Celiac Disease Symptoms - Unknowing Victims

Gluten intolerance, which is also known by its more formal name of celiac disease, is a genetic problem that impacts the lives of one in 1300 Americans. It is also a disease known as celiac sprue or nontropical sprue and gluten sensitive enterpathy. Being a genetic disorder means that if your parents or grandparents suffered from celiac disease there is a good chance that you do also.

Celiac disease is a negative reaction by the body to the presence of gluten. Gluten is the name for the specific proteins and cereal grains that are hurtful to people and result in celiac disease. Glutin is found mostly in common everyday foods but it can even be digested from a surprising list of products that we come in contact with daily, things such as the adhesive on envelopes and stamps, and even in the pills that we take such as vitamins and prescription medicine.

There are gluten-free products available on the market but naturally they are much more difficult to locate and you pay a premium for these items but it does allow a sufferer to minimize the digestion of gluten.

You will find that celiac disease damages the small intestine since it is basically a digestive disease and it also makes it difficult to absorb nutrients that are found in food. The best way to treat celiac disease is simply to eliminate all gluten from the diet. Remember that even a small amount of gluten in the diet will lead to celiac symptoms for the unfortunate one's with even a mild gluten sensitivity.

Do you have celiac disease? It's certainly possible even if your parents or grandparents have not suffered from it. While it does run in families it also has to have a starting point somewhere in families that are infected by his insidious disease. Unfortunately you could be one of the first in your family to have this.

Celiac disease symptoms include the classic ones such as diarrhea, malnutrition from the body's inability to process nutrients properly, excessive weight loss, excessive gas, recurring bloating of the abdominal area with attending pain, chronic diarrhea or, to the opposite extreme, terrible constipation.

The list of symptoms for celiac disease is almost endless. The most important thing for an individual is that if they are not living and experiencing a more or less normal healthy life then the possibility of being extremely sensitive to gluten in the diet must be considered and tested for.

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