a lotion all over your body. When you wake up, you should feel a little better. It worked for me! Make sure you are not allergic so test a spot before going crazy with it. I suppose after 4-8 days of using your caprylic acid, and oil of oregano, you may want to rotate to something else.

Regarding the red grapefruit juice, it could work too well. I tried some of the juice watered down of course for my hypoglycemia, and I had a die off reaction almost instantly and pretty badly! It is extremely potent. But, if you are on Atkins and can't have fruit for a long while, you can go to find some olive leaf extract and ordered some SF-722 that Karen Tripp recommends (which prescribed to her by her doctor for candida). This way you will be able to switch off.

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